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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

Page 22

by Holla Dean

  “Okay, that works for me since I do have to study and I have my kids. What happens if you get tired of me? If you decide you want to see someone different?”

  Joe smiled and shook his head. “I don’t think that’s going to happen. I really like you, Frannie. I’m not at a point in my life where I can really get involved with a relationship. With your school and kids, you’re not at that point either. But we get along, we like each other, and I want to help you with school. I also don’t like the idea of you seeing strange men. It’s too dangerous.”

  Their waiter came with their meals and Francine waited until he left before she spoke.

  “You’re right,” she said. “It is way too dangerous and I feel very lucky that the few calls I had before you were so easy. You’re also right that I can’t get into a serious relationship now. So I guess for now we’re a perfect match.”

  She said that last sentence with a little sadness and Joe wondered why.

  “You didn’t sound all that enthused about us being a perfect match. Why, what are you thinking?”

  She shrugged and said, “I’ll still be taking money from you and doing things with you for it. That’ll still make me a call girl and not the kind of girl any man would want a real relationship with.”

  Joe was quick to assure her that he’d never thought of her as a call girl.

  “I know you were new to this business, and once I asked you not to see anyone else but me; I kind of just thought of you as my go to girl for those base needs of mine.”

  That made Francine feel a little better and she said, “You know, you were only the fourth customer I had. And the others were kind of not even real. I never even had to get undressed with them.”

  Joe laughed, “Tell me about them. It seems odd that your first three customers didn’t want to see you undressed.”

  She spent the next half hour describing her nervousness with each call and the following relief that she didn’t have to have sex with any of them. The worst one was the blow job, but since that was done with a condom and came so quickly, it wasn’t all that bad.

  “And then you had me,” Joe said. “The nut with the weird spanko kink.”

  “That’s not how I think of you!” Francine protested, even though she knew he was kidding. “I’ve had a great time with you every week!”

  “I’ve enjoyed seeing you as well,” Joe said. “I want to continue to see you and I don’t want you to see anyone else. Instead of thinking yourself as still a call girl, I want you to just accept my help for your schooling, and on Friday nights we’ll get together and have some fun.”

  Francine didn’t answer, she just kept eating her shrimp scampi and thinking about it all.

  “You don’t think you can do that?” Joe asked.

  She looked up at him and said, “Yeah, I can do that. It’s a very generous offer and you have no idea how much it will help me and my little family. My mom has been struggling to help me with the girls and it will make things easier for her. But I want you to keep the fees that would be going to the service. That’ll save you four hundred bucks a week.”

  “Then we’re agreed. Except for that four hundred dollars. I want you to have it. If I saw another escort from the service I’d have to pay it. You can use it to help your mother or spend it on your girls.”

  Francine protested again, “No, I won’t agree unless you save those service fees.”

  “How about you take those service fees and open up a college fund for your daughters? That should make both of us happy.”

  Her eyes lit up at that idea. A college fund for her girls was something she’d never allowed herself to even think about it. It was one of those things she had to put off until she was working, making a living at nursing.

  “I see you like that idea,” Joe said.

  She nodded. “Yes, I do like it. Okay, I’ll agree to that.”

  “Good. Let’s have dessert down here and you can tell me all about your week.”

  Francine knew that was her cue to tell him something about the week that would give him a reason to spank her. If she was honest with herself, she’d have to say she’d been looking forward to the spanking. There was something about her ass stinging that seemed to give sex an extra thrill.

  Last week when she hadn’t been spanked, the sex was great and she had come to the conclusion that the fantastic sex she had with Joe was not due to the spankings. However, when she went over each evening with Joe she realized that the spankings added a definite zip to their lovemaking.

  She had to stop thinking of it as lovemaking. Even though it seemed like lovemaking, they were not in love. It was just sex.

  She had even wondered over this past week how she could get Joe to spank her with the paddle again. It had scared her the first time he used it just because it was so much stingier than his hand. Afterwards, she had to admit that the extra sting had given her the most intense orgasm she’d ever had. She wanted that again. But she was embarrassed to come right out and ask.

  Her plan had been to come up with something that he could say was bad enough to warrant the use of the paddle. However, coming up with that something was not really easy. School had gone well this past week. She got an A on her test and all her assignments had received a B+ or higher.

  She had practiced her ‘confession’ on the drive over to Joe’s hotel and she hoped it would be enough to make him want to use the paddle. At least for part of the spanking.

  Francine looked up at Joe and said, “I’ve had a few issues this week. I did really well with school, but I lied to Brenda twice when she called to see if I could handle a couple of clients for the service. Since I couldn’t tell her that I promised you not to see any other clients, I lied and said I had to study.”

  “Hmmm...,” Joe said. “Lying is definitely a spanking offense. Anything else?”

  Francine felt that tingle in her pussy that always seemed to appear when a spanking was coming her way.

