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What the Earl Desires

Page 27

by Burke, Aliyah

  He remained there until Jo finally succumbed to an exhausted sleep. Standing, he removed the sai from her hand, set it on the dresser, and covered her with another blanket. Loud voices reached him as he exited the room and he ignored the fact this wasn’t his home and went to investigate. The constable had arrived and Colin got to see the only two left alive. A large man and a younger one.

  “Are you sure, Lord Adrys?” the constable asked.

  Hayworth stood with his wife looking positively nauseous. “Yes, he may be her son but he tried to kill my family. I want her arrested as well.”

  “And the one who killed his men?”

  Adrys wrapped an arm around his wife. “Dead.”

  The man stroked his moustache. “Anyone else to corroborate the claim?”

  “Me,” Colin said, making his presence known. “Earl of Clifton. My boy was saved as well.”

  “My lord,” the man replied. Colin acknowledged him with a brief nod. “Is there anything else I can do for you Lord Adrys? Lord Clifton?”

  “Just pray my daughter survives.”

  The man hesitated. “Forgive me, my lord. I thought your daughter was safe.”

  “One was. One was injured. Get these men out of my house.”

  The condemned were led out and as the butler closed the door behind them, Hayworth glanced back at him and Colin felt like part of the family.

  “Jo still with her?” Honoria asked.

  “Yes, my lady. They are sleeping. Pug included.”

  Her smile shook but she gave him one. “I think we are past you being so formal with me. Honoria is fine.” She gave him a hug and whispered, “Do not give up.”

  “Get some rest, Colin,” Adrys said.

  He nodded and followed them up the stairs, even though he didn’t believe there would be any rest for him this night. Najja was his final thought before sleep claimed him and the first when his eyes popped open the next morning.

  Going to Pug’s room, he found the bed empty. A spear of panic hit him before he calmed. Making his way to Najja’s room, he slowly opened the door and peered in.

  Pug and Jo both were there. Jo stood over a basin rinsing a cloth and Pug…well, he’d moved the chair flush to the bed and sat on his knees in it. The boy whispered in her ear and Colin felt as if he were an intruder.

  Colin entered and closed the door behind him. They glanced briefly at him before attentions reverted back to Najja. Jo met him as he neared the bed. Beyond her, he saw Najja’s belt whip on the top of the dresser, residing beside the sais.

  “How is she?” he asked.

  “No change.”

  “Have you eaten?” She shook her head. “Go eat. I will stay with her.” Refusal seeped into her baby blues and he reiterated his order. “You do her no good ill yourself, Jo. Take Pug and eat.”

  “Come along, Pug. We need to eat.”

  “Najja will be alone then.”

  “I will stay with her,” he assured the lad, having zero intentions of leaving her side.

  “Wipe her ’ead and talk to ’er. She can ’ear us.”

  He cracked a small smile at the protectiveness in Pug’s voice. “Got it. Go eat.”

  He sighed heavily when they left and the door closed behind them. Readjusting the chair Pug had been in, he sank down.

  “Good morning, luv,” he said, stroking a hand down her face. “Time for you to wake up.”

  Nothing. Her chest barely rose and fell with her shallow breaths. Scooting closer to her head, he leaned down and whispered in her ear, “I love you, Najja. Please come back.”

  Those words were true. He knew that now. However, there was still no response. By the time Jo and Pug made it back he was pacing the room just so he didn’t crawl in the bed with her.

  “Everything okay?”

  He paused by the window and stared over the snowy landscape. “Yes. No change. Come on, Pug. We need to get home.”

  Immediately, he noticed the refusal in his posture. Crossing to him, he waited until the boy looked up. “We will come back but we have things which require our attention.”

  Pug worried his lip before he seemed to realize there was no negotiating this. “Very well.”

