Waiting in the Shadows

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Waiting in the Shadows Page 22

by Trish Moran

  ‘It’s OK! I expect you do not feel the same, perhaps you prefer another Lab, or even a Non-Lab, someone more like yourself …’ he stammered, moving back from her.

  ‘No, no, Abel! It’s not that! It’s just that … the words you used … they’re not really the way a Non-Lab would say the same thing …’

  Abel stopped and looked at her again.

  ‘What words would be more suitable, Ruby?’

  ‘Well, two Non-Labs would go out together …’ she saw Abel’s puzzled look, ‘They would enjoy leisure pursuits together, or go for a meal in a restaurant, or something like that … Then, eventually, they would discuss their future plans and then think about having a baby together …’

  Abel sighed, ‘The habits and language of a Non-Lab are so hard to understand!’

  Ruby smiled, ‘You could get to understand them, slowly, with some help …’

  He put his hands on her shoulders, ‘Ruby, do you think …’

  At that moment his mobile phone started to ring. Exasperated, he pulled it from his pocket and switching it off, tossed it onto the table, ‘Whoever it is, they can wait!’

  He turned back to her and blurted out, ‘Ruby; I – I have very strong feelings for you!’

  He faltered as Ruby stood silently in front of him.

  ‘I’ve said the wrong thing again, haven’t I? I should have asked advice before I spoke to you …’

  Ruby grabbed his shoulders and pressed her lips hard against his. She felt his body relax as his arms slid around her and drew her close. After several minutes she pulled back and smiled at him.

  ‘Sometimes Labs and Non-Labs don’t need words to communicate!’

  Abel whispered, ‘I can understand this communication!’ as he drew her close again.

  ‘So that’s the plan; a live TV programme: the twins, the new Manchester Central players, will reveal themselves to be Labs, and then many other Labs will also reveal their true identities!’ Isaac said, nervously fingering his collar. ‘If we can pull this off, we’ll have made history!’

  ‘I can’t believe the manager agreed so easily!’ Celia told him.

  ‘Well, Manchester’s owner, Lib, is a great friend of Zorro’s,’ he replied. ‘So persuading them was not too difficult! Plus the publicity can only be good for the club! Think of the sales at the gates when they have the first two Labs on their team!’

  ‘Convincing the prime minister to allow this to go ahead is going to be the most difficult thing!’ Abel said.

  Ruby squeezed his hand, ‘We can do it! We have so many people on our side!’

  They all looked around as the door opened and the prime minister and two of his aides appeared.

  ‘I’m sorry to have kept you waiting; I had an unexpected phone call from President Armstrong. He has made it known that he is agreeable to the show going ahead as you have suggested,’ he explained. ‘He is very keen on the Labs becoming fully integrated members of society as soon as possible.’

  The others exchanged smiles.

  ‘But I have made no promises to him at all. I had hoped that we could introduce the Equality Bill for Labs in our society on a quieter note. I am afraid that such publicity and celebration may incite violence, Mr Abel,’ he said.

  ‘As Labs we feel the Equality Bill is a cause for great celebration, Mr Cartwright. And as Jason Fullman, the manager of Manchester Central, is pleased to allow us to have a live show when our Lab boys sign up we felt it was a great opportunity for all of us, Labs and Non-Labs, to celebrate together,’ he replied. ‘These boys are great role models for both Lab and Non-Lab youth.’

  ‘As the Labs gain their equal status in our society what guarantee do we have that the Labs will respect our laws, Mr Abel?’ Mr Cartwright continued.

  ‘The same guarantee that all of the Non-Labs in the UK will do likewise, Mr Prime Minister!’ he said quietly.

  ‘Mr Cartwright, could I also say something?’ Vince Craig sat up straight.

  The Prime Minister nodded for him to go ahead.

  ‘I have become involved with the Labs, through one young lady in particular, Celia, over the past few months,’ he returned the smile Celia gave him. ‘One thing she said to me really stuck in my mind. When she was trying to find out about me, she said she had “wanted to find out more about the person who had caused her to be created.” Many of us, directly or indirectly, have caused new people to come into existence. Surely if we have caused new life to be created it is a reason for celebration, not something you want to keep quiet? I know, for one, I celebrate every day that I have got to know Celia! And all her friends, too!’

