Sovietnik's Fury
Page 20
The guys stood around something right in the middle of establishment, cheering Michael, Gleb, and Jake’s names loudly as a hat with the money was passed around high in the air among the members.
“Here it comes,” Igor shouted, and the chorus of LMFAO’s “Party Rock” began to play as the music filled the room, and then we saw what the hell was going on as Radmir pushed everyone aside.
Michael and Gleb stood in the middle in front of the wall where a large TV with Kinect was attached to it with dancing playing as they issued a challenge. Jake stood a few feet in front of them, and they jumped into place, waiting for that moment to shuffle.
They clapped their hands above their heads loudly while Gleb screamed, “I’m too fucking sober for this shit!” But right at that moment, the music came on. They followed the moves of the video, and it was hilarious watching two muscular men shuffling and spinning around, moving their legs front and back and sliding to the side as Jake led them.
Michael and Gleb spun to face each other and did the infamous kick to the front, but they managed to kick each other instead and laughed it off. More often than not, their timing was off, but no one cared as the Bratva kept on screaming for them to continue.
“Quit hogging it.” It was Kostya’s turn to shout. “Some of us want to play as well.” The floor rumbled loudly under their jumps, and the room filled with the smell of sweaty half-naked men, and my eyes widened when I noticed some of their muscles.
Noticing my reaction, Radmir growled in my ear, “Stop looking at them, krasivoglazaya.”
Lacing my fingers through his sticky hair, I brought our mouths closer and gave him a light peck on the lips, which didn't satisfy us, but it had to do for now; otherwise, I would never leave to see Tina. “Yours are the only ones I wanna lick though.”
“Better be.” He slapped my ass lightly, and I shook my head at him. “How did you manage to get the Kinect here?”
“Jake mentioned it last night to Vitya, and voila, it’s here. Although I have a feeling the guys enjoy it more.” He chuckled when the music finally stopped.
Michael and Gleb breathed heavily, resting their hands on their knees while Jake jumped happily. He waved eagerly at me. “Mommy, did you see? I was the best,” he said smugly, and Radmir straightened up, proud as hell.
I slapped his chest. “Don’t encourage his cockiness.”
“Fuck, I will. Why shouldn't he be proud of the truth?”
Rolling my eyes at this, I blew a kiss to my baby. “Have breakfast and read a book. I’ll be back soon, okay?”
He nodded, and then Gleb picked him up, turned him upside down, and while holding him by only one leg, lifted him up and down as he giggled loudly. “Don’t worry, Vi. I’ll look after him.” He winked at me as Michael shouted, “Jake, you won all the money!”
The guys then resumed playing with the Kinect while Jake hung out with Michael and Gleb.
Looking at them in that moment warmed my heart, because I could see those men would love my son as their own and would never let anyone hurt him. Wasn't that the meaning of family?
Why was I so against their lifestyle in the first place?
Shaking my head from those thoughts, I decided to do something nice for them all once I came back from visiting with my sister. She sounded off on the phone, and I hoped everything was all right.
With one last kiss to my man, he escorted me to the car, where Petor fed me different stories on the way to the hotel as I rested my cheek on the window and admired the beauty of Moscow.
My new home.
I couldn't believe that in just few hours, my love would finally run away with me, and we could put this nightmare and separation behind us. My heart ached for her for so many years, yearning to see the look of pure adoration on her face again.
I could still remember our first meeting when she stood in the ballroom, lost, as sadness peeked through her fake smiles and she tugged on her white dress, uncomfortable. She didn't like all the luxury showcasing, and she was so different from all the other women out there who just hoped to get me in their bed due to my bank account. I was intrigued at once, but I fell in love when our eyes met, and she pleaded for me to save her with just one look.
We never exchanged another word, and shortly afterward, she travelled to Russia, where she met Radmir and thought he was her soul mate. How could she be so mistaken? How could she not remember our moment of connection that forever entwined our souls together?
Rolling my sleeves up, I popped open the lid of my pills, but the container was empty. Panicked, I hastily removed everything from the bag, searching for one more dose but couldn't find it.
