Kierra's Thread (Argadian Heart Trilogy Book 2)
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She’d been as fierce an adversary as her male counterparts and if her weapon hadn’t misfired, it would be Jarek or one of the others of his team whose remains would be resting in dispersed molecules right now instead of Kapri restrained and lying in stasis below.
The thought of his Kierra had kept him focused. The need to return to her added speed to his movements in subduing the trained assassin. He would not leave Kierra to face her demons alone.
She’d convinced him to take this mission against his better judgment, knowing he would lose contact with her once away from the planet. Thank Mylonna, the mission was almost completed. But apparently not soon enough, because it looked like Kierra was in trouble.
He stalked toward the communications room. Everything was in order, and they’d encountered no trouble on the return trip. The medical practitioner who had accompanied them had removed the beamer from Kapri and it had been destroyed. Jarek’s thoughts returned to Kierra.
Jarek’s home planet, Serdion had been conquered and destroyed by the Argadian Tribunal. He’d been taken prisoner and the rest of his family terminated. Collared quickly, the electrical surges controlled any ability on his part to escape. Hatred fueled his need to survive and one day seek retribution on those who had destroyed his way of life.
Upon arriving on Argadia, he’d immediately been offered on the bondage block. The humiliation of that experience had almost outweighed his desire for retribution. But if he’d fought the collar, he would have been destroyed immediately.
They’d treated him like an animal, and he’d been inspected by potential owners, his only covering the gleaming gold metal collar controlling his strength.
He was a healthy male, sold quickly, and was led from the exhibition platform to be presented to his purchaser.
All of his hate had centered on his new “owner”—Tribunal Leader Odon, whose reputation preceded him. He’d wanted Jarek to submit to him, and it had been the one thing Jarek would rather die than do. He’d suffered the pain of the collar until losing consciousness, had survived the lash of the electrical whip applied to his body, and still he’d refused to submit.
Odon had come close to killing him on several occasions, yet at the last minute had relented. Jarek had never known why and hadn’t been particularly thankful for the reprieve. Yet not a day went by that he hadn’t planned for escape—and revenge.
Serdionese were a closed, secretive civilization. No outsiders were allowed unless thoroughly screened for acceptance to live on the planet. They were a hard-working, peace loving society and prized their tranquility.
There is a certain rhythm of waves within the mind of each Serdionese that allows for the recognition of a lifemate. To find a mate who holds the same passion rhythm is a unique and precious gift. It is an unconscious search of the mind, and when the vibrations touch and intertwine, an immediate bond is created that cannot be broken. The rhythm offers a oneness of mind that transmits to the soul and the surge of power only this level of recognition can hold. It carries its own living presence and bound energy—as though two bodies have merged to create one stronger being.
Jarek had forgotten about the bonding of mates. There was no reason to remember, knowing most of his race had been exterminated. It was unlikely he would ever locate his rhythm lifemate. Therefore, his mind had been solely focused on survival and retribution.
Until the day Kierra Andromeda had been purchased and brought into the demonic domain of Odon. Unbelievably, he’d known the precise moment Kierra arrived. A jolt of recognition so intense the happiness almost brought him to his knees as the waves passed through him. He’d had no choice but to reach out and connect with her, to bind them quickly.
His consciousness jumped from his mind to hers, loving her in an instant, binding her with the thread of his being, and drawing a thread of her essence back to himself, weaving them together.
She hadn’t understood what was happening and had tried to retreat from him, but it was too late. The fact that she wasn’t of his race bothered him. Would she eventually understand? But in the end he had to trust that Guardian knew what he was doing in binding them together.
Jarek’s impotence came in knowing why she was there and that he couldn’t protect her. The only thing he could do was attempt to keep her alive until he was able to discover a way to free them both.
And thus his descent into Haydon began as he bargained with the only commodity he had available—something that Odon wanted—his own body—to keep her torture to a minimum. And though he knew what lay behind the doors of Kierra’s mind, he could never open himself to her fully. For her to ever discover what lay hidden and locked away from her, could destroy her forever.
She had suffered too much. Still suffered with the belief that she couldn’t give him the love she thought he deserved. Bonding for Argadians was a physical sealing that he understood and wanted her to experience for her sake.
But for the Serdionese, the true mating took place in the mind. Kierra still didn’t understand that what they experienced together when their energies united as one was for him the ultimate pleasure.
He sat at the communication terminal and hailed Ednos through the communicator.
“Yes, Captain?”
“Patch me through to Gavrielle Andromeda, please.”
“Yes, Captain, right away.”
He waited long moments for Gavrielle to answer.
“Jarek,” her voice held a level of tenseness.
“What’s happened to Kierra?” There was no time to exchange pleasantries, he wanted to reach Kierra quickly, but needed information first.
“As you know, Devon has returned.”
“Yes. And?”
“I can’t be certain, but I think it’s because of his white hair. He has the look of an Enforcer. When she saw him—” Her voice trailed off.
Jarek knew exactly what had happened. “I understand. I’ll try to reach her from here. Where is she now?”
