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The Sixties

Page 113

by Christopher Isherwood

  Taste of Honey, A (film) 60–61, 111, 114n

  Tate, Sharon 521–2, 573, 579, 706

  Taylor, Elizabeth 342

  Taylor, Jay 319

  Taylor, Paul 88, 222

  Teleny (anonymous novel) 485

  Teller, Edward 179, 285, 706–7

  “Tempo” (British television program) 118

  Tennant, Stephen 76–7, 707

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 335

  Ter-Arutunian, Rouben 352

  Testament of Orpheus, The (film) 559

  Texas, Hurricane Carla 111

  Texas, University of, purchase of literary manuscripts 102, 103

  That Man from Rio (film) 347

  Theater in the Street (charitable organization) 550

  Theater West, Los Angeles 578

  Thimann, Kenneth 489

  Thirroul, Australia 571, 589

  Thom, Richard (Dick) 133, 494, 497, 707

  Thom, Tommy 507

  Thomas, Bob, Selznick 541

  Thomas, Dylan 3, 483, 498

  Thomas, Hugh 77, 78, 81

  Thompson, John Lee 462

  Thompson, Nicholas 548, 563, 707

  Thomson, Virgil 392, 555, 707–8

  Thornhill, Anthony 451

  Thornton, Edward, The Diary of a Mystic 594–5

  Thurber, James 575

  Time (magazine) 79, 160, 171, 264, 285, 287, 310, 512

  Time and Tide (magazine) 211

  Times, The 120

  Titov, German 99

  Tokyo 301, 302–3

  Toland, John, The Last 100 Days 431

  Tolkien, J.R.R. 443; The Lord of the Rings 447

  Tolstoy, Leo 335, 378; Father Sergius 181; Resurrection 329

  Topolski, Feliks 544

  Trabuco: C.I. visits 132–4, 238, 239–40, 277–9, 567–8; C.I. considers two-month stay 225; Jim Gates stays at 595–6, 598; 708

  Trancas, California 237

  Tree, Iris 4, 29, 67, 70, 79, 87, 177, 430–31, 708

  Tree, Romney 192

  Trevor-Roper, Hugh 101

  Trilling, Diana 453

  Trilling, Lionel 453

  Triple Revolution (pamphlet) 354

  Trott, Byron 473, 477

  Trout, Stanley 490

  Turgenev, Ivan, The Torrents of Spring (television adaptation) 422, 428, 445

  Turiyananda, Swami 480

  Turner, Graham, The North Country 470

  Tutin, Dorothy 270, 708–9

  2001 (film) 506, 519, 525

  Tyler, Keats 223

  Tynan, Elaine see Dundy, Elaine

  Tynan, Kenneth 81–2, 85, 118, 709

  Tyson, Cicely 529

  UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles): C.I. as Regents’ Professor xxx, 17n, 336, 351, 354, 356, 362–4, 366, 367–8; C.I. as visiting professor xxx; C.I. lectures at 30, 42, 43, 44, 51, 56, 225, 236; Picasso exhibition 126; performance of Pirandello’s Right You Are (If You Think You Are) 293–4; scientific and technical lectures 360; film screenings 374, 547; Hockney teaches at 397; student films show 426; C.I. offered teaching post 483; rejects C.I.’s play A Meeting by the River 547; alumni fundraiser 563n

  UCSB see Santa Barbara, University of California at

  Underhill, Ben (pseud.) 33, 54, 57–8, 220–21, 274, 275, 296, 469, 471–2, 485–6, 487–8, 597

  United Nations (U.N.) 234, 235, 236

  United States of America: nuclear tests 107; Berlin crisis 114; Cuban Missile Crisis 234, 237, 241, 243; C.I. declines to write article on best and worst of 243; Los Angeles Times article on urban and rural wilderness 464; compared with Australia 587; C.I. asked to nominate the most hated man in America 591–2

  University of California at Berkeley see Berkeley, University of California at

  University of California at Irvine see Irvine, University of California at

  University of California at Los Angeles see UCLA

  University of California at Riverside see Riverside, University of California at

  University of California at Santa Barbara see Santa Barbara, University of California at

