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Blood of Brekkon (The Complex Book 0)

Page 8

by Kristen Middleton

“I’m not sure,” said Lydisa. “But, we’re not paid to ask questions. You give us what you need and we’ll be on our way.”

  “That’s all you want? The money I owe and some blood?” asked Brekkon.

  “Plus twenty percent interest for being late on your payment,” said Torik, who’d loosened his grip on me.

  Before he could answer, the apartment door crashed open and Javich rushed inside. He tackled Lydisa and her gun tumbled out of her hands. As this was happening, Torik shoved me aside and was about to fire his weapon, but Brekkon managed to grab it from him and blast the Intra officer with it. He then turned it on Lydisa and did the same thing, rendering her unconscious.

  “Are they dead?” I asked, my heart pounding as Brekkon lowered the segif.

  “No. They’re just out cold,” he replied, running his hand over his jaw with an angry expression. He looked at Javich. “Shit, we’re screwed now.”

  “Not necessarily,” he said, bending down to search the Intra officers.

  “Good thing you arrived when you did,” I said, my heart still pounding. Everything was such a mess and I knew it was my fault. I felt so guilty.

  “I overheard what was happening,” said Javich, standing back up. “What they were doing is illegal. If anyone is in trouble, it’s them. We should contact the AS and let them know these two were trying to extort money and blood from you.”

  Cleo’s face popped into my head and I reminded myself that it might do more harm than good if the wrong members of the AS started digging around. If anyone found out she was involved, it could lead back to me.

  I cleared my throat. “What if the AS is behind this? I mean, this Talon guy may have learned you were here from someone in authority.”

  “That’s possible, but not everyone in the AS is going to be corrupt,” said Javich. “Someone will want to investigate.”

  “But, they’ll learn about Talon being after Brekkon,” I pointed out. “And isn’t he into some illegal stuff?”

  “Yeah, but so? They don’t care what happened off of Lorn, and Brekkon didn’t do anything that was against the law.”

  Brekkon looked at him. “They might not see it that way.”

  “You simply forgot to pay a debt. Big deal,” said Javich.

  “To a criminal?” said Brekkon. “Yeah, that conversation will go down well.”

  “You’re worrying too much. Plus, these two are green Dragons,” Javich said, tapping Lydisa’s foot, “and they don’t usually conspire with anyone other than their kind. Personally, I’m starting to think that they were working on their own.”

  “But someone obviously tipped them off. I’m betting it was Cleo,” Brekkon said.

  “Cleo? Why?” I asked.

  They both looked at me.

  “Do you know her?” asked Javich, frowning.

  I laughed nervously. “Not personally. I heard you talking of her earlier. Didn’t she give you the,” I pointed toward his pelvis, “genital disease?”

  He looked away and nodded.

  “She also attempted to steal blood from him,” Brekkon added. “And mentioned, more than once, that she has friends in high places.”

  “I think it’s time we have a talk with her,” Javich said, a determined look on his face. “She can’t get away with this.”

  I swallowed. “What will you do?”

  “Make sure she isn’t a threat to us anymore,” Javich replied, glancing at me.

  My eyes widened. “You mean… kill her?”

  “We’re no killers,” Brekkon said. “But, I’m not afraid to put the fear of God into her.”

  I relaxed.

  “I think we should call Intra first and have these two arrested,” said Javich. “We’ll explain that they were trying to steal your blood. We have Natalya as a witness, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Brekkon nodded. “At least it will get them out of our hair for a while.”

  Things were getting out of control and I still needed to get back to Ria with some Dragon’s blood. “Um, what about our deal? I can have the money transferred over to you right away.”

  Brekkon, who was now searching through Torik’s pockets, looked up at me. “Twenty-thousand?”

  I nodded. “For one pint.”

  He stared at me for a few seconds and sighed. “Okay. You win. After we take care of this, though. It shouldn’t take long.”

  I relaxed. “Okay.”

