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Mahabharata: Volume 8

Page 73

by Debroy, Bibek

  115 Indra is the lord of the Maruts.

  116 Ashvatthama, Kripa and Kritavarma.

  117 Ashvatthama.

  118 Duryodhana.

  Chapter 1292(9)

  119 After he was dead. The word used is shalavrika, which we have interpreted as jackal. It is also possible to break this up into shala and vrika and interpret it as jackals and wolves separately.

  120 Akshouhinis.

  121 That is, kings.

  122 Samkarshana is Balarama’s name.

  123 Kubera.

  124 Balarama.

  125 Dhritarashtra.

  126 Those who have died earlier.

  127 Drona.

  128 Dhrishtadyumna.

  129 Indra.

  130 Hastinapura.

  131 Vedavyasa had given Sanjaya divine sight, so that he could witness events without physically being present and also divine the thoughts of others.

  132 Dhritarashtra.

  Chapter 1293(10)

  1 Yudhishthira is speaking these words.

  2 Referring to the enemy.

  3 Worn by the warriors, the comparison is with gems in the ocean.

  4 In the waves.

  5 Krishnaa, Droupadi.

  6 Drupada was killed much earlier, by Drona in Section 71 (Volume 6), though Droupadi might not have known this.

  7 Yudhishthira’s name.

  Chapter 1294(11)

  8 Yudhishthira’s.

  9 Droupadi.

  10 Abhimanyu.

  11 Act of giving up one’s life by fasting to death.

  12 Shambara was a demon killed by Indra.

  13 A reference to the incidents in Section 8 (Volume 1).

  14 The incidents of Section 9 (Volume 1). However, Droupadi wasn’t around then.

  15 Kichaka was slain by Bhima in Section 46 (Volume 4). Maghavan is Indra and Indra’s wife is Shachi or Poulami, the daughter of Puloma, a demon. Indra killed Puloma.

  Chapter 1295(12)

  16 The weapon.

  17 That it had been given to Arjuna.

  18 Dvaravati is another name for Dvaraka.

  19 Krishna spoke these words to Ashvatthama.

  20 Described in Section 31 (Volume 2).

  21 That is, Arjuna never asked for those weapons.

  22 One of Krishna’s wives.

  23 One of the four mental sons born to Brahma. Sanatkumara is believed to have been born as Pradyumna.

  24 Balarama.

  25 Gada was Krishna’s brother. Samba was Krishna’s son, through Jambavati.

  26 The word used is tata. It means son, but is affectionately used for anyone who is younger or junior.

  Chapter 1296(13)

  27 These are the names of Krishna’s horses. Sainya and Sugriva, the two main horses, were on the inside. Meghapushpa and Balahaka were on the extreme left and extreme right.

  28 The architect of the gods.

  29 Garuda. Garuda sits astride Vishnu’s standard.

  30 Arjuna and Yudhishthira ascended the same chariot.

  31 The name of Vishnu/Krishna’s bow, literally meaning a bow made out of horn.

  32 Bhima.

  33 Ganga.

  34 Divine weapons could be invoked on any object with the use of mantras.

  Chapter 1297(14)

  35 Vedavyasa.

  Chapter 1298(15)

  36 Narada and Vedavyasa.

  37 To withdraw a weapon, once released. Knowledge of a divine weapon meant not just knowledge about its release, but also knowledge about its withdrawal.

  38 The word used is tata.

  39 Here, brahmastra seems to be equated with brahmashira. However, brahmastras were used in the Kurukshetra war. This is the only instance of brahmashira being used. The two weapons were presumably different.

  40 Yudhishthira.

  41 That is, the Pandava women.

  42 The brahmashira weapon was thus diverted towards the wombs.

  Chapter 1299(16)

  43 The daughter is Uttara, married to Abhimanyu.

  44 This is derived from the word parikshina, which means something that has been destroyed or lost.

  45 That is, born as one.

  46 Vedavyasa was immortal and so was Ashvatthama.

  47 Purushottama is Krishna’s name.

  48 Krishnaa.

  49 Described in Section 54 (Volume 4).

  50 Vishnu killed a demon named Madhu.

  51 Krishnaa.

  Chapter 1300(17)

  52 Shiva.

  53 Brahma.

  54 Prajapati means lord of beings and the Prajapatis were also creators of beings. The number of Prajapatis varies, from one text to another.