  University of California at Santa Cruz see Santa Cruz, University of California at

  University of Southern California see USC

  Untermeyer, Bryna Ivans 267

  Untermeyer, Louis 266–7

  Uplifters (amateur theater group) 224–5

  Upward, Edward: at Cambridge 23; reads draft of C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 30, 32, 36, 50, 53, 61, 63; retirement plans 61; fantasy world with C.I. 89n, 448–9, 492; praises draft of C.I.’s A Single Man 284, 285, 287; reads drafts of C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 375, 376–7, 383, 391, 400; C.I. meets during England visits (1961) 61, 63, 86; (1967) 449; 709–710

  In the Thirties 73n, 211, 212, 214; The Rotten Elements 449

  Upward, Hilda 86

  Ure, Mary 10 & n, 71–2, 114, 587; birth of son 106, 107, 113; 710

  U.S. Steel (corporation) 182

  USC (University of Southern California) 170, 547; lectures 8, 391; banquets and dinners 196, 197, 359–60, 391

  Usha (Ursula Bond; later Pravrajika Anandanprana) 278, 286, 288, 329, 338, 342, 710

  USSR: Berlin crisis 101–2, 103; nuclear tests 105, 106, 107, 130, 137; removal of Stalin’s body from mausoleum 130; Nehru on 136; anti-Semitism 141–2; C.I.’s loathing of communism 205; Cuban Missile Crisis 234, 235, 241, 243; Limited Test Ban Treaty 282

  Vacant Room, The (C.I. with Gavin Lambert; screenplay) 35, 159

  Vadim, Roger 539, 710–711

  Valadon, Suzanne 452

  Valéry, Paul 155

  Vallance, Mark 319–20

  Valley of the Dolls (film) 498

  van Druten, John 70, 551n, 711; I Am a Camera (play) 34n, 50n, 201, 286, 344n, 371, 373, 426, 520, 546

  Van Horn, Mike 444, 711

  van Petten, Bill 451–2, 711

  Van Sant, Tom 370, 711

  Vandanananda, Swami: at Hollywood Vedanta Center 48, 522, 540; at Trabuco 133, 239, 568; in Laguna Beach 212; lectures at Santa Barbara 239–40; and C.I.’s Ramakrishna and His Disciples 342; return to India 441–2, 522, 584; farewell lunch 581–2; 711

  Vanderbilt, Gloria 216, 217

  Vane, Sutton, Outward Bound 338

  Vanocur, Sander 536

  Variety (newspaper) 424, 536, 550

  Variety (Santa Monica gay bar) 590n

  Vaughan, Henry 578

  Vaughan, Keith 248, 712

  Vedanta Center, Hollywood (Vedanta Place; formerly Ivar Avenue): CI’s regular attendance xii, 48, 52, 132, 190, 226, 231, 236, 245, 263, 268–9, 291, 338, 344, 389, 397–8, 451, 537, 539, 553; Gerald Heard’s differences with 48 & n; C.I. stays at on return from New York 157; Father’s Day lunches 198, 397–9, 449–50, 564–5; C.I.’s talk on Vivekananda 260; C.I.’s reputation at 399; 712

  Vedanta Society of Southern California 313–14

  Vedanta and the West (magazine) 6 & n

  Vedanta for the Western World (anthology; ed. C.I.) 10, 279, 539–40

  Venice, California 558

  Ventura, Clyde 427, 712

  Verdi, Giuseppe 335

  Verlaine, Paul 457, 481

  Victim (film) 121

  Vidal, Gore: in California 131–2, 500, 502, 523, 525, 535, 537–8, 539; politics 131–2, 134, 147, 299, 502; adaptation of Duerrenmatt’s Romulus the Great 132, 146, 149; review of Evelyn Waugh 132; in New York 146, 148, 155; move to Italy 262; reported feud with Bobby Kennedy 262; signatory to telegram to Time magazine 287; gives C.I. Reader’s Encyclopedia of American Literature 288; C.I. dedicates A Single Man to 289; on John F. Kennedy’s assassination 299; on Lyndon Johnson 299; Esquire magazine article on Tarzan 301; C.I. stays with in Rome 334; Don Bachardy’s views on 500, 538; coverage of 1968 presidential election 502, 523, 525; and William F. Buckley 502, 523; father’s cancer 535; applies for Swiss residency 537; Jewish ancestry 537–8; at Vadims’ party 539; 713

