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Falling for the Rookie (Fan Girl Book 1)

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by Trish Williford

  “What are you out here grumbling about?” Lexi asked from the kitchen.

  “Nothing.” I pouted.

  “It’s one game, get over it. The doctor said you needed to rest today.”

  “I feel fine.” I debated. My headache was practically gone and my face only hurt if I touched it.

  She sat on the couch and put her strappy heels on. “I’m really happy about that, but you’re keeping your ass on this couch for the evening. I’ll go to tomorrow night’s game with you to make sure you’re okay. I still feel bad about going out tonight.”

  “You’re not cancelling your date to babysit me. I just told you I’m fine.”

  She looked at my forehead and sighed. “You should put some more ice on it.”

  I covered my bump and scowled. “I thought you said the swelling was almost gone.”

  “No, I said the swelling has improved dramatically since last night. There’s a big difference. Are you sure you’re okay? I’m sure David would understand rescheduling.”

  I pointed to the door. “Go!”

  When she stood, she noticed the baseball Carson gave me beside me on the couch and picked it up. “Planning on working on your catching skills this evening so this doesn’t happen again?”

  I snatched the ball from her and held it to my chest. “Shut up. This is Carson’s homerun ball from last night. He gave it to me while he visited.”

  Her perfectly manicured brow shot up. “Oh really?”


  A sly smile came across her face, one that I knew was about to start trouble. “Holy shit. You have a thing for the rookie.”

  I returned my attention back to the laptop. “I do not.”

  “Oh sweetheart, there isn’t a question about it. You’re holding that ball to your tits like you wish it was his head. You have a crush on a Blue Bird.”

  If I didn’t love the ball so much, I would chuck it at her head. “You’re so full of shit, Lexi. Go on your date.”

  Her smile didn’t waver as she grabbed her purse and coat. “I shouldn’t be too late, I have to be at school early tomorrow. Call if you need me.”

  With a slam of the door, the apartment was quiet besides the clicking of the keys on my keyboard and the low hum of the television. For the most part, when I watch games at home, I try to get work done while the guys are on the field and pay more attention while they’re at bat. I glanced up at the TV and saw Carson kneeling behind the plate, waiting for the pitch to be thrown. I would normally pay attention to the batter, but I couldn’t take my eyes off Carson. I couldn’t see his handsome face hidden behind his mask, but I was able to appreciate his muscular biceps flex as he threw the ball back to the pitcher. After catching each pitch, he would stand to throw the ball before squatting back into position. With all those squats, I bet his ass and thighs are tight as fuck…

  Before I realized it, four innings had passed and I had not accomplished any work at all. I closed my laptop and sat it on the table in front of me.

  So much for getting ahead.

  I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, Lexi was sitting beside me on the couch. “Where did you come from?” I yawned.

  “I’ve been home for almost a half hour. You were passed out cold…and still holding that damn ball.”

  I looked down in my hands and found the baseball within my grip. I don’t even remember grabbing it before dosing off. “How was your date?”

  Lexi shook her head slightly. “Nope, you’re not changing the subject. We’re talking about this crush you have on Carson. What happened after I left the hospital yesterday?”

  “Nothing. He just wanted to make sure I was okay and gave me flowers and the baseball. That was it.”

  And told me I was pretty despite the black eyes.

  “That was it?”

  Yeah, she didn’t believe me.

  “Yup. Now, if you’re done with the interrogation, I’m going to bed. You know, to rest.”

  She gave me a suspicious look over. “Alright, if you say so. But we’ll see how you react to him at the game tomorrow.”

  I shrugged. “Okay, I don’t have anything to hide. It’s not like anything is going on.” I kissed her on top her head and started down the hall to my room. “Goodnight, Lex.”

  “Goodnight, big fat liar.”

  I closed my bedroom door behind me and crawled under my heaps of blankets, instantly feeling relaxed. I sat the baseball on my nightstand and stared at it until my vision turned blurry.

  Thoughts of Carson were swimming through my mind, but it’s not like I had a crush on him. There’s a difference between liking and lusting after someone. I don’t know Carson as a person, so I can’t say I like him. He seems nice, but I’m also sure that plenty of serial killers had also “seemed” nice prior to chopping their victims into pieces. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t physically attracted to Carson. I think most women with a pulse would be. So if anything, I only feel lust towards him.

  Because I don’t have a crush.

  Not even a little one.

  Chapter Six: Carson

  Melody wasn't at last night's game, which I didn't expect her to be. As I'm stretching in right field beside my team mates, I'm scanning her section to see if she's come out tonight.

  "I heard you went to the hospital to check on that chick the other night." Nathan Ross said with a chuckle.

  Ross hasn’t said more than two words to me since we joined the team, so I was expecting some type of smart ass remark to follow. I shrugged as if it weren’t a big deal. "Yeah? What’s wrong with that?"

  "It was a good PR move, rookie. You're learning quickly. That's the way to get endorsements. Make people like you. Just play the role, doesn't matter if you actually don't give a shit. Do you think I fucking care about animals and all the other shit that I endorse? It's all for show. I give you credit, you had the reporters eating out of your fucking palm the other night in the locker room. You’re already on your way. A little charm and good looks can get you a long way."

