Book Read Free

Special Delivery

Page 1

by Amanda Bretz

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  New Excerpt

  About the Author

  Publisher Page

  A Totally Bound Publication

  Special Delivery

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-087-6

  ©Copyright Amanda Bretz 2014

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright June 2014

  Edited by Faith Bicknell-Brown

  Totally Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN


  This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a heat rating of Totally Simmering and a Sexometer of 2.


  Amanda Bretz

  Who says good things come in small packages? Corina believes beauty isn’t about size—it’s about attitude—and Zach can’t get enough of her confidence or her curves.

  Curvy and proud of it, photographer Corina Saunders seeks to empower other females by shooting boudoir photos of plus-sized women in her home studio. When a charity needs a photographer to photograph twelve sexy men for a hunk-of-the-month calendar, she gladly volunteers her services. During one photo shoot, sparks fly when she snaps pictures of sexy delivery man Zach Moreno and his strategically placed package. When the two cross paths again at a charity ball and bachelor auction, Corina surprises everyone—including herself—when she wins a date with Zach, the sexiest bachelor up for grabs. The pair soon discovers that the attraction between them is too great to ignore and give in to their passion.


  This book is dedicated to the sexy hero in my life, my husband.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Dockers: Levi Strauss Co.

  Boy Scout: Boy Scouts of America

  Chapter One

  “How do you want me?”

  Corina’s face flushed at the naked man’s question.

  Actually, he was only partially naked. The delivery man sprawled across the couch held one strategically placed package in front of him. The sight of his form was enough to stop Corina in her tracks, while his question had taken her mind down all sorts of sexy paths. She could easily think of about half a dozen ways she wanted him.

  The weight of the camera hanging from her neck served as a reminder that she was there to photograph him, not to jump his bones. But she didn’t see any harm in flirting. She was glad she’d decided dressing professionally was overrated, at least in this instance. Rather than donning a modest button-up shirt, she had opted to wear one of her sexiest tops, a black number that played up her ample bosom. She intentionally bent at the waist and adjusted the position of his head. She watched his gaze rake over her breasts. A fine mist of sweat broke out on her forehead then she immediately got the chills.

  Maybe her feverish symptoms were due to the fact that she’d been photographing handsome, half-dressed men all day. So far, it had proved to be the best job she’d ever had, and she wasn’t even getting paid for it. Taking pictures for charity had never been so rewarding or turned her on so much. Corina’s contribution to the project was snapping pictures of hot men to create a calendar to raise money for breast cancer research.

  Corina quickly attempted to fan her face with her left hand in between shots. It was probably a good thing she didn’t normally take these types of photographs, because she was pretty sure she’d be a raging sex addict if she did. Thankfully, her typical day consisted of snapping boudoir shots of plus-sized women.

  “So, what’s your name?” asked the ebony-haired hunk.

  “Corina, and yours?”

  “I’m Zach,” he told her with a megawatt smile that emphasized dimples on both sides of his mouth.

  Still standing directly in front of him, Corina stared down into his obsidian eyes and gulped hard.

  “You’re a delivery man?” she said as she turned away from him. She should steer the conversation toward a neutral, non-sexual topic.

  “That’s right.”

  Corina walked back to her mark and adjusted the lighting and some settings on her camera. She started snapping shots and nearly jumped when something she hadn’t been prepared to see appeared in her viewfinder.

  “Your package, uh, I mean the box…move it up a little, please,” Corina said. She was still staring at the sexy stranger’s midsection well after he’d looked up from the task of repositioning the box. He caught her gazing at him, and she quickly averted her eyes. She knew her cheeks had to be as red as her hair.

  “Oh, you mean the package wasn’t hiding my package, huh?” Zach asked her with a laugh.

  “Yeah. The package had an extra bit of ornamentation,” she said, then admonished herself for her unprofessional response.

  Corina got back to the business at hand—taking a picture of Zach that captured his sexiness while leaving a bit of mystery as to what he was all about. As she snapped a series of pictures, Corina started giving him soft commands as to what to do with his body, which way to turn his head and how he should direct his gaze. Even though it was the same kind of commands she’d been giving all the other men throughout the day, somehow saying them to Zach created a sexually charged atmosphere. Maybe that was because Zach seemed to like being told what to do.

  She bit her lip momentarily, partially because the sight of his sculpted pectorals and six-pack were just so delicious to look at, but also because she found it a bit surprising that he was flirting with her. Or, at least, she thought he was. Corina had always considered herself a woman who was confident in her sexuality and her body. She was far from a size eight, but she’d accepted her voluptuous figure years ago. It had taken a hard lesson, but she had come to realize that wishing for a smaller ass or a few inches off her hips was almost as futile as wishing she hadn’t been born with the red hair of her mother’s Irish ancestry. Still, Corina had always placed men as physically beautiful as Zach into the column marked Out of My League.

