Blood of Brekkon (The Complex Book 0)

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Blood of Brekkon (The Complex Book 0) Page 4

by Kristen Middleton

  He nodded and began removing his clothing.

  “Can’t you go home and do it? I’ve seen more than enough of you today,” I replied.

  “No time,” he answered, kicking away his pants.

  Sighing, I watched as he transformed into a Dragon—one that was the size of a small puppy. He then began flying around my apartment, his copper wings nearly taking out a couple of lamps.

  “Watch out,” I muttered, as he headed toward the kitchen. I followed him and noticed that he was flapping around my groceries, which were still on the counter.

  “Feel any better yet?” I asked, grabbing some of the food and walking toward the refrigerator.

  In response, Javich blew out a stream of fire.

  “Not in here,” I growled, watching as he came close to torching one of my cupboards.

  He transformed back into a Human. “Dammit, it didn’t help,” he said, examining his genitals. “In fact, I think the spots have gotten bigger.”

  I glanced over and noticed they were definitely larger, looking more like blisters now. “You might want to consult with a Healer.”

  He gave me a pained expression. “Oh, hell. I don’t want to show anyone this.”

  “You’re showing me,” I muttered, closing the refrigerator door. “You should be showing someone who can fix it.”

  Mumbling to himself, Javich walked back into the living room and I followed him. He picked up his pants and began to dress. “I’m going to go back to my apartment and take a shower. If it doesn’t get better by morning, I’ll go and see someone.”

  “Maybe you should ask Cleo what it is,” I said.

  His face turned red with anger. “The hell if I’m talking to that bitch again. I’ll end up in prison.”

  With a grim smile, I folded my arms across my chest. “I don’t want to say it, but…”

  “Yeah, you do,” he said gruffly. “I shouldn’t have had sex with another species. I get it.”

  “Maybe next time you’ll lead with the head above your shoulders instead of the one below.”

  “If I were you, I’d get off my high horse. Every time I try talking you out of gambling, you ignore me. And now, here we are,” he replied dryly.

  My smile fell. He was right, of course. Now we were both paying for our transgressions.

  “Point taken.”

  He sighed. “At least you’ve escaped your mess. Mine has just begun. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night.”

  “See the Healer,” I reminded him.

  He opened up the door and looked over his shoulder. “I will, but only if I have no other choice.”

  Somehow, I knew it would be his only.

  Chapter 8


  We didn’t hear from Cleo for the next couple of hours and when we did, she gave us the bad news—Javich, the Dragon-shifter, had discovered what she’d been trying to do.

  I stared at her in horror. “What happened?”

  “He went off on me and then kicked me out of his place,” she replied glumly. “I’m sorry I didn’t get what you wanted. But, I will.”

  Ria, who was standing next to me, stood up. “What do you plan on doing now?”

  “I know of someone who is looking for the two Dragons. Someone who’ll be willing to give us what we need to locate them,” she replied.

  “Another Dragon?” I asked.

  Cleo nodded. “His name is Talon. Brekkon has double-crossed him, apparently.”

  “Wait a second, I’ve heard of Talon,” said Ria, frowning. “If he’s looking for them, you don’t want to get involved.”

  “Honestly, it’s the only way we’re going to get our hands on Dragon’s blood now,” Cleo said and then looked at me. “I’m telling you, Javich will not let me near him any longer. I’m lucky to have gotten out of his apartment in one piece.”

  I frowned and turned to Ria. “You know where I stand. If it means giving them up to save your life, the choice is simple.”

  “Even if it means putting their lives in danger?” Ria asked angrily.

  “If they’ve double-crossed Talon, then they owe him anyway. Of course, I don’t want anyone to die, but if we don’t cure you, then you very well could.” I looked at Cleo. “Let’s do it.”

  Ria gasped. “No. Wait. I won’t agree to this!”

  “You don’t have to,” I said. “Cleo, please move forward on this.”

  “Very well,” she replied. “I’ll try and get in touch with Talon. I’m sure I can find someone here at the Complex who can help me with that.”

  Ria tried arguing again, but we both ignored her.

  “I’m not a child,” she said after Cleo hung up. “You can’t make these decisions for me. Especially if it means that two Metas might be murdered. We are not in the business of killing. You of all people should know that.”

  “First of all, we’re not killing anyone. Second of all, I didn’t come all of this way to watch you die, especially when there’s a chance to save you.”


  I groaned. “Ria, enough. Cleo is going to contact Talon and hopefully, a deal will be made. You’re going to,” I waved my hand at the scales, which seemed to be getting worse by the minute, “survive this affliction and I’m going to make sure that nothing stands in the way of that. Nothing.” Then, before she could protest any more, I left her apartment.

  Chapter 9


  After Javich took off, the Dragon part of me began to grow restless again. Needing to do something about it, I left my apartment and went to a large courtyard that was behind the dome. Fortunately, it was dark and there weren’t many Humans or Metas around. Undressing behind a tree, I hid my clothing and quickly shifted into a small Dragon. Adrenaline and fire surged inside of me as I spread my wings and rose up into the dark skies, carefully avoiding the force-field. Although it was a pain in the ass to sustain such a small size, I felt freer than I had all day.



