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Waiting in the Shadows

Page 13

by Trish Moran

  ‘Oh, no, no, of course not!’ the Prime Minister answered quickly. ‘I can assure you, and the president, that the situation of the Labs is a priority for the British government at the moment!’

  He sighed and shook his head, holding out a document to O’Brien, ‘I have to tell you, that as well as considering the rights and demands of the Labs, lawyers representing some of the subscribers have also made claims about their DNA being, as you yourself pointed out, unwittingly used and their rights and responsibilities in this scenario. Especially towards the Labs still in the Nursery Ward.’

  O’Brien drew a deep breath, ‘I don’t think Abel or any of the other Labs are going to be happy with this latest development. Some donors are claiming they should have parental rights over the younger Labs.’ He looked at the older man, ‘And how do we establish the ages of any of the Labs?’

  Abel told Celia, Ruby, and Dette of the latest developments that evening.

  ‘The Labs must stay together, surely,’ Dette said, ‘Until they are mature enough to make a decision to join their donor families if both parties are willing; isn’t that what was initially decided?’

  Celia sat up straight, ‘I agree with you. We must stop these demands as quickly as possible.’

  ‘How do we do that?’ Ruby asked her.

  ‘With threats! If they want to make claims to the Labs in the Nursery Wards we will make counter-claims against every donor!’

  Abel smiled, ‘I think you have something there, Celia. If all the Labs make claims on all the donors, we could find many Labs will be heirs to great fortunes! And we all mature at a much greater speed than Non-Labs. Some siblings may feel pushed out of their rightful places! I’ll phone O’Brien immediately!’

  ‘What if I take a small group of Labs on a day trip to London?’ Ruby said to Celia. ‘Some of them are complaining of having to remain in the Compound all the time. We don’t need to tell anyone who we are. I could ask Isaac to come with us. Then, maybe after a few trips, he could print an article in The Times,’ she continued. ‘Demonstrate how we can all integrate easily.’

  ‘That’s a good idea, Ruby. It would be a good way to introduce the Labs to the Non-Lab world. If you have Isaac with you, you should be OK,’ Celia agreed.

  A few days later four of the Labs from the Compound set off with Ruby for the local railway station.

  ‘Isaac will meet us at the tube station in London,’ Ruby told them.

  Geoff and Peter, twins of an English subscriber, were anxious to visit the Science Museum.

  ‘We can all take a look round there first, then Beth and Jill can choose the next place to visit,’ Ruby suggested.

  One of the Centre guards had walked with them until they were near the station, and then had turned back. They were just about to enter the station when Ruby groaned. Leaning against the station entrance were Steve and his friends. A mean grin spread across his face when he saw her.

  ‘Look who it is! Little Miss Do-Gooder and her freak show! Without her hard-nut freaky friend!’ He pulled himself upright, barring their way.

  ‘Just ignore them!’ Ruby whispered, trying to keep her voice even.

  One of Steve’s friends was staring at Beth. She blushed and looked down.

  ‘Hey, come on, Steve! Let them past,’ he said.

  Steve swung around to him, ‘Did you hear that, Callum? Frank’s a freak fancier!’

  ‘They’re just kids, like us. Leave them alone!’ Frank repeated.

  ‘Like us? Let’s take a look shall we?’ Steve stepped forward putting his hand out towards Beth.

  ‘Lay off, Steve!’ Frank pulled Beth back out of reach and stood in front of her.

  Ruby held up her mobile phone, ‘My friend’s just a phone call away! He’s waiting for us on the platform at this moment!’

  ‘You’re lying!’ Steve said in a faltering voice.

  Callum looked nervously about as Ruby raised her eyebrows and started to punch in numbers. He backed off, holding up his hands, ‘I’m out of here, Steve!’

  Steve swore and started to follow him. Frank stayed where he was.

  ‘I’m sorry about that,’ he said with an apologetic smile to Beth.

  ‘No. You were very kind,’ she replied softly.

  Ruby told Isaac of the incident as the others looked around the Science Museum later that morning.

