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After the Reich

Page 83

by Giles MacDonogh

  Herrell, Captain (Günzburg commandant)

  Hertz, Gustav

  Herz, John

  Herz, Martin

  Herzfeld, Wieland

  Hess, Fritz

  Hess, Otto

  Hess, Rudolf

  Heuss, Theodor

  Heydrich, Reinhard

  Heym, Stefan

  Hildebrandt, Friedrich

  Hildebrandt, Richard


  Himmler, Heinrich: hopes for Western Allies attacking USSR; and Eichmann’s anti-Jewish activities; and Höss’s attempted escape; Dönitz spurns; swallows cyanide; bargains with Jews; and extermination of inmates of camps; authority; capture and suicide; invoked at Nuremberg; and Ohlendorf

  Hindenburg, Oskar von

  Hindenburg, Paul von; bones moved

  Hindenburg (Zaborze)

  Hirst, Major Ivan

  Hitler, Adolf: votes for; hopes for Allies to attack Russia; suicide; and July assassination plot (1944); dismisses Hohenzollern princes from army; orders Himmler to kill inmates of camps; body not found; and ethnic Germans from Romania; disparages Knappertsbusch; bones offered to Austria; German opposition to; and Winifred Wagner; fate investigated; remains removed by Russians; accepted as Chancellor; authority; deposes Horthy; policy on ethnic Germans (‘Heim ins Reich’); Mein Kampf

  Hlond, Cardinal Augustus

  Hochberg family

  Hoechst factory, Dortmund Hoegner, Wilhelm

  Hoepner, General Erich

  Hofer, Andreas

  Hofer, Franz

  Hofer, Karl

  Hoffmann, Heinrich

  Hohenschönhausen concentration camp

  Hohenzollern family

  Holborn, Hajo

  Holland: POW deaths in; post-war trials in

  Hollos, Julius


  Honecker, Erich

  Honner, Franz

  Hood, Samuelh Viscount

  Hoover, Herbert: diet

  Hope, Bob

  Hopkins, Harry

  Hoppe, Paul Werner

  Hörnle, Edwin

  Horst-Glaisenau, Edmund (General Glaise von Horstenau )

  Horthy, Admiral Miklós

  Horwell, Captain

  Höss, Obersturmbannf ührer Rudolf

  Hotek, Damian

  Howley, Colonel Frank

  Huber, Kurt

  Hubert, Prince of Prussia

  Huch, Ricarda

  Hulbert, Wing Commander Norman

  Hull, Cordell

  Humboldt, Wilhelm: archive destroyed

  Hungary: Swabians (ethnic Germans) expelled; territories; truce signed

  Hurdes, Felix

  Hussels, Dr

  Huylers (US confectioners)

  Hyde, Lieutenant-Colonel Harford Montgomery

  Hyde White, Wilfrid

  Hynd, John

  Ida zu Stolberg-Rossla, Princess

  IG Farben (company)

  Iglau (Jihlava), Czechoslovakia

  Ilg, Ulrich

  Innitzer, Cardinal Theodor

  Innsbruck; University of

  Inter-Allied Reparations Agency (IARA)

  International Military Tribunal see Nuremberg trials

  International Red Cross see Red Cross

  Iran: Soviet troops in

  ‘iron curtain’

  Irving, David

  Ismay, General Sir Hastings

  Italy: and South Tyrol; evacuated by Allies (1946); cedes African colonies; recovers Trieste

  Itter, Schloss, near Kitzbühel

  Ivanov, Makar

  Jackson, Peter ( formerly Jacobus)

  Jackson, Robert H.

  Jacobs, Bruno

  Jakupov, Lieutenant-Colonel

  Jaspers, Gertrud (‘Trudlein’)

  Jaspers, Karl

  Javorička, Czechoslovakia

  JCS see Joint Chiefs of Staff

  Jecklen, Friedrich


  Jenkins, Newell

  Jerz, John

  Jesse, Willi

  Jewish Brigade

  Jews: Western Allies and; in Austria; in concentration camps; in Berlin administration; survivors; houses requisitioned by Allies; as administrators in Russian zone; stolen property and restitution; in British army; position in Germany; emigrate to Palestine; refugees and DPs; newspapers; revenge acts; Nazi persecution of; paintings safeguarded; and Nuremberg trials; interrogate Nazis for trial; Ohlendorf on; see also Final Solution