  After leaving Ria’s apartment, I grabbed my cloak and left the building. I was stressed out, especially knowing that things weren’t going exactly as planned. I was also worried about Cleo dealing with this Talon character and how it would turn out. I wasn’t even sure if he would be willing to trade blood for information on the two other Dragons. The situation was getting much more dangerous, and if we weren’t careful, we’d lose our only chance at getting what we needed.

  It was dark when I stepped outside and into the courtyard. Besides myself, there were two Humans exploring the area. We smiled casually at each other in passing and then they stepped back into the dome.

  I walked over to one of the picnic tables and sat down, enjoying the silence and solitude. After the day’s events, it was very much appreciated.

  Glancing around the small, makeshift forest that the AS had set up, I began thinking about Ria. I couldn’t even imagine my life without her and the thought of my sister dying brought tears to my eyes. She was all I had left and I loved her more than anything. I thought about how she used to follow me around when we were so young, and how it had driven me crazy.

  “She wants to be just like you,” our mother would say whenever I complained. “You should be flattered.”

  But it wasn’t until our parents were gone, and it was just the two of us, that I appreciated and cherished my younger sister. Now, her life was in danger and I wouldn’t let anything stand in the way of saving her.

  Still, there was a part of me that was unsure if the blood would even work. For all we knew, her affliction could be some kind of curse, and I’d heard that those were almost impossible to get rid of.

  But who would curse Ria?

  I had no idea. Our village was small and mostly made up of a mix of different Metas, but they were all peaceful and seemed so non-threatening. The only logical explanation I could come up with was that she’d picked up a virus from a patient, who may or may have not known about the disease. It was so frustrating.

p; Sighing, I set my elbow on the picnic table and rested my chin on my palm. Staring up at the sky, I saw a shadow pass by. Squinting, I followed it with my eyes and watched as the object turned and headed toward the coverage of the trees. Curious, I stood up and wandered over to where I’d watched it disappear. What I didn’t expect to find was Brekkon, standing buck-naked in the woods, holding a pair of pants.

  “Oh, dear God. I’m sorry,” I sputtered, turning away quickly. “I had no idea anyone was back here.”

  “It’s okay,” he replied, sounding a little irritated.

  “I just thought I saw something flying this way and decided to follow it,” I rambled on, an image of his hard, sculpted muscles etched forever in my head.

  “That something was me.”

  Knowing he was a Dragon, I was a little confused. “Your shadow was so small. I don’t understand.”

  He grunted. “You mean when I was flying or standing naked in front of you? For the sake of pride, I hope you’re not talking about the latter.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. The Dragon had a sense of humor. “Honestly, I didn’t see anything. Not when you were standing there, um, naked.”

  “There you go again,” he said, his voice getting closer. “Throwing stones at my ego.”

  “I wasn’t looking there,” I replied, my cheeks turning pink. “Anyway, I’ll just be on my way.”



  For some odd and unexplainable reason, I was very pleased to see the woman from earlier. Being a gambler, I also knew that the odds of us running into each other were low.

  It made me wonder…

  “Did Javich send you?” I asked, walking around to face her. As miserable as he was, I had to wonder if Javich was trying to win the bet we’d made earlier.

  The young woman’s green eyes widened. “Javich?” she asked, taking a step back. “I’m sorry, I don’t know anyone by that name.”

  I stared at the intriguing female standing in front of me. If it was even possible, she was more beautiful up close. She was also lying. I could feel it in my bones.

  Very well, two can play this game…

  “What are you?” I asked, resisting the urge to push her hood down, to get a better look. “I can tell you’re not a Human. You’re too…”

  “Too what?” she asked, raising her chin.

  The word “beautiful” almost slipped from my tongue, but I caught myself. I wouldn’t fall for her charms, especially if this was a setup. “Are you a Siren?”

  She laughed. “No. I’m a Healer.”

  I smiled slowly. Now it all made sense. Javich had decided to seek a Healer for his ailment and that’s how he’d found her. I was both amused and impressed. I wondered how much he was paying her for this. I decided to play along with their game. I was a master at bluffing and this could be fun.

  Chapter 10


  I wasn’t sure what was going on in his head, but there was suddenly a devilish grin on his face.

  “Um, I should go,” I said, feeling anxious, especially after he’d mentioned Javich’s name.

  Did he know that I was friends with Cleo?

  “Go? You’re giving up a little easy, aren’t you?” he said, his silver eyes staring at me coolly.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied, my heart beating faster.

  He knew.

  He had to…

  “What’s your name?” he asked, his voice now so silky it was like a warm caress.

  I licked my lips. “Natalya.”

  “Natalya. The Healer. Tell me,” he reached over and pushed my hood down slowly. “How much is he paying you?”

