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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

Page 25

by Daniel Fife

  "No!" Danny shouted, as Rigil's sword arm reached its peak.

  "What was that, newb?" Rigil asked as his Bonded paused, hovering just above him.

  "It's not over," said Danny through gritted teeth, tightening his fingers into a fist.

  "Aye, it is over," said Rigil softly, before unleashing a downward swing.

  Although he couldn't predict the attack at that moment, its intent was obvious enough. Danny leaned back, raised his left arm and moved to swipe the attack aside. The move resulted in a bone-numbing clang as Whiril struck the gauntlet covering Danny's forearm, freezing it in place. However, in the same instant, Danny reached behind him with his right hand and felt the familiar grip of the dragon-hilted dagger he'd secreted at his back. Just as Tyramear had told him to do, Danny had refused to leave the dagger behind. Pulling the dagger free, Danny angled his attack, aiming for the lower part of Rigil's breastplate. The slender blade glowed with a faint light as Danny scraped it across the polished mail, screeching, cutting a shallow abrasion in the armor.

  Looking up, Danny found Whiril hanging just over his head, frozen in place. Apparently, Rigil had managed to recover fast enough to follow up with a secondary attack. Danny found his opponent's eyes, wide, fixed upon him. Silent moments, which felt like an eternity, followed. Both boys remained motionless. Although Danny couldn't see his foe's face, Rigil's eyes betrayed his surprise as he toppled backward, his armor clanging against the stone floor.

  Breathing a deep sigh of relief, Danny struggled to his feet and secured the dagger behind him. All around him, the crowd remained silent, in utter shock, stunned by this unheard-of outcome. Reaching up, he heaved the hilt of his embedded blade from the hold of the stone, the act took its toll, taking all of his remaining strength.

  "Did he win?" Alonso asked, his familiar voice carrying through the awkward silence.

  His friend's question brought Danny some comfort as he allowed himself a painful chuckle. He found that it hurt to laugh as he grunted happily. Slipping the sword back into its sheath, Danny turned to find Sir Syndil standing before him, the Elf's approach undetectable.

  "You did better than I expected, Squire Firoth," said the Elf, touching a glowing blue orb to Danny's left arm.

  Instantly, movement returned to his left hand. Danny flexed his forearm and fingers.

  "I give you, Squire Danny Firoth, your victor!" announced Sir Syndil loudly.

  "…Alright!" Chris yelled as a choir of other voices joined his in a crescendo of cheers.

  Danny's heart soared as the gathered squires hailed him and stomped the stone beneath their feet, creating a rhythmic thud that vibrated through the entire arena.

  "This is your right, as victor," said Sir Syndil, presenting his right hand. Within it, he held a small blue orb that radiated a soft blue light.

  Confused, Danny stared at the small sphere.

  Acknowledging his misunderstanding, Sir Syndil motioned toward Squire Rigil as he lay frozen.

  Nodding with understanding, Danny retrieved the bauble from the Elf's hand and took two steps forward. Bending down, he touched the stone to Rigil's armor at the right shoulder. The larger boy stirred to movement as Danny offered his left hand.

  Rigil hesitated before taking Danny's arm at the wrist.

  Grunting, Danny helped Rigil to his feet, finding his body physically drained, almost unable to meet the challenge. Once the larger squire was up, Danny retracted his hand and retreated, unsure of the other's mood.

  Rigil held Whiril in front of him, the blade splitting the eye slits of his helm. Danny almost expected him to attack. Instead, Rigil whipped the light-blue brand in a quick salute just before sheathing it home. Then, removing his helm, he revealed a welcoming smile.

  "Ya sure are full of surprises, newb," his smile widening ever-so-slightly.

  "So are you," said Danny, relieved that he didn't have to fight the larger boy a second time as he removed his own helm.

  "Aye, but it would na mean the same," said Rigil. "Your fight'n style is unique. If I did na know better, I would've thought ya could a known what I was gonna do before I did it."

  "If only that was possible," said Danny, faking a smile, offering the blue orb back to Sir Syndil.