  “I yelled at my mom when she came in my room while I was trying to study. She told me my room was a mess and I needed to spend some time this weekend cleaning it. I acted like a silly teenager and asked her if she couldn’t see how busy I was trying to study for my test. I know I hurt her feelings.”

  “That would be disrespect toward your parent. A very good reason to redden that cute bottom of yours. Is there anything more?”

  Dessert had come and Francine was nibbling on the rich chocolate cake trying to remember the third transgression she was going to confess to. It finally came to her.

  “Just one more thing. I got a speeding ticket. I was doing fifteen miles over the speed limit and now I have to go to a driver’s class to keep it from showing on my record. And it’s a two hundred dollar fine.”

  Joe shook his head. “That’s a serious violation of safety practices, Francine. I’m afraid your spanking is going to be a bit more severe tonight.”

  He had seen the sparkle in her eyes when he had mentioned reddening her bottom for yelling at her mother. Now he thought it was outright desire he was seeing in those pretty blue eyes.

  “I suggest you finish your dessert so we can go upstairs and take care of this.”

  “Yes, Joe,” Francine murmured. She took a few more bites and then set her fork down.

  “Are you finished?” Joe asked. “Ready to go upstairs?”

  She slid out of the booth and he led her to the elevators. They had the elevator to themselves and Joe’s hand caressed her ass as he leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  “You’ve been a naughty girl this week, Frannie. You know I’m going to set your ass on fire once we’re back in our room, don’t you?”

  Francine nodded her head and whispered, “Yes, I know. I’ve been a bad girl.”

  “Yes, you have. I’m going to spank you hard tonight.”

  Her legs squeezed tightly together and she could feel the wetness of her pussy.

  Joe suddenly smacked her butt through her dress, startling her and causing her to
jump and say, “Oh!”

  The elevator stopped at their floor and Joe gripped her arm firmly and led her down the hall to his room. He unlocked the door and held it open for her.

  “Get inside, strip down to your underwear and then stand by the bed and wait for me. Leave your shoes and stockings on.”

  “May I use the restroom first?” She asked.

  “Of course.”

  Joe went to the little kitchenette area and got the ice bucket. He called through the bathroom door saying he’d be right back with some ice.

  Francine came out of the bathroom wearing her white lacy push-up bra, white lace thong, and white thigh high stockings with black heels. She knew Joe liked her thigh high stockings.

  Her stomach had butterflies. She was excited and nervous at the same time. He’d said he was going to spank her hard. Did that mean he planned to use the paddle? Should she ask him to? Should she tell him she felt she deserved more than just a hand spanking? Her ass cheeks clenched at the thought of a paddling.

  She saw the paddle on the bedside table. It was made of thick, black leather. She picked it up. It was surprisingly stiff and looked like two thick pieces of leather had been sewn together. The paddle was about twelve inches long with about another three inches indented for the grip. It was cool to the touch and she wondered if he’d put it out purposely for her to see or to just have it handy in case he decided to use it.

  Francine heard the door and quickly set the paddle back down on the table and went to stand by the corner of the bed as she’d been told to.

  Joe came in with the ice bucket and got out a bottle of wine from the mini fridge. He poured two glasses of wine and brought one over to her.

  “Here, you can drink this while I get undressed.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Joe unbuttoned his shirt while he lectured Francine on her sins of the week. She often thought he enjoyed the lecturing as much as he enjoyed conducting the spanking.

  He talked about how lying could become a habit if one was not careful. That even though the lie she had told Brenda was a small one and with a reason; it was still a lie.

  As he took off his trousers, he said their new private arrangement would take care of having to tell that particular lie again.

  Joe was naked now and while his cock was not completely erect, it definitely was on the way to becoming rock hard. He sat on the bed and took Francine’s wrist to guide her over his lap.

  “This is going to be a hard spanking. I’m going to start with my hand and then move on to the paddle.”

  He rubbed her ass with his hand while he spoke.

  “I know you had to use the safe word last time I used the paddle, but I want you to try to take the full paddling tonight. If it gets to be too much, you can still safe word. All right?”

  Francine nodded and asked, “ long will you use the...the...paddle?”

  “Until I feel it’s enough. But you always have the safe word.”

  “Okay,” she answered in a small voice.

  Joe caressed her ass with his hand, running it over both cheeks and around her hips. He let his hand wander down to the tops of her thighs just above her stockings, then traced the lace edge of her thong.

  Smack! His hand rose and fell in an unexpected swat. It wasn’t a hard swat; she just hadn’t been prepared for it. She was enjoying the soft caresses.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  Joe started lecturing again. This time he lectured about how wrong it was to disrespect one’s parents. Especially when you think about all they sacrificed for their children.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  He talked about how difficult it must be for an older, widowed woman to take in her daughter and grandchildren to help them out. It couldn’t be easy at this stage of her life.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  The swats were getting harder now. Joe spanked her left cheek, then her right. He moved in a pattern; swatting first the left upper cheek, then the right upper, and then left middle, right middle, lower left, lower right. Then he’d start back at the upper left. A few times he smacked the very top of her thighs.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  Francine started to squirm and Joe told her to hold still.

