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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

Page 37

by Daniel Fife

  Forcing the dark thoughts from his mind, he picked up Magear, gripping the sheath just below the hilt. Giving the room one last look, he turned to find Calador standing in the doorway, his arms crisscrossed across his chest. Normally, he might have been startled, but over the past few months he'd become quite familiar with the blind Elf's tendency to sneak up from behind.

  "Are you prepared for the journey home, Squire?"

  "As prepared as I can be," said Danny, plopping down the heavy bag in front of him. "I really don't want to leave."

  "Squires are required to return home so that they may remember the reason for their training. One needs a reason to fight, and it is difficult if that reason becomes distant or forgotten. Do not worry, Squire Firoth, the battle will still be here when you return. It may even follow you home."

  "Thank you, Calador, for everything."

  "It was simply my duty as your caretaker, Squire." Calador stepped forward, stopped within an arm’s length and extended his right hand. "As of this moment, I relinquish that duty and offer you my friendship in its stead."

  Switching Magear to his opposite hand, Danny reached out and took the Elf's arm in his, both gripping each other at the wrist, instead of the traditional Human handshake. "I accept the offer."

  "I look forward to seeing you develop into a Knight of the Light first-hand, Squire Firoth."

  "Me, too," Danny added with a slight smile, the gesture most likely lost on the blind Elf.

  Calador relinquished his grip and stepped to the side, giving Danny a clear path to the door. "Go then, Squire, your friends anxiously await you."

  "Thank you again, Calador."

  Calador bowed with the grace of a swordsman and said, "An honor."

  Hefting his bag back to his shoulder again, Danny left the room in search of his friends. Descending the stairs, he spotted them, awaiting him in the common hall, along with all of the other first-year squires he'd come to know. Looking out among them, he could feel the collection of eyes upon him. Slowing his pace, he felt self-conscious when their focus lingered on his presence.

  "Over here, Danny!" Chris yelled, waving him over.

  With the spell broken, Danny made his way to the long table where his friends awaited. It was odd to see them all without their usual training robes on, especially Doug and Matt; they had both slimmed down so much that their regular clothes looked more like large sacks drooping from their shoulders. "Information travels fast," he said, taking up a position between Chris and Anthony.

  "Everyone is talking about you," said Doug.

  "Well, that and Syndil's betrayal," added Matt.

  Chris placed a reassuring hand upon Danny's shoulder. "You're a hero and the Mageknight. Supposedly, you defeated Syndil all by yourself, as well as an army of Shadows, in addition to some other impossible feats, so say the rumors going around the squires."

  Danny shook his head. "That's not what happened at all."

  "They are just rumors," added Anthony.

  "If I were you, I'd milk it for all it's worth," said Alonso.

  "You probably would," Chris accused, with a slight chuckle lightening the mood.

  Alonso failed to catch the joke. "I would," he said seriously, causing everyone to pause for a laugh.

  "Where's Sabrina?" Danny asked, noticing that she wasn't among them.

  "She was required to attend a final meeting with Dragon Army," said Briza, adding, "since the duel between Dragon Army and Lion Army was canceled. She said that she would meet us at the docks."

  "I see." On one hand, Danny felt relieved that he didn't have to face her here and now. However, on the other, he felt disappointed that she wasn't here to greet him.

  "Hungry?" Matt asked, presenting him with one of two chocolate muffins he'd just procured from the table.

  Seeing the usual assortment of breakfast food, Danny suddenly realized just how famished he was, as a rather large gurgle emanated from his stomach. "One thing I'm really going to miss about this place is the food," said Danny, taking the muffin from Matt.

  "I know exactly what you mean," agreed Matt, his words muffled by the whole muffin he'd forced into his mouth.

  "We should probably go," said Briza, once Danny had eaten his fill of breakfast.

  A series of nineteen chimes marked the time, confirming Briza's statement. The Radiance would be casting off soon.

  Danny looked up and noticed that the hall was nearly empty. After his three-day confinement to the infirmary, this had been his first real meal. So focused on eating, he'd failed to notice the majority of the other squires depart. Taking one last swig of milk, he stood up, hefted his bag over his shoulder and scooped up Magear. "Okay, I'm ready."

  Together, they all took one final look at the hall that had been their home over the past few months, before passing through the double doors of the first-year barracks for the last time.

  Army Avenue appeared almost abandoned as the last trickle of squires made their way toward the docks. The flags marking each Army were half-mast to indicate the end of the training year. Danny's gaze lingered upon one in particular, the deep red flag with a fire-breathing dragon sewed onto the fabric. He hoped that, upon his return next year, he would find himself inducted into the ranks of the army it represented.