  ‘Mmm. I’m afraid it is going to happen. There have been several threats made to MPs who support the Labs,’ he grimaced. ‘There was a fierce debate on the television the other night for and against the Labs being equal to normal humans!’

  ‘What can we do?’ Ruby sighed.

  ‘We can only try to make as much good publicity for the Labs as we can. Keith’s and his friends’ idea for a concert will, hopefully, help. They’ve got Zorro’s backing! He says he can’t wait to go on stage with his Lab! They’ve got a few other big names interested, as well. Several Labs are keen to take part, too. Some of their subscribers are talented musicians.’

  ‘All we need is a famous pop or film star to adopt a Lab, and we’re home and dry!’ Ruby quipped.

  ‘Hey! Come on! Let’s just enjoy today! Where’s next on the agenda?’ Isaac said.

  They visited the Tower of London and all marvelled at the view from the London Eye.

  Geoff and his brother found the waxworks at Madame Tussaud’s rather disturbing.

  ‘Why would they want to make wax clones of people?’ he asked Ruby. ‘Can they do anything?’

  His brother added. ‘Or are they for medical purposes?’

  ‘No; you just look at them,’ Ruby told them.

  The two boys exchanged puzzled looks.

  It was late when they stood waiting for the train to take them back to Hambleton.

  ‘Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?’ Isaac asked Ruby for the second time.

  ‘No, but thanks, Isaac. Abel is going to meet us at the station,’ she replied. ‘You’ve been a great help today!’

  ‘I’ve notes and some great photos!’ he replied. ‘Let me know about your next trip, won’t you? I’ll get a good article from this!’

  Ruby climbed onto the train behind the others and gave him a smile, ‘Thanks, Isaac.’

  Abel was waiting for them at the station and listened to their excited chatter as they walked back to the Compound.

  Ruby noticed a solitary figure walking towards them on the opposite side of the road who paused slightly and looked across at them. It was Frank. Beth also noticed and gave him a smile as he caught her eye.

  Abel and Ruby watched the others head back to their house.

  ‘Today has been such an experience!’ Jill said with a sigh.

  ‘It has indeed,’ Geoff agreed.

  ‘I hope is not too long before we can be fully integrated into the outside world,’ Pete said.

  ‘I hope so, too!’ Ruby nodded.

  The next morning Ruby was up early to join Abel for her self-defence lessons. He had been instructing her for a few weeks now and she felt she was getting better. Whenever she could, she practised the latest moves he taught her; partly so she would be able to defend herself if attacked and partly to avoid his silent displeasure if she made any mistakes.

  Soon they were going through the steps she had been taught over the past few weeks.

  ‘Quite good, Ruby. I can see you have been practising,’ Abel commented.

  Ruby blushed with pleasure, ‘Yes! I practise every morning!’

  ‘Well, let’s see if you can defend yourself now!’ he said walking around to face her. He suddenly grabbed her throat and she stepped back startled.

  He released her.

  ‘It’s no good learning the moves if you can’t apply them, Ruby!’ he shook his head.

  ‘But I wasn’t ready!’ Ruby protested.

  ‘If someone attacks you, you will not always be forewarned,’ he continued.

  ‘Try again! A different move!’ Ruby insisted.

  Abel made a few attempts t
o catch her out, but each time she was able to break his hold.

  ‘You are certainly improving, Ruby!’ he conceded. Then suddenly he moved behind her and pinned her arms to her sides.

  ‘What would you do in this case?’ he whispered in her ear.

  Ruby felt his warm breath on her neck. She relaxed and hung her head. As he began to release her she swung around and knocked him off balance with two quick moves. He stumbled and fell backwards, pulling her down on top of him.

  She looked into this eyes laughing, ‘You didn’t see that one coming, oh great teacher!’

  ‘No!’ he agreed, ‘You fooled me there! I thought you had given in to me!’

  The laughter died on both their lips as they looked into each other’s eyes.


  They heard Celia’s voice moments before she turned the corner. They both sprang to their feet.

  ‘Oh, here you are,’ Celia smiled. ‘Keith has just been on the phone. They have a date set for the concert. Tickets have been on sale for only an hour and they are already nearly sold out!’