  Jo walked to his side and wrapped her arms around him. Colin returned the gesture, understanding they both needed the quiet reassurance. When they parted, Jo headed to Pug and Colin returned to Najja’s side. Over and over, he replayed the final kiss they’d shared in his mind. Under the open sky, the cold air around them, breathing in her addictive sensual scent and the feel of her lips on his.

  “I will be back, luv. I expect you here and awake when I do.” He ran his thumb along her lower lip and spun on his heel before leaving the room.

  Lord Adrys met him at the door. “I called up a carriage for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  Adrys’ smile was strained. “I will have that room made up for you, should you want to return.”

  Not even hellfire would keep him away. “See you upon my return.”

  They headed to the door. The horse he’d ridden here upon was tied to the back. Once in the carriage, he ran a hand over his face and found it shook.

  “Najja is real good at killing.” Pug stated, staring out the window.

  His eyes jerked open at that statement. “Yes, she is.” He looked at Pug but the boy remained with his eyes watching the passing scenery.

  “Aside from you, no one has ever protected me ’afore.” Pug settled on the seat beside him. “I want her better.”

  “Me too, son, me too.”

  “Can she stay with us?”

  Yes! Propping his feet up on the other seat, he weighed his words. “Stay with us?”

  “Yes. When she gets better. You have lots of room and…I know you like her. I saw you two kissing at the fireworks.”

  “You saw that, did you?”

  “Yes. You are ’appy with ’er.”

  Not words to dispute. “We should focus on her getting better first.”

  Back at his home, he filled in his mother and Trystan on what had occurred, then he took a bath and headed to the study. An hour later, he realized his concentration was worthless.

  The wind howled as he headed to the stable, the acrid bite no matter. As he saddled Salvage, all he heard was his heart. And each beat said, “Naj-ja. Naj-ja. Naj-ja.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The darkness slowly retreated. Every inch of her felt aflame. From the light she heard a comforting and soothing sound. But she was tired, she was so tired.

  Must protect Jo! The warning exploded through her head and she fought to react, only she could do nothing. Where are my weapons? Fingers flexed but didn’t encounter leather wrapped steel. No, it was cloth. I do not understand.

  She opened her eyes to find herself lying in a bed. The room slowly came into focus and seemed familiar. Kittle Manor. Sliding her glance as far as she could to the left without moving her head, she located the sound that filled her with calmness.

  Seated near her head sat Colin. The noise she’d heard was his deep, sensual voice as he read aloud. She stared at his lips until her eyes burned and she just allowed them to drift shut. A feeling of contentment and safety covered her, warming her more than the blankets she lay under.

  The next time she woke, she heard hushed voices. Colin and Jo. She still felt so tired and again the pain remained but she accepted it. The familiar voices lulled her back under.

  A prickle of warning snaked along her spine and she reacted. Her hand was clasped in a strong grip, one which gentled immediately.

  “Welcome back, luv. I can say I am glad you did not have a weapon in reach.”

  Colin stared at her, his eyes burning a fierce green. His hair fell unconfined around his angular face and she noticed the gold hoop hanging from one lobe.

  It took her several attempts to force words past her dry mouth. Panic seared through her when he began to shake his head no. Had hearing Jo only been a figment of her imagination?

; “I do not speak that language, luv. Say it again in English.”

  She thought she’d been speaking English. She tried again. “How are the Adryses? Are they all safe? And Pug?”

  He pressed his lips to the back of the hand he held. His gaze softened as he continued to hold her prisoner with both hand and eyes.

  “Everyone is safe.” Colin leaned closer, his mouth so tempting. “You scared me, luv.” A feathery light brush of his lips along the corner of her mouth. “I never want to be that frightened again.”

  It didn’t matter how touching his words were. Nor did it matter that she had so much to tell him, for the door opened and Jo’s scream shattered the world they’d shared.

  She experienced the loss of his touch immediately. Jo’s face replaced Colin’s only to be joined by her parents. Glancing at the three hovering faces, it tore deep to realize the one she longed to see wasn’t there. Movement by the door drew her attention. Colin stood there, already part way out.

