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The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages, 400-1000

Page 89

by Chris Wickham

Praetextatus, Roman aristocrat

  Prague, Czech Republic

  Praxedis, saint

  Preslav, Bulgaria


  Priscus of Paris

  Priskos, historian

  Prittlewell, Essex

  Prokopios, historian


  Provence, France

  Prudentius of Troyes

  Prüm, Germany

  Ptolemais, Libya


  Puglia, Italy

  Pulcheria, empress

  Pyrenees, France/Spain


  Qa‘lat Sim‘an, Syria

  Qadisiyya, Iraq

  Qaramita dynasty

  Qays, Arab tribe


  Quedlinburg, Germany

  Quentovic, France

  Quierzy, France


  Quraysh, Arab tribe

  Qurra ibn Sharik, governor of Egypt

  Qus, Egypt

  Qusayr ‘Amra, Jordan


  Radulf, duke of Thuringia

  Raffelstetten, Austria

  Ramiro I, Asturian king

  Ramiro II, king of eón

  Ramla, Israel

  Ramsey, England

  Rankweil, Switzerland

  Raqqa, Syria

  al-Rashid, caliph

  Rastislav, ruler of the Moravians

  Ratchis, Lombard king

  Rather, bishop of Verona

  Ratleig, notary

  Ratramn of Corbie

  Rauching, duke

  Raunds, England

  Ravenna, Italy

  Rayy, see Teheran

  Reccared, Visigothic king

  Reccesuinth, Visigothic king

  Recópolis, Spain

  Red sea

  Redon, France

  Regensburg, Germany

  Reggio Emilia, Italy

  Reichenau, Germany

  Reims, France

  Rheged, Scotland

  Rhine, river


  Rhodri Mawr, Welsh king

  Rhône, river

  Rhos, see Rus

  Ribe, Denmark

  Richard II, count of Normandy

  Richard the Justiciar, duke of Burgundy

  Richeldis, empress

  Richer, historian

  Richgard, empress

  Ricimer, general

  Rimbert, hagiographer

  Rimini, Italy

  Ring, the, Avar royal residence, Hungary

  Riothamus, general

  Ripon, England

  Riana, Slovenia

  Robert I, king of the West Franks

  Robert II, king of the West Franks

  Robert the Strong, count of Anjou

  Robertine family

  Rochester, England

  Roderic, Visigothic king

  Rodez, France

  Rodulf Glaber, historian

  Røgnvald, king of York

  Rogvolod, ruler of Polotsk

  Rollo, count of Rouen/Normandy

  Roman empire

  Romance languages

  Romanian, language

  Romanos Argyros, see RomanosIII, emperor

  Romanos I Lekapenos, emperor

  Romanos II, emperor

  Romanos III Argyros, emperor



  Romulus Augustulus, emperor

  Romulus, king of Rome

  Roncesvalles, Spain

  Rorik, ruler of Frisia

  Rosendo, abbot of Celanova

  Rosimunda, Lombard queen

  Rothari, Lombard king

  Rottruda of Pisa

  Rouen, France

  Rudolf II, king of Burgundy and Italy

  Rudolf, brother of Berengar I king of Italy

  Rudolf, king of the West Franks

  Ruffiac, France


  Rupertine family

  Ruricius, bishop of Limoges

  Rus ; see also Russia

  Rusafa, Syria

  Russia ; see also Rus

  Sa‘id ibn Jubayr, qd of Kufa

  al-Saffah, caliph

  Saffarid family

  Sahagún, Spain


  Saint-Aignan, Orléans

  Saint-Basle-de-Verzy, France

  Saint-Bertin, France

  Santa Cecilia, Rome

  Santi Cosma e Damiano, Rome

  Saint-Denis, Paris

  St Gallen, Switzerland

  Saint-Géraud, Aurillac

  Saint-Germain-des-Prés, monastery of, Paris

  Santa Giulia, Brescia

  St John Prodromos, Constantinople

  Saint-Julien, Brioude

  San Lorenzo, Rome

  Santa Maria in Domnica, Rome

  Saint-Martin, Tours

  Saint-Medard, Soissons

  St Neots, England

  Santi Nereo e Achilleo, Rome

  Saint-Omer, see Saint-Bertin

  St Peter’s, Rome

  St Petersburg, Russia

  Saint-Pierre, Aurillac, see Saint-Géraud

  Saint-Pierre, Sens

  Santa Prassede, Rome

  Saint-Remi, abbey of, Reims

  San Salvatore, Brescia

  St Sergios, Sergiopolis

  San Silvestro, Rome

  St Sophia, Kiev

  San Tommaso, Reggio

  San Vincenzo al Volturno, Italy

  Sakkoudion monastery, Turkey


  Salamanca, Spain

  Salerno, Italy


  Salomon, king of Brittany

  Salvian of Marseille

  Salvius, jurist

  Salzburg, Austria

  Samanid dynasty

  Samaria, Samaritans, Palestine

  Samarkand, Uzbekistan

  Samarra, Iraq

  Samhun ibn Da’ud ibn al-Siqilli, merchant

  Samo, king of the Wends

  Samosata, Turkey

  Samson of Dol

  Samuel, kyrios

  Samuel, tsar of the Bulgars

  Sánchez-Albornoz, Claudio

  Sancho I, king of León

  Sancho III, king of Navarre

  Santaver, Spain

  Santiago de Compostela, Spain

  Sappi of Sabaria


  Saqqara, Egypt

  Sara ‘the Goth’

