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Pen and Ink Witchcraft

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by Calloway, Colin G.

  Montour and, 69

  Morgan and, 96

  names and, 25

  negotiation and, 7

  New York State and, 96, 101–2

  19th century and, 119

  Ohio country and, 54

  Ohio Indians and, 77

  other peoples’ lands and, 49–50, 54, 60, 77, 80, 86

  Peace of Montreal and, 1–2, 286n3

  Peace of Paris and, 100

  Pennsylvania and, 44–45, 62

  Pickering and, 110

  ratification and, 48

  rights of, 43–44

  Schermerhorn and, 139

  settlers and, 119

  stories and, 23

  Susquehanna attack, 62

  trade and, 12

  treaty cloth and, 11

  US and, 6

  violence of, 1

  Virginia and, 81

  wampum and, 31, 32

  women and, 18–19, 101–2

  on writing, 40

  Isawanhonhi, Nicolas Vincent (Huron), 28

  I-See-O (Kiowa), 225

  Isenberg, Andrew, 221

  Jackson, Andrew

  Cherokees and, 125, 129–30, 129–33, 135, 137, 138, 140, 148

  Choctaws and, 118

  Fort Jackson Treaty and, 117

  Georgia and, 135

  New Echota Treaty and, 148

  on reservations, 144

  Schermerhorn and, 139

  on treaties, 132–33

  Jacobites, 67

  Jacobs, Wilbur, 86

  James (King), 14

  Jamestown, 13

  Jefferson, Thomas. see also Clark, William; Lewis, Meriwether

  acquisition of Indian lands and, 113–14, 180

  Cherokees and, 133

  on Indians, 130

  Lewis and Clark and, 169

  Logan and, 88

  as speculator, 89

  Walker and, 67

  western tribes and, 164

  Jemison, Jacob, 25, 31

  Jerome, David H., 235, 236

  Jerome Commission (Cherokee Commission), 235–37

  John Forbes and Company, 114–15

  Johnson, Guy, 57, 65, 66, 68, 78, 92, 93

  Johnson, Molly (Mary) (Brant), 19, 51, 52, 57

  Johnson, William (Sir William) (Warraghiyagey)

  authority of, 9

  Board of Trade and, 82

  British and, 60

  calumet and, 34

  calumet/Wampum and, 30, 32

  captives and, 47

  Conoghquieson and, 46

  Croghan and, 59

  on Fort Stanwix Treaty, 88

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 62–63, 65–66, 69–72, 76, 77, 80, 246, 248

  Franklin and, 60–61

  on gifts, 22

  gifts and, 20

  Hudson Valley conference, 37

  image, 50

  Iroquois and, 9, 50, 52, 53, 60, 64, 88

  Kayaderosseras patent and, 65

  kinship and, 57

  life history, 50–53

  Lydius and, 75

  Mohawk language and, 68–69

  Mohawks and, 50–51, 65

  New York lands of, 76

  Niagara conference and, 55

  Ohio nations and, 77

  Oneidas and, 73–74

  Onondagas and, 62

  Senecas and, 54

  on settlers, 89

  on transactions with Indians, 12

  wampum and, 10, 32

  western frontier and, 56

  women and, 19, 68

  Johnson Hall, 92. see also conference, Johnson Hall (1762, ‘65, ‘68, ‘72)

  Johnson v. McIntosh (1823), 5, 109

  Jones, Dorothy, 14, 84, 90, 98

  Jones, Douglas, 194, 202, 210, 213

  Joseph, Chief (Nez Perce), 228

  journalists. see newspapers (press); individual journalists

  justice, 243

  Justice, Daniel Heath, 144

  Justice Department, 235, 241

  Kagama, US v. (1886, 1903), 237–38

  Kahmungdaclageh (The Ridge) (Cherokee). see The Ridge

  Kahnawake Mohawks, 26, 34, 69

  Kamiakin (Yakama), 179

  Kanaghqweasea (Canaghquieson) (Kanaghwaes) (Kanongyweniyah) (“standing ears of corn”) (Oneida). see Conoghquieson

  Kanawha River, 62, 63, 66, 72, 77, 81, 87, 90, 91

  Kanien’kehaka (Mohawk), xii

  Kansa Indians (Kaws), 170–71, 216


  Arapahos and Cheyennes and, 183

  Cherokee lands, 163

  Indian raids and, 183

  Little Arkansas Treaty and, 184

  map, 215

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 210–11, 216

  non-Indians and, 176

  reservations, 183

  Senecas and, 119

  violence and, 217

  Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854), 176

  Kansas Pacific Railroad, 184, 186

  Kaswentha (Gus-Wen-Tah) (wampum belt), 3. see also wampum belts

  Katsienkos (Koietsenkos) (Qóichégàus) (Real/Principal Dogs) (Sentinel Horses) (Kiowas), 191, 197, 207

