Written in Bone
Page 33
Adam’s apple, 154–155, 283
adipocere, 266
age, identifying, 133–134
babies’, 23, 77, 100, 133, 161, 164, 170, 255
children’s, 78, 244–245
fetal, 100, 161–162, 254–255
granular foveolae and, 45
hands and, 243–244, 246
innominate and, 182, 189
long bones and, 173, 194–195
manubrium and, 127
neurocranium and, 43
ribs and, 133–134
scapula and, 175, 177
the spine and, 98, 100
sternum and, 128–129
teeth and, 76–78, 84–85
vertebrae and, 116
alimentary tract, 24
Almond, David, 159
alveolar bone, 173, 175
ambidexterity, 217
Amge, Jyoti, 265
amniotic banding, 17
amputations, 226, 239
amputation tattoos, 240
foot-to-hand transfer, 262
limbs, 242
Pobble, 263
amygdala, 74
anaplastology, 55
anatomical pathology technologists (APTs), 59
Anatomy Act (1832), 107
ancestry, clues to, 75
anencephaly, 25
Angel of the Meadow, 116–117
animal hair, 120
clavicles, 159–160, 163
identifying bones of, 6, 230
orbits, 72–73
ribs, 6, 95, 138, 140
scavengers, 112, 218–220, 230
teeth, 80, 82–83, 115
ankles, 205–206, 209–210, 277
anatomical, 56
developmental, 127, 177
antibiotics, 79
aortic aneurysms, 101
appearance, natural changes to, 54
Arab Spring (2011), 274
arachnid (plastron), 130
arachnoid granulations, 44
arms, 159–160, 194–195, 218
arthritis, 9, 19, 94, 240, 294
Ash, Claudius, 83
Asian Indian skulls, 44
Asian tsunami (2004), 79, 257
asphyxia, 104, 175
al-Assad, President Bashar, 274, 278
asylum seekers
determining age of, 244–245
atlas, 102
Australopithecines, 255–256
Australopithecus afarnesis, 254
axis, 102
Aztec culture, 15
age determination, 24, 164
birth, 78–79, 169, 183–185
bottom-shuffling, 98
brain development, 23, 26
chin, 24, 75, 84
clavicle, 161–164, 167, 169–170
dentition, 77–78
determining cause of death, 90, 164, 169–170
foot length, 255, 264
fontanelles, 23, 42
head size and appearance, 23–24, 42, 183–184
number of bones in newborn, 23–24, 90
pelvic girdle, 183
ribs, 133–134, 141, 148–149
Scottish isles babies, 162
sex, 164, 183, 185
spine, 90
stillborn, 79, 161, 168
teeth, 77, 94
unwanted, 165, 170
vertebrae, 100
viscerocranium, 24
Bain, Dorothy QC, 109
balance, 266
Bali bombings (2002), 57
ballistic trauma, 123, 187
Balmerino, Lord, 92
Bangladesh police, 216
Barry, 203–206
Beggs, William, 204–206
betel nuts, 79
birth, 78–79, 169, 183–185
birth canal, 183–184
birthmarks, 221, 284, 289
Bishop, Maurice, 143–144, 146, 148–149
bladder, 143, 182
bladder stones, 192
blunt-force trauma, 20, 63, 117, 123, 177, 207, 289
body, 87–155
body identity disorder, 239
bogies, 268
bone marrow, 2, 127
bone mineral density, 3
composition of, 2
decomposition of, 115
identifying as real, 21
identifying bone shards, 29
See also individual types of bone
foot length, 238, 264
hand development, 232, 238, 243–244, 264
See also puberty
brachial plexus, 228
brachydactyly, 238
Brady, Ian, 7
brain, 23–26, 35, 37–39, 73–75, 123, 228–229
brain stem, 25, 98, 103
Brash, James, 65, 287
breastplate, 130
Brigate Rosse group, 216
British Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (MFPA), 262
brittle bones, 4, 134
Bronze Age skeletons, 43
Brown, Christy, 262
bruises, tramline, 277
Brumfitt, Paul, 171–175
buccal pads, 58
‘bumper’ fractures, 216
Burke, William, 107
Bury, Ellen, 105–107
Bury, William, 104, 106–110
butterfly vertebrae, 102
C14 radiocarbon dating, 8, 47
cadavers, dissections, 107–108
Caesar, 274–278
Cairo Toe, 263
calcaneus, 254
calcium, 1, 3, 218–219
callous formation, 135, 211
cancellous bone, 3, 196
canine teeth, 115, 220, 230
Cannings, Angela, 134
the Captain, 208
car accidents, 186, 214, 216
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 127, 136
cardiothoracic surgery, 127
carnivores, 80
carpal bones, 229, 237, 243, 261
callous formation, 135, 211
costal cartilages, 129–131
pectus carinatum, 128
cartonnage, 263
cartoons, 24
Catlin mark, 26–27
cats, 118, 120, 159, 228, 230, 233, 236
caustic soda, 139
cerebrospinal fluid, 10, 45, 99
cervical ribs, 137
cervical vertebrae, 90, 100, 102–102