  55 Those born from wombs, eggs, sweat (worms/insects) and plants/trees/herbs.

  56 Brahma.

  57 The linga.

  58 Mount Munjavat probably had a lot of munja grass.

  Chapter 1301(18)

  59 This probably means, when satya yuga or krita yuga was over.

  60 Literally, the one attired in skins. Shiva’s name.

  61 The five great elements are ether/sky, air, fire, water and earth.

  62 The one with matted hair, Shiva’s name.

  63 The sacred exclamation of vashat.

  64 This is probably a reference to the four kinds of chants and priests involved in any sacrifice, associated with each of the four Vedas.

  65 The three-eyed one, Shiva’s name.

  66 The one with the blue throat, Shiva’s name.

  67 Shiva’s name.

  68 Shiva.

  69 Ashvatthama.

  Chapter 1302(1)

  1 Yudhishthira.

  2 Kripa, Kritavarma and Ashvatthama.

  3 Ashvatthama was cursed. His imposing a curse refers to his act of destroying the foetus in Uttara’s womb.

  4 Dhritarashtra.

  5 The sun.

  6 Parashurama.

  7 The Critical edition does not tell us who Srinjaya was, what the sages told him, and when Dhritarashtra heard it. The story has been excised from this part of the Critical edition and is about a king named Srinjaya, whose son was killed by thieves. Narada consoled him by telling him the histories of sixteen kings who had to die. But Narada’s account appears later.

  8 Karna.

  9 Duryodhana’s brother.

  10 The text uses the word shalya, which means thorn or stake. Shalya was also the king of Madra and it is also possible to interpret the shloka in the sense of Shalya, as a proper noun. However, there is no suggestion that Shalya ever offered advice to Dhritarashtra and that it was rejected, though Shalya eventually fought on the side of the Kouravas. We have therefore taken the word shalya to be a common noun.

  11 The image is that of a man who climbs a tree for honey and falls down.

  Chapter 1303(2)

  12 Death.

  13 That is, they were not retreating.

  14 Before they were born.

  15 In successive births.

  16 That is, death.

  17 In this context, dharma, artha and happiness, not dharma, artha and kama.

  18 The meaning of this shloka is not very clear.

  Chapter 1304(3)

  19 Because there is no wood in a plantain tree.

  20 The atman.

  21 The potter’s wheel.

  Chapter 1305(4)

  22 The text uses the word kalala. An embryo goes through stages of development, progressively, kalala, arbuda, peshi and so on. So kalala is the first stage in am embryo’s development.

  23 Having been born.

  24 These are demons that afflict infants, newly born children.

  25 This is a difficult shloka to translate. The meaning is not evident and some liberties have been taken in the translation.

  Chapter 1306(5)

  26 Brahma.

  27 From those beasts.

  28 Carnivorous beasts, serpents, the elephant and the terrible woman being the other four.

  Chapter 1307(6)

  29 There is a cont
ravention because in that difficult situation, the brahmana cannot pursue the usual dictates of dharma.

  30 Hence black and white.

  Chapter 1308(7)

  31 In successive births.

  32 The cycle of rebirth.

  33 The time that joins day and night, the morning and the evening twilight.

  34 Past deeds.

  35 That is, is not reborn.

  36 In the sense of repentance after an event.

  Chapter 1309(8)

  37 End his life. Dhritarashtra is addressing Krishna Dvaipayana Vedavyasa. Dhritarashtra was Vedavyasa’s son.

  38 This is a literal translation, the sense being that Vedavyasa will tell Dhritarashtra once he has regained his composure.

  39 In Section 6 (Volume 1), Earth went to Brahma, requesting that she should be saved from the depredations of the asuras on earth.

  40 The word kali has different meanings, including connotations of kali yuga. Here, it is best understood as the personification of strife, dissension, discord.