  The Elf simply nodded in response and placed the glowing stone back in his pocket. Then, pulling out another, he bent down and touched the small green orb to the stone, causing the dueling circle to rise and the surrounding arena to descend as the ground shifted beneath Danny's feet. The stone deteriorated before his eyes, changing back into grains of white sand.

  "Ya fought well, newb," said Squire Rigil once the transformation of the chamber was complete. "Although ya are forbidden to enter the Dragon Army barracks, ask for me at the entrance, and I shall greet ya as friend."

  "Does this mean you'll stop calling me a newb?"

  "I'm afraid not, newb," said Rigil, smiling as he moved past Danny to join the waiting red robes of Dragon Army.

  Watching Rigil go, Danny caught a glimpse of Squire Lasko, he met the captain's eyes for the briefest of moments, his gaze stoic, yet respectful. However, the contact didn't last long as the crowd surged and encircled Danny, many offering their congratulations, others showing obvious surprise at his victory.

  Strong arms gripped him from behind, spinning him around.

  "How'd you do that?" Anthony asked, his face showed his surprise.

  "Epic pwnage, man," said Matt.

  Danny found Chris, Alonso, Matt, Doug, Briza, Sabrina and Rogen standing behind the larger squire holding him, all awaiting an answer.

  "I… I don't know," said Danny, looking for Sir Syndil, the Elf was nowhere to be found. "Luck, I guess."

  "There was no luck in that battle," said Briza in a forceful manner. "Your movements were purposeful, as if you knew when and where every attack was coming from."

  "Are you accusing me of something?"

  "We only want the truth," Sabrina said in Briza's stead.

  Danny found himself wondering if Sir Syndil had been right about others reacting badly once they found out about his ability. He decided to err on the side of caution; he really didn't want Sabrina to think poorly of him. "It was pure luck that I had the dagger Sir Tyramear had given me," said Danny, holding the dragon-hilted blade up for everyone to see. "Remind me to thank your father again," he added, faking a smile.

  Everyone, except for Sabrina and Briza, seemed to accept the explanation as they gathered around him and praised his victory. Danny didn't like lying to Sabrina. However, it was better than the alternative, Sabrina despising him for his ability.

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  Chapter 24 - A Night with Calador

  wo months passed quicker than Danny could've imagined, so caught up was he in the structured schedule of daily training. After winning the duel against Squire Rigil, he found that others treated him quite differently; even venerable squires from other armies showed him respect. No longer greeted as only a first-year, he was treated like a member of the eight armies, Danny felt accepted; Squire Rigil still called him a ‘newb’. However, Danny came to accept the nickname, a small price to pay for the larger squire's friendship. Just as promised, Squire Rigil never failed to greet Danny as a friend during his visits to the Dragon Army barracks every Sunday since their dual. On a couple of occasions, the one-time foe even offered to train with Danny and Sabrina.

  In the weeks since the now legendary duel, Danny spent almost every day, training with Sir Syndil, honing his ability. Danny's concentration improved, allowing him to perceive the actions of others for longer periods of time. His goal, the goal Sir Syndil had given him, was to try to extend the duration of his ability to a full day. Currently, he could only sustain the foresight for about a couple of hours prior to one's actions.

  However, he wasn't the only one who'd progressed, Chris had become a force of nature with his hand and a half-sword, besting most of the first-year class, save for Briza and Danny himself. In most cases, Danny found that duels w
ith Chris often resulted in a draw, so flawless was his technique.

  Anthony maintained his brawn-over-brain method, which often resulted in his victory against those less gifted. However, at times, his sheer strength even overcame those who showed superior skill.

  Alonso, often quick, still hot-tempered, turned out to be an exceptional duelist. His speed, combined with his unpredictability, often turned the tide against many of his opponents. Then again, these same attributes sometimes turned the tide against him as well.

  Doug improved with the help of Briza's coaching. Matt continued to struggle with the basics, but showed small advancement nonetheless.

  The current day found Danny back at the tailor for refitting, greeted by the head tailor, Mathis Deandrow, who looked every part the nobleman in his elegant light blue robes.