  ‘Oh, that’s really good news!’ Ruby said. ‘I hope they have reserved tickets for us! I’d better go and check how many Labs would like to attend, too!’

  ‘We have reserved tickets for Labs and Non-Labs here at the Centre and Compound,’ Celia assured her.

  As Ruby sped off, she turned to Abel.

  ‘What progress is she making at self-defence? It still amazes me how slowly Non-Labs acquire new skills! Even the basic ones!’

  ‘She is making good progress, Celia. She shows determination. She has excellent qualities for a Non-Lab,’ he said quietly.

  ‘All praise and no complaints today, Abel? Is your good humour due to the news of the concert?’ she continued. ‘There are so many well-known Non-Labs involved! Simon has several American performers involved, too! And Keith has arranged with Zorro for some of us to attend the backstage party afterwards! This could do so much for our cause!’

  As they reached the office she pulled a piece of paper from her pocket, ‘Oh, I nearly forgot! O’Brien asked you to ring him this morning. I hope he’s finally got the Prime Minister to agree to our terms!’

  Later that day, as she was walking on the road towards the Centre, Ruby was dismayed to see a figure heading towards her.

  She stopped and pulled her phone out of her pocket.

  ‘I can have help here in a minute,’ she told him.

  Frank held up his hands.

  ‘Please! I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to talk to you! Just for a moment.’

  He stood in front of her and thrust his hands deep into his pockets.

  ‘OK, I’m listening,’ she said.

  ‘Look, I’m sorry about my mates. Well, and me, to start with. But, now, I mean, I don’t think you’re freaks. The Labs, I mean,’ he stammered.

  ‘I’m glad to hear that, Frank, isn’t it?’ she gave him a tentative smile.

  ‘Yeah,’ he continued. ‘Well, I just wanted you to know. And your friends, the Labs, I mean. I think they’re all just regular guys, like us. I won’t let anyone say anything against them! I stick up for them now, you know. Anything I can do to help you people, just let me know, OK?’

  ‘Oh, thanks, Frank,’ Ruby said. ‘We certainly need all the support we can get!’

  ‘Well, you can count on me!’ he nodded, walking away from her. ‘And let your friends, the ones you were with the other day, let them know, won’t you?’

  ‘I will, Frank,’ Ruby smiled.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Simon’s mother had come to London to accompany Simon to the concert. He joined her for breakfast at her hotel.

  ‘It’s a pity your father can’t join us, but the talks in the Middle East are continuing longer than they planned initially,’ she said. Her brow furrowed. ‘You’re still looking so pale, Simon. Are you working too hard or is it just this dreary English weather getting to you?’

  ‘I’m fine, Mom!’ he smiled. ‘Don’t fuss! It’s a pity about Dad, but I’m glad you’re coming to the concert. It’s important to show our support for the Labs. Glen and Bob are coming too.’

  ‘We’ve seats in a box! Your father insisted, for security purposes,’ his mother told him. ‘And the Prime Minister’s aide has arranged for us to meet some of the performers after the concert – some real people and some of the Labs,’

  ‘Mom, the Labs are real people, too, you know!’ he admonished her.

  ‘Have you met many of them?’ she asked him.

  ‘Yes, quite a few, through Sakura,’ he replied.

  ‘Well, I hope you’re making ordinary human friends too, Simon,’ his mother commented.

  ‘Mom, there’s not much difference at all between Labs and Non-Labs! I see all my friends as equal!’ he protested. ‘And I totally agree with their demands for equal rights.’

  ‘So do I, darling. Though I’m glad all this is happening here in England and not in the US! It’s a real headache for the British government, isn’t it? I’m glad your father hasn’t got all this to deal with! He has enough on his plate as it is!’ she continued. ‘Will we have time for a shopping trip before the concert this evening? Your grandmother wants some of her favourite chocolates from Harrods. And I would like an hour to visit that little boutique off Bond Street. I’ll need a few new outfits for the end of next month when I accompany your father to Australia.’

