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Page 7

by Kathleen Ball

  Scarlett’s jaw dropped. Lost him? Had she really lost him? A chill went up her spine. She was doomed to live without love in this awful town. He said their vows were sacred, but what happened when a husband couldn’t stand his wife? She didn’t understand about the books either. Hope had started to bloom in her heart when he’d handed them to her. But he hadn’t intended for her to keep them.

  Heat licked at her cheeks. She was such a fool. He didn’t care about her. She’d mistakenly thought she was the one in control of their future but he’d already made up his mind. It was just as well to know now. If he really came to know her, he wouldn’t like her. No one ever did.

  Before the accident, she didn’t have to put on airs living with just Missy. It was nice, it was restful, it was truthful, but she didn’t know how else to act when other people were around. Her hoity-toity attitude was an act perfected by practice. If no one got too close, they couldn’t hurt her when they left…and they always left. She’d been more hurt than she’d let on when Dexter jilted her. It wasn’t just the humiliation, it was knowing she was unwanted that tore at her.

  Here she was once again living in a town where she wasn’t considered worth visiting. She’d thought for sure some of the women from town would come to check on her, but they hadn’t. She had no personality, and people paid her no mind unless she acted fashionable and above the riffraff. Why couldn’t she be more like her ma? She was sweet and kind and always taking in children who needed a home.

  Olga came in and placed her supper on a table in front of the sofa. She didn’t wait for Scarlett to thank her, she just turned and left the room.

  Scarlett couldn’t feel sorry for herself. One day she’d find someone worthy of her friendship. A person who knew what it was to be part of the upper crust of society.

  The stew was tasteless to her. It was more of an exercise in chewing. Dillon was bound to be very late in coming home. She’d pretend to be asleep so he wouldn’t offer to carry her to her bed. She’d heard whispers about the smell of cheap perfume and lip rouge stains on a cheating man’s neck. It was better not to know.

  Olga reappeared, took the empty plate, and brought her a cup of coffee. Again, she left without a word. The coffee was welcome, though. It would help to keep her awake.

  “I have your nightgown. Seeing as Dillon has plans for the evening we might as well get you changed. You’ll have to sleep on the couch, though.” Elda said. She put the nightgown down and helped Scarlett undress. After a few moments, she finally slipped the nightgown on.

  Scarlett hated when Elda helped her. She never had the courtesy to look away. Scarlett felt disgusted afterward due to Elda’s stares. It was unseemly.

  When Elda was finished, Scarlett shivered in dislike.

  “I wonder if we can hear Angel sing from up here?” Elda murmured.

  “I doubt it. I don’t hear much from town except if they are building something down there.”

  Elda went to the window and opened it. “It’s so quiet out. Oh wait, I think I can hear her. I can only imagine all the men watching her. Dillon was excited to hear her. She’s such a pretty little thing too.”

  “Little?” Scarlett asked. She didn’t care if she sounded annoyed. Elda was the most annoying person she knew.

  “She’s petite and thin, but she fills out the top of her dress. Her hair is a beautiful shade of blond and she wore it down. It hung down to her thighs.”

  “You sound as though you admire her. Surely a woman working in a saloon doesn’t deserve admiration.”

  Shrugging, Elda closed the window. “The men certainly appreciate her. Look how dark it is. I bet it’s later than we think. Are you done with your coffee? I’d like to get everything cleaned up before I go to bed.”

  “Yes, I’m done.”

  Edna took the cup away. A minute later, she came back. “Ma is already asleep. I’m going to join her. Good night.”

  Scarlett nodded. Her mind felt a bit fuzzy. She must be coming down with something, but what she didn’t know. She’d never felt so tired and confused except for earlier. She lay down and pulled the quilt over her. Dillon was sure to come home soon. Maybe he was still listening to that Angel.

  * * *

  Dillon frowned as he rode his horse up to his house. Why was it so dark inside? There was only a dimly lit oil lamp in the kitchen. He hadn’t stayed at the saloon very long. He took care of his horse and then headed into the house. It certainly was quiet.