  Once the shoot was finished, Zach stood up from the couch and firmly held the package in place, concealing his crotch. He walked a few steps over to the robe he’d worn into the studio and picked it up. He turned his back to her and slipped the white terrycloth garment over his impressive shoulders then belted it snugly around his trim waist. Corina lifted a hand to make sure a trickle of drool hadn’t escaped from the corner of her mouth. Zach had the most deliciously round ass she’d ever seen.

  “Thanks for making that experience so comforta
ble,” Zach said as he turned toward Corina.

  Somehow the smooth, tan expanse of skin appearing in a V shape beneath the robe made him seem even sexier than being nearly naked in front of her. As he walked toward her, Corina let her gaze tour down his body. Her stomach muscles clenched in desire when she noticed the bulge his penis made through the thin material of the robe. She’d known he’d been naked save for the box during their photo shoot, but somehow, seeing the shape of him outlined beneath the nubby terrycloth was an even bigger turn-on.

  “It was no problem. You are a great subject to work with.”

  “Oh, is that what I am, a subject?” he asked.

  She took in his smile and twinkling eyes and knew he was being playful.

  She stopped herself just short of telling him he was a subject she wouldn’t mind studying this evening, or any other night. However, that wouldn’t be appropriate. As the sexy calendar man, he could flirt all he wanted, but she was the photographer. She needed to keep a cool, professional image in front of all of the clients, no matter how badly a part of her may have been aching to rip off his robe and explore every inch of said client’s perfect body with her mouth.

  * * * *

  “That’s it, Michelle, spread your knees slightly and part your lips,” Corina encouraged her subject.

  The woman was lying partially nude in a tangle of linens and what appeared to be a messy bed. Corina called that particular type of shot ‘basking in the afterglow’. Men and women seemed to agree that few things were sexier than a woman sporting the just-fucked look. As the photographer, she made sure her subjects conveyed the look accordingly. Pouty red lips with the edges slightly smudged and big, tousled hair completed the sexily rumpled appearance. It screamed that Michelle was a woman who had just had her world rocked.

  “Perfect. That’s a really beautiful shot,” Corina said. She switched a setting on her camera to allow for shots in a rapid-fire succession.

  She climbed up a few stairs on a ladder she had set up nearby. Corina, who already stood at a statuesque five foot ten, inched her form higher to get photographs from a different perspective. From her vantage point atop the ladder, it gave the pictures an almost voyeuristic feel, as if the viewer were peering into the subject’s bedroom. Corina was in the zone, snapping photos and calling out gentle commands to Michelle to tilt her head this way, turn her gaze that way and put her hand there, when the sound of the doorbell, followed by the bellowing barks of Priscilla, Corina’s basset hound, shattered her reverie.

  “Damn,” she muttered as she removed the camera’s viewfinder from in front of her eye and slowly climbed down the ladder. “I’m sorry, Michelle, I’ll be right back.”

  She sighed as Priscilla continued to howl and carry on. “Hush,” she said, passing the rotund pooch. Priscilla ceased her barks as well as her waddling gait toward the front door.

  Corina pulled the door open, still slightly agitated that whoever it was had interrupted her shoot. Between the interruption and Priscilla, she wondered if she hadn’t made a bad decision in opening her photography studio in her own home. It was a nice way to save on rent, but it came with a price. Lots of distractions.

  “Delivery for Corina Saunders,” came a deep, sexy voice from a tall, brawny man in a sinfully tight button-down shirt and aesthetically appealing snug shorts.

  Corina rolled her lips inward when she glanced at the bulge in the front of his pants.

  “That’s me,” she told the dark-haired stud.

  Corina had been getting packages delivered for some time now and she’d never seen the sexy hunk in front of her before. At least not at her doorstep, she realized, as he lifted his head from the digital device she was supposed to sign.

  “Zach,” she said breathlessly. Their gazes connected. “What a…nice surprise.”

  Corina immediately frowned to herself at what she must look like. The last time Zach had seen her, she’d been wearing makeup, her wild, curly mane had been tamed into soft ringlets and she’d been dressed in a black, low-cut shirt trimmed with lace, paired with jeans that had hugged her heart-shaped ass. Today, she had on yoga pants, a soft V-necked T-shirt and her hair was gathered in a messy bun at her nape. Since seeing Zach last week, she’d fantasized about meeting up with him again, and this was so not the look she imagined she’d be sporting if they ever crossed paths again.

  “It seems like we meet again over a package,” Zach said with a smile so sexy Corina almost ripped her clothes off right then and there.

