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Grace, Sayde - Untamable [Moonlight Cravings] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 22

by Sayde Grace

  Sean glanced around the hall. “I won’t live through the night. I need you to make sure my younger brothers are taken care of. Dane made sure my Alpha took care of my brothers but,” he shrugged, “who knows if that was true. Promise me you’ll make sure.”

  Sidda drew in a deep breath. Dane was still hiding behind children. Bastard. “What pack are you from and what are their names? I’ll make sure they are well taken care of.”

  “I’m from the Dakota pack and my brothers are Blake and Colter Turner. They’re twins who just turned eight. I left them almost two years ago.”

  Sean seemed so young because he was. Only a kid at nineteen. Tonight he’d die protecting his family.

  “From today on, they will be mine. Now how did I get the drug?”

  Sean rubbed a hand across his eyes. “One more thing. I have a sister who Dane tried to take. She’s my twin. I don’t believe he took her because she was promised to my Alpha’s son but…Her name if Charlotte, Lottie for a nickname. You were given the drug in your drink just as everyone here tonight will be given. I don’t know how long it takes to work, but before the night is over, every wolf at the party except Dane will not be able to shift.”

  Sidda snorted. It figured Dane would use everything he could to his advantage. She wondered how long he’d been thinking this plan up, because it wasn’t going to work.

  “All right, thank you for informing me. I’ve gotta go make sure my mother is ready.” Sidda turned to head to her mother’s quarters.

  “Wait,” he stepped to her side. “The drugs are wearing down and for a few hours before Dane gives us more I can think clearly. The guards that protect your mother are friends, they were taken by Dane in similar situations as mine. Here is a list of their families. If you agree to protect their families, the guards agree to disappear. Your mother will be free to help with our families.” Sean handed her a note filled with names. Her mother’s three guards had left behind large families.

  “All right. But make sure they understand if one hair on my family’s heads gets harmed because of them, I’ll make sure it’s done tenfold on their own families.” She glared at Sean until he cowered and bowed to her.

  “Of course, Alpha. I’m not fool enough to think an Alpha wouldn’t seek revenge. This is the last chance to make things right for our families.”With those final words, Sidda marched off to her family.

  The guards dispersed along with Sean. She watched them slip out to the garden, hiding in the rush of other guests.

  Sidda leaned against the door, staring at her mother, Delilah and her brothers. Her heart swelled with the pride of being trusted with being responsible for so many people. Never in her life had she once thought so many would depend on her.

  “Do not wait for me. In an hour, open this door and run like hell to get away from here. The guards will not stop you, but if one does, you do whatever it takes to get the hell out of here. And forget the files. I’ll figure something else out.” She needed them to get to safety.

  Russ stepped up to her. “We are getting those files to find our siblings, Sidda. They’re our responsibility. If that means it makes us fight for them, so be it.”

  “Yeah, so be it.” Zeke rose. His young preteen features made him look so out of place when talking about fighting adult wolves.

  Delilah and Scarlett eyed Sidda. Both women glanced at the paper in her hand. Scarlett raised a hand to her. Sidda gave her the note. “Your guards’ families. They left them behind in their hometowns when they came here to work for Dane. For all of you to be free tonight, I promised I’d make sure these wolves are cared for. Take it, see to them if anything goes wrong.”

  Scarlett nodded, but Delilah shook her head. “Nothing will go wrong. You are the Alpha female, my son’s mate, the future mother of my grandpups. I will not stand by and let you believe failure is an option. You will fight, win, and then, God willing, in the years to come, give me lots and lots of pups to spoil rotten.”

  Sidda gasped, her eyes went wide. Grandpups? Oh hell to the no. She was so not ready for that.

  “I did say in years to come, dear. Not right now. I imagine it will take quite some time to get the pack in order before you and Jasper begin that journey. Just not too much time, mind you.”

  “Oh dear lord. I’m about to go into the wolf’s den and maybe be marked by another wolf, maybe even be killed, and you want me to think about babies?” Sidda sucked in a breath. Holy hell, she couldn’t think about that. Not anytime soon. “Just stick to the damn plan. Please.” Sidda gave a shaky smile to them all before running from the room. Grandpups, the woman was insane!