  “Tell me why you’re getting this spanking, Frannie.”

  “Because I was a bad girl.”

  “That’s right. What did you do that was bad?”

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  “I lied, I yelled at my mom, and got a speeding ticket.”

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  Joe stopped and rubbed her ass for a few minutes while he moved on to lecturing about speeding. Her ass was very warm to his touch, but not hot. The paddle would bring it to hot.

  Francine felt him lean over and reach for the paddle. She felt her ass quivering in...what?...anticipation? Now she felt him rub the paddle on her ass. It felt cool to her warmed rear end. But she knew Joe would start to spank any second.

  “I’m going to spank you now with the paddle. Use the safe word if you have to, but try to take the full paddling. Understand?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, as her ass cheeks and legs squeezed together.

  Joe rubbed her bottom to get her to relax her muscles.


  “Oh!” She cried out.


  He paused and she could feel the heat radiate through her ass. God, that stung. She could feel Joe’s huge cock pressing against her hip. It felt very hard.


  “Ow!” She gasped as her cheeks tightened again.


  “Ow! Ow! Ow!”

  Francine was gripping the sheets with her fists. She didn’t know if she could take much more. She was really trying to take the entire paddling as Joe asked, but this was really hurting now. She let out a little whimper.


  She shoved her fist in her mouth to keep from crying out. She groaned.

  Joe tossed the paddle back onto the bedside table and gently rubbed her bright red ass. It was hot.

  “I’m proud of you, Frannie. You took that very well.”

  She was quietly crying; her ass hurt so much. She didn’t understand what was happening. It hurt enough to bring tears to her eyes, yet she could feel her pussy was soaked and all she wanted was for Joe to ram his thick, hard cock into her.

  Joe helped her up and gathered her close to him on his lap. His hand wiggled its way between her legs and he felt the wetness of her pussy. He drew that moisture up and massaged it into her clit making her come almost instantly.

  Then he stood up with her in his arms. He set her down on the bed and gently pushed and pulled until she was on her hands and knees, with her red ass up in the air. He knelt behind her and slammed his cock into her wet pussy. His right hand came around her hip and he teased her clit while his left hand snaked around her other side and tweaked her nipple.

  Joe pounded into her over and over and Francine met every one of his thrusts with one of her own. She pumped her burning ass into his groin with every one of his thrusts. She felt the build-up growing and could feel his cock throbbing inside her. She knew he was going to come any second and she wanted to come with him.

  “Joe!” she cried out. “I’m going to come!”

  “Come for me baby,” he groaned. “We’ll come together.”

  He slammed into her twice more and then held her hips tightly to him as his cum flowed into her hot, convulsing pussy.

  Together they collapsed on the bed, both of them panting and gasping for breath. Francine quickly turned on her side to ease the discomfort of lying down on her tender ass.

  Joe turned on his side and smiled at Francine. “How do you feel?”

  “My ass is literally on fire. But every single time we have sex, it’s better than the last time. So I’m feeling just fine. How are you?”

  “I’m good, too. Roll over on your stomach and I�
��ll rub some lotion on your behind.”

  Joe got up to get some lotion from his toiletries bag in the bathroom. When he came back he straddled her legs and began massaging her ass with the lotion.

  It felt so good, Francine almost fell asleep. Joe massaged the lotion into her upper thighs which were fairly pink, but not nearly the fiery red of her ass. Then he moved up to her back and shoulders and continued the massage. Finally, he lay back down beside her and just caressed her ass until her phone beeped, telling them it almost time for her to call the service.

  “Oh, I’m feeling so good right now that I don’t want to get up.”

  “Me too,” Joe said. “But we don’t want to piss off Brenda. Especially since you’re going to quit this week.”

  Francine reluctantly got up and called in. She told Brenda she’d be out in fifteen minutes and would call from her car.

  It took her nearly twenty minutes to get to her car. She was just so damn relaxed she couldn’t move any faster. Joe told her he thought she shouldn’t quit until the following weekend to avoid Brenda from becoming suspicious.

  “I won’t call the service next Friday. Instead, I’ll call you directly. Then I want you to call Brenda on Saturday to tell her you’re quitting. Maybe you should even wait until Monday.”

  “That sounds good.” She agreed. She hoped Brenda would not give her a hard time. Francine thought she probably wouldn’t; after all, most call girls probably hopped around from one service to another.

  She and Joe exchanged phone numbers. He leaned inside her car and gave her a kiss.

  “Be good.”

  “I will,” she grinned at him. “My ass will be stinging for days to remind me to be good.”

  He shut her door and she drove off.

  Crap! He knew he was in trouble. He’d come very close to telling her he loved her when he was slamming his cock into her hot pussy.

  Did he love her? Could he love her? Hell, he’d barely known her for a month and in that time had only seen her four times. Four times for four hours each time. That made a total of sixteen hours he’d spent with her. Could a man fall in love in just sixteen short hours?


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