  Priscilla waddled up next to her and began slowly sniffing Zach’s feet.

  “Oh, you have a basset? My grandmother had one when I was a kid. He was the best dog,” he said as he knelt to scratch Priscilla’s long ears. He smoothed his hand across the top of her head and softly cooed to her.

  Amazed, Corina watched as the pooch wagged her tail and rolled her obese body over so Zach could pet her belly. She’d never seen her dog take to a stranger so easily. Not that Priscilla was a viscous dog. She just didn’t care to expend any energy on strangers.

  “Wow, I’ve never seen her like this. She normally doesn’t care for anyone but me and my brother. She usually keeps to herself whenever anyone else is around.”

  “I just have a way with women,” Zach said with a wink.

  Corina started to say she bet he did. With his perfectly sculpted body, handsome face and the way his shorts cupped his cock, she imagined he rarely spent a night alone. The thought caused a fire of envy to burn in the pit of her belly. She had to remind herself to calm down. Even though she’d enjoyed a lusty evening the night of the calendar shoot with her vibrator and Zach’s image in her mind, her logical side knew she had no claim on the man. He could see whoever he wanted, and she was positive that included plenty of women. Unsure what to say or how to end the conversation, she balanced the small cardboard box in her right hand and tried to coax Priscilla away from Zach with her left.

  “He’s a busy man, girl. You can’t hog him all to yourself,” she said, unclear if she was speaking to the dog or herself.

  “It’s okay, I like the attention just as much as she does, maybe more,” Zach told her.

  Oh, so he was attention-hungry. That explained why he was so comfortable modeling in the buff for her.

  “So, are you going to the charity auction and the ball next week?” Zach asked her casually. He clipped the small electronic clipboard device to the belt at his waist.

  “I don’t know. I was invited after I did the photo shoot, but… I’m not sure.”

  “You should come—and make sure you bid on me at the bachelor auction, of course.”

  Corina was so surprised at his statement that she dropped the small cardboard box at her feet. Why was Zach—Mr Out of My League himself—asking if she’d be at the event? She opened her mouth to speak but no words would come out.

  “Is that a yes, or are you trying to think up a way to let me down easy?” he asked, his dimples appearing.

  “It’s a yes,” Corina said breathlessly. She suddenly remembered Michelle was waiting for her. How long had she been gone? Five minutes? Ten?

  “I forgot. I’m in the middle of a shoot,” she said as she motioned to the back of the house where her studio was located. “I hope to see you next week? At the event?”

  “Definitely,” he promised with a smile.

  She gave him a shy grin and closed the front door.

  * * * *

  “Holy cans, girl. I wish I had a set like yours,” said Anderson.

  He smoothed his slim, long-fingered hands over his flat chest. He stood admiring his reflection in the mirror located in the entryway of Corina’s house. With his chestnut hair gleaming and his rented tuxedo, Anderson looked every bit the part of a handsome stud. It was too bad he was gay. And her brother.

  Moving to stand beside him, Corina gave herself a final once-over in the mirror. Her long, red hair had been sculpted into big, loose waves and her emerald satin dress fit her like a second skin. Her voluminous c
urves filled out the top of the bodice. She picked her matching clutch up off the entryway table and let out a sigh.

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. Let’s go before I change my mind, throw on some sweats and park myself on the couch with a bowl of ice cream,” Corina said with a shrug.

  “What? And leave all those sexy bachelors for your brother? Hey, now that’s not a bad idea. Unfortunately I can’t get into the ball without you, and there’s no way I’m staying home tonight. All this,” he said as he ran both his hands down the front of his body, “looks way too good to waste on just you and Priscilla. Now get your ass in the car,” he commanded and opened the front door.

  Corina pushed past him and dug her house keys out of her small purse. She hoped this evening would pass quickly, but something told her she wouldn’t have such luck.

  Once they arrived at the event, Anderson plied Corina with drinks.

  “Are trying to get me drunk?” she grumbled.

  “You need to loosen up, sweetie.”

  “Says you,” she said with a shrug.

  “Wow. It looks like a tuxedo model just walked in.” Anderson licked his lips.

  Corina turned, following her brother’s gaze to see that it was Zach who he was staring at with unabashed lust in his eyes.

  “My God, he’s hot. Too bad for me he’s straight, but it’s good news for you,” he said as he tipped his glass toward her.

  She had to admit the man was even more mouthwatering in his black-tie garb, but she didn’t want to confess to Anderson how attractive she found Zach, not yet at least. She knew she’d be on the end of an interrogation once she explained the playful banter she and Zach had exchanged during the calendar photo shoot. She’d save that fun story for another time.


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