  * * * *

  Jasper’s wolves slithered silently through the overgrown woods near Dane’s compound. Dark had begun to fall, but it was not yet time to attack. Once Sidda sent him the message that all the dignitaries were there and Dane in place, they’d attack. Jasper glanced to his right. Vivian and Cole had broken off, headed in the direction of the tunnel where his family was to exit. Jasper raised two fingers to his wolves then pointed them toward Cole and Vivian. Jasper wanted them protected.

  Ivan stepped to his side. “This is going to be a good night. I have a strong feeling our pack will no doubt triple when we are done here.”

  Jasper nodded. He had the same feeling, but he also knew it would be a long road of organizing and communicating with all the new members.

  “It is going to be a good evening. Time to wait. Send the scouts out to report. The rest of us will spread out. I’ll send the signal when I get it.” He’d told them all he’d use his Alpha power to send the message to all of them mentally.

  Jasper squatted to wait for the moment. Behind him, his wolves took their cue and did the same. Jasper opened his mind to Sidda. She was walking down a long hallway, her high heel shoes clicking across the hardwood floor. Her long flowing dress swept in front of her with each step. Jasper nearly growled. He loved that red color on her. Sidda stopped as she came out onto a large veranda. Stephan stepped in front of her. Jasper felt her determination. She wanted to save him, to make him a good wolf and make him forget the things Dane had forced him to do. That was not good. Jasper didn’t like it one fucking bit that his mate felt anything for another wolf.

  Sidda groaned. She hadn’t realized until it was too late that Jasper was in her head. His fury over her feelings for Stephan was bad. Once this night was over, she’d have to explain her grief for Stephan. He still held hope that she’d save him from going insane, but Stephan had to learn he wasn’t going insane. Instead, he was about to be free. Once Dane lay dead, she could show Stephan that everything Dane had said had all been a lie. He wasn’t evil, and with a bit of guidance and a bit of will, Stephan could become a protector of all the innocence in the pack.

  “Sidda, Dane wants us. It’s time to us to mark each other in front of everyone.”

  Sidda’s heart beat faster, bile rose, and her stomach clenched. She had no desire to be the entertainment, and even less to be marked by Stephan. She grimaced at the insane amount of fury rolling through her mind from Jasper. She needed to block those thoughts and feelings from Jasper better. If she didn’t, Stephan would be a dead man. No Alpha would let any man or wolf live if he felt that wolf was a threat. Jasper had to learn that no one was a threat between them, especially if she could move past him marking her sister.

  Stephan swallowed hard, not meeting her eyes. “I’m supposed to mark you first after Dane’s little uniting speech. I’m sorry, Sidda. I’d hoped we’d have more time before this happened. I’d wanted you to want to bond with me, not be forced to do it.”

  Sidda absently nodded. She’d wanted more time too. Time to get the hell away from Dane and back with her mate. Yet, there was no more time. She just hoped Dane got the show on the road before Stephan marked her. She only wanted to be marked by her wolf, her Alpha.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Jasper smiled as the last of the foreign leaders arrived. Soon, very soon, they’d get the signal from Sidda. He
rose, shaking off the adrenaline already pulsing inside. He’d gone a lifetime without a good fight, and his beast raged for it now.

  Behind him, his wolves paced, growing anxious. They, too, had been waiting a long time to take the Luna Nation away from Dane Velham. Jasper opened his mind to Vivian to check on her and Cole.

  Vivian seethed from Cole’s latest of many outrageous comments. If Jasper could handpick Cole’s mate, she’d be one who gave as good as he did and someone who would torment Cole for a lifetime. Cole enjoyed tormenting poor Vivian, but Jasper knew it would never go further than that with Vivian. According to Vivian, she was fated to be with a strong, loyal wolf and destined to do great things. She’d been very confused when Jasper had turned her away from being his mate, but she’d certainly gotten over it in the last few days.

  Beyond him, the back veranda began to fill with people. The scents of fresh fruit, champagne, and fear surfed to him. His scouts bounded toward him.