  Sarapammon, Egyptian aristocrat

  Sarapion, Alexandria

  Sardinia, Italy

  Sardis, Turkey

  Sarjis, see Sergios

  Sassanians ; see also Iran, Persia

  Satrelanus, slave

  Savaric, bishop of Auxerre

  Sawad, Iraq

  Sawyer, Peter

  Saxony, Saxons

  Sayf ibn ‘Umar, historian


  Scauniperga, widow of Gisulf

  Scheldt, river, France/Belgium


  Sclavenians ; see also Slavs



  Scythopolis, see Bet She’an

  Seaxburh, queen of Wessex

  Sebastian, saint

  Sebeos, historian

  Seine, river, France

  Seligenstadt, Germany

  Seljuk Turks, see Turks


  Sens, France

  Septimania, France; see also Languedoc

  Serapio, Alemannic leader


  Sergiopolis, see Rusafa

  Sergios, saint

  Sergius I, pope

  Serjilla, Syria


  Severinus, saint

  Severn, river, England/Wales

  Seville, Spain

  al-Shafi‘i, jurist

  Shaghab, mother of al-Muqtadir

  Shetlands, Scotland

  Shrewsbury, England

  Shropshire, England

  Sichar of Manth


  Sidonius Apollinaris

  Siegfried, count of Walbeck

  Siena, Italy

  Siffin, Syria

  Sigeberht, king of East Anglia

  Sigeric, archbishop of Canterbury

  Sigibert I, king of the Franks

  Sigibert III, king of the Franks

  Sigirad of Campione

  Sigtryg, king of York

  Sigurd the Stout, jarl of Orkney

  Sijilmasa, Morocco

  Silvanus, general

  Silvester II, pope, see Gerbert of Aurillac

  Simancas, Spain

  Simon the Stylite


  Sinan, architect

  Siraf, Iraq

  Sirmium, Serbia


  Sisebut, Visigothic king

  Skleros family

  Slavic, language

  Slavs ; see also Sclavenians


  Smolensk, Belarus

  Smyrna, Turkey

  Snorri, goði

  Soissons, France

  Somerset, England

  Sophia, empress


  Souk Ahras, see Thagaste

  South China sea

  Southampton, see Hamwic

  Spain ; see also al-Andalus


  Sparta, Greece

  Spoleto, Italy

  Stade, Germany

  Staffordshire, England

  Stainmore, England

  Stamford, England

  Staraya Ladoga, Russia

  Stare Msto, Czech Republic


  Stephen II, duke and bishop of Naples

  Stephen II, pope

  Stephen IV, pope

  Stephen the Younger

  Stephen, count of Paris

  Stilicho, general

  Stockholm, Sweden

  Stoudios monastery, Constantinople

  Strand, London

  Strathclyde, Scotland



  Suffolk, England

  Suinthila, Visigothic king

  Sulayman, caliph

  Sunna, bishop of Mérida

  Supponid family

  Sussex, England

  Sutton Hoo, England

  Svein, Danish king

  Sviatopluk, see Zwentibald

  Svyatoslav, prince of the Rus

  Swabia, Germany; see also Alemannia

  Sweden, Swedes

  Sweord Ora, England

  Symeon, khagan and tsar of the Bulgars


  Synesios of Cyrene, bishop of Ptolemais

  Syracuse, Italy


  Syriac, language

  al-Tabari, historian


  Tahir ibn al-Husayn, general

  Tahirid family

  Taifas, kingdoms of al-Andalus

  Talorcan son of Eanfrith of Bernicia, Pictish king

  Tamworth, England

  Taneldis of Clemenziano

  Tara, Ireland

  al-Tanukhi, writer

  Tarasios, patriarch of Constantinople

  Tariq ibn Ziyad, general

  Tarragona, Spain


  Tassilo, duke of Bavaria

  Tauros mountains, Turkey

  Tedald of Canossa

  Teheran, Iran

  Tellenbach, Gerd

  Temple Mount, Jerusalem


  Tertry, France


  Tethba, Ireland

  al-Tha‘alibi, writer

  Thagaste, Algeria

  Thames, river, England

  Thanet, England

  Thankmar, son of Otto

  Thebes, Egypt

  Thebes, Greece

  Thegan, historian

  Theodelinda, Lombard queen


  Theoderic II, Visigothic king

  Theoderic Strabo

  Theoderic the Amal, Ostrogothic king

  Theodoald, grandson of Pippin

  Theodora, empress, wife of Justinian

  Theodora, empress, wife of Theophilos

  Theodora, mother of pope Paschal

  Theodore Daphnopates

  Theodore of Stoudios

  Theodore of Sykeon

  Theodore of Tarsus, archbishop of Canterbury

  Theodore, Palestinian monk

  Theodoret, bishop of Cyrrhus

  Theodosius I, emperor

  Theodosius II, emperor

  Theodulf, bishop of Orléans

  Theophanes, chronicler

  Theophano, empress

  Theophanu, empress

  Theophilos, emperor

  Theophilus, patriarch of Alexandria

  Theophylact family

  Thera, Greece

  Thessaloniki, Greece

  Thetford, England

  Theudebert I, king of the Franks

  Theuderic I, king of the Franks

  Theuderic II, king of the Franks

  Theuderic III, king of the Franks

  Theutberga, wife of Lothar

  Theutgaud, archbishop of Trier

  Thietmar, bishop of Merseburg

  Thionville, France

  Thogonoetum, Algeria

  Thomas, bishop of Klaudioupolis

  Thorfinn the Mighty, jarl of Orkney

  Thorgils, see Turgéis

  Thrace, Turkey/Bulgaria


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