  Jodl, General Alfred

  Joham, Josef

  John George, Prince of Saxony

  Johnert, Hans

  Joint Chiefs of Staff documents: JCS JCS 1779

  Joos, Joseph


  Jouvet, Louis

  Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw Haw’)

  Jugl, Josef


  Jung, Rudolf

  Jünger, Ernst: author meets; American soldiers billeted on; on dead in Pforzheim; letter from Sophie Podewils; reputation; on collective guilt; and Fragebogen; on food rations; arrested; favours European union; Der Friede; On the Marble Cliffs

  Jünger, Ernst, Jr: killed


  Jusek (executioner’s assistant)

  Justi, Ludwig

  ‘K., H.’

  K, Sonja

  Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseyevich

  Kahane, Rabbi

  Kaisen, Wilhelm

  Kaiser, Jakob

  Kálal, Major (commandant of Theresienstadt)

  Kaliningrad see Königsberg

  Kállay, Miklós

  Kaltenbrunner, Ernst

  Kaltofen, Eduard

  Kameke, Frau von (of Potsdam) Kanaltal (Fella river)

  Karajan, Herbert von

  Kardorff family

  Kardorff, Ina von

  Kardorff, Konrad von

  Kardorff, Ursula von: flees to Berlin; in Jettingen; traces mother; on conditions in Berlin; crosses into Russian zone; visits theatre; praises BBC programme on July Plot; on treatment of Jews; and German guilt; on Fragebogen; and ban on fraternising; and allocation of zones; on Potsdam Conference; Berliner Aufzeichnungen, 1942-1945

  Kardorff-Oheimb, Siegfried and Kathinka

  Karin II (Goering’s yacht)

  Karzin, Alfred

  Kästner, Erich

  Katscher, Paul

  Katyn massacre (1940)

  Kaunitz College

  Keating, Senator Kenneth

  Keelhaul, Operation

  Keeling, Ralph F.: Gruesome Harvest

  Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm

  Keller, Karl

  Kempner, Robert

  Kendal, Major (born Knobloch)

  Kennan, George F.

  Keppler, Wilhelm

  Kerr, Alfred

  Kertész, Imre

  Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert

  Keyes, General Geoffrey

  Keynes, John Maynard, Baron

  Kiep, Otto

  King, Harry

  Kinsky, Graf Heinrich

  Kirchheimer, Otto

  Kiridus, Johann

  Kirschbaum, Joseph

  Kisch, Egon Erwin


  Kladno, Czechoslovakia


  Klahr, Alfred

  Klaus, Marianne

  Kleber, Andreas

  Kleiber, Erich

  Klein, Dr Fritz

  Kleist, Field Marshal Ewald von

  Klemm, Herbert

  Klemperer, Otto

  Klemperer, Victor

  Klering, Hans

  Klimov, Gregory

  Kling, Alfred

  Knappertsbusch, Hans

  Knoechlein, Fritz

  Knott, Otto


  Koch, Gauleiter Erich Koch, Ilse

  Koch, Karl

  Koeltz, General Louis Marie

  Koenig, General Pierre

  Koeppler, Heinz

  Kogon, Eugen; Der SS-Staat

  Kokorin (Stalin’s nephe

  Koller, Karl

  Komotau, Czechoslovakia

  Koniev, General Ivan

  Königsberg (Kaliningrad)

  Konrad, Father Joachim

  Kopelev, Lev

  Kopf, Maximilian

  Koplenig, Johann

  Korean War (1950-3)

  Körner, Paul

  Körner, General Theodor

  Košice Statutes (Czechoslovakia, 1945)

  Kotikov, Major-General A. G.

  Kouril, Jan

  Kovner, Abba

  Kozeluhová, Helena

  Kraemer, Fritz

  Kraft, Walter

  Kramer, Josef

  Krauland, Peter

  Krauss, Klemens

  Krebs, General Hans

  Krebs, Willi

  Kreisau Circle

  Kremen, Ottokar

  Krenek, Ernst

  Krockow family

  Krockow, Libussa von

  Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Alfried

  Krupps works, Essen

  Kubuschok, Dr (Breslau lawyer)

  Kuckhoff, Adam and Greta

  Kuhn, Richard

  Kühnemann, Eugen

  Kulturbund zur demokratischen Erneuerung Deutschlands

  Külz (of CDU)

  Kumm, Otto

  Kundt, Ernst

  Kunschak, Leopold

  Künstner, Willi

  Kurasov, Vladimir

  Lafferanz, Bodo

  Laffon, Emile

  Lahousen, General-Major Erwin von Lais, Dr

  Lammers, Hans

  Lamsdorf (Lambinowice) camp, Silesia

  Landsberg, Bavaria

  Langham, Lieutenant Richard

  Langoth, Franz

  Langwasser, Nuremberg

  La Rocque, Colonel de

  Lasch, General Otto

  Lasche, Siegfried

  Lasky, Lieutenant-Colonel Wolf

  Laternser, Dr H.

