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Falling for the Rookie (Fan Girl Book 1)

Page 8

by Trish Williford

  “Lexi is a firecracker. I like her.”

  She smiled at the thought of her best friend. “She’s something, that’s for sure. She’s the closest thing to a sibling I have.”

  “Did you guys knew each other as kids?” I asked.

  “Our parents were best friends, so it was only natural that she and I grew close together. She inherited her big heart from her parents. They really are my second family. When my parents died, they took me in without a second thought. I’m thankful they did, or I would have had to move to Pennsylvania with my mom’s family that I don’t know too well. Although we were close before, she became super protective of me after their accident. I bought my condo when I turned twenty and made her move in with me.”

  “So does she just pay you rent?”

  She nodded. “Technically. But each rent check she’s given me I’ve put in a savings account for her. When she wants to move out or is ready to buy her own place, she’ll have a nice down payment.”

  I was a bit surprised by that. “That’s pretty awesome. Does she know you do that?”

  “No, so please don’t mention it. Before she moved in, we had a huge fight and she almost refused to live with me. I told her she didn’t need to pay anything for rent, but she was furious that I even suggested that. I finally agreed to let her pay rent, but just banked the money for her. I didn’t need her money, and honestly she is doing me a favor by living with me. I’m so lucky to have her in my life.”

  I covered her hand with mine. “It sounds like she’s just as lucky to have you as a friend.”

  “I’m fortunate to have the people in my life that I do.”

  “You also have Grumps the pit bull that is protective of you.” I chuckled.

  She laughed loudly. “Uncle Clay? He’s about as old as that ball team. He’s harmless.”

  “He’s threatened to kick my ass twice now. He may be old, but he’s pretty vicious.”

  She rolled her green eyes. “He is all bark, no bite. Kind of like a toothless Chihuahua.”

  “A toothless Chihuahua?” I laughed.

  “Exactly. Gives you a funny mental picture, doesn’t it?”

  “It really does. Is he really your uncle?”

  “No, but he hasn’t missed a ballgame since Blue Stadium opened. He’s always had those seats behind me, so I just grew up calling him Uncle Clay.” She explained. “What about you? We’ve been talking about me this entire time.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “How did you get into baseball?”

  “My parents enrolled me in tee ball when I was five. I fell in love. I would spend hours outside throwing the ball back and forth with the neighborhood kids. They all wanted to be pitchers, and I didn’t care, so I always volunteered to be the catcher. That’s how I got in my position. I played peewee league, little league, then high school. When Mom and I moved to New Mexico my sophomore year of high school, I tried out for the team. Needless to say, I made the team and scouts started showing up to games my senior year. I went to University of Southern California on a full ride. I graduated and started playing triple AAA ball for Norfolk Tides. Two years later, here I am.”

  “Why did you move to New Mexico with your mom? That’s quite a ways from here.”

  Shit. I didn’t feel like spoiling this evening with talks of my dad, even though Parker had brought him up earlier. “My parents got divorced and we moved to New Mexico to be closer to her family.” I took a long pull of my beer, hoping she would get the hint and try not to push too much. I’m not ready to go into detail about that asshole yet.

  “I’m glad you found your way back to Baltimore.” She said shyly.

  I was even happier she didn’t push the issue about my dad. “I am too.” I looked down at my watch, noticing it was time for me to walk her home so I could make it to the airport with time to spare. “I hate to end the date, but I need to take you home.”

  She stood from the table. “Absolutely, I understand. You have to get some sleep before your flight.”

  “Actually, I have a confession.”

  She looked scared. “Okay?”

  “My flight was moved to five.”

  “Five? As in three hours from now?”


  Her mouth dropped. “Carson! Why didn’t you tell me? We could have rescheduled! You’re not going to get any sleep at all!”

  I pulled her to me, not caring if the two other tables of customers were watching us. “There was no way in hell I was rescheduling. I can sleep on the plane. There was no other place I would have rather been tonight.”

  Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. She leaned up and pressed her lips to mine, a kiss that was meant to be sweet, but stirred so much inside of me.

  The adrenaline coursing through my veins at this moment is what tells me I need to slow down, that I could get seriously lost in this girl. I can’t afford to fall head over heels during baseball season. I pulled back from her and rested my forehead against hers. “Let’s get you home.”

  Chapter Fourteen: Melody

  Carson didn’t say anything for the entire walk home. I shouldn’t have kissed him. The silence and unknown was giving me anxiety. I liked him more than I wanted to admit, and I think I would be pretty upset at this point if he just walked away.

  But he warned you from the beginning…

  I stopped when we got to the lobby of my condo, but Carson opened the door and followed me inside. “You don’t have to walk me upstairs.”

  “Yes, I do.” He answered, his expression still unreadable. I called for the elevator, an empty one appearing moments later. I pressed the button for my floor and waited for the doors to close. Carson was leaning against the wall, watching me intently. I took two steps to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. His arms enveloped me tightly and he buried his face in my hair. We stood that way until the doors opened, then walked down the hall to my door.