  Stay! She wanted his hand holding hers, his touch along her skin.

  His ever-changing eyes smoldered and this time it wasn’t loneliness she felt deep in her gut. She felt marked by a predator. When the door closed behind him, she knew he would be back. Knowledge that relieved her stress.

  Jo helped her to the chamber pot considering she was too weak to stand without assistance. Feeling better and dressed in fresh bandages along with a clean nightdress, she was propped back up in bed, care of her back injury taken into consideration.

  Jo sat next to her father, while Lady Adrys made a concoction for her to drink. She didn’t argue, knowing it would hasten her healing. “How is Fineas?” she asked when the cup had been drained.

  “Fine,” Jo informed her.

  “How long…” Najja trailed off.

  “You have been out for a fortnight,” Lord Adrys said. He sent a look to his wife and daughter. One that sent them from the room without a word, although Jo did glance back before slipping out.

  Hayworth dragged the chair near and sat again. “I know the words are not enough but, thank you.” She reached for his hand and squeezed it gently. There was nothing to be gained by making him feel worse.

  Over the next few weeks, Najja got herself up and moving, refusing to let her body remain weak any longer than necessary. Both Colin and Pug stopped by on occasion to see her, days she enjoyed very much. One morning, she stood in front of her mirror and stared at her new scars. The one on her back reached to the faded scar from the leopard attack. Each day she grew stronger and it was with a heavy heart she sought out Lord Adrys in his study.

  “Najja,” he said.

  Lord Adrys stood as she entered the room and retook his seat after gesturing her to one. Only she didn’t sit. She remained on her feet before the desk, hands clasped before her.

  “Everything okay?” A knock interrupted them. “Enter,” Adrys barked.

  The butler entered and said, “Excuse me, my lord. A Mister Wilkes is inquiring if Miss Najja is home.”

  That got her attention. She remembered Trystan Wilkes, Colin’s friend. And a man she’d seen before in a different place and time. A lifetime ago. She glanced from Adrys to Fowler and back, waiting for permission.

  “Go talk, we can continue this later.”

  “Yes, my lord. Thank you.” Rotating around, she followed Fowler from the study where he closed the door behind them and guided her to the receiving room. Last time I was here, Colin’s mother waited for me.

  The butler gave her a slight smile before opening the door for her. Trystan took to his feet when she entered from where he’d been sitting near the blazing fire. He offered a bow and as she curtsied she took in his appearance. Trystan was a handsome man, much more so since he cleaned up from the scruffed man he’d been the time she’d been reacquainted with him at Falcon House.

  Today he looked like a well-off son of a viscount. Handsome enough with his brown hair and aristocratic features. There was this look about him that belied the rakish air surrounding him.

  “Something I can do for you, Mr. Wilkes?”

  “I hope so.”

  He drew nearer and despite her wish to remain further apart she held her ground. Trystan halted and stared down at her. She barely glanced at the facial scar which traversed one side of his jaw line. It added an air of danger to his aura. Scars were badges of honor to her. Marks of having lived. She waited, eyes upon his blue ones. When he paused she detected slight hesitation.

  “We know what you do.”

  There was no reason to contradict him, they both knew what she did. “Can I be of assistance?”

  “I am heading to Africa and could use you as a guide.”

  Her heart fluttered. Travelling with him would offer added protection. Being still in recovery, she could use it.

  “Where are you going?” Her voice was modulated despite the pounding of her heart.

  “We would hit port where you left. I need to find a man a few days away from there.”

  “Of course,” she said. “I will just need to know more of where you need to go.”

  A hard glint sharpened his eyes, briefly before it was masked under a bit of indifference. She wasn’t fooled. This was personal for him.

  “When do you believe you will be ready to travel?”

  Despite his calm stance, there was sense of urgency underlining his words. She hesitated. There was nothing for her to linger here over. The issue about the Adryses’ safety had been resolved and Jo was no longer in danger.