  Javich whistled through his teeth. “Twenty-thousand S-Co. What are you going to do with a pint of Dragon’s blood?” asked Javich, moving closer to me. I could tell by the look in his eyes, he was starting to have doubts about me.

  “Isn’t it obvious? I’m a Healer. I need it for medical purposes,” I replied.

  “Still, that’s a lot of ching to spend. I thought you people could heal without it,” he said. “Even Oscow said he could have helped me without Brekkon’s blood, if he really needed to.”

  “Unfortunately, there are some things that even a Healer can’t cure without a little help,” I replied.

  “Quit giving her the third degree. At least she’s not trying to steal it from me,” said Brekkon standing up.

  “I was just curious,” he replied, still watching me closely.

  “Let’s call the Intra. I want to get this over with,” said Brekkon. “It’s getting late and I’m hungry again.”

  Nodding, Javich raised his palm. “Call Intra inside the Complex.”

  A recorded hologram appeared. It was of a man wearing a black uniform. “If this is an emergency, please say yes. Otherwise, hold for the next available officer. Your current wait time is forty minutes.”

  “Yes, this is an emergency,” growled Javich. He looked at us. “The hell if we’re waiting around that long and now I definitely need a drink.”

  A live, female Intra officer appeared and Javich explained the situation. The surprised woman promised to send officers right away.

  “Green Dragons, you said?” asked the woman, staring down at the incapacitated couple still asleep.

  “Yes,” answered Javich.

  “I don’t recall us having any Dragons on the force and if I remember correctly, they’re a nasty bunch. No offense,” she replied.

  “None taken,” Javich answered. “They don’t play well with others, which is why it surprised us that they were Intra.”

  “I’m almost certain they’re not. However, we’ll find out soon enough,” she said. “Help should be there shortly.”

  “Thank you,” said Javich.

  She disappeared and a few seconds later, there were Intra officers at the door. They questioned us and then removed the two unconscious Dragons from Brekkon’s apartment.

  “So, are they Intra?” Brekkon asked one of them, a Human named Jacob Sneed.

  “No,” he replied. “As far as I can tell, they’re imposters. I’m not sure how they acquired weapons and uniforms, but there will definitely be a full investigation. ”

  “What’s going to happen to them in the meantime?” I asked.

  “They’ll be shipped back to their home planet to be dealt with,” Jacob answered.

  “So, they won’t be allowed back into the Complex?” asked Brekkon.

  “No. Their stay here is definitely over,” Jacob answered, pushing some buttons on his tablet.

  “Good. Let’s just hope Talon doesn’t have any other contacts inside here,” Javich said to Brekkon.

  The Intra officer looked up. “Talon? From Pinao?”

  “Yes,” said Brekkon. “You know of him?”

  Jacob nodded. “He’s a wanted criminal. Rumor has it he’s into a lot of illegal activity, but covers his tracks well. You’re not related to him, are you?”

  Javich laughed coldly. “No. We’re metal Dragons.”

  “Makes sense,” he replied, looking into Javich’s copper-colored eyes. “I see it now. Well, if you have any information that might help us with Talon, we’d greatly appreciate it.”

  Brekkon and Javich looked at e
ach other and I knew they wouldn’t want Jacob to know about the debt that was owed to the bookie. Especially if it was because of gambling.

  I cleared my throat. “Other than he tried stealing their blood for profit, using the two green Dragons? I doubt there’s much else they can help you with.”

  Jacob gave me a curious look. “Ms. Phron, may I have a word with you? In private?”

  “Why?” the three of us asked in unison.

  “Considering the circumstances, and that Talon might be involved, I’d like to talk to her alone,” he replied.

  “Listen, I barely know these two. But, I swear to you, everything they said about the two green Dragons is accurate,” I said to Jacob.

  “Really? May I ask what you were doing in Mr. Liamson’s apartment?” asked Jacob.

  “Not that it’s any of your business,” Brekkon intervened, “but we met at the clinic today and I asked her out. We were getting ready to go and have dinner.”