  Kaws (Kansa Indians), 170–71, 216

  Kayaderosseras patent, 65

  Kayusuta (Guyasuta) (Seneca), 54

  Keeper of the Sacred Arrows (Medicine Arrows) (Stone Forehead) (Cheyenne), 211, 216

  Kendall, Amos, 125, 135, 158


  Boone and, 87

  Cherokees and, 91, 122

  Fort Stanwix cession and, 90

  Henderson and, 104

  Shawnees and, 86, 91, 103

  Virginia and, 81, 84, 89, 98

  Kentucky (Catawba) River, 81, 303n129

  Kickapoos, 60, 235

  Kicking Bird (Teneangopte) (Tonaenko) (Kiowa)

  assassination of, 223

  gifts from, 206

  image, 203

  medals and, 212

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 183, 194, 197, 198, 202, 205

  Sheridan and, 218

  Warren Wagon Train Massacre and, 220

  Killbuck (Delaware), 68, 85

  King, Thomas (Oneida), 64

  King George’s War (1744–48), 20, 24


  boundaries and, 46–47

  calumet and, 33

  captives and, 47–48

  Cherokees and, 123

  Croghan and, 58

  “fictive,” 12–13, 18

  French and, 287n9

  Iroquois and, 24–25

  W. Johnson and, 51, 57

  metaphors, 99

  Plains Indians and, 165

  protests and, 120

  trade and, 167

  women and, 18

  Kinzua Dam, 10–11

  Kiowas. see also Plains Indians; individual Kiowas

  additional compensation, 238

  alliances, 171

  artists, 224

  attacks south of Rio Grande, 172

  Black Kettle and, 183

  Cheyennes and, 5, 171, 197, 210

  Comanches and, 201, 210

  Fort Atkinson Treaty and, 176

  Jerome Commission and, 235–36, 237

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 182, 193, 194, 197, 201, 205, 206, 209, 210, 215–16

  as prisoners, 223

  reservations, 163, 183, 203, 205, 214, 215, 219, 238

  resistance by, 184

  Texas and, 184

  US Indian Peace Commission and, 186

  violence of, 218–19, 220, 221

  Kip, Lawrence, 177, 178, 179

  Kirkland, Samuel, 74, 92, 102

  Knell, David, 160

  Knox, Henry, 98, 105, 109

  Koietsenkos (Katsienkos) (Qóichégàus) (Real/Principal Dogs) (Sentinel Horses) (Kiowas), 191, 197, 207

  Kondiaronk (the Rat) (Huron), 15

  Kutenais, 179

  Kwahadi Comanches, 200, 216

  labor, cheap, 173

  La Chine massacre, 1

  Lake Ontario, 1, 72<
br />
  Lakotas (Sioux), xii. see also Plains Indians; individual Lakotas; specific Lakota subtribes

  alliances, 171

  Black Hills and, 234

  calumet and, 35

  Crows and, 171

  Fort Laramie Treaty and, 227

  Harney and, 187

  Oglalas, 35, 226, 239

  Red Cloud War and, 184–85

  Sioux Act and, 234–35

  Lamar, Mirabeau B., 156, 172

  land. see also agriculture; buffalos; hunting; railroads; settlers, American; specific treaties

  bounties, 58, 67, 84, 100, 103, 111

  colonial era and, 43–48

  cultural understanding of, 44

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 48, 84

  interpreters and, 42

  ownership of, 5, 44

  private (private property), 93, 98, 204, 234

  removal and, 118–19

  land, sales of

  Black Hawk on, 115

  as capital offense, 118, 129

  Cherokees and, 123–24, 133

  Croghan and, 58

  deceit and, 111

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 91

  prices, 116

  Red Jacket and, 113

  right of conquest versus, 105

  rights and, 65

  sales of, 4, 44, 56, 121

  Sandusky conference and, 109

  speculators and, 55–56

  treaties and, 98, 113

  Wharton and, 84–85

  Wyandots on, 116

  land companies, 4–5, 101. see also specific companies

  languages of treaties, 196, 197, 238, 240. see also interpreters and go-betweens

  Latrobe, Charles, 118–19

  Lawrence Tribune (newspaper), 228

  Lawyer (Nez Perce), 178, 227

  leadership, Indian, 17, 19, 21, 86, 129, 136, 149

  Lean Bear (Cheyenne), 224

  Leather Shirt (Ecueracapa) (Iron Coat) (Comanche), 21

  Leavenworth, Jesse, 184, 189, 194, 201, 214, 216

  Lee, Arthur, 100, 102

  Lee, Richard Henry, 97–98

  Lee, Williams v. (1959), 239

  Left Hand (Arapaho), 197

  legality, 3, 4, 14, 56, 58, 86, 121, 145, 149, 229, 239, 242. see also authority; rights of Indians; sovereignty; US authority; US courts; US Supreme Court