Not good, not good at all. Vivian didn't need me all crazy on her; she needed my patience and coaxing.
“Where are my pills?” I screamed.
The voice from the shower shouted. “What?”
“Pills, my pills.”
“I have no clue, babe.”
Even her voice irritated me, and without the pills, my hands twitched to go and shut her up permanently. The smell of her perfume penetrated my nostrils, and then I slammed the crystal vase down so it shattered, and pieces of glass scattered all over the place.
“Babe, what was that?” she shouted again, and I closed my ears, hoping to ignore it and detach myself from this situation as they had taught me in the facility.
One, two, three.
“Babe?” The stupid woman had to speak, didn't she? It was bad enough I could barely get it up for her, but now she demanded my attention.
The familiar red haze of insanity clouded my mind and eyes as I grabbed the hockey stick we brought with us and headed to the bathroom. Listening to her was an agony I could no longer bear.
Vivian would be mine in just a few hours anyway; no one had to pretend anymore.
Entering the bathroom, I noticed her in the shower soaping her body, and she raised her confused eyes to me and then glanced down at the hockey stick. “What are you doing?”
Swiping my gaze down her tanned skin, skinny bones, which were nothing like Vi’s curves, and those fucking dull, blue eyes, which were just a slight reminder of Vi’s, I welcomed the rush of power from finally being able to end it. My hands gripped the stick tighter as her eyes widened, and she pressed back.
Her damn voice.
Raising my arm high, I hit her as she screamed and fell to the floor, and laughter burst from me.
Finally, a sound I could actually enjoy from her.
Knocking softly at the door, I couldn't help but grin remembering my first night with Radmir in the same hotel. In this place, I officially became his, so it would always hold a special place in my heart.
The door opened swiftly by John, who stood with his white shirt sleeves rolled to his elbows while for some reason his blue jeans were drenched, and his bare feet left wets spots all over the white carpeted floor. The luxury suite had wide-open spaces. The living room had a couch, TV, and a small bar, while the other room had a king-sized bed.
The shower was running, as steam slipped through the cracks, raising the temperature in the room to almost unbearable, and the mirrors on the closet, which stood next to us, fogged as well.
“Did I interrupt your romantic time?” My cheeks heated up, and I palmed my face. Why didn't I think about it? They were engaged after all.
But then I noticed the small droplets of blood on his shirt that weren't visible to me before, and how his cheeks were scratched as if someone viciously used their nails on him—purposely, not by accident.
“What’s going on?”
Instead of answering, he pulled me into the room harshly before I could react and threw me inside the bathroom right on the slippery tile. I lost my balance, slipping on my heels. The fall hurt my knees and arms in the process. A scream of pain left me, while shock still rushed through me.
Focusing my eyes in the fog, I noticed Tina lying on the tile floor, her
blonde hair covered in blood as the shower beat on her. Gasping in horror, I crawled to her, my hands trembling, because I was afraid to touch her. What if I hurt her more? Instead, I stood up, turned off the water, and grabbed a towel, placing it on her and checked her pulse. Relief along with tears came like a wave when I felt the light thumping of her heart. “Tina, hold on. Please hold on,” I whispered, while patting her cheek where she wasn't hurt. She needed medical attention immediately. The wound on her head was huge, and there was so much blood. Several bruises marked her normally flawless, tanned skin, and I just couldn't comprehend what the hell had happened here.
Phone, I need to call Radmir.
Searching for my purse, which had slid under the sink, I almost reached it when John showed up again with remorse and insanity in his eyes, blocking my way. “No, Vivian. Don’t do this.” He made a move to caress my cheek, but I stepped back, and he clenched his jaw tightly. “I did it for us.”
Only then, I looked down and noticed a gun in his hand, which was pointed at me, and fear froze me in place as he motioned with it to the door. “Come outside, you shouldn't be here. Come, my love, I’m sorry you had to see this.” I didn't move, couldn't as my mind popped images in my head as if I watched a movie.
John always being nice to me.
John claiming he would help me.
John offering to sit with Jake or fix my studio lighting.
Perfect John who always seemed to want to be near me. I shook the thought off all the time, thinking it was my imagination.