  He grabbed both of my hands. “Melody, like I said earlier, I like you. Probably more than I should at this point.” I felt cheeks flush at his admission, and I knew there was more. A ‘but’ was coming.

  “But with this being my rookie year, I need to focus my time and energy on the game. I’ve worked so hard to be here, I can’t screw it up.”

  I knew what he was saying. We can’t do this.

  I smiled and nodded. “I understand completely. You’re living your dream, Carson. You don’t need a girl to come along and mess with your head.”

  He tightened his grip on my hands. “No, that’s not what I meant. I’m saying-“

  “It’s true though. You have a kind heart, and I can see how you would feel guilty for leaving your girlfriend for possibly a week or two at a time. You don’t need that stress.”

  He shook his head slightly. “I was actually going to say I need you to help me keep this casual. I had a great time tonight, and I want it to continue…but I can see myself getting in deep with you too quickly. You have to help me keep this friendly until October. You have to be strong enough for the both of us, because I’m failing miserably.”

  My heart was beating hard against my chest. I can see myself getting in deep with you too quickly. My cheeks heated as I nodded. “I can do that. Nothing more than casual. There will be no pressure from this side, I promise.”

  His lips curled at the sides. “I mentioned that I like you, right?”

  I giggled. “A few times. And I kind of gathered that from the kiss.”

  “You’re the coolest girl I think I’ve ever met.”

  I smiled. “I know.”

  “Last kiss until October.” He leaned forward and kissed me softly, a completely different kiss than earlier in the alley. He rubbed his nose against mine before backing away. “I’ll call you.”

  “Travel safely.” I called as he walked down the hallway and disappeared into the elevator.


  I felt more like a teenager sneaking in past curfew rather than a woman in her mid-twenti
es coming home late from a date. It was pitch black in the condo, so I carefully tip toed my way down the hall and into my bedroom, careful to not wake up Lex. I closed the door behind me quietly and leaned against it, running my fingertips along my recently kissed lips. I haven't been kissed like that in...well, ever. Fluttering in my stomach floated to my heart, and it was the best and most weird feeling in the world.

  Sudden light beaming from my lamp both blinded and scared the shit out of me, but I was able to catch a glimpse of Lexi in my bed before slamming my eyes shut. "Damn it, Lex. What the hell?"

  "Don't you sass me young lady! Do you have any idea what time it is?"

  I squinted my eyes open, slowly getting used to the light. "Of course I know what time it is. Why are you freaking out?"

  "Um...hello! You weren't answering my calls and it's three in the morning. I've been spazzing the hell out. You're lucky I didn't file a missing person’s report on you." Her dark hair piled on top of her head looked more like a rats nest than actual hair. It was hard to take her scolding seriously when she looked like hell.

  I put my clutch on my dresser and pulled a shirt from the drawer to sleep in. After quickly changing I stood by the edge of the bed with my arms crossed. "Am I allowed to get in my own bed, ma'am?"

  She tightened her face into a snoot. "Only if you give me details. Lots of details."

  "Deal." She scooted to the other side and pulled the comforter back. "Okay, spill!"

  I got under the covers and rested my head against the headboard. "It was amazing." I smiled brightly.

  She matched my grin with a squeal. I proceeded to tell her the events of the night, not skimping on any detail, especially when it came to the kiss in the alley. "So you're telling me he stayed out with you all night when he has a five AM flight?"

  I looked over at my alarm clock, already an hour passing since I had been home. "It's after four, so he should be at the airport. I had no clue he was flying out so early, but he just kept asking if he could keep me out a little longer."

  "And you two only talked and kissed those few times?" She questioned with disbelief.

  "I swear. He's easy to talk to, I enjoyed his company so much more than I thought I would." I bit down on my bottom lip before admitting the next statement. "I'm pretty sure I really like Carson."

  I received a knowing glare that only my best friend could give. "Sweetie, you've had a crush on Carson since the day he knocked you out. But I'm happy you're finally owning up to it."

  And she's right. I have had a small crush on Carson since he walked into my hospital room to check on me. But now that crush isn't so small.

  I've been lying to myself since I met him, and after the last few hours I know I can't avoid the truth any longer.

  I want Carson Lawrence.

  Not only physically...I want to be the person who is the recipient of his smiles. The person who makes him laugh. The one he gives his kisses to…and more.

  So much more.

  Chapter Fifteen: Carson

  Running on the treadmill doesn't do much for me. I'd rather get out and run in the fresh air, but San Francisco’s current monsoon isn't allowing that as of right now. Michael Jackson’s PYT blaring through my headphones helped with my run, until it stopped abruptly when an incoming call came through to my phone. My publicist's name popped on the screen, so I turned off the treadmill.

  "Pauline, what's up?"

  "Is this a bad time, Carson? You're out of breath."

