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The Unforgettable Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 10

by Paige Cameron

  Worn out from her emotions, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She’d been bombarded by too much information, too many suggestions, and seeing Hunter hadn’t helped.

  Her heart sped up when he’d joined them. Looking at his handsome face and listening to his sexy voice had her body aching to be held by him.

  She started thinking back to what Kyra had suggested. Can I forgive Raymond and will it help me?

  Their marriage had started out well. She’d thought she’d loved him, but now after experiencing the feelings Hunter stirred in her, she wondered if she’d been fascinated by him, but not really in love. Alex and her mother had pushed the match. They’d hoped Ray would go far in politics. Still, she couldn’t blame them. She was twenty-four when he proposed, and she’d made up her own mind.

  The bell rang on the oven. Lacey pulled the delicious-smelling bread out. She’d bake a cake and maybe some cookies from recipes she’d found in Mrs. Francis’s cookbook. She preferred to think while she kept her hands busy.

  * * * *

  “What are you going to do about Lacey?” Devin asked as he and Hunter sat on the porch drinking beer.

  “I don’t know. I’ve thought about dating others, but I’m not really interested.”

  “She’s been hurt, and she’s mixed up.”

  “I know. Patience has never been my strong suit, but I’m trying.” Hunter stared out at the mountains. “The campaign manager I hired came to my office this afternoon. She’s going to see signs are put up around the state and start advertising for me.”

  “You’ll make a good senator.”

  “I hope so. And I won’t have to be gone all the time. I’ll keep my office open except when I have to be at the Capitol when the legislature is convened.”

  Devin took a long swallow of his beer. “I have another rodeo next month. Since you missed the one this past weekend, maybe you can come and meet the people at that one.”

  “I’ll definitely try to be there. But when are you going to stop? Every time you ride you’re taking a chance on being hurt.”

  “Don’t start lecturing me. Mom does enough when I’m with her.”

  Hunter glanced at his brother. “What are you trying to prove?”

  Devin grinned. “That I’m the best.”

  “You’ve won the championship three times. Isn’t that proof?”

  “I like round numbers. I may stop after number four.”

  “I think we’re all restless, and that’s part of the reason you ride the bulls. Mom’s right. At our age we ought to be married and having kids.”

  Devin had been sitting back on the two legs of his chair. He let them down with a bang. “Where did that come from? Speak for yourself. I’m happy.”

  “Are you? We’ve dated most everyone in town. None of us are in a serious relationship.”

  “I’m casually dating a girl from Mountain Gulp.”

  “Casually being the word we all use.”

  “Just because you’ve fallen in love, don’t try and get us to join you. You’ll have a revolt on your hands.”

  Hunter laughed. “I’ll shut up, but you wouldn’t have reacted so fiercely if the idea hadn’t crossed your mind at some time or other.”

  Devin finished his beer and stood. “Very briefly, brother, and it scared the hell out of me. See you later.”

  Hunter grinned. “You may run away, but it’ll catch up with you one of these days.”

  “Stay away from me.” Devin put his hands out in front of him. “What you have might be catching.” He waved and hurried to his car, laughing the whole way.

  The smile disappeared from Hunter’s face when Devin left. He sat and stared into space. He was between a rock and a hard place, as the old saying went.

  I do love Lacey, and I want to follow my dream. What the hell am I going to do?

  Chapter Eleven

  When Lacey woke, she’d made some decisions. She picked up her phone and punched in Hunter’s number.

  “Hi, I’m glad you called. I’m going in late today. I have an evening appointment. How about coming over? We’ll go for a morning horseback ride?”

  “I will. I’ll be there in forty-five minutes.” Lacey jumped out of bed, showered, dressed, and was on her way. She’d made a quick cup of coffee and drank it and ate a cookie while she drove. It wasn’t a very healthy breakfast, but it’d do.

  Hunter was at the barn and had the horses ready. Her heartbeat raced when she saw him standing beside his horse dressed in jeans and a green-and-blue plaid shirt. His lopsided smile warmed her through and through.