  Lattre de Tassigny, Marshal Jean de

  Latzel, Alfred

  Laue, Max von

  Laval, Pierre

  Lawrence, Sir Geoffrey (later Baron Trevethin and Oaksey)

  Lazarev, Viktor

  Leahy, Admiral William D.

  Lease-Lend Agreement (US-British): ends (1945)

  Leber, Annedore

  Leclerc, General Jacques Philippe, vicomte de Hauteclocque

  Le Corbusier (Charles Edouard Jeanneret)

  Ledenfels (musician)

  Lederer, Captain

  Leeb, Field Marshal Wilhelm, Ritter von

  Legge, Walter

  Lehndorff, Graf Hans

  Lehndorff, Graf Heinrich

  Lehndorff, Mausi


  Leonhard, Wolfgang

  Lepman, Yella

  Lerchenfeld concentration camp, Czechoslovakia

  l’Estrange, Captain de

  Lettau, Reinhold

  Leudesdorff, René

  Leuschner, Wilhelm

  Leverkühn, Dr Paul

  Levin, Mayer

  Levin, Sub-lieutenant

  Ley, Robert

  Liberal Democratic Party (LPD)

  libraries: in American zone

  Lidice massacre

  Limpächer, Franz

  Lincke, Paul

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Linford, Major

  Linz, Austria

  Lippmann, Walter

  List, Eugene

  List, Field Marshal Wilhelm

  literature: in American zone; revival in Germany

  Litvinov, Maxim

  Livonius, Herr von (of Grumbkow)

  Lloyd, Colonel Glynn

  Lloyd George, David

  Lockwenz, Dr

  Lodge, Henry Cabot

  Lods, Marcel

  Loeser, Ewald

  Loewenstein, Dr Karl

  Löhr, Colonel-General Alexander

  London Agreements: 1944 June 1948

  London Statute (1945)

  Longfordh Earl of see Pakenhamt Baron

  Lorbeer, Hans

  Lothar, Ernst

  Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia

  Löwenstein, Prince Hubertus zu

  Löwenthal, Fritz

  Lower Saxony


  Ludin, Hanns

  Ludshuveit, Lieutenant Yevgeny

  Ludwig, Leopold



  Lukács, Georg

  Lundwall, Dr Erich

  Lurçat, Jean

  Lusset, Félix

  Luxembourg: POW deaths in

  Lynch, Pat

  Lyndon, Major

  Lyne, Major-General Lewis Owen

  M., Christel

  M., Doris von

  Maasburg, Nikolaus von

  McCloy, Ellen

  McCloy, John

  McClure, General Robert

  McCreery, General Sir Richard

  Machold, Reinhold

  Mack, Sir Henry

  Maclean, Donald

  Macmillan, Harold (later 1st Earl of Stockton)

  McNarney, General Joseph T.

  McNeil, Hector

  Mader, Helene

  Mafalda, Princess of Hesse

  Mahr, Franz

  Mainz; university

  Mair, John

  Maisky, Ivan

  Makins, Roger

  Malenkov, Georgy

  Malmédy massacre and trial

  Maltheuren concentration camp, Czechoslovakia

  Malzacher, Hans

  Mander, Sir Geoffrey

  Mann, Erika

  Mann, Golo

  Mann, Heinrich

  Mann, Klaus; Auf der Suche nach einem Weg

  Mann, Thomas

  Manstein, Field Marshal Fritz Erich von

  Marcuse, Herbert

  Marek, Police Captain Anton

  Marek, Max

  Margarétha, Eugen: on arrival of Russians in Vienna; on looting; on American advance; dismissed from job; hears rumour of Schuschnigg’s poisoning; on Vlasov’s approach; on judging Nazis; on Viennese self-interest; accommodates English troops; on Austrian elections (1945); on Soviet occupation of eastern Styria

  Markgraf, Paul; police force

  Maron, Karl

  Maršálek, Hans

  Marshall, General George S.