  "No, I'm just running. What’s up?"

  "I got word about an hour ago that there were pictures of you sold to Celebrity Tab magazine. Is there anything incriminating you've done that I need to know about?"

  A giant lump formed in my throat the same time a roll of nausea came over me. There's no way... "Pictures? From when? Where?"

  "Apparently they were taken last night in Baltimore. You're with some female, but that's all I was tipped off with."

  The elephant on my chest took a hike. "I was with Melody."

  "Balls in the face girl?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Her name is Melody. We went on a date last night. The only thing they could have possibly got was me kissing her. Nothing else."

  "That's it?"

  "Positive." I confirmed.

  "This could do stellar things for your image, you know. Hooking up with the girl you accidently injured is genius. Baseball player falls for fan. The media will eat that shit up. Nice job, I didn't even think of that."

  "That's not why I asked her out. I don't give a damn what my image is."

  "You will when companies are throwing endorsement deals in your lap. Believe me, there is more money to be made in advertising than actually playing baseball. We won't make any statements, we'll just let it play out. I'll send you the pictures once they hit my inbox."

  "Fine. I'll warn Melody."

  "Wait for me to get back to you first. Let's see what we're dealing with before getting her involved. I'll be in touch." The call ended, leaving me both relieved and anxious.


  After staying out with Melody all night, I expected to pass out on the flight. But due to terrible turbulence, I didn’t sleep well at all. While most of the team is out for a night on the town, I decided to stay in and rest up for tomorrow's game.

  Deciding a shower was much needed before bed, the hot water massaged my tired and tense muscles into relaxation. As the steady stream ran over me, my thoughts drifted to Melody and the pictures Pauline said someone had of us. Who in the hell would have thought someone would have recognized us while we were out together? It's not like I'm exactly famous or people give two shits about what I do or who I am.

  I was worried to see what story would come along with the pictures that are due to be released. Melody was upset with the attention she received from getting hit with the ball, I'm sure she's not going to be thrilled with this either, not that I can blame her. When she agreed to go on a date with me, she didn't exactly know it would be documented in a damn tabloid magazine for the world to see.

  The thought of her being upset enough to not want to see me anymore is making me anxious. This isn’t casual, and I’m a fool to believe that I can keep it that way until October. She has gotten under my skin and I’m certain I’ll never get my fill.

  I need this girl.

  After dressing in gym shorts and a tee, I walked out of the bathroom and into the hotel room I was sharing with Ryan. He was sprawled out on his bed reading a book. "Dude, your phone is getting on my damn nerves. It won't stop blowing up."

  I grabbed it from my night stand and took it from the charger. Several alerts for missed calls and texts were displayed on the home screen. Most were from Pauline, but there were a few from my dad. I opened the texts from Pauline, ignoring my dad's.

  Here's the link for the story. Holy hell, Carson.

  Hello? What in the hell are you doing?

  Carson? Answer my calls damn it!

  After clicking on the link for the story, four pictures popped up automatically.

  The first was Melody and I on stage at The Black Keys singing together. The second was us walking in the harbor, holding hands. The third was of us sitting on the bench, my arm around her. I scrolled down to the next picture and about lost my shit. There I was, pinning Melody up against the brick wall of the alley with my hips and her face in my hands.

  "Damn it." I sighed heavily, running a hand over my face.

  "Everything okay?" Ryan asked without bringing his eyes from the pages.

  "Not really."

  He put the book down. "What's going on?"

  "Melody and I were followed and photographed during our date. The photos were sold to a tabloid paper."

  "Bullshit. Who in the hell cares about something you did?"

  "That's what I thought." I tossed him my phone, watching his expression.

  "Whoa, things got hot and heavy on your date, I see." He was quiet for a long moment, then started laughing.

  "What the hell
is funny?" I growled.

  "Did you read this story?"

  "Not yet, I just looked at the pictures."

  "Listen to this shit." Ryan sat up and cleared his throat. "It's titled 'Lawrence and Fangirl'. Carson Lawrence, rookie catcher for the Baltimore Blue Birds was spotted in downtown Baltimore recently, and he wasn't alone. Lawrence toured the Inner Harbor with Melody Carrick, the same girl he hit with a foul ball during the opening game of the season. What started as a casual night at The Black Keys turned steamy quickly when Lawrence dragged Carrick into a side alley and practically devoured her, as you see in the above picture. Our source reports the couple disappeared into a hotel for the night shortly after the photo was taken. The real question on everyone's minds is 'Could this be love at first whack?' We can't wait to see what happens with the new "it" couple of Baltimore."

  "We sat in the harbor and went to a pizza place, we never went to a hotel room. What the fuck?"

  "It looks like you didn't wait for a hotel room in this one pic. Holy shit, man."

  I ripped the phone from his hand. "Fuck off."

  "Why are you so bent out of shape? People are going to say shit, it comes with the job. You and Melody know what really happened, so who cares?"


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