Blood of Brekkon (The Complex Book 0)

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Blood of Brekkon (The Complex Book 0) Page 3

by Kristen Middleton

  You’re being paranoid…

  There really was no reason for him to know of our plans. Unless, that is, he was also a mind-reader? I didn’t know much about Dragons, but even if he was, all I’d really been thinking about were his eyes. They were indescribably beautiful.

  “Why are you smiling?” asked my sister.

  Surprised, I looked at her. “I was?”

  “Yes, you had this goofy look on your face. It had nothing to do with the Dragon-shifter staring at you, did it?”

  I smirked. “You noticed that, too?”

  “Yes. He almost missed the zipper, he was so distracted by your beauty,” she teased.

  “Right. He’s not interested in our kind or any other, for that matter.”

  “If that were the case, how come Cleo is so chummy with them now?”

  “She has that pheromone most males react to. It must have worked on the Dragon-shifters.”

  Ria’s eyes widened. “That’s right. I’d forgotten.” She looked away and I could tell by her expression that something was really bugging her.

  “You still seem hesitant about everything,” I replied softly.

  She turned back to me. “It just feels so wrong.”

  I took her hand in mine. “We’ve spent most of our lives healing others, Ria. I think it’s time one of us had the favor returned.”

  “But, to just… take it. I don’t know.”

  “There is no other way. You’ve got to stop beating yourself up over this.”

  She was about to say something else, when I covered her lips with my finger.

  “Enough. This is not an argument you’ll win with me. You know I’d do anything to save your life and you know how stubborn I am.”

  Sighing, Ria nodded.

  “Remember, Dragons are known to be very selfish and arrogant creatures. They take more than they give. For once, they’ll be giving back to the community by helping a Healer. One who they might need help from one day.”

  “I suppose you’re right.”

  “I’m the oldest. I’m always right,” I replied with a smirk.

  “I hope in this case, you truly are,” she said quietly.


  Our apartments were in the Forest Zone and next to each other, which we’d requested. Other than that, there was nothing very appealing about the new living quarters. Small, with white walls, white furniture, white cabinets, and white… everything else.

  “Great,” I mumbled, peaking into the bedroom.

  More white.

  Remembering when the recruiter had asked if there was anything special we required for our living quarters, I wished I would have told him “life.” Even a few plants would have made a difference. This place, however, was so sterile and lifeless, nothing like our cottage back home or the colorful gardens surrounding it. There weren’t even any windows, just screens with holograms mimicking the outdoors. If that wasn’t bad enough, the Uni logo was on everything, reminding us that we were just guests of the Ama Seldova.


  We were more like pets to the government. They’d selected our homes, our jobs, even our clothing. In fact, from that moment on, we were required to wear the garments left behind in our rooms—plain white, gray, or black pants, and matching short-sleeved shirts, also with the lovely Uni Logo. Not that I wanted to wear anything sexy, but the outfits were so dull and the thought of wearing the same thing for over two years, was a little depressing.

  Sighing, I went into the bathroom and took a long, cool shower. After standing for hours in the heat, it felt so heavenly that I didn’t want to get out. Closing my eyes, I wondered what the Dragon-shifter with the silver eyes was doing at that moment.

  Did he take showers in his Human form?

  I doubted he could fit into an apartment, much less a bathroom like this as a Dragon. I wondered if the Shifters were given extra-large suites with accommodating bathrooms. The fact that Cleo would find out made me feel almost… jealous.

  “Jealous?” I said out loud. “Natalya, you’re truly cracking up.”

  I imagined him in his Human form, standing under the shower, his muscles all glistening and wet. Would his water be hot or cold?

  “Crazy fool,” I whispered huskily, pushing the image away. Here I was… fantasizing about someone whose natural state was a beast, and not the tall, sexy kind that I could invite to my bed.

  He’s a Dragon, I reminded myself.

  A fire-breathing carnivore who would lick his chops before devouring me rather than lick his way around my body for pleasure.

  But still, I found myself strangely attracted to him and secretly hoped that Cleo didn’t bed the one with the silver eyes and dark hair.

  Pushing away my sordid thoughts, I finished up my shower, put on one of the white uniforms, and then went to the kitchen to eat. Fortunately, we were each given one week of food, so there was plenty to choose from. I made myself a salad and then went to go check on Ria.

  Chapter 5


  My apartment was down the hallway from Javich’s. Both were unimpressive, but clean and stocked plentiful with food. After grabbing a bite to eat, I took a shower and changed into the garb they required us to wear. Still hungry, I went back to the kitchen and fixed myself some more food. As I was about to finish my third sandwich, Javich called me.

  “Miss me already?” I asked, staring at a holographic image of him. He was holding what looked like a large turkey leg in one hand, and a jug in the other.

  “Hell no. I was just going to let you know that Cleo was coming over in about an hour. So, don’t disturb me.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll stay away. Just be careful. We wouldn’t want you burning the entire place down if you can’t handle yourself.”

  “Didn’t they tell you?” he said around a mouthful of food. “Our apartments are flame-resistant. Nothing is catching on fire in my place.”

  “I’m sure Cleo will be relieved and a little disappointed,” I replied with a smirk.