  Jacob gave us a surprised look. “I thought you Dragons only mixed with your own kind.”

  “Normally we do,” said Brekkon, walking over to me. He slid his hand around my waist and pulled me into his side. “But even you have to admit, Natalya is a rare treasure. Even Dragons can’t resist her beauty.”

  I blushed. I knew he was only saying that for the Intra’s benefit, but it still made me feel all warm and gooey inside.

  Jacob smiled. “I would have to concur. She’s quite lovely.” He sighed. “Well, if there’s anything else you’d like to share about this evening’s events, don’t hesitate to call us.”

  “Will do,” said Brekkon.

  “We called you once. We’ll call you again if needed,” said Javich.

  “You, too,” Jacob said to me.

  I nodded.

  “Okay, then. Take care.” Jacob left, closing the door behind him.

  “That’s a relief,” said Javich, relaxing. “We don’t have to worry about those screwballs anymore.”

  Brekkon released me and I immediately missed having his arm around me. He made me feel safe.

  “The danger isn’t over yet, though. Talon will surely send someone else now that he knows where I am,” said Brekkon.

  “Probably. We just need to stay on our guard. At least the Intra is on our side about him,” said Javich.

  “Yes. At least we have that on our side,” Brekkon looked at me and smiled. “So, where should we do it?”

  I blinked. “Do what?”

  “I’d say the bed is the most comfortable,” said Javich. “But, if you want to do it on the floor here, I’ll make myself some popcorn and stay out of your way.”

  “Very funny,” said Brekkon. “I’m talking about giving blood. Where should we do this?”

  Considering the fact that I didn’t have a syringe or anything to contain the blood, I told him the clinic would be the wisest choice.

  “Very well. Let’s get this over with,” he answered.

  “Do you want me along?” asked Javich.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea. If Oscow is still at the clinic, he’s going to wonder why you’re both back there,” I replied.

  “What about me?” asked Brekkon. “What will you tell him?”

  I bit my lower lip. “I have a better idea. I’ll grab the supplies I need and we’ll go to my place. We don’t want the AS seeing what we’re doing and I’m sure they have security cameras all over the clinic.” With the amount of blood we’d be drawing, and the prior arrest of the two green Dragons, it would definitely draw attention.

  “You’re right. In fact, the guy I worked with today said that the apartments were the only places without them,” said Javich.

  “That’s a relief,” I replied, the thought of the AS watching us in the privacy of our own apartments, no matter how temporary they were, was unsettling.

  “You’re telling me. I’d be the laughingstock of the AS if they would have seen me last night with Cleo. Especially afterward when I noticed those nasty green spots all over my—“

  “TMI,” said Brekkon, looking perturbed. “Javich, I’ll call you later and we’ll meet up for a drink.”

  “Sounds good. If something pops up and you can’t, though, I’ll totally understand,” he answered.

  “I doubt anything is going to pop up,” replied Brekkon, frowning.

  With a wicked gleam in his eyes, Javich mumbled something under his breath. I wasn’t sure what it was, but Brekkon must have understood because he glared at him.

  “Good thing she’s paying you, because something tells me you’re going to be owing me a lot of money soon,” said Javich, ignoring Brekkon’s dirty looks. “Maybe we should double the bet?”

  Brekkon flipped him off.

  Laughing, Javich walked out the door.

  “What were you two betting on?” I asked, curious.

  “Nothing,” mumbled Brekkon, looking sullen. “You ready?”

  Nodding, I followed him out of the apartment.

  Chapter 21


  After Natalya collected the supplies she needed from the clinic, she hid them in her satchel and we went to her apartment.

  “You’re right,” I said, looking around. “It does look identical to mine.”

  “At least you’ll feel at home while I collect the blood,” she remarked a little dryly, while unpacking everything onto the kitchen table.