  Marshall Plan (1947): Soviet reaction to; anti-communist aims; initiated; supported by London conference

  Marwitz, family von der

  Mary, Princess of Hesse

  Masaryk, Jan

  Mastny, Vojtech

  Matchbox, Operation

  Matzkowski, Hermann

  Mautern bridge, Austria

  Mauthausen concentration camp

  Maxwell, Robert

  Mayer, Milton

  Mayer, René



  Meissner, Otto

  Mendelssohn, Felix

  Mendelssohn, Peter de

  Mengele, Josef

  Menne, Bernhard

  Mensdorff, Graf Albert

  Menuhin, Yehudi

  Merton, Richard

  Merz von Quirnheim, Colonel

  Metternich, Prince Paul von

  Metternich, Princess Tatiana von

  Meyer, Kurt

  Meyer, Oskar

  Michel, Heinrich

  Mielke, Erich

  Mierendorff, Carlo

  Mikesch, Stanislaus

  Miklos, Béla

  Mikoyan, Anastas

  Milch, Field Marshal Erhardt


  Mitscherlich, Alexander

  Mohapl, Major

  Mohnke, SS-Brigadeführer Wilhelm

  Molkenthin (reporter)

  Molo, Walter von

  Molotov, Vyacheslav M.: and Sudeten Germans; criticises Western Allies’ policy on Germany; on number of German prisoners in Russia; and Potsdam Agreement; at Potsdam Conference; and French demands; favours East-West cooperation; Bevin challenges; breaks off talks with West (June 1947
); and Soviet hostility to West; demands control of exports from Western Berlin; and government of East Germany

  Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939)

  Moltke, Helmuth James von


  Mondwurf, Friedhelm

  Monnet, Jean

  Mons, Belgium

  Monte Cassino abbey, Italy

  Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard Lawt Viscount: accepts German surrender; orders non-destruction of German weapons; Churchill protests to over treatment of Germans; as first military governor; promises to restore party politics; keeps Ruhr coal in Germany; broadcast speech on imprisoning General Staff officers; and food rationing; and ban on fraternising; disapproves of Nuremberg trials; Himmler requests meeting with; Josef Kramer appeals to; favours attacking Russians; and settlement of Berlin

  Monticault, Alain de

  Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives (MFAA; American)

  Morgan, Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick

  Morgenthau, Henry: ‘pastoralisation’ plan for Germany; de Gaulle rejects plan; proposes separation of Austria from Germany; Clay rejects proposals; and denazification; and violence against German prisoners; resigns; and Polish territorial demands; Germany is our Problem

  Moroccan troops

  Moscow: Conference of Foreign Ministers: (December 1946); (March 1947)

  Moscow Declaration (30 October 1943)

  Mosely, Leonard

  Müller (German clockmaker)

  Müller, Heinrich ‘Gestapo’

  Müller, Josef (‘Ochsensepp’)

  Mumm, Brat von


  Munich Agreement (1938)


  Mürau bei Hohenstadt, Czechoslovakia

  Murphy, Colonel Michael

  Murphy, Robert

  Muscovites (German communists)

  music: in Soviet zone; in American zone; in British zone; in Austria; denazification of composers

  Mussolini, Benito

  Nabokov, Nicolas

  Nagel, Otto

  Naimark, Norman M.: The Russians in Germany

  Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French

  National Democratic Party of Germany (NDPD)

  Natzwiller concentration camp

  Nazis: employed in Russian zone; opposition to; and Fragebogen; tried and sentenced; see also denazification

  Neave, Major Airey

  Neisse, Silesia


  Nerwig, Klaus and Frau

  Neudörfl, Rudolf

  Neues Österreich (newspaper)

  Neumann, Franz Leopold

  Neumann, Günter

  Neurath, Constantin von

  Neuss, Silesia

  Neustadt, Upper Silesia

  Neveu, Ginette

  Newman (US governor of Hessen)

  newspaper press; Jewish

  Nicholls, Jack

  Nicols, Philip

  Nicolson, Nigel

  Niehoff, General Hermann

  Niekisch, Ernst

  Niemöller, Martin

  Nieusela, Hans-Günther

  Night of the Long Knives (1934)

  Nikitchenko, General Iona

  Nikolsburg, Czechoslovakia


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