  Mr Cartwright closed the file in front of him and smoothed down the cover.

  ‘If I can see the plans for the show by this evening I will get my aides to look through them,’ he finally said.

  ‘I have them here!’ Isaac said, pulling a folder from his briefcase. ‘There’s also a list of names of those involved in the programme broadcast who will be informed of all the details beforehand, from the top level to the boys on the floor, and a list of security precautions, Mr Cartwright!’

  Chapter Twenty-three

  ‘Are all the Labs going to reveal their true identities today?’ Valerie asked as she entered the studio with Isaac and Dette.

  ‘Only those who wish to do so,’ Dette replied. She looked around the studio audience and smiled. ‘I recognise so many Lab faces!’

  ‘There’s the woman from the BBC, I must go and make sure everything is ready.’ Isaac smiled, ‘This interview will go down in history!’

  ‘We have seats here at the front,’ Dette said.

  As she and Ruby sat down a middle-aged man was taking a seat on one of a group of sofas arranged to the side of the studio stage. A silence fell over the room as he cleared his throat.

  ‘It’s George Hickman! One of the most highly paid sports commentators!’ Ruby whispered to Dette.

  ‘Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today we can finally reveal which new boys we will see signed up to Manchester Central! And have we got some surprises in store for you today! But first of all, let’s have a word with Manchester Central’s manager, Jason Fullman, and the club’s owner, Lib, the lead singer of XSity.’

  There was a round of applause as Jason Fullman and Lib made their way onto the set and joined Hickman.

  ‘First of all, let’s talk about the success the club has enjoyed over the past year, Jason!’ Hickman began.

  They talked at some length about the team’s successes and watched clips of spectacular goals scored and saved.

  After half an hour, Hickman turned back to the audience. ‘Well, you might be wondering, as I certainly am, why Manchester Central is thinking of signing up two totally unknown players. Perhaps you could give us some information on the background of these boys, Jason?’

  ‘Well, George, we heard about these lads from one of our sports colleges and I must admit, we were pretty sceptical when we were told how amazing they were. But, I think you’ll agree with me, these lads are in a class of their own when it comes to skills on the field, isn’t that right, Lib?’

  ‘Oh, yeah! Whatever position you ask them to play, they can outdo any player around them!’

  ‘They’re that good, Jason?’ George asked.

  ‘That good, George! When you’ve seen them in action in the clips I’m about to show you, you’ll know what I’m talking about!’ Jason turned back to the large screen.

  There were delighted cries from the audience as Johnny and Leon scored and set up goals, and played as goalkeeper and defence positions. The audience rose and gave a resounding applause as the film clips drew to a close.

  George shook his head, ‘If I didn’t trust you, Jason, I’d say that filming was rigged! Those boys are absolutely remarkable!’

  He turned back to the studio audience, ‘You’ll get the chance to meet these lads a bit later on, but first we have a special guest appearance by someone who is a great friend of Lib. In fact, your band joined
them on tour for some of the concerts on their present UK tour, didn’t you, Lib?’

  ‘Oh, yeah! We go way back!’ Lib chuckled. ‘It’s always great getting to play with these guys!’

  ‘So, taking time out from their UK tour, a big hand for Zorro!’

  Zorro and Jamie came running on to the stage.

  ‘Thank you, George! Good evening, Jason!’ Zorro pumped each man’s hand enthusiastically. ‘Yo, bro!’ he laughed, giving a high five to Lib.

  ‘Well, today, first of all, we want to celebrate the club’s success so far – to players and management – and to wish them the very best next season with their two great new players!’ he said.

  ‘And we also want to celebrate the day the Labs get full legal standing!’ Jamie added. ‘From midnight tonight, we are all equal in the eyes of the law!

  ‘So as a double celebration we’d like to start our performance with a song that we think you’ll all recognise now!’

  They moved across to join the rest of their band and went straight into ‘Mirror Image’.

  The audience were again on their feet as they drew to a close.