  Vidor, King 25, 254, 387, 713

  Vidyatmananda, Swami (Vidya) see Prema Chaitanya
br />   Viertel, Peter, Love Lies Bleeding 345

  Viertel, Salka 403, 452n, 590, 713–14

  Vietnam War 384n, 385, 409, 460, 502, 525, 591, 649–50; antiwar movement xxxii, 456–7, 481

  Vijaya Raje Scindia, Maharanee of Gwalior 309

  Vince, Mr. & Mrs. (Wyberslegh housekeepers) 89, 90, 93

  Vinson, John William (Billy) 149

  Visconti, Luchino 117

  Vishuddhananda 197

  “Visit to Anselm Oaks, A” (C.I.; short story) 66n

  Vivekananda, Swami (Narendra/Naren; Swamiji): centenary celebrations xxii, 290, 309, 314, 328, 329–30; Kent Chapman’s novella about 53–4; “The Real Nature of Man” (lecture) 185; in C.I.’s Ramakrishna book 201, 271, 285; and Ramakrishna 231, 257–8, 260, 562; C.I.’s talk on 260; Prabhavananda’s visions of 279, 438, 539–40; on mission work 320; Vidya’s anthology of writings 407; on evil 458; volume of letters in English 510–511, 516; on love 511; and C.I.’s introduction to Vedanta for the Western World 539–40; on duty 545; C.I. attempts translation of poetry 552; 714

  Vogue (magazine) 429

  Voices from the Crowd (anthology) vii

  von Arnim, Elizabeth 92

  von Furstenberg, Betsy 153

  Voutsinas, Andreas 194n

  Vucetich, Don 182

  Wagner, Ken 276

  Wagner, Richard 19, 335

  Wald, Connie 223, 239, 714–15

  Wald, Jerry 72, 181, 206, 239n, 714–15

  “Waldemar” (C.I.; section of Down There on a Visit) 9, 17, 20, 28–9, 30, 32, 54, 65

  Walk on the Wild Side (film) 192

  Wallace, George 592

  Walrus, The (dance hall; Venice, California) 558

  Walsh, Doug (pseud.) 557

  Warhol, Andy 156, 447, 578

  Warshaw, Frances 15; in Santa Barbara 30, 41, 42–3, 50, 51, 249, 261; visits C.I. 57; character 261

  Warshaw, Howard: praises Don Bachardy’s drawings 12, 31; on abstract art 22; in Santa Barbara 22, 24, 30–31, 41, 42, 50, 51, 249, 261; friendship and socializing with C.I. 57, 129, 504; post at UCSB 57; relations with mother 129, 134; sketches 129; at lunch with Elisabeth Mann Borgese 504; 715

  Washington, D.C. 504–5, 506

  Watkins, Fred 172

  Watts, Alan 439, 555, 715–16

  Watts, Los Angeles 465, 546, 549

  Watumull, Mr. (Honolulu clothing manufacturer) 11

  Waugh, Evelyn 132; death 391

  Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold 307

  Weatherford, Jim 552

  Weaver, John and Harriet 266–7

  Wedekind, Frank, proposed adaptation of Lulu plays 422, 428, 446, 447, 449, 458, 596