  “You’re on time.” He opened her door, pulled her out, and kissed her mouth. His arms wrapped around her and she cuddled into his warm strength.

  “You smell good,” she said, and smiled up at him.

  “Thanks, darlin’. Let’s get riding. I’ve got coffee in a thermos in my saddlebag and a few biscuits. We’ll stop by the creek and eat.” He gave her a leg up and she followed his lead as they started to ride.

  Once they were out on the prairie, she rode beside him. “I love the country mornings with the cool, fresh air. It’s invigorating. Why did you call me?” she asked, and glanced in his direction.

  “Why did you accept?”

  “No fair. I asked first.”

  “Honestly, I couldn’t resist. I’ve missed being with you.”

  “My mom called last night. In two weeks, she and Alex are having an anniversary party and the next day a birthday party for my older sister. Mom insists I attend.”

  They’d slowed their horses. “Do you want to go?”

  “I have mixed emotions, but I probably will. I’ll need a ride to the airport and I hate to ask, but…”

  “I’ll drive you. Let’s ride faster. Once we get to the creek we can discuss this further.”

  Lacey nodded and they took off flying across the meadow. In the distance she saw the shiny blue color of the river that ran through the ranch. She knew the spot where they were headed. She and Hunter had often sat and fished there.

  Hunter tied the horse’s reins to a nearby tree and spread a thick blanket on the ground. Lacey got out the coffee and biscuits. Sunshine shone across the area, warming them.

  When they’d sat on the blanket, Hunter took the biscuits out of the foil he’d wrapped them in. Lacey poured the coffee. Then they sat in a comfortable silence while they ate.

  Lacey’s tension eased. Birds chirped in the trees, the water rippled over rocks, and sun shone on the mountain tops. When they’d finished and stuffed the cups and wrapping in the saddle bags, she turned to Hunter.

  “I have an idea.”

  “Does it concern us?” he asked.

  “Yes. Can you take a few days off and go with me to Washington?”

  He blinked. Obviously she’d surprised him.

  “Before I answer, I should tell you about meeting with my campaign manager yesterday.” He explained all the plans for his run for state senator. “I’m going ahead full speed. Does that change your mind about my traveling with you?”

  “No. I can see you’d be a good state senator, but I want you to see Washington as it is before you decide you want to go further up the ladder. My parent’s anniversary party will give you some perspective, and I’d like you to meet my family.” She grinned. “Does that scare you?”

  “No, you’ve met mine, and I know your mother and sisters. I just haven’t seen them in a long time. There is one other subject we need to discuss. If you do ever agree to marry me, how do you feel about having children?” He took hold of her hand and held it tight.

  “I want them. My doctor seemed to think the miscarriage was brought on by stress and he said sometimes there’s something wrong with the fetus. But he didn’t’ think I’d necessarily have the same problem as before.”

  “I’d like a family. We’d wait until you were ready though.”

  “What if I can’t have children?”

  “I have no problem with the idea of adopting. What do yo
u think?”

  “Even if we have our own, I’d consider adopting a needy child.”

  “You are so beautiful inside and out.” He leaned over her and she lay back on the blanket. His hand brushed across the side of her face, and he rubbed his thumb across her lips. “I’ve missed you. Since we’ve talked openly about our concerns, does this mean we’re trying again?”

  “I’m really a mixed-up mess. I can’t make promises or tell you it’s all going to work out the way you want.”

  “Fair enough. We’ll take it slow and easy.”

  “How slow?” She grinned and looked at his mouth.

  Hunter lowered his head and kissed her cheeks and then her chin. His mouth hovered above hers. “Is this slow enough?”

  “Hmmm, yes.” Lacey ran her fingers through his thick, soft hair and stared into his darkened blue eyes.

  He kissed her, and a spark flashed in her core. Heat spread throughout her body. He bit the edge of her full bottom lip. Then his tongue slipped inside and stroked softly.