  He walked to the kitchen and turned up the lamp. He heard a small cry and started for Scarlett’s room, but he spotted her asleep on the sofa with Missy curled up against her. Scarlett’s head moved back and forth as though she was having a bad dream. Should he wake her?

  He leaned over and touched her shoulder. “Scarlett, wake up.” Her lashes fluttered a bit but she didn’t wake. He was about to leave her when she cried out and tears flowed down her face. What was she dreaming about? He grabbed the lamp from the kitchen and went to his bedroom. He had to set the lamp on the dresser so he could pull the covers down. After that, he went back and lifted Scarlett into his arms, holding her tight to him. Her body was nice and soft. Usually when he carried her, she was as stiff as a board.

  She stirred and whimpered as he lay her down on his bed. After he quickly undressed, he lowered the lamp to a dim glow. He didn’t want to put it out, fearing she might wake up scared. She had quieted down and looked so peaceful. Missy, of course, made herself at home on his bed. Quietly, he slipped in under the covers and pulled her into his arms. He kissed her forehead and fell asleep.

  The sun was beginning to rise as Dillon got out of bed and dressed. He stared at his wife and smiled. She looked angelic in her slumber. He wished he could spend the day with her. Maybe if they got to know one another better… He sighed. Why was being kind so easy for him while seeming to be a major struggle for her?

  Some coffee before he carried her back to the couch sounded good. He needed to check her leg and ankle. As he left the bedroom, the welcome smell of coffee filled his nose. Upon reaching the kitchen, he found Elda still in her nightgown without anything covering it. He pursed his lips and then gave her a slight smile.

  “Good morning, Elda. Thanks for having the coffee ready.” He poured himself a cup and escaped into the main room. There was no way he was getting caught with Elda in her indecent clothing. She’d had a small smile pulling at her lips, obviously aware of how see-through her gown was. Well, he wasn’t interested.

  Elda brought him a plate full of scrambled eggs and bacon. She leaned down far enough to show her breasts. Dillon quickly turned his head away.

  “If you need anything else, call me,” she said. When he didn’t answer, she frowned at him and then disappeared into the kitchen.

  What type of woman tried to seduce another woman’s husband? He’d lost his appetite, but he needed to eat. It was a long time until the noon meal, and he needed something in his stomach. He’d just finished his meal when he heard Olga scolding her daughter and then sending her to get dressed. He stifled a laugh.

  He got up and went into his bedroom to find Scarlett sitting up in his bed, wide-eyed. “Good morning, Scarlett. I hope you slept well.”

  “How did I get here? I was sleeping on the couch.”

  “You were restless and crying, so I carried you in here. You quieted down as soon as you were in my arms.” Her rosy blush was enchanting.

  “You didn’t try to take advantage of me, did you?” She folded her arms in front of her and stared at him.

  “Of course not. I’m insulted that you’d even think I’d do such a thing. I try to be a moral upstanding man. I didn’t even look when Elda was showing herself.”

  Her mouth opened. “What? What was she showing?”

  She wouldn’t stop until she got an answer. He took a deep breath. “She had her nightgown on when she made and served breakfast.”

  Scarlett inhaled sharply. “I knew she had her eye on you. What is she supposed to think when you give h
er presents? You brought this on yourself.”

  Whatever she was talking about, he didn’t even want to know. “I’ll have Olga help you dress while I saddle my horse. Then I’ll carry you to the couch.”

  “How was Angel? I waited up for you as long as I could but you didn’t come home.” He didn’t like the sour expression she wore.

  “Angel is a very talented singer.”

  “Is singing all she does there?”

  Annoyed, he shook his head. “I don’t know. I’ll be back.” He hurried out of the bedroom before he said something he’d be sorry for.

  In the barn, he carried the saddle and tack to his horse’s stall. He smiled at the tall dark horse. “Coal, be happy you’re a bachelor. I have no idea what my wife is talking about.” The horse snorted, and Dillon laughed. He led the saddled horse out of the barn and tied the reins to the hitching post outside of the house.