  “Who… who?” I stuttered, shocked that he’d learned so much already. It was obvious he knew we were going to give him up to Talon. Were Dragons mind-readers?


  This confused me even further. “What are you talking about?”

  “Oh, you’re good,” Brekkon replied, chuckling softly.

  “I really should go,” I said, backing away. Now I had no idea what he was talking about.

  He grabbed my arm. “Wait. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’m sorry. Please… forgive me.”

  “You’re forgiven.” I pulled my arm away. “Now, I really must go. Goodnight, sir.”

  “Wait, don’t leave,” he said as I began to walk away.

  I turned around. “Why?”

  He smiled slowly. “Because, I find you… fascinating.”

  Staring at the handsome Dragon-shifter, I knew I felt the same way and it wasn’t just because of his blood.


  He stared at me with such an intensity that it gave me butterflies. My heart suddenly skipped a beat as another possibility entered my brain. “What do… Dragons eat?”

  Brekkon’s eyes twinkled. “Our appetites vary, although the majority of us are carnivores.”

  “Carnivores?” I repeated, feeling faint. The hungry look in his eyes explained everything. “What kind of meat do you prefer?”

  His lip twitched. “Fresh.”

  That did it. “I really need to get back. Have a good night,” I said, unwilling to be anyone’s late night snack. Not even for my sister. “It was nice meeting you, Brekkon.”

  He took a step closer. “I never told you my name.”



  Now I knew that Javich had spoken to her. How in the hell else would she know my name?

  “Natalya, you shouldn’t give up this easily,” I said, meaning it. Although I wasn’t willing to have sex with the beautiful Healer, I at least wanted her to try harder.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” she said with an alarmed look on her face.

  “Don’t you?”

  She said nothing, just stared at me in confusion.

  I closed the gap between us and stared down into her emerald eyes. Even I had to admit, the look of confusion there was well-played. Her performance was admirable. “I swear, woman, you’re even better than I am at this.”

  Her eyes widened. “At what?”



  I pulled her into my arms and sealed my lips over hers.



  Brekkon caught me off-guard and I started kissing him back. Deep down, I knew it wasn’t right, but I couldn’t help myself.

  Although our kisses were a bit awkward at first, we soon found our rhythm and it took my breath away.

  Brekkon suddenly pulled away. “Wait,” he whispered in a ragged voice.

  I stared up at him, my head still spinning.

  “Most women would have slapped me. But, you’re not like most, are you?” he said, searching my eyes.

  “Most men aren’t… Dragons,” I replied in a shaky voice.

  Brekkon began kissing me again.

  Closing my eyes, I reached up and ran my fingers through his silky, dark hair, pressing my body closer to his. He groaned in the back of his throat and slid his hands over my hips.

  “Excuse me,” said a familiar voice in the darkness.

  My sister.

  We separated so fast, it was like someone had thrown a bucket of water at us.

  Chapter 11


  I shoved Natalya away, my treacherous body on fire. As strong as I thought I was, my desire for the Healer was even stronger, and the odds of my winning the bet were beginning to dwindle. Kissing her had been one thing, but touching her soft curves had almost driven me over the edge.

  Natalya’s face was pink as she pulled her hood up over her blonde hair. “Ria, what are you doing out here?”

  “I’d ask you the same thing but it’s a little obvious,” she replied, her eyes flashing angrily.

  “I’m going to take my leave now,” I said, embarrassingly aware that my pants were tight in the crotch area. Plus, the two women sounded annoyed at each other and I didn’t need any more drama in my life. “I’ll let
Javich know it didn’t work.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” said Natalya, frowning.

  I smiled. “Remind me to never play cards with you. Have a good night.”

  “Cards?” she repeated.

  I didn’t answer. Nodding to the woman named Ria, I headed back into the dome to Javich’s apartment. When he answered the door, he looked like I’d woken him.

  “What’s up?” he asked, letting me in.

  As if he didn’t know.

  “So, you feeling better?” I asked, looking around his apartment. It was exactly as mine, only laid out the opposite way.

  “Not really,” he replied, scratching his head and yawning. “Thanks for reminding me. Now it’s bugging me again.”

  My eyes narrowed. “The Healer didn’t fix your problem?”

  “What Healer?”

  I snorted. “Don’t take me for a fool. I ran into her in the courtyard,” I replied, sitting down on his sofa, which was harder than mine, if that was even possible.

  “I haven’t been to see a Healer,” he said grumpily. “I told you that I was going to wait until tomorrow.”

  I gave him a puzzled look. “You’re serious?”

  “Of course. Why would I lie?” he said. “If you want evidence, I’ll show you.”

  “Keep your pecker in your pants,” I mumbled, feeling suddenly ill. If what Javich said was true, then Natalya had never spoken to him. That could only mean that… I’d practically raped the woman in the courtyard. Although, she hadn’t resisted. In fact, she’d kissed me back just as fervently.

  Javich sat down across from me in the chair. “What Healer are you talking about?”

  I explained what had happened in the courtyard.


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