  “Oh, it’s still going to get hot in here,” he answered with an arrogant grin.

  I stared at the food stuck between his teeth. “You sure you know what you’re doing?” I asked as he took another bite of the turkey leg.

  He shrugged. “I’m sure it’s the same concept as Dragon sex. As far as how I get there, I’m sure Cleo can lead me to her honey cave.”

  I shook my head. “Honey cave? A word of advice… don’t call it that. Even I’m embarrassed for you.”

  “Whatever. You know what I mean.”

  “Yes I do.” Unfortunately, he was bound and determined to move ahead with Cleo.

  “What’s that? A sandwich?” he asked, staring with interest down at my plate.

  “Yes. At least they stocked our refrigerators well,” I replied, picking it up and taking another bite.

  “I’m sure the last thing they want is a pack of hungry Dragons roaming the streets for food, especially in the middle of the night.”

  “A pack? Are there more of us coming?” I asked, staring at him in surprise. Most of the Dragons on our planet had scoffed at the idea of staying at the Complex. Another reason why Javich and I had kept it a secret.

  “I heard there was a green one staying here.”

  “You’re kidding?” Green Dragons were territorial, cunning, and highly adept at magic. We didn’t get along with them very well. Nobody did.

  “No, I wish I was.”

  “Why would the AS allow a green Dragon to join up?” I asked. Everyone knew they were not to be trusted. Even the females were devious.

  “I don’t know. I imagine that it’s because they need to try and get everyone to live together in harmony. Including those bastards,” he replied, taking another bite of his turkey leg. “I don’t know where they’re going to house one, though. Unless Greenie uses magic to take on a Human’s form.”

  “I’m sure that’s the plan,” I answered. “Or maybe a Meta?”

  “Regardless, it can’t be
easy to contain that kind of magic for over two years.”

  Unlike us, shifting wasn’t part of their DNA.

  “You don’t think Cleo is a Dragon, do you? She could have lured you with magic. Maybe that’s why you’re so jacked up about her?”

  Frowning, he lowered the turkey leg. “Do you think it’s possible?”

  “Anything is possible. Just be careful.”

  Still looking troubled, he agreed that it was a good idea.

  Chapter 6


  “Don’t worry. It won’t be too much longer,” I said, applying more salve to the scales on Ria’s back.

  “I hope so. I don’t know how much longer of this I can take,” she replied, scratching her arm.

  I smacked her hand away. “You have to stop doing that. It’s making it worse.”

  She groaned. “I can’t help it. I have to keep scratching. These things are driving me crazy.”

  I frowned. “I think it’s time to check in with Cleo. She should have called us by now,” I pressed down on my right palm. “Call Cleo Bistami.”

  A few seconds later, an image of the green-skinned Meta appeared and she was naked.

  Ria looked at me with an amused grin and I shrugged. We both already knew that the woman had no modesty.

  “I’m sorry, is this a bad time?” I asked. It was obvious from Cleo’s damp hair and dewy skin that she’d just gotten out of the shower.

  “I wouldn’t have answered if it was,” she said, grabbing a brush and brushing her long, brown hair. “I suppose you’re calling about the Shifters.”

  I nodded. “Yes. What happened?”

  Cleo smirked. “I have a date with the red-haired one. I think his name is Javich. In fact, he’s expecting me in about an hour.”

  “You’re going to his apartment?” I asked, excited that things were taking off earlier than anticipated. It appeared that Ria would get some kind of relief tonight, if everything worked as planned.

  She nodded.

  “How are you going to do it?” asked Ria, coming up behind me.

  Cleo walked over to her satchel and pulled out a small syringe.

  “They let you get in here with that?” I asked, surprised.

  She put her finger to her lips, shushing me.

  Of course, the room was probably bugged. We were basically committing a crime. One that could get us kicked out of the Complex and maybe thrown into prison.

  “Anyway, I need to get ready for my date,” Cleo said, stuffing it back into her bag.

  “I’m surprised he’s willing to get together with you,” Ria said, “considering he’s a Dragon.”

  She smiled. “A Dragon, yes, but in his Human form, he’s all man and has needs just like any other.”

  “The pheromone helps too, right?” said Ria.

  “Yes, but not with everyone. At least not this time,” she said, her smile fading. “Which is a pity.”

  “Are you speaking of the dark-haired Dragon-shifter?” I asked, curious.

  “Yes. Brekkon. Apparenthe has a female back home and wouldn’t play. Too bad. It would have made for an interesting evening.”

  “He has someone?” I asked, surprised at the spark of jealousy in the pit of my stomach.

  Cleo nodded. “So he says. I do believe him, though. He’s a good-looking man. I bet as a Dragon, he’s incredible to look at.”

  “What if Javich… catches on?” Ria asked, looking worried.

  “Dear girl, I’m going to have him so worked up, he’s going to have a hard time figuring out his own name,” said Cleo, smiling.

  “Just be careful,” I replied. “And call us if you need our help.”

  “Don’t worry about me. You know, I feel almost guilty making you pay for a night of pleasure with a hunk like that,” she said.

  “You could give us a discount,” I said with a hopeful smile.