decapitation, 111
hangman’s fracture, 102–104, 108, 110–111
character, facial, 60
Charlie, Bonnie Prince, 91
as clue to ancestry, 75
cheek implants, 54
e-fits, 65
facial reconstruction, 58
fractures, 117
piercings, 75
position of cheek bones, 65
chest, 123–149
Chester, Greville, 263
chickenpox, 196
child abuse
Harry, 135–137, 212
Haut de la Garenne, 21–22
Majid, 245–246
Peter Ryal, 221–222
rib fractures, 134
age, 22, 78, 85, 94, 124, 152, 195, 244–245, 264
bone development, 3–4, 9, 22
chin growth, 85
development of frontal bone, 30, 72
facial development, 124
fire death case, 22, 232, 236
hands, 229
height, 195
hyoid bone, 151–154, 289
long bones, 195
pelvic bones, 183, 191
posture, 98
ribs, 134, 148–149
spine, 98
sternum, 94, 125–126, 129
suicide, 196
teeth, 78–79, 85, 94
vertebrae, 100
vitamin D deficiency, 4, 128
chin, 51–52, 75, 84–85, 103, 163
/> Cicero, 49
circumduction, 209
Clark, Dr John, 109
Clark, Sally, 134
clavicle, 159–175
age determination from, 127
fetal development, 162, 169
fractures, 159–160, 171
puberty, 244
cocaine, 74
coccyx, 90, 99, 101, 182
cold cases, 35, 40, 250
Colin, 36–41
collagen, 2
collar bone. See clavicle
Colles, Abraham, 212
Colles’ fracture, 212
commingled burials, 94
conchal bones, 73
congenital conditions, 72, 177, 237
congenital scoliosis, 177
constraint hypothesis, 193
Corstorphine Hill, Edinburgh, 63
cosmetic surgery, 142
costal cartilages, 129–131, 142
costal margin, 142
courtrooms, giving evidence in, 11, 32, 34, 70, 109, 113, 141
COVID-19, 74
crab-claw ossification, 131
cranial bones
neurocranium, 15–47
viscerocranium, 49–85
Creft, Jacqueline, 144, 146, 148
Cremations Act (2008), 242
cribriform plate, 73, 75
cricoid cartilage, 154–155
Crimewatch, 41
CT scans, 60, 63–64, 36, 162, 246
cuboid, 254
Da Silva report, 278
dactyly, 237
David (amputee), 241
Davidson, Ruth, 201
deafness, predicting from the skull, 45
death iconography, 15
decapitation, 103, 111, 113–115, 206
bones, 115
dermestid beetles, 119
facial alteration due to, 61
fluids, 82
rate of, 7
scavengers and, 218
in water, 248, 267
defence fractures and wounds, 212
defleshing beetles, 119
deltoid muscle, 176–177
dementia, impaired smell and, 74
dentition, 77–78, 80, 248
dentures, 19–20, 76, 82–84
dermal fingerprinting, 289, 291
dermestid beetles, 119
diabetes, 226, 263
diaphragm, 133
diet, 4, 46, 80–81, 143, 249, 271
diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), 102
diphyodonts, 75
diploic bone, 26–27, 30, 38, 207
disaster victim identification (DVI), 57
disfigurement, facial, 55
Dr Buck Ruxton, 281–291
Southsea body, 118–120
William Beggs, 204–206
Disney, 24
dissections, 107, 114, 211
dissolving bodies, 139
distal radius, 196
distal tibia, 196
DNA, 9, 292
disaster victim identification (DVI), 57
feline, 120
identifying hair and eye colour from, 58
phenotyping, 58
domestic abuse, 154
Dowager’s hump, 101
Down’s syndrome, 44, 72
drug trafficking, 192
signs of drug use, 271
Dundee University, 35, 63, 91, 107–108, 294
Dunsworth, Holly, 181
Dürer, Albrecht, 227
e-fits, 56
eardrum, 45
ears, 30–31, 44–46, 52
ectopic pregnancies, 185
ectrodactyly, 238
Egyptians, 74, 263
elbows, 209–210, 216
elderly people, fractures, 101, 212, 214
enthesopathies, 176
olfactory, 73
respiratory, 72
ethics of buying and selling bones, 16
ethmoid bone, 73, 75
accessory bones and, 44
identifying, 8, 189
European Court of Human Rights, 272
giving in court, 11, 32, 34, 70, 109, 113, 141
interpretation of, 114
exhumations, 92, 96, 187–188, 190
external occipital protuberance, 43, 46
eyebrows, 56, 72
artificial, 55
e-fits, 56
eye sockets, 30, 52, 71
genetic predisposition, 58
identifying colour of from DNA, 58
identifying people from, 52, 70, 72
implants, 72
‘eyes in the back of the head’ condition. See Catlin mark
fabella, 215
face, 17, 24, 49–85
body modifications and piercings, 72
development of from children to adults, 256
disfigurement, 55
e-fits, 56
face transplants, 54–55
facial recognition, 53, 57, 63