  "Greetings, Squires," said the slender man as he dipped low in a graceful bow, addressing Danny and the entire first-year class. "It has been two months since I saw you all last," he continued, wading into the crowd, "and I can see that many of you are already in serious need of alterations." He made his point clear as he stopped before Doug, pinched two fingers worth of fabric from his shoulders, and pulled the cloth taut, showing a significant amount of extra material. "Your training has a way of loosening clothes. Come, I shall see you all properly refitted."

  An army of tailors assailed Danny, armed with quill and ink, parchment and a measuring tape. When they were finished, he found out that he'd lost two inches around the waist and gained three inches of muscle in the thighs, two inches around the biceps, four inches in his chest and three inches from shoulder to shoulder.

  Matt and Doug had lost a substantial amount of weight and replaced it with lean muscle, their oversized robes drooped from the excess fabric.

  Chris and Alonso had stayed relatively the same; they'd both been in good shape when they began their training. However, Anthony seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, his body stacked on pound after pound of muscle, his robes were starting to rip at the seams.

  By the time Danny and the others returned to the barracks, the soft glow of the sun began to descend behind the whirling dark clouds of the surrounding storm, sending the last beams of amber light over the eye above. Upon entering, Danny found the table set with a feast of foodstuffs, the aroma was both welcoming and beckoning. After eating his fill with his friends, Danny had every intention of finding his way back to his bunk, tomorrow would be another day of hard training and he would need the proper rest. However, he only made it as far as the stairs.

  "Squire Firoth," Calador beckoned.

  Danny turned to face the blind Elf. I wonder what he wants?

  "I was wondering, might I have a word?"

  Danny looked to Chris, who shrugged in bewilderment. "Of course," said Danny, returning the shrug before making his way over to Calador as he stood at the head of the long dining table.

  "Teacher's pet," Alonso whispered behind Danny's back.

  "Let us take a walk, far away from prying ears," said Calador, turning toward the double doors.

  Stepping into the cool night air, complete with a brisk breeze, Calador turned right at a slow, purposeful pace.

  Danny fell into step beside the Elf, his interest rising. He decided to keep to himself until Calador explained the reason for this one-on-one attention. Thus far, Calador had remained aloof, overseeing the needs of the first-year squires from a silent distance. However, Calador seemed to carry an air of kindness about him. He wasn't known for saying much, yet his words were often well-received and to the point. Danny found this new behavior somewhat alarming.

  "You have been spending a substantial amount of time under the tutelage of Sir Syndil."

  "Yes," offered Danny, hesitating, unsure if the Elf's words were a statement or a question.

  "May I inquire why?"

  "Sir Syndil has been assisting me with my swordsmanship."

  "Was it his tutelage that helped you to defeat Squire Rigil in a duel?"

  "You know about that?"

  A small smile cracked the stern lips of Calador, an expression not often seen on the Elf. Stopping, he turned to stare down at Danny. Although the Elf sported his usual binding of a white blindfold, Danny could feel the intensity of Calador's focus. "Most of the island has heard of your victory, Squire Firoth. You must remember that my ears are more keen than most."

  "Of course," said Danny, stopping before the Elf, meeting his blunted stare squarely. Calador's gaze seemed to go right through him. Feeling uncomfortable, Danny dropped his head.

  "Come," said Calador, resuming his walk, his attention forward as if sensing Danny's distress.

  Again, Danny followed behind, rushing to catch up, falling into step.

  "So, it was Sir Syndil's extra training that allowed you to accomplish something that no other squire has been able to do since the inception of the Order of the Light?" Calador asked after a few silent seconds of walking.

  "I… I believe so, yes."

  "You do not wish to tell me the whole truth?" Calador asked in a tempered tone.

  Caught off-guard, Danny slowed his step, falling behind the Elf. He had indeed kept the whole of the truth from the Elf, but Danny wondered how Calador could've known.

  "I can hear the subtle differences in your voice as you tense up in a lie," explained Calador, slowing his pace to match Danny’s. "If you were a better liar, I might not have caught it."