  Lehigh Valley, 39

  Le Jeune, Paul, 22

  Lenni Lenapes. see Delawares

  Leschi (Nisqually), 177

  L’Etalie, François, 175

  Lewis, Andrew, 66–67, 81, 90, 94

  Lewis, Charles, 90

  Lewis, Meriwether, 5, 145, 164, 167–71, 178, 228

  The Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta, The Celebrated California Bandit (J. R. Ridge), 161

  Lincoln, Abraham, 176, 194, 200

  Lindsay, William, 149


  Canasatego and, 23

  Chicago Treaty and, 119

  colonial era and, 45–46

  Conoghquieson on, 53–54

  Croghan and, 57

  Harrison and, 116

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 197, 201, 216

  Montour and, 69

  Pickering on, 111

  Satanta and, 192

  Seneca treaty and, 119

  Teedyuscung, 39, 46

  Treaty of St. Louis and, 115

  literacy, 111, 128, 129, 238. see also written treaties

  literature, treaties as, 8

  Little Abraham. see Abraham

  Little Carpenter (Attakullakulla) (Cherokee), 63, 81, 91

  Little Man (Cheyenne Dog Soldier), 210

  Little Medicine (Cheyenne), 235

  Little Mountain (Kiowa), 171, 172

  Little Raven (Arapaho)