“She’s locked herself in her apartments. She won’t answer her communicator or the door. Help her, Jarek. I’m sorry.” He heard the tears in her voice.
“It’s not your fault, Gavrielle. You know sometimes the blackness descends on her without warning.”
“It’s not that,” she protested. “I didn’t think. I was so excited about Devon returning, I didn’t think about what seeing him would do to Kierra. I should have known. We could have done it under more controlled circumstances.”
I could have been there is what she’s saying. “Don’t berate yourself. I shouldn’t have taken this mission. Never mind. I’ll do what I can from here.”
“Thank you.” He heard the relief in her voice as the connection was terminated.
Rising from the terminal, he left the communications room and walked back to his quarters. When he entered, he pressed the intercom. “I don’t want to be disturbed unless there’s an emergency. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Captain,” the voice affirmed.
“Anything I need to know right now?”
“No, Captain. Everything appears quiet and on course.”
Jarek broke the connection and turned away. Stretching out on the bed, he took several deep breaths. Visualizing the slender thread that would lead him to Kierra, he followed it and entered her mind, following the path to her secret room.
* * *
She heard Jarek’s voice and opening her eyes, saw a glimmer of light as the door swung open. Shifting to a sitting position, Kierra saw his shape filling the doorway. The cocoon of blackness slowly began to lift.
“Kierra, I’m here. Tell me what’s frightened you.” He reached out a hand to her, beckoning her to go to him. She couldn’t refuse.
Kierra had known deep down that he would come. Somehow Jarek always knew when she needed him. Slowly she rose to her feet. Memories flittered beyond the door—she could feel their shadows waiting for her and halted her progress across the small room.
�� His voice was firm, demanding her attention. “I won’t let them hurt you.”
“I know, Jarek.” She reached out and he took her hand, his fingers warm, reassuring. “I wanted to do this on my own. It makes me feel so weak that you have to keep coming to my rescue all the time.”
He pulled Kierra into his arms and out into the corridor of her consciousness. “We are as one here, Kierra. Come with me to sanctuary. Away from the darkness.”
She let Jarek lead her along the corridor of her mind, past the closed doors to her memories. In the sanctuary of his consciousness she could love him the way he should be loved. He took her outside herself, away from Before where they could be only in the Now.
When she followed him along the silvery thread, there was nothing beyond the two of them, the way he touched her, made her feel. There were no scars as reminders—nothing of reality to force her from him.
Jarek knew every room in her mind—one by one he’d made her open to him. And in those rooms holding the monsters, he’d helped her fight their control.
In the place of energy that was his mind, Jarek led her to his sanctuary—that Eden of happiness they could share. Once they entered, colorful rhythms of tranquil beauty would surround them.
It was odd that although she had shared all of herself, even her most intimate of corners, this was the only part of Jarek’s consciousness he shared with her. There were one or two rooms of family memories, but further down the darkened corridor he refused to take her.
They stopped at the gate to sanctuary.
“Before we enter, tell me what frightened you.”
She didn’t want to talk about it. To have him know how weak she was. He tilted her chin up, forcing Kierra to look at him.
“All right. It was my brother. I knew he would have the white hair of an Enforcer, but the reality of seeing him, knowing that he was like—” She couldn’t continue.
“It’s all right, Kierra. I’m sure he understands what happened. If he doesn’t, we’ll explain it to him when I return.”
“How are you here then, if you’re not on Ednos?”
He smiled. “The thread that binds us is strong. When I heard from your mother, there was no choice but to come for you.” His gaze met hers. “You knew I wouldn’t leave you alone to face these fears. You should have called for me.”
“I didn’t want to bother you. I wanted to handle it myself. It’s not right to tie you to me. To be with you here is beautiful, but when we are within our physical environment, I can’t be with you. And you deserve more—a whole person. I’ve tried, but the pain of being touched by anyone—particularly any male is something I haven’t been able to overcome. I may be walking and breathing, but I’m not alive. They’ve taken the girl I used to be and all the passion I had for life from me and I can’t seem to find my way back.”
“Kierra, don’t think about it anymore. Each day you are returning. It is slow. Don’t you feel it as well? Sometimes I look in your eyes and I see you—like here. It may be a flicker, but it’s more than it was when we left the compound.”
“I want him dead, Jarek.” It was her darkest desire, locked away in a small room at the very back of her subconscious. There was a thirst for blood—for revenge—that frightened her.
“I know. I have seen it. One day he will pay for what he’s done. We will see to that.”
“I don’t think I can move forward until I can exorcise that room. I can keep it locked, but until I find a way to come to terms with the fact he still lives, still causes pain—and enjoys it—I cannot rest.”
“His time will come. I vow to you, all of the Tribunal will pay for their crimes.”
“How does Eluria bear it? Knowing her father is one of those who causes the destruction and misery of our people? Knowing that to free them, she must destroy him as well.”
“She’s made a great sacrifice,” he said. “But from what I’ve heard, Guardian has rewarded her for her dedication. Guardian has made her strong and given her balance in her Union, blessed in ways few are offered.”