  "You can tell when people are lying just by the tone of their voice?"

  "I see, so you were lying?"

  Danny stopped. "You tricked me!"

  Calador took two last steps before turning, a smirk growing across his face. "Did I?"

  "So, can you tell if someone is lying or not?"

  "It seems we both have our own little secrets, Squire Firoth."

  "Why'd you bring me out here?"

  Calador's expression resumed to his familiar mask of emotionless composure. "I simply wish to tell you a story, Squire," said the Elf, his blindfolded stare sending chills down Danny's spine.

  "I'm listening," said Danny, not knowing what to expect.

  "Then come with me, this is not the proper setting," said Calador, turning as two Knights of the Light passed on a routine patrol, their heavy armor clanging as they walked.

  Danny followed, his curiosity piqued.

  Turning down a slim corridor, between two white brick buildings, Calador emerged onto a dual-lane road that ran along the edge of the island. Before him stretched a highly arched bridge that provided passage across a deep break in the earth. The bridge was bricked with the usual white stone of the island and ornate in its construction, with four towering pillars.

  Following behind but at a distance, Danny watched as Calador stopped near the edge of the cliff face. The pointed ears of the Elf perked up, as if listening for possible intruders, just before he turned and dropped over the side. Danny's heart stopped in his chest as he ran to the edge, expecting to see the Elf's lifeless body strewn across a set of jagged rocks below. "Calador!" he yelled, before peering over the edge. Instead of the gruesome sight he expected, Danny found the Elf standing safely on a large stone outcropping, the rhythmic sound of the crashing waves echoing from nearly fifty feet below him.

  "Come, Squire," said Calador with a smile, just before hopping to a lower set of protruding stones.

  Danny's knees became rubbery as he glanced down at the sheer cliff wall and the razor-sharp rocks that appeared and then disappeared in the colliding waves of the sea.

  "This is crazy," said Danny, more for his own benefit than the Elf's ears. However, Danny carried no false hope that the Elf had failed to hear him.

  "I found this path during my first year here as a squire," said Calador, hopping to a third set of stones further down the cliff face. "You could say I was quite cocky in my youth."

  "You were a squire?"

  "Once," said Calador, a faint hint of regret in his tone. "But that is no secret."

  Danny pond
ered the comment only momentarily.

  "Come! There is something I wish you to see." Danny hesitated a bit longer, prompting the Elf to add, "Do not be so reserved, Squire, you have eyes to see where you are jumping; I have only my memory."

  "I'd rather have your memories than my sight, I think," Danny conceded. "Not only can I see where to jump, I can also see where I'll end up if I fall."

  "Then close your eyes if you wish," said Calador with a soft chuckle.

  Despite the task before him, Danny found the Elf's light-hearted mood comforting. This was a side of Calador that he had never seen before. Taking a deep breath, steadying his resolve, Danny made the four-foot drop, landing solidly on the stone below. To his relief, the rock was firm under his feet. However, the cadenced crash of the ocean beneath him was a constant reminder of the risk.

  "Good," encouraged Calador, "now follow me."

  Slowly, but surely, Danny followed the Elf down a descending set of naturally-occurring steps, some were an easy jump and others required a jog just shy of a running start. Together, they worked their way beneath the bridge to a wet rock landing, the lapping waves cresting just below the lip.

  "Here, you will need this." Calador presented Danny with a short stick wrapped in a soft grey cloth.

  Un-wrapping the package, Danny nearly dropped it into the water as the tip burst into a bright yellow flame. However, after running his left hand through it, he realized that the blaze didn't burn, nor did it produce any heat. Upon closer inspection, the wood appeared to be black, as if charred.

  "The flame is eternal, but it will not keep you warm at night, nor will it assist in the creation of a real fire. Its purpose is to provide light only. Obviously, I have no use for it, so you may keep it if you wish."

  "Thank you," said Danny, continuing to test the licking flames on the palm of his left hand.

  "This way," said Calador, ducking beneath an overhanging ledge, entering the threshold of a jagged cave.


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