  delegation to Washington and, 231

  Fort Larned conference and, 191

  image, 232

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 191, 205, 209–10, 211, 216

  on Sand Creek massacre, 183

  Sheridan and, 218

  Stanley on, 198

  on women, 18

  Little Robe (Cheyenne), 183, 205, 209, 211, 212, 231, 232

  Little Turkey (Cherokee), 95

  Little Turtle (Miami), 112–13

  Logan (Mingo), 88

  London, delegations to, 15, 30

  Lone Horn (Miniconjou Sioux), 175–76

  Lone Wolf (Guipahko) (Kiowa), 176, 183, 198, 218–19, 220, 221, 224

  Lone Wolf (Mamaydayte, adopted son) (Kiowa), 225, 236, 237, 238

  Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock, 237–38

  Long, John, 17, 32, 33, 52

  long knife (Assaryquoa) (Assaraquoa) (sword), 25, 29

  Looking Glass (Nez Perce), 179

  Looney, John (Cherokee), 154

  Lords of the Treasury, 82

  Louisa River, 303n129

  Louisiana, 40, 54, 166, 169

  Louisiana Purchase, 170

  Louisiana Territory, 5, 21, 34, 117

  Louis XIV, 4

  Lower Creeks, 116–17, 118

  Lowery, George (Cherokee), 147

  Loyal Land Company, 67

  Lumpkin, Wilson, 137, 142, 148–49, 150, 155

  Lydius, John Henry, 46, 75

  Lyons, Scott, 2–3

  Lyttleton, William, 48

  Mackenzie, Ranald, 222

  Magpie (Cheyenne), 190, 190, 196, 218

  Mahdabee, 10

  Mahicans, 25, 108. see also individual Mahicans

  Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act (1980), 241

  Maman-ti (Touching the Sky) (Dohate) (Owl Prophet) (Kiowa), 223, 224

  Mamaydayte (Lone Wolf, adopted son) (Kiowa), 225, 236, 237, 238

  Mandans, 167, 169, 170, 172, 175. see also Plains Indians

  Manifest Destiny, 172. see also US expansion

  Mann, Barbara, 309n51

  Manypenny, George, 233–34

  maps, 46–47, 78, 175, 215

  Maquachake (Mekoche) (Shawnee), 102, 103

  Marquette, Jacques, 32

  Marshall, John, 133, 134

  Marshall, Peter, 63, 82

  Marshe, Witham, 41, 46

  Martin, Joseph, 103–4

  Maryland, 41, 44

  Mascoutens, 60

  Mason-Dixon line, 83

  Massachusetts, 241

  Massachusetts Bay Colony, 4

  Massasoit (Wampanoag), 13–14

  matrilineal societies, 24

  Mayetin (Woman’s Heart) (Kiowa), 221, 223, 224

  McCusker, Philip, 196, 198, 206, 215, 231, 232

  McGillivray, Alexander, 107

  McIlworth, Thomas, 50

  McIntosh, John, 157

  McIntosh, Johnson v. (1823), 5, 109

  McIntosh, Lachlan, 103–4

  McIntosh, William (Creek), 118, 125, 129

  McKay, William Cameron, 179

  McKee, Alexander, 85

  McKenney, Thomas, 99

  Mdwekantons, 174


  allegiances and, 21

  Hopewell Treaty and, 104

  Kiowas and Comanches and, 221

  Lewis and Clark and, 167

  Medicine Lodge Treaty and, 212

  peace medals, 99, 198, 206, 208, 212, 221

  power and, 99

  Wayne and, 112

  mediators, 13. see also interpreters and go-betweens

  Medicine Arrow ceremony, 205

  Medicine Arrows (Keeper of the Sacred Arrows) (Stone Forehead) (Cheyenne), 211, 216

  Meigs, Jane (Ross), 158

  Meigs, Return J., 141–42

  Meigs, Return J. (grandson), 158

  Mekoche (Maquachake) (Shawnee), 102, 103

  Meldrum, Robert, 175

  Memorial Peace Park (Medicine Lodge), 225


  calumet and, 34

  colonial era and, 35–40

  Hopewell Treaty and, 104

  US Supreme Court and, 238

  wampum and, 27–29, 30, 32

  writing and, 39

>   Menominees, 170

  Merrell, James, 8, 57

  Mesquakies (Fox Indians), 34, 115, 170, 235

  metaphors, 14–15, 22, 24, 42

  Métis (mixed heritage people), 32, 42–43

  Mexican War (war of 1846–1848), 172

  Mexico, 5, 138, 156, 165, 172

  Miamis, 20, 25, 35, 105, 112–13, 116, 140

  Michigan, 105, 115, 139

  Mille Lacs (Ojibwe), 240

  miners, 177

  Mingos, 54, 77, 88

  Miniconjou Sioux, 175

  Minnesota, 174, 240

  missionaries, 134. see also individual missionaries

  Mississaugas, 32

  Mississippi law, 118

  Mississippi state, 98, 104–5, 115

  Mississippi Valley, 4, 32

  Missouri, 119, 169, 185

  Missouri Democrat (newspaper), 188

  Missouri Republican (newspaper), 189

  Missouris, 167, 170

  Mitchell, David D., 175

  moccasins, 169

  modern law, 241–42

  modification of treaties, 48

  Mohawk language, 68, 71

  Mohawks. see also Iroquois (Iroquois League) (Six Nations); Kahnawake Mohawks; individual Mohawks

  abduction by, 26

  adoptions by, 41

  Croghan and, 58

  Dutch traders and, 3

  Fort Stanwix Treaty and, 75, 85, 246, 248

  Iroquois League and, 1, 24

  W. Johnson and, 50, 51, 52, 57, 65, 76

  Kayadoerosseras patent and, 65

  names for, xii

  neutrality and, 2

  post French and Indian War, 64

  Revolutionary War and, 92

  singing and, 31

  wampum and, 30–31

  women, 19

  Mohawk Valley, 52, 69

  Moluntha (Mekoche Shawnee), 103

  Monongahela battle (1755), 57

  Monroe, James, 170

  Montagnais, 22

  Montana, 171, 177

  Montcalm, Marquis de, 20

  Montmagny, Chevalier de (Great Mountain) (Onontio), 25

  Montour, Andrew (Sattelihu, Eghnisera), 40, 41, 42, 68, 69, 88

  Montour, Madam, 69

  Montreal, Great Peace of (1701), 1–2, 8, 15, 49

  Montreal surrender (1760), 54

  Mooney, James, 196

  morality, 242–43

  Moravians, 25, 42, 47, 125, 142

  Morgan, George, 58, 60, 61, 66, 90–91, 94, 96, 97

  Morris, Robert Hunter, 16, 47

  motives for treaties, 7–8

  Mount Johnson, 52

  multiculturalism, 14, 52–53

  Murphy, Thomas, 184, 189, 217, 218

  Murray, James (Governor (Lord) Dunmore), 90

  names, 25

  Napoleon Bonaparte, 5

  Narragansetts, 13, 14, 19–20

  National Party (Cherokee), 147, 153–54, 156, 160, 162. see also Ross, John (Cherokee)

  nation-to-nation networks, 13

  “Native American” (“Indian”), xii

  Native American Rights Fund, 239

  Navajos, 166, 227, 239

  Nebraska, 183

  negotiations. see also diplomacy; rituals

  Indians and, 3

  Iroquoian, 67

  power and, 7


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