  41 The rajasuya sacrifice has been described in Section 24 (Volume 2). In Section 25 (Volume 2), Narada remembers these events, but does not actually recount them.

  42 This is Vedavyasa quoting Narada.

  43 And not give it up.

  Chapter 1310(9)

  1 Dhritarashtra.

  2 The chariot.

  3 Dhritarashtra.

  4 There is some abruptness and break in continuity in the text here.

  5 Vidura.

  Chapter 1311(10)

  6 Measure of distance between 3 and 4 kilometres, 4 kroshas are equal to 1 yojana.

  7 These sentences suggest that the events of Section 79 (Volume 7) never happened and there is some inconsistency.

  Chapter 1312(11)

  8 Another name for Hastinapura.

  9 Krishna.

  10 Satyaki.

  11 Dhritarashtra’s son through a vaishya woman. Yuyutsu had sided with the Pandavas.

  12 Yudhishthira.

  13 In the sense of Pandu being the younger father.

  14 The other Pandavas.

  15 Yudhishthira.

  16 Krishna.

  17 Dhritarashtra. Dhritarashtra wished to crush Bhima with his embrace.

  18 The coral tree.

  19 Sanjaya.

  20 No further details are given about the ‘son’. If son is to be interpreted strictly, Krishna must have asked Yuyutsu to construct the image.

  Chapter 1313(12)

  21 Dhritarashtra.

  22 Duryodhana.

  23 Droupadi.

  24 Bhima.

  25 Bhima.

  Chapter 1314(13)

  26 Gandhari was blindfolded.

  27 Vedavyasa.

  28 Arjuna.

  29 Bhima realized that Duryodhana was superior in skills.

  Chapter 1315(14)

  30 At the time of the gambling match, described in Section 27 (Volume 2).

  31 Vrishasena was Karna’s son. This wasn’t quite the way it happened. These incidents are from Section 73 (Volume 7), Karna Parva. Vrishasena killed Nakula’s horses after Bhima had drunk Duhshasana’s blood. The incidents occur in different chapters; Vrishasena killed Nakula’s horses in the subsequent chapter.

  32 Yama.

  33 Bhima swore to drink Duhshasana’s blood, described in Section 27 (Volume 2).

  34 There is a nuance that a translation cannot capture, the word in question being santana. This means son or daughter. But it also means continuous flow, which is the reason an offspring is called santana, ensuring the continuous line of succession.

  Chapter 1316(15)

  35 Because Dhritarashtra was blind, Gandhari always wore a blindfold.

  36 All the Pandavas.

  37 Kunti.

  38 Abhimanyu.

  39 Droupadi.

  40 Droupadi.

  41 A reference to Krishna’s mission of peace, described in Section 54 (Volume 4).

  Chapter 1317(16)

  42 Vedavyasa.

  43 Gandhari.

  44 It is not clear who this king is. It can only be Satyaki, though Satyaki is rarely described as a king.

  45 Dhritarashtra.

  46 Gandhari.

  47 The sense is that the five elements (earth, air, fire, water, sky) are not destroyed. So the Kurus and the Panchalas would not be destroyed either.

  48 The clubs are being compared to women lying down alongside their beloved husbands.

  49 The text uses the word apararatri, meaning the second half of the night.

  Chapter 1318(17)

  50 That is, kings.

  51 The sense being that he did not retreat.

  52 Since Krishna is being addressed, this is a clear typo.

  53 That is, Duryodhana’s wife. Lakshmana was Duryodhana’s son.

  54 Lakshmana.

  55 Duryodhana.

  56 Duryodhana and Lakshmana.

  Chapter 1319(18)

  57 This Dharmaraja does not mean Yudhishthira. It means Yama.

  58 Avarodhana, the inner or women’s quarters of a palace, where the royal ladies resided.

  59 Bhima.

  60 The incidents described in Section 27 (Volume 2).

  61 Duhshasana.

  62 This probably means Duryodhana, but could also mean Duhshasana.

  Chapter 1320(19)

  63 Bhima.

  64 The moon.

  65 In heaven.

  Chapter 1321(20)

  66 This is a reference to Abhimanyu.

  67 Meaning Arjuna’s.

  68 Uttara.

  69 The text uses the word kambu, which can be translated as a neck with three lines, or as a neck that is like a conch shell.