  When they arrived at the theatre for the concert that evening Mrs Armstrong was amazed at the crowds gathered outside.

  ‘Well, I must admit, I never expected such a turn out!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘Zorro’s really brought in the crowds!’ Simon smiled. ‘This is such good news for the Labs, getting all this support!’

  They settled themselves into the seats in the box.

  Simon’s mother looked across at the opposite boxes.

  ‘Isn’t that the guy from Destinations? Isn’t his wife lovely!’ she nudged her son.

  ‘That’s him all right!’ Simon nodded. He glanced at his watch, ‘I’ve time to go down and see Sakura and the others.’

  ‘He can’t stay away from Sakura!’ Bill grinned.

  Mrs Armstrong turned to Glen and Bill, ‘Do you know any Labs?’

  ‘No. But I’ve seen some of them interviewed on the television,’ Glen said.

  ‘Yeah! They don’t look any different from anyone else,’ Bill nodded. ‘Only time will tell what differences there are, if any, I suppose.’

  Simon came back and took his seat just as the lights began to dim. There was a moment’s silence, and then the stage was flooded with light as Zorro appeared to a roar from the audience.

  ‘Hey! Man! Great to see so many friendly faces here tonight!’ he shouted. The audience cheered again.

  ‘Aw, man! Tonight is going to be unbelievable! Awesome!’ he stood shaking his head. ‘This has to be the most amazing night of my life! Tonight I’m going to be playing with the person who just has to understand me better than anyone else! Even better than my lovely wife! This person knows what I’m going to do next at the same time as I do myself! Here he is, ladies and gentlemen; to play my new release with me, “Mirror Image”! Jamie! My Lab!’

  There was a thunderous applause as Jamie ran out onto the stage, a younger version of Zorro himself. He beamed at the audience. With a nod from the older man they both began to play a wild tune; then Zorro started to sing:

  ‘Not meant to be here

  Not meant to live

  Not meant to feel fear

  Not meant to breathe

  Until I saw you looking at me

  Then I understood

  You’re not all bad

  We’re not all good

  And you’re not just a mirror image!

  Looking through the mirror

  Just a mirror image!

  Come on now, step through and see what I can see,

  Feel what I can feel!

  Just a mirror image!

st a mirror image!’

  The audience was standing by the time they had reached the first chorus. Zorro and Jamie sang in perfect harmony.

  There was a deafening applause as the song drew to a close.

  ‘This is what the whole evening is about, isn’t it?’ Zorro turned to Jamie. ‘Labs, Non-Labs, all equal! Just making great music!’

  ‘Awesome, man, awesome!’ Jamie grinned.

  ‘And from this point, we’re not telling you who the Labs are and who are Non-Labs!’ Zorro shouted. ‘So you get the idea that it doesn’t make any difference!’

  The concert was a variety of modern and classical music. At the end of each act Bill and Glen would argue if the unknown performers were Labs or Non-Labs.

  ‘They’re definitely Labs!’ Glen said about a group of four musicians.

  ‘No! They weren’t good enough to be Labs! The Labs are perfect!’ Bill argued. ‘What do you think, Simon?’

  He shrugged, ‘It doesn’t make any difference! They’re good!’

  Finally it was Sakura, Jade, and Miyu’s time to perform. The three girls stood near the front of the stage and gave a bow. Sakura started to play a slow, mournful tune on her violin, then Jade picked up the tune and played it faster, giving it a more cheerful feeling. Finally Miyu played the same tune at breakneck speed and the other two joined in; all girls moving around the stage, almost dancing to the lively music.

  The audience leapt to their feet as the music came to a halt. Simon and his friends stood up and clapped and called loudly. Sakura glanced up and gave them a smile. Mrs Armstrong glanced up to catch the tender smile her son returned and bit her lip.

  Ruby clutched a glass of champagne, gazing around her in awe.

  ‘Close your mouth before you catch any flies!’ Leon grinned at her.

  ‘You’ll soon be used to mixing with the rich and famous!’ Ruby grinned back. ‘I still can’t believe I’m in the same room as Zorro, The Breakers, and the Divas!’


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