facial reconstruction, 57–58, 64
superimposition, 65, 67, 290–291
face blindness, 54
facial recognition technology, 53
Factory Act (1833), 78
falanga, 272, 278
false pelvis, 182
fat-heavy diets, 4
Faulds, Henry, 247
feet, 253–278
amniotic banding, 17
arches, 253, 255, 265
bound feet, 265
children’s, 98, 195, 257
determining sex and age from, 195
discovery of isolated, 63, 267
falanga (foot whipping), 272
fetal development, 237
foot-to-hand transfer, 262
footprints, 255–257, 260
gait, 259–261
and height, 257, 265, 267
intravenous drug use and, 271
movement of, 210, 250, 278
number of bones in, 112, 254, 267
femur, 5, 94, 194, 210, 215
ageing, 162, 170, 185, 243, 255
clavicle development, 162, 170
feet development, 255
fetomaternal mortality, 185
hand development, 217, 243
in utero amputations, 239
lithopaedia, 185–186
miscarriages, 162
pelvic girdle development, 181
scapula, 177
skull development, 25
vertebral column, 99
fibula, 173, 194, 215–216
Fingerprint Inquiry (2008), 248
fingerprints, 57, 59, 61–62, 203, 220, 228, 247–250, 257, 284, 289, 291
ageing bones, 227
amniotic banding, 17
amputated, 17, 230, 239–240, 242, 294
discovery of isolated, 17, 190
fetal development of, 237
as jewellery, 240, 251
movement of, 228, 262
polydactyly, 237–238
syndactyly, 227, 238
transposed, 238
fire deaths, 212, 231–232
fisherman, dredging up human remains, 46
‘floating’ ribs, 142
fluoride, 1, 79
fluorosis, 79
fontanelles, 23, 42
footprints, 255–261
foramina, 23
forearm, 136, 194–195, 203, 208, 228–229, 232
forensic art, 62
foveolar counting, 45
foxes, 5, 112, 115, 218–219, 230, 236
alcohol or drug-related, 133
callous formation, 135, 211
clavicle, 159–160, 171
Colles’ fracture, 212
defence, 33, 212
elderly people, 101, 212, 214
hangman’s fracture, 102–104, 108, 110–111r />
hyoid bone, 151, 153, 289
long bones, 211–212, 216
metacarpal, 249
osteoporosis and, 3, 101, 212
pelvic, 186, 191
perimortem, 10, 153, 211, 214
postmortem, 153, 211–212, 214
premortem, 211
ribs, 133–137
scapula, 159, 177
skulls, 20, 30, 35, 38–40, 136
starburst, 117, 191
sternum, 126–127, 133, 171, 189
violent deaths and, 117
xiphoid process, 126–127
Fraser, Bill, 97
Fraser, Sir John, 17
Fraser, Martin, 97, 132
Fraser, Sarah, 96
Fraser, Simon (Old Fox). See Lovat, Lord
freckles, 221–222, 247, 293
frontal air sinuses, 72
frontal bone, 30, 72
Gairy, Sir Eric, 143
gait, 51, 216, 258–261, 264
gall bladder, 143
gallstones, 143, 241
Galton, Francis, 247
gastrocnemius muscle, 215
gender hierarchy, 50
Geneva II Conference, Syria, 278
genital piercings, 191
Georgia Strait, Canada, 266
pectoral girdle, 159–179
pelvic girdle, 159, 181–192
foot length, 264
hand development, 195, 243–244, 264
See also puberty
gladiolus, 126
Glaister, John, 65, 287
Goldsmith, Dr William M., 26
Goodricke, Harriet, 82
Gould, Stephen J., 225
granular foveolae, age and, 45
Gray’s Anatomy, 33
greater sciatic notch, 183
Grenada, 143–149
Greville Chester toe, 263
Guede, Rudy, 257–258
gyri, 30
Hackman, Professor Lucina
exhumations, 96
Jamal case, 112
Lord Lovat (Simon Fraser) case, 91–92, 94, 96–97
Majid case, 245–246
Southsea body, 118
transgender body, 132
haematoma, 135
hair colour, 54, 58, 206
Hakim, Bukhtyar Rustomji Ratanji. See Ruxton, Dr Buck
hallux, 261–262
Hamas, 216
hand braces, 27
hands, 225–251
adornment, 251
amniotic banding, 17
amputations, 208, 226, 230, 239–240
defence wounds, 212
determining age from, 76
discovering isolated, 138, 230
fetal development, 237
finger and palm prints, 139, 247
fire deaths, 212–213, 231
foot-to-hand transfer, 262
fractures, 117, 135–136, 189, 212, 249, 289
identifying people from, 69, 195, 239, 251, 285
left- handedness, 217–218
movement of, 209–210, 226–229, 262
number of bones in, 237, 246
oligodactyly, 238
piercings, 251
polydactyly, 237–238
right-handedness, 217
scavengers and, 218, 230
size of, 264
hanging, 91, 103–104, 107, 111, 124, 146
hangman’s fracture, 102–104, 108, 110–111
Happisburgh footprints, 256
Hare, William, 107