  “This is nothing like home,” I said, my mind returning to my cabin, which was nestled in the lush forests of Pinao. Although many Dragons lived in large caves, our kind preferred living behind four walls. I imagined that my place had been ransacked now by Talon and his goons. Fortunately, after our time at the Complex, Javich and I would be Ambassadors, and have more than enough money to start over.

  “I hear you,” she said with a faraway look in her eyes. “I’m already homesick myself.”

  I sat down at the kitchen table. “Where are you from?”

  “Creda,” she answered. “Have you ever been there?”

  “No,” I replied, as she moved closer to me. “Are there a lot of Healers there?”

  She shook her head. “In our village there is only myself and Ria, my sister.”

  “How many villages are there on your planet?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t really know. Probably hundreds. I’ve never been anywhere but there and now… here,” she said and then nodded toward my arm. “Is that the arm you’d like me to draw the blood from?”

  “Sure, why not?” I replied, turning my wrist up. “Just be gentle. I’m a wimp.”

  Natalya grinned. “That’s funny.”

  “What’s funny?” I asked, staring up at her.

  She picked up one of the syringes and began to prepare it. “I saw you in your Dragon form. Well, sort of. You certainly didn’t look like a wimp.”

  I smiled back at her. “You mean last night? That wasn’t even my true size. I’m much larger. Several hundred feet, in fact.”

  “A boastful Dragon. That’s odd,” she answered, her eyes twinkling.

  “So you’ve met many of us?” I replied, biting back a smile. It was true, most of us were arrogant, especially amongst each other. In our world, there was no shame in wanting to be the biggest and baddest, either. The larger we were, the more respect we garnered and the more females we attracted.

  “No, actually. But, I’ve heard some interesting rumors about your kind.”

  Probably all true, I thought. “Like what?”

  “That…” she hesitated and pushed her hair over to the side. Natalya smiled. “I shouldn’t say.”

  “Go ahead, I won’t bite,” I replied, staring at the delicate slope of her neck. I wouldn’t bite, but the urge to press my lips against her skin caught me off guard.

  “Okay. That you think you’re better than everyone else.”

  “You mean ‘better’ than other Dragons, or Metas in general?”

  Her lip twitched. “You tell me.”

  “Yes. It’s true and on bo
th counts,” I admitted. “In our defense, we haven’t met too many other Metas in general. Least of all Healers.”

  “So, what are you saying?” she asked with a smile in her voice. “We’re not as bad as you thought?”

  I looked into her eyes and suddenly felt lost in their green depths. “Not bad at all.”

  She smiled.

  “I’ve never met anyone like you, Natalya Phron,” I said, lowering my gaze to her full lips. I remembered what it was like kissing them and I had a deep urge to do it again.

  Her cheeks turned pink. “You remembered my last name,” she said, looking at me from under her lashes. “Impressive.”

  She looked so innocent and sweet that my inner Dragon wanted to possess her for purely selfish reasons. The Human side wanted to tear off her clothing and do things that I’d only dreamed about.

  “Nothing about you is easily forgettable,” I replied.

  Her cheeks turned pink and she looked away.

  I grabbed her hand. It was small and cool to the touch. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I’ve just been having these… feelings, and to be honest, it’s all new to me.”

  Taking a deep breath, she looked me in the eye. “You haven’t embarrassed me. I’m flattered, actually.”

  We were all alone and the lingering memory of our last kiss made me want to pull her onto my lap and taste her again. But, I knew it could lead to more and the thought scared the hell out of me. Not because of the vows I’d made, but because I was on the verge of losing control. I’d never felt this way about anyone, not even a female Dragon.

  Chapter 22


  His eyes smoldered as he looked at me, and for a second, I thought Brekkon was going to throw me down on the table and have his way with me. The idea was both frightening and exciting.

  “Your skin is so soft,” he said, looking down at my hand, which he was still holding. He began to caress my skin with his thumb. “I’ve never touched anyone like I’ve touched you,” he admitted.

  “So, in other words, last night was your first real kiss?”

  He smiled slowly. “I guess so.”

  “Well, you did very well,” I said softly.


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