  He put a pretend smile on and went inside. He walked toward the bedroom and stopped short when he saw Scarlett trying to cover her nakedness with her hands while Elda was holding Scarlett’s shift out of reach. He didn’t like the look in Elda’s eyes.

  Without much thought, he entered the room, told Elda to leave, and handed Scarlett her shift. He turned his back to give her privacy.

  “Is Elda always like that?”

  “Yes, she makes me very uncomfortable. She seems to find it funny.”

  “Why don’t you ask Olga to help you instead?”

  “I’ve been told if I make trouble, I’d be left to fend for myself.”

  He heard the tears in her voice and turned toward her. He scooped her up and held her on his lap. “You’ll never be left to fend for yourself.” He pulled her close and tucked her head under his chin. “You have me.”

  “Do I? You lived at your shop until my accident. Were you ever planning to come back?” She sounded so fragile.

  “Of course I was. I just didn’t know how to come and talk to you. I would have asked the pastor, but he’s been visiting other towns that don’t have a church.”

  She pulled her head back far enough to look into his eyes. She must have seen something she liked. She then wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his chest. She sighed contently.

  Somehow, she made him feel good about himself, like maybe he’d said the right thing for once. “Would you like to spend the day at the shop with me? I can find a comfortable chair and footstool for you.”

  Keeping her head against his chest, she gave a tiny nod. She felt so soft and womanly. It was a miracle he hadn’t made her his wife in truth. Things needed to be right between them, and hopefully today would be the start.

  “Here let’s get you dressed.” He lifted her hand set her on the bed. He stood and reached for a blue dress that was draped over a chair. He looked at it to figure out where the buttons were.

  He frowned. The dress was stained. “Did you mean to wear this dress?”

  “It’s one of my favorites. Why?”

  He turned the dress so she could see the stains on it.

  She put her hand over her mouth as her eyes grew wide. “It looks to be splattered with grease. I don’t know how to properly fry things so I stick to soups and stews. I don’t understand.”

  He shrugged. “Tell me what other dress you want, and I’ll get it from your room.”

  “I have a burgundy one that should work. It has a little jacket with it.”

  He walked to her room and opened the wardrobe. There weren’t many dresses hung inside of it. She’d had enough trunks with her he’d have thought the wardrobe would be overstuffed. He grabbed a green one with a jacket. The burgundy one wasn’t there.

  There was bound to be trouble. He tried to smile as he brought the dress to Scarlett.

  “I hate to complain but that’s green.” She smiled. Her smile dimmed as he stood there. “Where is the burgundy one?”

  “It wasn’t there. Let’s get this one on you and I’ll carry you over to your room so you can check what else is gone.”

  Her eyes widened in alarm but she nodded. He helped her into the dress and saw the woolen stockings left on the chair. Certainly he wouldn’t be required to put those on her legs… He swallowed hard as he picked them up and turned to Scarlett. “I guess these are next.”

  She nodded, but as he knelt down, she began to shake her head. “This is, I mean, well go ahead, but don’t look.”

  She seemed more nervous that he was. He decided to just get it over with. He put her uninjured foot onto his leg and he gently put the stocking on her. So far so good. He got it past her ankle and then her calf but when he reached her knee, heat rushed to his face. He went ahead and did it. It was so different from when he’d simply tended her injuries. That had been necessary. This seemed…intimate. He swallowed and finished unrolling the stocking and eased out a breath. One done, one to go.

  She laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You tickled my thighs is all. Listen, it’s no big deal. You are my husband. Now the foot, you need to be extra gentle with. Elda wasn’t the gentlest.”

  He frowned. “I shouldn’t have left you in her care.”

  “You didn’t know.” Her soft voice soothed him somewhat.

  “I’m going to pull up your skirts to take a look at your leg. Did Olga tend to wound?”

  Scarlett bit her lip and shook her head. “No. But it doesn’t hurt more than it did.”