  When he turned on his side, he pulled her tight against him. His hard cock pulsed against her belly. Lacey raked her hands down his back and held onto his firm butt. Riotous waves of desire swept from her core outward. Her pussy clenched and her juices wet her lower lips.

  Hunter kissed the side of her neck while he unfastened the buttons on her shirt. His mouth found her beating pulse, and he licked across the spot. Her head fell back, leaving her more open and vulnerable to his kisses.

  “I’m so damn hungry for you, I could eat you up,” he groaned. He threw her shirt and bra to the side of the blanket and his lips caressed the soft skin of her breasts. His teeth grazed her nipples and she shuddered with delight.

  “Are you cold?” he asked. His eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “What do you think? I’m hungry for you. I want your hard cock inside my weeping pussy.”

  “I love it when my lady talks dirty.”

  “Get my jeans off and make love to me, slowpoke.”

  “And she’s demanding.” He reached the button on her jeans. “Whatever you want, honey.”

  For a second, reality returned. Lacey looked around the area. “Do you think anyone will see us?”

  “I checked with Fletch. The men are working on an area miles from here.”

  “You told Fletch we’d be here?”

  “Not in so many words. But he said he and Cort had business to do in the office.”

  “I’m so embarrassed. I won’t be able to look at them again.”

  “Don’t be silly. They know how we feel about each other.”

  “I’m glad they do, since I don’t know myself.”

  He brushed his lips across her nipples. “Do you want me to stop?”

  She took a deep breath and rubbed her hand across his cock where it strained against his jeans to get out. “No,” she whispered.

  With a big grin on his face, Hunter undid her jeans button and slid the zipper down. Then he knelt at her feet and removed her boots, jeans, and panties. She lay before him nude.

  “You are beautiful.” Hunter threw off his clothes and sheathed his cock. He spread her legs and kissed his way to her lower lips. “I like your musky scent.”

  Then he separated her folds and licked her clit.

  “Your juices are like honey,” he said as he moved along to the opening to her pussy.

  “Go inside me,” she said.

  “In a minute.” Hunter slipped a finger inside her wet pussy and rubbed across her G-spot. A jolt of excitement raced up her back.

  “Hurry, now,” she demanded.

  He chuckled. “You are so impatient.” Then he put his cock at her opening and thrust inside. “Your pussy is tight and hot.”

  A bubble of euphoria was building in Lacey. She met his every stroke as he moved in and out of her. Her pussy walls tightened around him as a wave of sheer bliss swallowed her up.

  * * * *

  The two weeks had gone quickly. She and Hunter had spent as much time as possible together. Several evenings he had meetings with men interested in supporting his run for senator, and ads were popping up on the television. A large billboard with Hunter’s smiling face was put up the day before they left for Washington. It greeted people as they drove into Pleasure Valley. He and Lacey stood on the grassy area facing the display.

  “I think the photographer got my good side,” Hunter said. His eyes sparkled with mischief. “What do you think?”

  “I think your ego is going to burst before this election is over. If you’re fishing for a compliment, I have to admit you don’t have a bad side.”

  “Really? I’m getting a compliment from my hard-hearted woman.”

  “I haven’t agreed that I’m your woman.”

  “You will.” He hugged her, and they walked back to his truck. “Does it upset you to see all the advertisements for my campaign?”

  “It makes me a little uneasy, but not as much as it did at first.”

  “You’re doing a good job on Billy’s campaign. The rumor is he’ll win.” Hunter started driving into town.

  “I hope so. It’ll be my last political foray. I’m going to start classes and go to school full time in the fall.”

  “Then you’ve decided being a teacher is what you want to do.”

  “Thinking back, I wanted to go into teaching but I went in a different direction. Mother and Alex were both absorbed with politics, and with encouragement I became interested.”

  “I’m looking forward to meeting your mom and sisters again, after such a long time. I’ll take you to lunch, and then I have some business I have to finish before we leave tomorrow.”

