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Just One Night

Page 2

by C. A. Harms

  Too drunk to give a fuck, I allowed her to dominate me as we stumbled into my room. I wished I could say that I was fully alert and able to comprehend every single second with this wildcat, but I think I was continuously blacking out.

  Bits and pieces stood out, but one vision will forever be imbedded in my mind. In the darkness of the room, a wild array of blonde hair shielded her face as she moved over me, taking my cock inside of her over and over as she panted and moaned in satisfaction. That was something I could never forget, drunk or not. That was an unforgettable vision.

  Chapter Three


  I should have stopped this long ago, but I couldn’t. How could something that’s so wrong feel so good? I’m talking toe-curling good, and it didn’t make sense because Isaac was sloppy drunk. I imagined sober he’d be knee-buckling amazing, which explained why so many girls had dipped their toes in the Isaac pool.

  He was tall, dark, and handsome. Almost too pretty to be a guy, but just rugged enough to make him seem dangerous.

  I’d admired him when I thought no one was looking, but never had I ever thought I’d have a taste of my own. That was until now, and good God, how was I ever going to walk away without craving more?

  I figured sober he would be ten times as good as this. Oh, the possibilities made me crave it all the more.

  All it took was a little sweet talking and he found that part of me deep inside that was desperate for freedom from all the wrongs that held me back. Granted, this was yet another wrong to add to the list, but I needed an escape. Bad had never felt so fucking good.

  The way he moved, the swivel, thrust, and even the glide.

  It didn’t even matter that he’d spent most of the night with his eyes closed. If that helped him concentrate on making me feel the way he did now, this impairment didn’t stop him from growling and moaning in pleasure. That alone seemed to heighten my own pleasure. I’d never admit it to him or anyone else, but Isaac was somewhat of a genius when it came to women’s anatomy. He knew his way around, if ya know what I mean.

  I continued to move above him, placing my hands upon his chest as I lifted my hips and lowered them time and time again. His fingers dug into my thighs, his lips parted as he moaned, and it drove me further. That single look on his face, one of awe, was one I wanted to see again and again.

  Suddenly I was flipped onto my back and disappointment filled my chest, because I could no longer see his face. I could no longer watch him teeter on the edge of completion.

  But that disappointment quickly changed to desire when he began to move inside of me. The slight shift of his hips allowed him to reach that spot deep inside that sent tingles throughout me from head to toe.

  As if he too understood just what he was doing to me, he continued on, making it next to impossible to hold back.

  My back arched, my body tensed, and my stomach hollowed just before a shiver racked my body and I came so hard I know I screamed out in pleasure. I didn’t care at that moment who heard me, fuck them all. It felt too good not to cry out.

  Isaac slammed into me harder and harder, chasing his own release, and for the first time he opened his eyes. I really had no idea if he could actually see me, but a look of complete concentration took over as he drove deep inside of me. I could feel my body trembling, an indescribable sensation starting at my head and slowly rippling through me until it reached my toes.

  Lifting my gaze to meet his, he leaned in and kissed me, tugging on my lip with his teeth. “Good, so so good.” If I hadn’t been so very close I would have missed his words, they were so soft. I’m sure he didn’t mean for me to hear them, but I did. And I couldn’t have agreed more.

  Tomorrow I would deal with the consequences of my night, but for now all I wanted to do was relish the way he made me feel. I wanted to hold onto this moment because I knew already I would never have it again.


  I woke to the sunlight peeking through the blinds of the single window in the room. Looking around slowly, I was impressed with the decor. It was nothing I’d imagined Isaac’s room to be. Last night it was dark, and frankly I had very little time to focus on much of anything.

  The furniture was a dark wood, mahogany maybe, but it was impressive. A massive bed, and a large dresser with a big mirror upon it. The nightstands on either side had matching lamps.

  I’ll admit I’d wondered what his room looked like a time or two, but I pictured mismatched furniture and half naked women on posters around the room. I realized then that I knew very little about Isaac besides the fact that he enjoyed women. Lots and lots of women, and now I was just one of many.

  A strong desire to disappear without being seen hit me and I tried to roll off the bed, only I was pinned to the mattress by a leg woven through my own and a hand across my waist.

  The light snore that fell from his lips gave me hope, and I lifted his hand and very carefully moved it off of me, laying it on the mattress between us.

  Exhaling slowly, I knew I was not yet in the clear.

  Allowing him to settle before I attempted another interruption, I remained perfectly still. I had no idea what time it was, but I knew that if I wanted to get out of this house without anyone seeing me, I needed to move quickly.

  Holding my breath, I rolled fast. Go big or go home, right?

  I found myself face down on the floor, my feet still on the bed and my legs bent in the weirdest angle. I’m sure I looked like some kind of contortionist or an idiot, whatever.

  Slithering along like a snake, I was able to get my legs and feet to the floor and it was then that I chanced a look back at the bed. Pausing for much longer than I should have, I looked over the man I’d left behind.

  Unforgettable memories I would keep to myself, I knew I’d never be able to look at him the same. Knowing what he could do, how he could make me feel, it was unfair really. Last night was nothing more than a tease.