  He shifted her skirts to show her injured leg. “The bandage is filthy.” Gently he removed it and then set back on his heels. It was ringed in red with tiny striations starting on her skin.

  “Olga! Get in here!”

  “Dillon, what is it?” Scarlett asked. She began to shake. “There’s something wrong isn’t there?”

  Before he had a chance to answer, Olga was there.

  “Can I get something for you?”

  “Get over here and take a look at her leg.” He didn’t care how sharp his voice was.

  Olga put her hand over her heart. “Oh my. I thought Elda was taking care of it. Dillon, it’s unseemly for you to be where you are with her skirts up.”

  “I don’t care what you think. This is my wife! Elda get in here!” His voice was louder than he intended.

  Elda gasped when she entered the room. “What’s going on? Are we to witness your coupling?”

  Dillon shook his head in disgust. “Come here and look at her wound. Now!”

  Elda hurried over and stared at Scarlett’s leg. “I’ll wash it.”

  “Boil some water and put a sharp knife in it to sterilize it. But first, I need hot water and a clean cloth. Fetch my whiskey for me.”

  Olga stared at him. “Surely you don’t want to drink spirits this early.”

  “It’s for Scarlett. I need to disinfect her leg.” Both women stared at him. “Go! Now!” It gave him a bit of satisfaction when they scurried out of the bedroom.

  He glanced up at Scarlett, dismayed by her tears.

  “Are you going to have to cut my leg off?”

  Taking her hand in his, he kissed her palm. “No, but I need to cut away some of this infected skin. It’s going to hurt. Do you know where they keep the laudanum?”

  “In my room on the table next to my bed.”

  He gave her hand a quick squeeze then rose and went to get the medicine. For a few moments, he stood in Scarlett’s room trying to let his anger go. He’d need a steady hand to help her. He was angry at Olga and Elda, but most of all himself. He should have made sure his wife was healing properly.

  He went to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of laudanum, frowning at its weight. It felt very light. He shook it and then opened the dark glass bottle. There wasn’t much left. Scarlett should have told him the pain was unbearable. He ran his fingers through his hair as he tried once again to let go of his anger. He was a poor excuse for a husband. He’d just have to do better.

  * * *

  Mortified was the only word that came to mind as she la
y there with her skirts up high on her thighs. Scarlett wanted to hide away from it all. Olga and Elda were useless, and Dillon seemed furious. Her leg had hurt but she didn’t think it was becoming infected. Tears pricked at the back of her eyes. She felt a bit lightheaded and very confused. What had happened to her burgundy dress? Why was the one Elda left for her to wear stained?

  It was her own fault. Perhaps she did need to be nicer. But what if she was nice and people still didn’t like her? After all, what was there to like? The parents she had been born to had never paid her any mind. She hadn’t been good enough for them to want to spend time with. Then they went to heaven without her.

  Elda brought in the hot water and a cloth. “Well look at you with your skirts up. I always thought you were a light skirt.” She chuckled. “I bet it’ll hurt something awful. I’m glad it’s not me.”

  “Elda, that’s enough.” Dillon said sternly. “Please leave us until I ask for the knife. I want to talk to my wife.”

  Elda’s expression turned sour before she turned and walked away.


  “Scarlett, why didn’t you tell me you’re in so much pain? It must hurt dreadfully. Most of your laudanum is gone.” He actually sounded concerned.

  “It hurts, but I haven’t been taking laudanum after the first three days. Only when you came home at night. I was afraid of hurting my ankle more if it didn’t pain me. I was afraid I’d forget it was sprained and try to walk on it. It gave me a headache.”

  His brow furrowed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Dillon pulled a chair up to the bed and looked her leg over again. He dipped the cloth into the steaming water and then set the cloth on the wound.

  “Ouch,” Scarlett balled her hands in the bed covers and tried to stay still. Her body began to shake.

  “I know it hurts, love. I’m sorry. I should have checked your leg daily. I could have avoided all this pain for you.”

  He took the cloth off, rinsed it in the water, and set it on her leg again.


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