Kierra nodded. “You’re right. She and Devon were always meant to be together. Even I knew it when I first introduced them. She became only half a person when he was ripped from our lives by the Tribunal.”
Jarek cupped her face. “And is that what you would ask of me? To make me live as half a person without you? Because that’s what it would be. Without you, this sanctuary would be nothing.”
Tears flooded her eyes. “In here I can love you, but out there… It seems I’m frightened all the time. I can’t control it. The doors won’t stay closed.”
“Then you will clean them—one at a time. And I’ll be there to help you. And out of those rooms we will create a sanctuary of your own design, like this.”
“I fear I haven’t the strength.”
“You have, na nivia. My love. It will come when the time is right. But for now, come into my garden and let me love you in my way.”
Kierra took his hand and let him guide her inside. “In here, I am happy. I feel pleasure and joy—all the things I can’t feel in the physical.”
“It’s why I’ve brought you here now. To remind you that you’re not alone. I’m here with you always. We are together and this is Now—no Before, no Beyond. And this bliss is your right.”
He turned and closed the gate, locking out the Before and Beyond, containing the Now. The shimmering waves of color grew brighter, soon reaching from above to enter her energy and the heat radiated through her.
“Remove your clothing, Kierra,” Jarek asked as he shed his own. “Let there be no barrier between us. Not here.”
Jarek was a magnificent male, his contours honed in solid marble like none other. Kierra knew the sheer strength harnessed beneath the supple skin stretched tight over bulging muscle.
Yet Kierra also knew he would never use that strength against her. In this dimension there were no scars on his body, but she was aware his physical form held deep, ragged reminders of his bondage.
Long, thick dark brown hair hung to his shoulders, his features chiseled, and his eyes, so unlike Argadians. They didn’t change shades with his moods or the phases of his lifespan, but remained a steady, vibrant green.
When his passions were high, the rich deep color turned bright, almost vibrating in luminosity, and seemed to reach out from within, mesmerizing to the recipient of his gaze. Like now.
“You shimmer,” Jarek said softly.
“My radiance.” She smiled. “For you.”
Kierra removed her overdress and dropped it to the ground. His gaze followed her movements, narrowed as her breasts were freed. She looped her thumbs into the waistband of the silken leggings.
“Slowly.” His voice had turned guttural, infused with need.
And with infinite care she lowered the leggings and stepped from them, leaving her naked.
“Take down your hair.”
Kierra raised her hands and removed the pins. Two caramel-colored braided plaits fell free along her back. She reached around to drape one over her shoulder and released the intertwining strands, then did the same with the second.
“Mylonna, you’re so beautiful,” he said as he stepped toward her.
Her nipples tightened at the thought of his touch, his heat meeting hers. No Before, no Beyond, only Now.
This minute.
That’s all that mattered.
Jarek touched her hair and she leaned into his caress. As he drew closer, she felt his energy color—rich, deep vibrations of blues and greens enclosing them both. The glaze of color stroked her body, his mind directing the radian path. It felt like fingers erotically massaging every inch, bringing her skin to a life of its own.
“Jarek,” she couldn’t help the aching desire as she uttered his name. Her radiance grew brighter, a green fire matching the luminous green of his eyes. Normally, an Argadian female’s radiance shimmered red, but apparently this mating with a Serdionese changed it somehow to ma
tch the burning intensity of his eyes. One day she would ask him to explain.
Jarek placed his hands on her hips and drew her flush with his naked skin. She felt his khout, hard and thick, press along her shax, opening her. Her shax-ra released her passion, and she undulated against his body. The fingers of color were everywhere, seductive, addicting, driving her higher and higher. His guided her gently along his shaft as her passion lubricated him, preparing him for her.
A spiraling heat began to build inside. She arched backward and Jarek bent to take a breast in his mouth. Shafts of light and color broke apart inside her as wavering release soared through her.
Kierra twined her fingers in his hair, pulled him tighter to her as her radiance consumed them both.
The lips of her shax were engorged and sensitized from her release. Jarek had stopped all movement allowing her time to recover from her climax. Now he began a long, slow rhythm again. She gripped his back, a primal instinct to feel him buried deep and riding him hard and fast rushed through her.
“Jarek, please. Fill me.” Kierra shook with the need, her senses so sharpened by the colors he commanded, unceasingly stroking, never with the same touch, soothing one minute, erotic the next, each sensation different from the last. First at her thighs, then at her bottom, along her arms, her face, her neck. An erotic stroking at her nipples. She was bathed in his passion, his desire. His approval.
He lifted her and impaled her. She wrapped her legs around his taut waist, her arms anchored around his neck. He thrust deeply, withdrew, thrust again, and again and again. She didn’t want him to stop.
“Yes. Oh, Symion, this is what I want to feel. You are what I need, Jarek.” Tears streamed down her cheeks at the depth of pleasure having him inside her made her feel.
A fierce blue fire surrounded them, a cleansing heat that fused them into one being as Jarek took them both far beyond any known boundaries of the mind into the very core of heartfire, where bodies did not exist, consciousness did not exist. Only love in its purest undiluted energy existed.