  “Sir, there are a handful of guards surrounding the house, two roaming the outer edges, and the rest appear to be inside with Dane.”

  Jasper nodded. He’d looked through Sidda’s eyes to judge that Dane had kept most of his guards near his side. Still, leaving so few to guard was not a wise move for Dane. He had something else up his sleeve. Jasper opened his mind back to Sidda’s.

  “Sidda, why does Dane only have a few guards on the perimeter?”

  He felt the frustration swirling within her. “Because the younger guards have stepped aside. Three have approached me with final requests. They have agreed to step aside and release our mothers and brothers in exchange for us seeing to their families after they die tonight.”

  Anger cracked through Jasper’s hard shell. Those guards had no right at all to request a damn thing.

  “Yes they do, Jasper. They’re doing the right thing by honoring their families tonight. Dane is a bastard who attacks people’s deepest love. Their fears of loss are turned into reality, and he convinces them to serve him. These guards were taken very young, in most cases with no choice. They honor our pack by helping us now.”

  “And will they fight for us or against us?”

  “For us, I believe. If nothing else, our family will be safe because of them. In a few minutes, I expect Dane to introduce me to the group here. A toast will be made, but the champagne is poisoned. Once ingested it suppresses the wolf gene, making the ability to shift impossible and leaving the human counterpart weakened.”

  “What about his guards?”

  “He’s been testing the drug on his guards and me. I can’t shift. I believe Dane, Brockton, and Stephan are the only ones not being given the drug.”

  Jasper fought off a growl that would alert every wolf within the state. Dane would pay for taking Sidda’s wolf from her for even a few days. Anything that put her at risk was a deadly offense against any man or wolf.

  “Jasper, I need you to get ready. When I say charge, bring the fucking cavalry. I want to spend tonight in our bed with you. Don’t disappoint me. And don’t kill Stephan. He has something we need.”

  Jasper opened his mind to scream that she’d lost her goddamn mind, but she threw up a steel-walled block. She knew his anger would be great after that comment. Regardless, Jasper faced his men to prepare them for battle.

  Sidda groaned. Even with her block up, Jasper’s pissed energy seeped through it. Sidda opened the door in her mind, forcing that energy inside. She needed to store it for Brockton and Dane.

  “Sidda, time to get out there. You and Stephan follow behind me. I’ll announce you but wait until after the toast has been made to begin the marking. I want the glasses empty.” A wicked smile played across Dane’s face.

  Brockton stood at the door to the veranda. He grimaced at the cold glare Dane sent him. The crackle of fear followed by the aroma of lemon filled the space between them. Whatever had happened after she’d spoken with Dane earlier had put Brockton in his place. Sidda smiled. She’d unleash that stored rage soon, and God willing, Brockton would go after Dane.

  Stephan grabbed her hand before they walked to the slate veranda, which had been covered with pots and vases of flowers and candles.

  “I know you’re fighting this, and I’m sorry, but shortly you will be mine. I’m already calmer. No longer does the forest call to me as often or as strong. Your powers have helped me, and I’ll make sure no one ever harms you. I’ll protect and care for you. Make no mistake about it, Sidda, I care deeply for you, as you’ve saved me from the grasp of hell.”

  Sidda’s heart battled her brain. This wolf had done things Dane had ordered him to do that deserved to land him in hell. Yet there was still something that tore at her heart. There had to be more to Stephan Donaldson than what was in front of her. The tormented soul hidden within his violet eyes had driven her to find out more about him. Hopefully he’d be a champion for innocence to redeem his lost soul. If not, then hell would certainly open its gates for him.

  “Stephan, I can never accept you as my mate. If we are marked, fine, but make no mistake, Jasper is my mate. I’m sorry.”

  Stephan’s eyes flashed regret before meeting hers with a determined stare.

  “In time you’ll change your mind.”

  Sidda wanted to scream with frustration. She’d never change her mind about her mate. Stephan tugged her forward. A large crowd of wolves stood awaiting their presence. Sidda swallowed hard, hoping she could go through with the plan. Waiters served glass after glass of the champagne Dane had drugged. Sidda fought to rush out and tell them all not to drink the champagne, but if they didn’t, they’d all shift and the risk of causalities would rise. At least if they couldn’t shift, they wouldn’t try to attack the good guys trying to save them.