  ‘The trio that is to follow you has also been on tour with you, haven’t they, Zorro?’ George said as the two men joined them on the sofa.

  ‘These lovely ladies have raised the roofs in many a concert venue in the UK over the past month!’ Zorro agreed, and laughing he turned to his friend. ‘Maybe not your kind of music, Lib!’

  ‘No, their instruments are still intact at the end of their performances!’ Lib drawled, smiling.

  Sakura, Miyu, and Jade appeared. They played a series of violin pieces, ending up with the energetic, rousing number they had played at their earlier concerts.

  ‘That was certainly something! A big hand for Sakura, Jade, and Miyu, everyone!’ George stood as the girls joined them on the third sofa.

  ‘And now, last, but certainly not least, we are going to meet the boys themselves! Manchester’s two new talented players: Johnny and Leon!’

  The audience were whistling and on their feet again as the twins entered.

  ‘Well boys, where did you learn these incredible skills?’ George asked. ‘We hear that you have had no formal training in football until you enrolled at Castlewell College. Is that right?’

  ‘Yes, that’s true,’ Johnny began. ‘We never had training, as such …’

  ‘But we’ve always been kicking a ball around, since we were, well, walking, really,’ Leon added.

  ‘So it’s a big day for you today then lads?’ George smiled broadly.

  ‘It certainly is! Today we are so proud to sign up for Manchester Central …’ Johnny said, nodding to his brother.

  ‘Yes, and to be able to sign up as our real selves!’ Leon said.

  Both boys stood up and turned to Jason Fullman and Lib.

  ‘Thank you for convincing everyone in the club to give us a chance, as our true selves! As Labs!’ Johnny said.

  ‘And from midnight tonight, as Jamie has already said – as legal Labs!’ Leon added.

  Both boys pulled back their right cuffs and punched the air, showing their tattooed codes.

  There was a moment’s silence, then slowly the audience stood up, applauding and whistling.

  ‘Well, boys!’ George settled himself back in his seat as the noise finally subsided, ‘This is quite a day for you!’

  He turned to Jason and Lib, ‘It must have been hard for you to keep that one up your sleeves, as it were!’

  ‘Yeah, well, there were a few legalities that had to be ironed out, last-minute sort of thing,’ Lib nodded.

  ‘But we’ve got the go ahead now. There’s no reason why the boys can’t join us as regular players!’ Jason added.

  ‘And how do you boys feel about it now?’ George turned to Johnny and Leon.

  ‘We can’t believe we’ve been selected for the team!’ Johnny began.

  ‘Manchester Central!’ Leon shook his head. ‘It’s a dream come true!’

  ‘And you being … Labs … doesn’t that give you an unfair advantage over other players?’ George asked.

  ‘This was one of the objections we had to face, George. But they are just two lads who are particularly good at football, particularly skilful. They can’t be penalised for that!’ Lib said. ‘You can’t ban someone from something because they are good at it!’

  ‘No, no! Of course not! I’m not suggesting that! What I am saying is, aren’t the boys physically enhanced by scientific means?’ George continued.

  Leon and Johnny looked at each other.

  ‘We’re the Labs that are good at football!’ Johnny grinned. ‘We don’t really know much about big words!’

  ‘Other Labs got the brainiac skills!’ Leon added. He kicked his feet around. ‘Our skills went to our feet!’

  The audience began to laugh.

  ‘OK,’ George smiled. ‘Well, tell us a bit about your background, lads.’

  Johnny looked at Leon, ‘We always were ready to kick a ball around. And there were always a few of the others ready for a bit of a game.’

  ‘We all kept fit, but it was more than just exercise to us,’ Leon said. ‘We always loved it!’

  ‘Yeah! Our competitive side showed up pretty early on. We always wanted to go one further than the others!’ Johnny laughed.

  ‘This was at the Centre?’ George asked.

  ‘No, after that,’ Leon said.

  ‘Once we moved to Castlewell and enrolled at the sports college, things really came together!’ Johnny continued.

  ‘Yeah, the sports we could take part in! We just tried everything out!’ Leon’s face lit up. ‘They’ve a great gym and two competition-sized swimming pools.’