  Descending the first of many steps to the harbor below, Danny noticed a second ship docked next to the Radiance.

  "Why are there two ships?"

  "That is the Lightbringer," said Briza. "That is the ship that will take the Elvin squires home to Elsmelda."

  "Speaking of which, I have something to tell all of you," said Doug, stopping mid-step.

  Caught off-guard, Danny and the others descended a few more steps before stopping to look up at the brown-haired squire.

  Doug waited until he had everyone's attention before he began. "Briza and her family have offered to take me in for the school year, a kind of exchange program."

  "...Exchange program?" Matt questioned, his voice thick with curiosity as he adjusted his glasses.

  Doug smiled and nodded. "I'm afraid I won't be joining you aboard the Radiance. I will be traveling on the Lightbringer and staying with the Elves until our second year begins."

  "What're we supposed to tell your parents when you don't return with us?" Chris asked.

  "That has all been taken care of," said Doug. "I wrote them a letter explaining the situation and they've already agreed."

  "You told them that you were going to be staying with Elves?" Danny questioned.

  Doug shook his head, followed by a slight chuckle. "No, they think I'll be studying abroad, participating in a Japanese exchange program."

  "Why would you want to stay with the Elves?" Alonso asked.

  Doug took a step down and stood next to Briza. "Ever since I arrived here and met Briza, as well as Calador and the other Elvin squires, I have been fascinated with their culture. Spending the school year with them just seemed like the logical next step for me."

  Alonso shrugged. "Alright, have fun," he said. He turned away from the group and began the long descent to the docks.

  "That's his way of saying that you'll be missed, man," added Chris.

  Danny took a single step upward and extended his right hand. "We've all gone through so much together. It won't be the same without you."

  "Thanks," said Doug, taking Danny's hand in a final farewell.

  "Ready that rigging!" a rough voice yelled from the bow of the Radiance.

  Briza moved to the edge of the steps and leaned against the railing to get a better look at the docks. "We should probably go. Nearly all of the other squires are already on board."

  Danny began the steep trek downward, everyone else followed close behind.

  "You are becoming a fine warrior," said Anthony, falling back, meeting Doug step for step. For emphasis, he gave Doug a heavy slap on the back, almost causing the smaller boy to trip. "It's an honor to call you my friend."

  "Thanks," said Doug, after regaining his balance

  Anthony nodded before increasing his pace.

  Matt maneuvered into Anthony's place. "Are you really going to stay with the Elves?"

  Doug cocked his head to the side in a display of confusion. "Yes… That's what I said. Why do you ask?"

  "Are you sure you can trust them? I mean, after Syndil's betrayal, I just don't know if it will be safe."

  "What're you saying?"

  "I'm just saying that I don't trust the Elves," said Matt. "No offense to you," he added, targeting his statement at Briza.

  "None taken… yet," said Briza. "Just be careful that you choose the words that follow very carefully."

  "You can't judge the actions of every other Elf based on Syndil's betrayal," intervened Doug.

  "I don't," said Matt in his own defense. "Briza and Calador have already proven themselves trustworthy. It is the rest of their race that I don't trust."

  "…But why?" Briza asked, her voice calm and unthreatening, this time.

  "Because your kind has chosen to shut itself off from the rest of the world and I don't trust anyone that would choose to do that."

  "You must realize that Humanity's past, the history of your race, is littered with numerous acts of violence against others, those who are different or misunderstood. Our two races parted paths many generations ago, almost before the recorded history of the Human race, due to a prolonged war between both of our peoples. Many lives were lost on both sides. The Elves faked their extinction to live in solitude because Human kind was thought to be incapable of a lasting peace."

  Matt adjusted his glasses, intrigued by where the conversation was going. "So why join the Order to the Light and risk war again?"

  "My race did not join at first. However, the Shadows proved to be a threat to the world as a whole. You see, if the Human race fell to their darkness, then we would most assuredly follow. The Human race is the lesser of the two evils in the eyes of my elders."

  "Then . . . what happens when the war between the Shadows and the Dark ends?"

  Briza sighed, "That chapter has yet to be written."

  "So, in other words, you don't know?"

  Briza conceded with a nod of her head, a Human expression she'd picked up over the last few months. "I do not know, correct."

  At the bottom of the stone stairs, Danny spotted Sabrina and Rogen, both waived him over.