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” I mumbled before looking back to the crowd. I don't give a fuck about endorsements or publicity. I'm here to play the game, not be a sportswear spokes model. I carefully searched row by row for Melody as Ross continued running his mouth.


  Her long blond hair is hanging past her shoulders and a hat is covering her eyes, but I know it's her by the large smile she has displayed on those plump lips.

  Ross smacked my arm with his glove. "Are you even listening to a word I’m saying? I’m trying to help you out here, Lawrence. This advice is golden.”

  “I don’t need your advice or help. I don’t give a shit about publicity. I’m here to play ball.”

  When he realized I wasn’t looking at him, he followed my gaze. “What the hell are you staring at?" He snapped as he continued stretching beside me.

  I stood up and grabbed my glove without an answer. I jogged toward the first base line where her seat was located. Her dark haired friend from the hospital was sitting next to her. Melody’s eyes came more into focus as I got closer. They grew wide when she realized I was headed in her direction. She lowered in her seat, trying to hide from me.

  I stopped in front of the wall, smiling at her friend. "I don't believe we had a proper introduction the other day." I extended my hand. "Carson Lawrence. Baseball player, nice guy, the asshole who hit Melody in the face with his ball. And you are?"

  Melody's mouth gapped open, but her friend jumped right in and placed her hand in mine. "Lexi Murray. Elementary school teacher, feisty bitch, Mel's overbearing best friend. How nice of you to stop by our seats."

  I saw a cane swinging behind Melody and Lexi. "What the hell do you think you're doing over here, you piece of sh-"

  "CLAY!" Melody scolded at the old man sitting behind her. "There are kids here. Behave yourself."

  The old man frowned, more wrinkles appearing across his forehead. "No one messes with my little Mel and ge
ts away with it. You better watch your back, Lawrence. I may not be as fast as I once was, but I can sure as hell take you out."

  Lexi was cackling, but Melody wasn't amused. "Drop it, Clay. It was an accident. He won them the game. That should be redemption enough."

  He slouched in his seat slightly, pouting like a little kid who just got in trouble. When she turned around to face me, I crouched down, becoming eye level with her. "Thanks for saving me from Grumps. How's the bump on the head, beautiful?"

  She looked around, noticing fans in nearby rows watching us. "It's fine. Go warm up." She whispered harshly.

  "Come on, Mel. The bump is almost gone. It's just the purplely-greenish bruises under her eyes she's concerned about. I covered most of it with makeup, but she's still self-conscious." Lexi answered.

  I reached out and lifted the bill of the hat slightly. Lexi was right, the bump was minimal compared to two days ago. The makeup around the eyes masked the bruises, just making her look a little tired. "There's those gorgeous eyes. How are you going to enjoy the game hiding behind your hat? You did promise to watch every at bat of mine for the rest of the season."

  She sat up in her seat. "I did, and I will. Now get back out there, people are staring."

  I looked through the rows of fans behind her, taking my hat off in acknowledgement. "Does that make you uncomfortable?" I asked her.

  "Yes! I don't like being the center of attention. I've already had at least a dozen people ask how my head is since walking through the gates today. They replayed me getting hit on ESPN at least ten times in a twenty-four hour period. People have even made freaking memes about me taking balls to the face!"

  Lexi howled loudly. "I swear I only made the first one as a joke. And don’t forget the late night talk show doing the sketch about you taking balls to the face!"

  I did feel bad about the coverage it got. I have seen the memes and skits she’s talking about. I won't lie, if it were someone I didn't know, I would have laughed my ass off at the pictures. But she is someone I know now, and I don't find it funny. At all. "I'm sorry." I said honestly.

  Her face relaxed slightly and she gave a hint of a smile. "It's not your fault."

  I still felt like it was. "Let me make it up to you."

  She shook her head. "The ball and flowers were plenty. I promise, I'm okay. You don't have to do anything."

  I felt like I needed a way to hang out with her, even for just a few hours. "Let me take you to dinner, then we'll call it even."

  She started to shake her head, but Lexi nudged her. "She would love to go to dinner with you."


  "Great. How about next weekend? Friday is an afternoon game, so I'll have the evening off."

  Melody was still glaring at her best friend when Coach began yelling at me from the dugout. "LAWRENCE! GET TO THE BULLPEN!"

  I looked back to her. "So what is it? Don't make me get in trouble. I'm going to stay right here until you agree to go out with me next week."

  "Get him in trouble, Mel. He won't come back over here anymore. Maybe he’ll get kicked off the team, too." Grumps groaned behind her.

  She ignored him, her eyes growing wider as she looked over at coach in the dugout. "You're bluffing."

  "Sweetheart, if there's one thing I don't do, its bluff. Hurry up before I get benched."


  She began to panic. "Fine! Go! I'll go out with you!" she shouty whispered.

  "Next Friday. Promise." I demanded.

  "Carson!" She screeched.

  “Have you ever heard that song by The Script? “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved’? It’s me, sweetheart. Now promise."