  ‘But football was the sport we knew was really for us!’ Johnny nodded.

  ‘And as twins, or rather clones, I suppose, you can sort of read each other’s minds, I take it?’ George said.

  ‘The lads don’t just play as a twosome; they play as whole team members. That’s one of the things we were looking for!’ Jason interrupted.

  ‘Yes. As Labs we learnt you have to work together as a team!’ Leon nodded. ‘Whatever skills you have, you use to help everyone!’

  ‘And have you been in touch with your … donor?’ George asked. ‘Or his family? Are they celebrating somewhere today for you?’

  Johnny and Leon both shook their heads.

  ‘We know he died, quite a few years ago,’ Johnny told him.

  ‘He had divorced several years before and had never had children, so there is no family,’ Leon added.

  ‘The Labs are our family. So, today is a great day for us! And it’s a great day for all Labs!’ Johnny grinned out at the audience.

  Both boys stood up once again, punching the air to show their tattooed codes.

  Sakura, Miyu, and Jade looked at each other, then stood up also, pulling off the plastic strips and holding their arms high. Simon slipped out from behind the scenes and pulled Sakura to him. He looked down at her wrist and kissed the code tattooed there.

  There was a moment’s hush. Slowly many of the studio audience stood up, pulling back their sleeves and pulling off plastic strips to reveal similar tattoos, punching their arms in the air.

  There were gasps from several people in the audience and murmurs among the Non-Labs:

  ‘I had no idea …’

  ‘All the time we’ve known you …’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell us?’

  ‘Most of us didn’t feel we could reveal our true identities until we could stand up as equals to Non-Labs – humans. We’ve finally gained that right today!’ Leon said.

  There was a resounding applause.

  ‘We’ll sing to that!’ Zorro and Jamie jumped up. Lib joined them, and grabbing their guitars they broke out into another loud chorus of ‘Mirror Image’, accompanied by the girls on their violins.

  The audience joined in enthusiastically.

  Dette and Ruby hugged each other and looked around.
br />   ‘It has taken so long, now we can move on as real people!’ Dette said, her voice faltering.

  ‘We are all real people – Labs and Non-Labs! And all equal!’ Abel said, appearing beside them and hugging each girl to him.

  Dette turned as Keith came towards them, his sleeve rolled up to reveal his tattoo.

  ‘We’ve come a long way since the Caves, Abe!’ he smiled.

  Abel nodded, ‘We certainly have, Ket!’

  He turned to Ruby as other Labs joined them, all talking excitedly.

  ‘And you, Ruby. Will you reveal your true background, too?’

  She looked wistful, and then shook her head slowly.

  ‘No, I don’t think so. I was never really happy as Stella. Especially when Gran died. I found my family with the Labs. I’m happy to be Ruby.’

  Abel smiled widely and pulled her close to him.

  ‘You will always be a part of our family!’ He lifted her chin, ‘And who knows, maybe one day we’ll have our own family?’

  At the back of the room a young man stood silently watched the crowd singing and smiling, hugging each other. A girl bumped into him and steadied herself on his arm.

  ‘Isn’t this just wonderful?’ she beamed.

  He gave her a cold stare as he brushed her hand away and began to walk out of the studio.

  She shivered, then turned and joined a boy who was calling to her.

  Ruth Armstrong could just make him out on the screen. He had walked straight up to that female. The two young footballers had been in front of him, but she thought she had caught a glimpse of him taking her hand.

  Was he totally bewitched by that female? Was he lost to his family for ever?

  She looked up as a middle-aged woman cleared her throat.

  ‘Oh, Carol, just leave those phone messages on the table. I’ll look through them later,’ Mrs Armstrong looked up from the television, rubbing her brow. ‘I’ve a headache coming on; perhaps you could bring me a cup of tea?’

  ‘Of course, Mrs Armstrong, I’ll get you one right now!’ Carol rang through to the kitchen. ‘I see you’re watching the latest news about those Lab people! What a story, eh? Trust your Simon to be so concerned about them, Mrs Armstrong; he always was one to support good causes, wasn’t he? Even as a little boy.’


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