  Wedekind, Kadidja 596

  Weidenfeld, George 153, 716

  Weidenfeld and Nicolson (publishers) 77

  Weill, Kurt 19

  Weisenburger, Alfred 24

  Welch, Denton 403

  Welles, Orson 566

  Wells, H.G. 28

  Wells, Mason 274

  Wenck, Walther 431

  Werth, Alexander, Russia at War 348

  Wescott, Glenway 516n, 716; The Pilgrim Hawk 404

  Wesker, Arnold 77, 101, 111, 716

  Wessberg, Sigfrid 297

  West, Mae 213

  West, Morris, Shoes of the Fisherman 395, 396, 399, 422

  Western Samoa 571, 577–8, 579–81

  “What Vedanta Means to Me” (C.I.) 309

  Wheeler, Monroe 46, 47, 716

  Whistle Down the Wind (film) 114

  Whitcomb, Ian 455–6, 716

  White, Alan 66, 81, 82, 96, 98, 446

  White, Frederika 363

  White Horse Ranch, California 220–21

  Whitman, Bill 274–5

  Whitman, Walt, Specimen Days 411

  Whitney, John Hay (Jock) 458

  Who’s Who in the West (reference book) 530

  Whymper, Edward, The Ascent of the Matterhorn 424

  Wilcox, Collin (Horne) 431; Don Bachardy’s portraits of 344n, 378–9, 426; 717

  Wilde, Oscar 62, 269, 275, 593

  Wilding, Michael 400, 435, 717

  Wiley, Frank (pseud.): student at Santa Barbara 12, 25; writings 12, 25, 248, 255, 286; naval officer 199, 217, 244, 264; C.I.’s letters to 222, 234; drinks and dines with C.I. 250, 263–4; borrows book on Miró 255, 264; Don Bachardy’s drawings of 255; stepmother 255; stinginess 264; resignation from navy 284

  Wilkinson, Stephan 172

  Williams, Billy Dee 10 & n

  Williams, Clifford 593, 594, 595, 717

  Williams, Emlyn 84, 498, 717; Night Must Fall 433

  Williams, Molly 84, 498

  Williams, Tennessee: Don Bachardy’s designs for 16, 17, 18, 19; friendship with C.I. 18; and Frank Merlo 149, 352; in New York 149, 150, 353; Bachardy’s portrait of 223; Bachardy feels slighted by 351, 353; project to film “One Arm” 457, 469, 479, 524–5; in California 523, 524–5; featured in Life magazine ad 564; 717–18

  The Glass Menagerie 394; In the Bar of a Tokyo Hotel 564; The Milk Train Doesn’t Stop Here Anymore 353; The Night of the Iguana 149, 150, 200, 201, 216; Period of Adjustment 16, 17, 24

  Willingham, Calder 301; Eternal Fire 272, 273

  Willson, F.M. Glenn 491

  Willson, Henry 528

  Wilmington, Delaware 17

  Wilson, Angus: in California 19, 485, 486–7; and Stephen Spender 59–60; C.I. visits in England 91, 94–5, 99, 118; reviews C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 118, 171, 179; 718

  The Middle Age of Mrs. Eliot 93–4; No Laughing Matter 486; The Old Men at the Zoo 117, 118

  Wilson, Colin 127–9, 144, 718

  Wilson, Edmund, Memoirs of Hecate County 411

  Wilson, Scott 438

  Wilson, Dr. (to Charles Laughton) 237–8

  Winslow, Al 304, 305–6, 311, 319, 327, 332, 333, 718

  Winter, Ella (Mrs. Donald Ogden Stewart) 97, 703–4

  Winters, Shelley 223, 718

  Wintle, Hector 400–401, 718–19

  Withers, Googie 149

  Wizan, Joe 564

  Wolfe, Humbert, George Moore 96

  Wolfe, Tom 446

  Wolheim, Adrian (pseud.) 240

  Wollheim, Richard 115

  Woman Who Rode Away The 584–5

  Wonner, Paul: and Bill Brown 248, 288; C.I. first meets 248; painting style 248; at Don Bachardy’s birthday party 277; shares studio with Bachardy 280, 283, 289; illness 287, 576; friendship and socializing with C.I. 295, 297, 362, 425, 472, 517; in C.I.’s dream 308; views on Bachardy’s work 343, 362; house above Malibu 478; spiritual beliefs 517; sees Fortune and Men’s Eyes with C.I. 541; new house in Montecito 565; trip to South America 565, 576; 719