  Later, after Hunter took her to the ranch, Lacey packed her bag. She didn’t take much for fear her mother would insist she stay longer. When she closed the suitcase, she sat on the side of the bed.

  Hunter was going to win the Senate. She felt it in her gut, and he was the personable type of man that the higher-ups would encourage to run for a national seat in Congress or the Senate.

  Her love for him was growing every day, but could she be a Washington politician’s wife another time? She’d been meeting with Kyra twice a week since the day she ran out of the office. More and more she accepted what Kyra had said, which was basically that Lacey had to face her demons before she’d resolve her anger and pain.

  Lacey saw Smitty’s truck at the garage. She went out the back door and walked slowly to the barn. Inside, it was quiet and cool. The smell of hay and manure made her sneeze. Smitty glanced around and saw her. He walked toward her.

  “Smitty, I’m sorry about the way I treated you when you mentioned my father. My anger has been boiling over rather easily this past year.”

  “I understood, missy. I’m sorry I upset you.”

  “I’ve reconsidered, Smitty. When I return from my trip to Washington, I’d like to meet my dad. Ask him what day is good for him after next Monday.”

  Smitty pushed his hat back, as he often did when he was thinking before he spoke. “You are a brave lady. I don’t think you will regret seeing him. Whether you want to continue the relationship afterward is totally up to you. Your father understands and will accept whatever you decide.”

  Lacey nodded, smiled, and hurried back into the house before she changed her mind.

  * * * *

  Her mother and stepfather met them at the airport. The National terminal was crowded with people.

  “I’m sorry we didn’t get in earlier. The 9:00 p.m. flight was the best we could get. The others got in after eleven,” Lacey said.

  Her mom hugged her and then smiled at Hunter. “Mom, do you remember Hunter?”

  “I do. But he’s grown a lot bigger and more handsome since I last saw him. Welcome to Washington. This is my husband, Alex Bernheart. Hunter is part of the Garrison brothers. Lacey and Hunter were good friends when they were younger,” Lacey’s mom explained to Alex.

  “Do you work on that vast ranch your parents own?” Lacey’s mo
m asked Hunter as they walked to Alex’s Cadillac.

  “I’m a lawyer, and I’m running for state senator. I don’t have much time to help on the ranch. But several of my brothers take care of the ranch and my brother, Joel, is in charge of the lumber business. Dad is semi-retired.”

  Alex unlocked the car by remote. He asked Hunter to sit up front with him. “Lacey and her mom can visit in the back.”

  Hunter glanced at Lacey and winked, and then he got in the front passenger side.

  “He’s very handsome,” her mother whispered.


  “Are you serious about him?” her mom asked.

  “I am, but he is going into politics and that makes me wary.”

  Her mother frowned. “Not all politicians are like Raymond.”

  “True, but I don’t like living here. I’d have to attend society functions, dinners, go to women’s meeting that bore me. I’m not the type to make a good wife for a man who wants to be in Congress or the Senate.”

  “Then I gather unless he stays in Wyoming you’ll not marry him. If he asks you,” her mother added.

  “Can we not talk about this now? I want to enjoy my visit.” Lacey looked at Hunter sitting in the front seat talking with Alex. She was certain Alex would discover whether Hunter had aspirations for a national office. Alex was always looking for his next protégé.

  When they arrived at the lovely, Georgian-style house, all the lights were burning. “We’re having a late dinner. I invited Josie and Renee and a few other friends to greet you.”

  “I’m tired. I’d hoped we’d have a snack and go to bed,” Lacey said.

  “You are too young to be tired. It’s only your sisters and a few of our other relatives who came for the anniversary party tomorrow.” Her mother got out and waited for Lacey to stand beside her. “All our rooms are full. You and Hunter will have to share, but I didn’t think you’d mind. I put you on the top floor since it only has the one room with the slanting roof. No one will notice you’re together.”

  Hunter came over and took hold of her hand. Her mother looked at him. “I was asking Lacey if you two minded sharing a room. It’s at the top, small, and the roof slants, but it’s quaint.”


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