  "It is an honor, Mageknight," said Rogen, extending his arm in formal greeting, once Danny was close enough to him.

  Danny hesitated briefly before taking the blond-haired boy's arm at the wrist. "Rogen, I'm still just me. Being the Mageknight hasn't changed who I am."

  Rogen paled as he chuckled nervously to himself and said, "I know. It's just that… well… who would have ever thought that you would turn out to be the Mageknight? Your defeat of Rigil makes perfect sense now."

  "Thanks, Rogen, I think," Danny said, unsure if he should take the remark as a compliment or an insult.

  "You have become quite the celebrity," Sabrina said.

  Danny became self-conscious in response to Sabrina's statement. Looking around, he found a collection of curious eyes upon him. One, in particular, sent a chill down his spine as he locked gazes with Squire Vyce Ven Lasko, Captain of Dragon Army. The young captain seemed to be sizing him up as he looked over the railing of the Radiance. "I don't know if celebrity would be the word I'd choose."

  Sabrina followed Danny's stare. "I think Squire Lasko feels threatened by you. It would be an interesting twist if the Light saw fit to place you in Dragon Army next year."

  "I'm not sure interesting would be the word either," refusing to back down from the staring contest he was having with the Captain of Dragon Army. Squire Lasko broke the contact first when another squire whispered something into his ear, causing him to turn and retreat into the hull of the Radiance.

  "He still doesn't look that tough," said Alonso.

  "Well, you'll have to wait until next year to find out, man," said Chris, placing a steady hand on Alonso's shoulder.

  "Last call ta board!" a burly deckhand yelled as he stood at the end of the gangplank to the Radiance.

  "We better get aboard," said Sabrina.

  Briza took Doug's arm. "We should be boarding the Lightbringer as well."

  "We?" Sabrina questioned, looking from Doug to Briza.

  "Doug has decided to spend the year with the Elves," Danny explained.

  "Oh, I see," said Sabrina, turning back toward Doug. "Well, it should be a pleasant stay for you then. Elsmelda is a place of great beauty."

  "It is always an honor to have the Dragonic grace us with a visit," said Briza.

  Danny looked surprised as he glanced at Sabrina. "You've been to the Elvin capital?"

  Sabrina nodded. "I have traveled there many times with Father, one of the benefits of being a Dragonic."

  "Yes," said Briza. "I am sure he will enjoy his stay," she added, smiling in Doug's direction.

  With that, Danny, Sabrina, Anthony, Chris, Matt and Alonso said their final goodbyes as Briza led Doug up the gangplank of the Lightbringer, both disappearing deep into the hull of the ship.

  "We should go as well," insisted Chris, leading the way.

  "Can you wait a moment?" Danny asked, reaching out and gripping Sabrina's arm at the wrist. "There's something I want to tell you."

  Alonso, Matt, Anthony, and Chris turned in response to Danny's words, curious about the situation.

  "…Alone," added Danny.

  "Come on then," urged Chris, herding Alonso, Matt, and Anthony toward the Radiance. "We will go on ahead and reserve a room on the lower deck."

  Danny waited until they were both alone before speaking. "I want to apologize for…"

  "You look like you healed up rather nicely," interrupted Sabrina. A silent second passed before she continued. "You need not apologize for anything. Friends?" she asked, extending her arm.

  "For now," said Danny, as he took her arm at the wrist.

  Releasing her grip, Sabrina turned away from him and boarded the Radiance, allowing Danny's comment to go unanswered.

  Danny allowed himself a slight smirk as he turned and took one last look at the Island of White Rock before boarding the Radiance for the journey home.


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  Print publications of subsequent installments of the Light & Dark Series are available at and

  Digital editions of subsequent installments of the Light & Dark Series are available at the following locations:


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  About the Author

  I began writing Light & Dark during my years as a graduate student at Ball State University while I majored in Counseling Psychology. What began as a simple hobby quickly turned into something more as I found that I had a passion for writing. While carrying the schedule of a full-time student, as well as working a part-time job, I devoted myself to writing at least one page a day. After graduating, I was given the opportunity to begin practicing psychology as a counselor at a local private practice. My devotion to my writing did not waver. Working a full time schedule and maintaining a full complement of clients, I maintained my dedication. A year or so later, I completed the rough draft of Light & Dark and began the editing process, and what a process it was. Writing this novel has proven to be a dramatic learning experience and I am sure that I still have much more to learn. I look forward to this opportunity as I continue to grow as a writer and hope that you, the reader, will continue to join me on this journey.

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