  She laughed. “I said almost feel guilty. From the looks of Ria, what I’m doing for you is worth more than what you’re paying me.” She gave her a sympathetic look. “It’s spreading, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” replied Ria, holding her arms out to show her.

  “Do you know how you contracted it?” Cleo asked.

  Ria shook her head. “No. It doesn’t appear to be contagious, either, otherwise Natalya would have come down with it.”

  “Maybe you’ve been cursed?” she replied.

  “Let’s hope not or we may never get rid of it,” I said.

  “There is someone here who can remove those, I believe. A curse catcher. If what we’re trying to do doesn’t work, there’s always that option,” said Cleo.

  I sighed in relief. I’d been secretly worried that Ria had been cursed, although by whom… I had no idea.

  “You’re making me feel itchy just looking at you. I’d better get a move-on. I’ll call you when I have what you want,” she said and then hung up before we could thank her.

  Chapter 7


  Curious about the Complex, I left my apartment and took a zipper back to Main City. It was still hectic with new arrivals, and I soon learned that venturing out wasn’t exactly the smartest idea. Everyone was either in a rush to get to their apartments, or ornery from standing in line all day. Still, I wanted to know what I’d gotten myself into and the Dragon in me was restless. I needed to get out and move.

  As I made my way through the streets, I noticed there were a few bars that looked interesting, including a couple of strip joints. Where there was booze, women, and sex… there’d be gambling, legal or not.

  Maybe this won’t be as bad as I thought…

  Eventually, I found my way to a supermarket, one of the only places open. Inside were a couple of clerks who looked like they were already disgruntled employees. I understood their lack of enthusiasm. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about my job either.

  “Do you need help finding anything?” asked one of them in a monotone voice.

  I turned around and looked at her. “Uh, yes… where’s your produce?”

  She pointed toward the back of the store.

  “Thank you.”

  “Sure,” she replied, with just as much enthusiasm.

  Knowing that I had my fifty thousand S-Co, I purchased two large bags of food and was able to set up a delivery for more items to be delivered directly to my apartment.

  “When do you want it delivered?” asked the clerk, after I paid.

  “By tomorrow, if you can,” I said.

  “I’ll try. You do know that each apartment was given a week’s ration of food,” she said.

  “A week’s ration for someone who eats like a bird,” I replied. “Not a Dragon.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re a Dragon?”

  “When the mood fits.”

  She looked at the other clerk and back at me. “A Dragon-shifter at the Complex. Wow. I’ve never met your kind before, but heard that you all were assholes.”

  “I’ve heard the same thing and many of us are,” I answered, picking up my bags. “Especially when we go hungry.”

  “I’ll make sure this gets delivered then,” she said, looking amused.

  I winked. “Thank you.”


  Twenty minutes later, I was back at my apartment. As I was putting my groceries away, someone began pounding on my door. It turned out to be Javich.

  “You’re back. That didn’t take long,” I said as he stormed past me and into my apartment.

  “The woman was all over me the moment she stepped inside,” he answered in a grouchy voice.

  From the look on his face, I knew he wasn’t happy. “I take it things didn’t go as planned?”

  “It was fine at first,” he replied, rubbing his crotch. “But then this happened.” Javich began unbuttoning his trousers.

  “Whoa, what are you doing?” I asked as he pulled them down to his knees.

  “That creature did something to my genitals. Is this supposed to happen?” he asked, showing me his penis.
  I grimaced when I saw the small, green bumps that had sprouted around his member. “Good God, I don’t think so. Do me a favor and put that thing away. You know, you could have just explained what happened.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think words would have done this justice.” He pulled his pants back up. “They itch and burn like a son-of-a-bitch. Is this normal?”

  “I don’t think so. When did they pop up?”

  “Right after I kicked her out of my apartment.”

  My eyes widened. “You kicked her out?”

  “Hell yeah, I did.”

  Javich explained that after they were finished having sex, which had been mind-blowing apparently, Cleo began giving him a full body massage.

  “She said it was a freebie, since she normally charges for it. It was relaxing, so much so that I almost fell asleep but then, out of nowhere, the bitch stuck me with a needle.”

  I hadn’t expected that. I stared at him in surprise. “What?”

  “She tried taking my blood, and when I accused her of it, she claimed that she was going to mix it with the massage oil, to make the experience even better. But,” he grunted, “it was obvious as to what she was doing.”

  She’d been trying to steal his blood for money. It had many healing properties, and in the Black Market, was worth a lot of S-Co. At one point, I’d even considered selling some of my own to pay Talon back. But instead, signed up for the Complex experiment.

  “Did she get any of it?”

  “No. I grabbed the syringe from her and kicked her ass out. Unfortunately,” he rubbed his pelvis again, “she left me with something. And it’s getting worse.”

  “Speaking of blood, maybe you should rub some of that on there and see if it gets better. Just, do me a favor and do it at your place.”

  “Already tried. Didn’t work.” He began to pace. “What in the hell do I do now?”

  “You could try shifting into a Dragon and see if that works.”

  He stopped walking. “Great idea.”

  “Not full size,” I reminded him. “I don’t need you wrecking my apartment.”


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