  70 Uttara.

  71 Ashvatthama.

  72 Referring to Arjuna.

  73 Abhimanyu and Uttara were married six months before the war.

  74 Meaning Virata.

  75 Virata’s son, Uttara, not the daughter, Uttaraa.

  76 This does not fit. Sudakshina from Kamboja was killed by Arjuna in Section 69 (Volume 6). However, he was not a child.

  Chapter 1322(21)

  77 Karna’s preceptor, Parashurama, cursed him.

  78 Sushena was Karna’s son.

  Chapter 1323(22)

  79 This doesn’t quite fit. The famous ones from Avanti were Vinda and Anuvinda. However, they were killed by Arjuna, not Bhima. There was no famous warrior from Avanti who was killed by Bhima.

  80 The chastiser of Paka is Indra and Indra’s son is Arjuna. Vriddhakshatra’s son is Jayadratha.

  81 This is a reference to Arjuna’s vow, made when Abhimanyu was killed.

  82 Arjuna defeated the eleven Kourava akshouhinis.

  83 Identified with Greeks, Ionians.

  84 Krishnaa, Droupadi. Jayadratha’s abduction of Droupadi has been described in Section 42 (Volume 3).

  85 Jayadratha’s wife, Duryodhana’s sister.

  86 When Abhimanyu penetrated the formation, Jayadratha guarded the entry and prevented the Pandavas (Arjuna was away) from entering. This has been described in Section 67 (Volume 6).

  Chapter 1324(23)

  87 The word used is tata.

  88 Shalya had promised to sap Karna’s energy in the battle.

  89 The word used is sukshma, which is difficult to translate in a single word, because it has multiple meanings. While ‘fine’ is acceptable, there is also a sense of subtle, sheer, short and insignificant.

  90 Devapi was Shantanu’s elder brother.

  91 Skanda was born in a clump of reeds.

  92 Bhishma remained celibate, so that Shantanu could marry Satyavati.

  93 Passed down from one generation to another.

  94 Bhishma could choose the time of his death.

  95 This could be a reference to Bhishma’s remaining celibate, so that Shantanu could marry. However, it is probably a reference to Bhishma’s marrying Vichitravirya to Ambika and Ambalika.

  96 Bhishma’s original name.

7 Leaving aside divine weapons, these four categories are mukta (those that are released from the hand, like a chakra), amukta (those that are never released, like a sword), muktamukta (those that can be released or not released, like a spear) and yantramukta (those that are released from an implement, like an arrow).

  98 Parashurama.

  99 It is not clear what this is a reference to. Given the context, it probably means the defeat of Drupada by the Pandavas (in the enmity between Drona and Drupada), or Arjuna’s saving Drona from a crocodile. Both incidents have been described in Section 7 (Volume 1).

  100 Dhrishtadyumna.

  101 Drona’s wife.

  102 Sama (saman) is a metrical hymn, not necessarily belonging to the Sama Veda. The number three probably means that hymns from the Rig Veda, the Sama Veda and the Yajur Veda were chanted.

  103 Drona’s disciples.

  Chapter 1325(24)

  104 Yuyudhana is Satyaki and Somadatta’s son is Bhurishrava.

  105 There is a problem of consistency. Somadatta, Bhurishrava’s father, seems to be alive. But in the shlokas that immediately follow, he seems to be dead. Satyaki’s killing of Bhurishrava has been described in Section 69 (Volume 6). In some non-Critical versions, following this, Satyaki also killed Somadatta.

  106 Shala, Bhurishrava’s younger brother, was killed by Shatanika in Section 69 (Volume 6).

  107 Arjuna severed Bhurishrava’s arm while he was distracted in the sense of fighting with another, that is, Satyaki. This has been described in Section 69 (Volume 6).


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