  Wood, Christopher: lends book to C.I. 49; character 123; friendship and socializing with C.I. 127, 297, 450, 494, 556; skin cancers 127; enthusiasm for C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 160; and Aldous Huxley 282; death of dog Penny 290–91, 293, 361; enjoys C.I.’s A Single Man 293; and Gerald Heard 337, 406, 409, 411, 457, 522; new dog Beau 340, 450; feud with Michael Barrie 379–80; at opening of Don Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 387; and dedication of C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 406–7, 411; considers returning to England 450; and Paul Sorel 450, 556; and Peggy Kiskadden 494; 719

  Wood, Natalie 339–40, 344n, 427, 719

  Woodbury, Dana 49, 126, 134, 387, 719

  Woodcock, Patrick 108, 131, 453, 719

  Woodfall Productions (film company) 481, 581

  Woodward, George 381

  Woolf, James (Jimmy) 121, 348, 720

  Woolf, Leonard 443

  Woolf, Manny 585

  Woolf, Virginia 222, 443; C.I.’s proposed Encounter article on 124, 126, 130

  Mrs. Dalloway xvii–xviii, 184, 211, 217, 219; The Waves 272, 273, 437

  World in the Evening, The (C.I.) xxiv, 10, 66, 81, 191, 225, 288, 428

  World War I, death of C.I.’s father in 417–19, 441

  World War II: joke about British bankruptcy 193; Toland’s The Last 100 Days 431

p; Worsley, T.C. (Cuthbert) 109, 110, 111, 720

  Worton, Len 133, 240, 279, 720

  Wouk, Herman 367 Wozzeck (opera) 405

  Wright, Basil 496

  Wright, Ben 225

  Wright, Frank Lloyd 477

  Wright, Frank Lloyd, Jr. 252

  Wright, Olgivanna 255–6, 257

  Wright, Teresa 106

  Wright, Thomas E. (Tom): friendship and socializing with C.I. 12, 19, 25, 55, 129, 192, 221–2; and Jim Charlton 24; trip to Central America 193, 222; character 222; book on Mexico 393; 720

  Wyberslegh Hall (Cheshire) 80, 88, 89–90, 92–3, 123–4, 407, 419, 420, 421, 451, 720

  Yacoubi, Ahmed xx

  Yale, John see Prema Chaitanya

  Yampolsky, Frances 216

  Yatiswarananda, Swami 310, 332, 720–21

  Yeats, W.B. xi, 403

  York, Michael 539, 721

  Yorke, Adelaide (“Dig”) 123

  Yorke, Henry 103, 123, 282, 721–2

  Yorke, Sebastian 123

  Yorkshire Post, The 96

  You Only Live Twice (film) 468–9

  Young One, The (film) 44

  Youngblood Hawke (film) 365

  Zeffirelli, Franco 124

  Zeigel, John (Johnny; Jack): C.I.’s relations with 46, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 56–7; visits C.I. 46, 47–8, 56–7, 143, 144; relationship with Ed Halsey 47, 49, 50, 53, 57, 144, 230; C.I. visits in Claremont 51n, 54; C.I. visits Santa Barbara with 51, 53; at C.I.’s party for Jo Masselink 56; and death of Halsey 230, 233, 238; studies at Cal. Tech. 230; and Don Bachardy 239; proposes meeting in Mexico 240; C.I. visits in Pasadena 268; sees apparition of Halsey 268; and Thom Gunn 488; 722

  Zimbalist, Mary 539

  Zola, Emile, Restless House 184

  Zorina, Vera 57n

  Zortman, Bruce 139, 193, 201, 281, 284, 293

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  Version 1.0

  Epub ISBN 9781446419304

  Published by Vintage 2012

  2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1

  Copyright © Don Bachardy 2010

  Introduction copyright © Katherine Bucknell 2010

  Preface copyright © Christopher Hitchens 2010


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