  “How soon do you need to leave?” she asked.

  “The next ship departs in a week. I will secure passage for us. You are okay sharing a room with me?”

  “Not a problem.”

  His eyes lingered over her face. “I do not want you in a cramped area, not if you are still recovering. In my room you will be safe.”

  She tipped her head. “Very well.”

  “Will you be bringing your stallion?”

  Pain struck her deep. “No. I am returning alone.”

  He sobered and reached out toward her shoulder but never touched her. “I will be by in two days to pick you up then.”

  “Yes, Mr. Wilkes. I will see you then.”

  Trystan left and she remained alone until she felt strong enough to face Lord Adrys. After talking to Hayworth she sought out and found Jo. With a strained smile asked her to walk with her to the stables.

  “How are you feeling Najja?” Jo asked, her arm linked through hers.

  “Good. Almost back to normal.” They entered the warm building and the familiar scent of hay and horses brought tears to her eyes.

  “Mama said my lessons are coming along well and I am ready for my Season. You know I am doing something right if she is telling me I am ready.”

  Blinking hard, she forced the tears back. “I am sure your Season will be a lot of fun.” It did her well to see Jo not fighting being here so hard.

  “I cannot wait to tell you about the first night. I hope we will learn to like it here.”

  They paused before Fineas’ stall. Najja swallowed back the intrusive lump in her throat and opened the stall door. Her stallion stepped close and lowered his head to her chest.

  I will miss you, my friend. She moved and Jo took her place, rubbing his broad head. From where Najja stood, her hand upon Fineas’ neck, she scratched him and watched the horse with Jo.

  “He will be a great horse for you. He has always liked you. I know he will take care of you.” She couldn’t look at Jo. It hurt too much.

  “Najja?” Jo’s voice a mix of strain and disbelief, was higher pitched than normal. “Najja, this means…”

  Finally, she summoned up enough courage to look at her friend. Blue eyes waited for her and they glistened with tears. Some of which leaked free and trailed down her face.

  “When?” Jo asked.

  “Two days.”


  “Mr. Wilkes is offering me transport. The ship leaves within the week.”

  “I do not want you to go.”

  She didn’t really want to either. “We knew this day would come.”

  Anger sparked in Jo’s eyes. “You know you do not have to go. Your father would never know! I thought you cared about me!” She bolted from the stall and ran from sight.

  Najja wrapped her arms around Fineas’ neck and let the tears flow. She would miss her so much. Eventually she took Fineas out for a ride, their last one. The crisp air invigorating and his smooth gait easy on her still sore wounds.

  When she returned from her ride, Honoria tracked her down. “My lady,” she said, rising from where she sharpened her sais.

  “Is there any way we can convince you to stay?” Najja merely held the kind gaze. “You have given us so much, is there nothing, we can do for you?”

  “There is one thing.”


  Najja strode to the table and lifted a square of leather. In moments, she’d wrapped something up in it and tied it off with a leather thong. Back by Lady Adrys she offered the bound item.

  “If you could see Lord Clifton receives this I would be grateful.”

  An understanding look filled her expression. “After you leave, I would assume?”


  “I will deliver it personally.”

  Najja nodded her thanks. “I am leaving Fineas for Jo. I have told her but…”

  “He will be well cared for.” She had no doubt of that. Lady Adrys smoothed out her skirts. “I will see you at dinner.” There lingered a not-so-subtle order in her statement and she didn’t wait for affirmation before she left the room.

  Najja remained standing for a while before she sat back on the bed and resumed the job she’d been doing.

  Colin smiled as he watched Pug bound up the steps to Kittle Manor from the carriage. The setting sun, having broken free of the clouds, cast a golden glow about the estate. A beautiful end to the day. What better way to end it than by being with Najja?

  He nodded at Fowler when the man took his hat, coat, and gloves.

  “Good evening, my lord.”

  “Fowler. It is a good eve, is it not?”


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