  And it all ended now, it ended here.

  Forcing myself to look away from the gorgeous naked man laying on his back with only a corner of a sheet covering his groin, I had to move and I had to do it now.

  Searching around the floor for my underwear, I couldn’t remember the exact moment that I’d removed them. Or that he’d removed them. I wasn’t sure which.

  My body grew rigid when I heard him moving on the bed behind me and I considered hiding in the closet, but then knew that would solve nothing. Hell, I could be there all day, or worse yet, be forced to watch him with his next conquest.

  I shivered at the thought.

  Foregoing the panties, I grabbed my shirt, hurried to pull it over my head, and then grabbed my jeans. One leg in, then another, and I stood quickly to move my feet through the legs of my jeans, and that’s when my escape plan went to complete and utter shit.

  Chapter Four


  I stretched out my legs. They felt weak, like I’d spent hours doing leg presses, only I couldn’t remember the last time I hit the gym. I had a lingering taste of something sweet, like strawberries, or maybe it was cherry on my tongue.

  Feeling something lacy against my hand, I lifted it out in front of me and was met with a barely there scrap of material. A woman’s thong, baby blue, and I smiled proudly because damn.

  I heard something crash, and I jerked upward, looking around the room for the cause of the interruption. I was met with nothing less than the perfect view of the backside of a blonde. When I say backside, I mean a bare naked ass, bent over at the waist, trying like hell to pull on a pair of jeans in a hurry.

  “You forgetting something?” The girl froze and my smile widened, her attempt to escape without being noticed had failed. Holding her thong up in the air as it dangled from my finger, I couldn’t help but find her rigid form slightly funny. “I could keep them as a souvenir.” She had a killer ass, and though this excuse for panties would hide nothing, I thought she should remain naked.

  I might actually break my don’t ever hit it twice rule an
d give her another go.

  I watched and waited for her to react.

  Slowly she stood tall, shimmying her hips and continuing to pull up her pants, snapping them in place. Keeping her back to me for a few more seconds, I wondered if she was ever going to face me.

  “Don’t be shy, darlin’.” Not that I remembered, but with how weak my legs were feeling, I had a strong inkling she and I went several rounds last night. “In fact, if you want to take those pants back off and climb back beneath the sheets with me, I’d be up for a morning quickie.”

  I must have hit a sore spot because this gained a reaction. The girl spun around, her mouth hanging open in disgust, and instantly I felt like I’d collided with a brick wall. My stomach was in my throat.

  “What the fuck?” I was dead. I would have to go into hiding.

  Jade, as in Jay’s sister, crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowed into annoyed slits as she glared at me. “What, suddenly you’ve got nothing more to say?”

  “Did we―” I paused, my heartbeat speeding up as I imagined how pissed of Jay was gonna be.

  “I don’t know, genius, what do you think? You’re in your bed, naked, holding my thong on your finger. Do you really have to ask if we had sex?”

  I opened my mouth to speak but nothing more came out. The only thing that was flashing in my mind was Jay in a rage when he found out what I’d done, or who, in this case.

  Jade sauntered across my bedroom, snatched her thong from my hands, and turned toward the door.

  “What are we gonna tell Jay?”

  Looking back over her shoulder, she rolled her eyes. “Nothing, you idiot. We had sex. It was…” She paused as if thinking it over for a minute. “Interesting.”

  Interesting. What the fuck did she mean by that?

  “There is no reason to tell anyone that this…” she motioned with her finger between us, “…ever happened.”

  I felt like she was verbally kicking me in the nuts over and over.

  “Bye, Isaac, it’s been real.” She grabbed the handle, jerked open the door, and there just on the other side stood Jay, staring at his sister. Her hair was a wreck, her shirt hanging off one shoulder, and in her hand, her blue fucking thong.

  He looked past his sister, and locked eyes with mine. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” His voice was a growl, and in all the time I’d known Jay I had never seen him this fucking mad. Like I thought…dead man.

  He stormed past his sister. I jumped from my bed and almost fell over my sheets as I grabbed Jade and used her as a shield to block her brother.

  “My fucking sister!” His voice echoed out into the hallway, where I now stood bucked ass naked, still holding Jade in front of me. “Of all the girls you had to screw, you chose my sister.”

  “In my defense, I remember nothing.” The very second the words left my lips I knew I’d only managed to make things worse.

  “You motherfucker!” It all happened so fast. Jay launched himself at me, Jade moved quick, and I was on the floor with Jay on my chest, holding me by the neck.

  And all the while my dick is out there for the twenty plus people, guys and girls, who have now gathered to see. I knew one day the horny bastard would get me in trouble. My dick, that is. He really went for broke this time.

  Jay’s hands tightened on my neck and I attempted to pull them away. “Let’s talk about this.” My voice was nothing more than a raspy whisper because my air supply was being compromised by his death grip on my windpipe.

  “Forget talking, you asshole.” He was beyond consolable. I had a feeling the only way I was going to get free was if someone pulled Jay off me.

  I’d crossed a line.

  My vision was growing blurry, and just over Jay’s shoulder I saw Jade attempting to pull her brother free. “Let him go, you idiot. He didn’t do it alone, ya know. I made the choice to go to his room with him.”