  Dane smiled warmly at the crowd before his voice boomed through the air. “Welcome, friends and leaders. I’m so blessed you all have traveled from the world over to be here tonight. It’s been a long time coming that we all meet this way. Now, if you will all join me in a toast to my daughter, I look forward to many great things from this evening.” Dane held his flute high in the air before the others followed suit. In seconds, the crowd had swallowed the champagne.

  Dane grinned as he gazed out over the crowd. Then his eyes met Sidda’s. Do or die time. She didn’t know how long the drug would take to work but knew he planned the marking next. She opened her mind to Jasper, letting him know what was coming as she stepped toward Dane, hand in hand with Stephan.

  Jasper’s electrical zap of fury nearly knocked her knees out from underneath her. Yeah, to say he was pissed about her touching Stephan was an understatement. He’d pushed all her blocks down. The Alpha bond was nearly as strong as the marking bond had been. She knew he was using way too much of his energy up on that link.

  “Shit, Jasper, ease up. You have to get down here. I’m fairly sure that as Stephan and I mark each other Dane will call the order for his guards to begin the massacre.”

  “You are not marking anyone. I don’t give a fuck what I said earlier. You are not to mark him. I’ll be there to stop this. Do not dare try me on this, Siddalee Brighton.”

  “I know. Just come on.”

  Sidda faced the array of foreign Luna leaders. Each of them had at least one guest and four guards. Blood, and lots of it, would be spilled, but hopefully soon, they’d all recognize Jasper and the pack as the “good guys.” Sidda glanced at Dane and then to Brockton, who stood a few feet behind Dane. Brockton’s eyes wandered to Dane’s back, his eyes shining bright orange with hatred. Sidda smiled and opened the door to all that angry energy. She focused on Brockton, sending wave after wave of the energy to him. His eyes met hers, and for an instant, she wondered if he knew what she’d done.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by Stephan leaning in close to her, brushing his lips across her neck. She cringed. This wasn’t going to happen. It couldn’t.

  Dane’s voice boomed through the night air. “I have a special treat for you all. My daughter has picked my most loyal
wolf, Stephan Donaldson, to be her mate. Tonight, you shall all bear witness to their marking.” Dane raised his hand toward Sidda and Stephan.

  The crowd’s attention focused solely on them. From the corner of her eye, Sidda caught movement. The guards were taking their places, surrounding the crowd. Dane nodded at Stephan to begin.

  “Go with it, Sidda,” he whispered into her ear, nipping the flesh softly but not breaking the skin.

  He picked up her hand, kissing a path from her fingertips to her pulse point. Sidda’s heart kicked into overtime. Panic lingered just inches away, and the heat coming from the crowd awoke a part of her she didn’t understand. A tingle of awareness crept along her spine, shattering some of her control. Sidda gazed down at Stephan’s lips on her wrist. He lazily kissed a line from her wrist upward. His teeth skimmed across her flesh, leaving goose bumps in their wake.

  Sidda squirmed to get away. Something wasn’t right. She had no true desire to have Stephan mark her, but her body betrayed her. She arched forward, begging silently for more. Her wolf rose within her, begging for a male wolf’s touch. Sidda cringed. Her wolf was betraying the woman inside her. And Sidda prayed the cause wasn’t what she was guessing, a heat cycle.

  Stephan’s eyes met Sidda’s partially closed ones. He inhaled deeply before leaning to her neck. “Your scent has changed. You smell so goddamn good I can barely think.” His tongue darted out to lick the side of her neck. Sidda groaned from both disgust and desire. Her brain screamed no, Jasper was the only wolf she wanted, but when Stephan rocked against her with his teeth touching her flesh, she couldn’t help but want him.

  Stephan pressed his teeth to her neck, biting her skin. A shiver raked through Sidda, but just as his teeth increased in pressure, he turned his head and brought her hand to his mouth.

  “I don’t want to mar your smooth skin.” His canines extended against her flesh. His tongue swirled around the tender skin of her palm before he bit.


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