  Her head shot back towards the dugout, coach now walking towards us. "I'm not mooooooovinnnnnnnnnng." I began singing off key.


  I smiled in victory and pushed back from the wall. "You didn't have to scream it to the world. But now that you did, there's no take backs." I winked before I walked to Coach.

  "Is that the girl you knocked upside the head?" He asked, nodding behind me. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Melody chew on her lip nervously as she watched us.

  "Yeah, I was just checking on her, making sure she's feeling better."

  "She alright?"

  "Yeah, she's fine."

  "Then get to the bull pen." He ordered. I jogged past Melody and gave a smirk as I headed towards the outfield to the bullpen. She shook her head and pursed her lips tightly together in attempt not to smile, but her eyes were. Like fucking green diamonds.


  An attractive female bartender took the two empty beer bottles and wiped down the bar top. “Another round, guys? I’m about to announce last call.”

  Ryan Cruz grinned at her. “I guess we can take another round since I’m killing time until you get off work.” He said smoothly.

  The bartender reached into the cooler and pulled out two more bottles and popped the tops easily before handing them to us. She leaned her elbows on the bar and pushed the revealing cleavage that spilled from her top towards Ryan. “Your place or mine tonight?”

  Ryan leaned in to her ear and whispered something I was grateful I wasn’t able to hear. This guy is the exact definition of a ladies man. No matter where we go, there are always women lined up for his attention. What’s even more impressive is he is a pro at juggling all of them at once. When he pulled away from the bartender, her cheeks were pink and her bottom lip was between her teeth. “My place it is, then.”

  She moved onto the next patron and I just shook my head with a chuckle. “I don’t know how you do it. I have a hard enough time handling one woman.”

  Ryan picked up his beer and smirked. “It’s easier to do hookups. No promises and no expectations. Just a night of fun and move on. I don’t have the time for anything more, and if they know that up front, it doesn’t get messy. Keep that in mind.”

  “Thanks, but I’m not looking for anything. I avoid dating during baseball season because of the crazy schedule. I had a girlfriend in college and things didn’t go well. It’s better to avoid it.”

  “So what is it exactly you’re planning to do with Melody?”

  I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned her to him. I took a long pull of my beer before answering. “I’m just taking her to dinner as an apology. No big deal.”

  “Sure. And next thing you know she’ll be keeping your dick wet the entire season. Listen, I know you said she was a cool as hell chick, but be careful, Carson. This is your rookie year and you have to keep your head in the game. If you fuck up, you could be sent back to the minors faster than a cheap whore drops to her knees at the sight of a fifty. Guys like us work our entire lives to get where we are, and there are thousands of other baseball players that the organization could choose from to fill our spots if we can’t perform. A pretty face isn’t worth it.”

  I knew what he said was true. I was one of those guys who would have done anything to get into the majors, and now that I’m here, I can’t fuck up. I sighed inwardly, wondering if the pull I felt towards Melody was just out of physical attraction or because there really could be something there. I shrugged it off and pulled my wallet from my pocket. I laid a few bills on the bar and stood. “Drinks are on me tonight. Thanks for the advice, old man.”

  “Fucker, I’m only two years older than you.” Ryan was indeed only two years older than me, but he’s been in the league for seven years. He was drafted while in college and has been playing for the Birds ever since.

  Before I could respond, the bartender jumped on top of the bar and yelled at the top of her lungs. “LAST CALL, BITCHES! BAR’S SHUTTING DOWN IN TEN MINUTES AND I’LL BE GETTING FUCKED IN THIRTY. LET’S GO!”

  The remaining patrons whistled and hollered, and I turned to Ryan and laughed. “Dude, she is going to eat you alive.”

  He finished his beer and slammed it onto the bar. “I fucking hope so.”

  Chapter Seven: Melody

; Lexi opened the classroom door and yelled over her shoulder. "Mel, I'm walking the kids out to the buses, I'll be right back."

  I sat at one of the tables in the back of the room with the kids who are enrolled in the after school program. I volunteer a few times a week, helping the children complete their homework, study, or sometimes just to sit and talk. The kids in my group range in age from seven to nine. I've been volunteering for a little over a year now, and I really enjoy it. These students are so bright and full of potential.

  Today a new student named Grady joined the group. He was very quiet and kept to himself, sitting at a table alone. I sat down beside him, but he didn’t acknowledge me at all. "Grady, what classes do you have homework for today?"

  He didn't bring his eyes up from his workbook. "Just math." His little voice barely came across the table.

  "Do you need any help? I'm good with math."

  He shook his sandy blond head.

  "Okay, if you need help, I'm here."

  He continued scribbling on the paper without a word.

  Parents slowly trickled in to pick up their children, and when Grady was the only one left, I pulled Lexi into the hallway. "What's up with the new little boy?"

  "Grady." She frowned. "He's going through a rough patch. His parents were divorced last year and mom signed full custody to dad a few weeks ago. She packed up and moved away with her new husband. Now that she's not in the area, his grandmother helps out as much as she can, but Grady will be coming here a few days a week after school until his dad gets off work. He's a tough little guy, he'll get through it."


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