  “Not helping,” I gasped, and all my other brothers stood around laughing, enjoying the show. The sorry bitches were no help to me. I knew without searching the crowd that someone in the mix had a phone set on record. There was no way this event was not going to be documented and used for later torture and entertainment.

  “Jay.” I strained to look to my left and found Ruby, Jay’s girl, standing just a few feet away. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she took in the scene before her. Sweet girl had yet to become used to our form of crazy. She walked around all the time looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Poor thing.

  “What are you doing? My God, let him go.” It was the first time since Jay wrapped his hands around my neck that his grip let up. Even if it were only a small fraction, I felt like I could breathe a little easier.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” She looked so confused as she scanned the crowd.

  “He fucked my sister!” The sound of his words echoed around us, actually it was more of a growl.

  I’d known Jay for years, and never, not once had I ever seen him this pissed.

  “Well.” Ruby cocked her hip out and placed her hand there as she looked between Jay, myself, and Jade. The confusion had faded and now she appeared annoyed. “I hate to state the obvious, but your sister is old enough to decide who she has sex with. You didn’t see her throwing a baby fit every time you decided to bed a skank after a wild night of drinking, did ya?”

  And in the moment I fell a little in love with Jay’s girl. She was the only one in the bunch to come to my rescue.

  That was until her words sank in and I found myself wondering if I was being referred to as a skank in this situation.

  Chapter Five


  This was humiliating. Not only was my brother a witness to my one-night stand, but so was every other person who lived in this house. Hell, and a lot who didn’t.


  I paused and allowed Ruby’s words to register in my mind, and then I looked in her direction to find her still looking down at my brother, who had yet take his hands off Isaac’s neck.

  “Skank?” I glared at her. “Are you calling me a skank?”

  “For Christ’s sakes, no.” It was almost funny how she shook her head at me and rolled her eyes. “Focus, will ya?”

  She turned her attention back to my brother. His nostrils were still flaring as he hovered above Isaac, who, might I add, was naked. I wanted to tell every other girl around the area to look away but it wasn’t my place. It didn’t take the urge away, though.

  I also understood that it would take nothing at all for him to push my brother off of him but I figured it had more to do with the fact that he knew he’d screwed up.

  In my defense, I remember nothing.

  That alone solidified the fact that this was a mistake. I knew better, honestly I did, but again I was lonely, and fine, it had been a long long time since I’d felt a man’s hands on me. Isaac was in the right place at the right time. That sounds bad, I know, but a girl’s got needs too. And I honestly thought I’d be out long before anyone else had the chance to see me.

  Of all the mornings these assholes decided to get up early, it had to be the morning after my forbidden romp in the sheets with Isaac.

  “My point is…” Ruby sounded all motherly as she addressed my brother and he turned his head enough so he could see her fully. “Jade is an adult, Isaac is…” Pausing, she tried to find the right word, and this time there were several of those in the crowd who laughed.

  “Hey,” Isaac nudged my brother and Jay fell back and hurried to move away from Isaac’s exposed junk.

  “Sorry, but from what I’ve witnessed, I’d be stretching it referring to you as an adult.” Score for Ruby. Sweet and innocent had flown right out of the window. It would seem she’d got an authoritative side. Even my brother looked a bit surprised.

  “Jade has the right to sleep with whoever she wants.”

  “From the way it appears, there was very little sleeping that took place.” One of the twins had to add their two cents and Ruby loo
ked unimpressed with their addition.

  “Really?” Crossing her arms over her chest, she cocked her hip outward and stared at the brave soul. “You really think that now is the time to poke the bear? I’m trying to calm him, not give him another reason to attack. But by all means, if you’d like to be on the receiving end of all his hate right now, please, keep going with the bullshit.”

  Everyone was silent, only Ruby and whichever one it was staring back at each other.

  “Point taken, Rubes, continue on.” If someone hadn’t mumbled Corbin’s a dumb ass, I never would have known which twin she’d set in his place.

  The crowd slowly started to disperse when they realized the fight was over. I felt like it was my best shot at getting out without anymore prying eyes or unwanted questions.

  I held my breath until I reached the front door and just as I stepped outside, I heard my name being called out. Without turning around, I hurried across the front lawn and stepped off the curb just as my hand was grabbed from behind.

  I was spun around, and when I came face to face with my little brother, even I felt like I shrunk an inch or two. “Isaac.” His chest heaved and I could tell he was doing his very best to hold back. “It had to be one of my brothers?”

  “Would you’ve preferred that I’d grabbed some random stranger in a gas station?”

  “No, what I would have preferred was that for once you realized you deserve more than that.” He pointed behind him toward the house as if that were explanation enough. “I’d prefer for once in your God damned life you accept the fact that you are not some bimbo whose single purpose is to get trampled on by some piece of shit guy that only wants one thing.”

  “I don’t need your permission, Jay.” Holding back the tears that were beginning to build, I stared at my little brother with a strength even I didn’t know I possessed. “My life is my life, my choices are mine to make. You can like ’em or you can hate ’em, but again, they’re mine.”


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