“Vivian, move or I’ll kill her.”
With no other choice, I obeyed his order as he placed his hand on my back and pushed me gently in the direction of the living room, nausea hitting hard from his touch.
“Absolutely not.” Dominic hit the table with his fist, shaking the pen holders and everything else on it. “No drugs on my streets, Andrei,” he warned one of the Bratva brigadiers as the man in question shifted uncomfortably in his chair under the pakhan’s scrutiny.
A brigadier was a man appointed by the pakhan who was in charge of a small group of Bratva men in a specific territory. Although he didn't have to ask permission for small deals and orders, just pay respect to the pakhan every month, he didn't have authority to decide who could deal drugs, guns, or pimps without consulting the Bratva.
He showed up shortly after the guys cooled off from the gym-dancing session—I still had to chuckle at that—and Dominic ordered Yuri, Vitya, and me to his office.
“It’s a good deal. Our profit would increase—” Andrei still pushed his point, even though he paled at the steel in the pakhan’s voice.
Dominic rose on his seat, plastering his palms on the wood, and leaned forward, menace and anger slipping through every pore like an angry bull.
Watching him in the role was quite fascinating. As his sovietnik, I didn't get to experience him like this. Vasya was a great pakhan, but Dominic was magnificent in his role. Pride filled my chest, remembering the skinny teenager who had arrived at the Bratva and sought my help. I was glad he took only the best from it.
“I won’t repeat myself again, Andrei. I don’t deal drugs or women. I made it perfectly clear when I rose to power, and anyone who disagrees with me is welcome to challenge.”
He buried his back deeper into the chair, shaking his head rapidly. The fucker was strong, but he had no strength on Dom.
“Of course not, Pakhan. But Vasya—”
“Vasya has been dead for three years. Whatever he promised you became null the minute he died.” Then Dom took out his gun and put it to Andrei’s forehead, and sweat appeared on his upper lip. “If I learn you went against me, you’ll die a painful death.” Dominic’s skills at making someone pay were legendary back when he was an enforcer.
Even I, with all my skills, wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of his anger.
“Understood, Pakhan.”
“Get the fuck out of my office.”
Andrei jumped up, bowed in respect to Dom and the rest of us, and dashed outside, sighing in relief before he closed the door quietly behind him.
Dominic addressed Vitya. “Will he be a problem?”
“No.” He sipped more of his coffee, the smell of which fucking made the room stink. “He is too cowardly to go against your word.”
“Good. Who else can they approach for the deal?”
“Vova is stupid enough to think he could pull it off under your nose without you noticing.” Vova was another brigadier. The pakhan had about ten of them scattered around Russia for better control of the Bratva dealings regionally.
“He lied on his finance report too.” Yuri joined the conversation. “I prepared the case for you. He steals from the brotherhood and his people. Not good.”
Dominic’s eyes narrowed as a sinister smile appeared on his face. “Then we’ll deal with him accordingly. Vitya, don’t do anything until we have proof regarding drugs. I want him to be an example for the rest of them.” He rubbed his chin and then finally spoke to me. “What do you think about guns?”
“It’s a good business and those people are trustworthy.” He was still not convicted, but I had to be frank about it. “We don’t do drugs and women, and trust me, I’m with you on that. But you can’t have only legal businesses. It would undermine your authority.”
“They’ll claim Konstantinov’s Bratva has become soft,” Yuri said, and I nodded in agreement.
Dominic played with his thumbs while we waited for his decision, and finally, he exhaled heavily. “Fine. We will deal guns, but I want to make it clear kids stay out of it. Recruits stay out of it. And no issues challenged until I say so.” We all knew the reason for his hesitation. He tried to let the kids in the Bratva have as much childhood as possible. Unfortunately, if they were curious about the guns, nothing would stop them.
“Is that all?” Yuri rose, but the pakhan motioned for him to sit, and he sat his ass back on the chair.
“What the fuck is going on with you and Melissa?” His face turned stone cold.
Dominic raised his brow. “Really? Then I need a clear statement from you.”
“What statement?”
“Melissa is an FBI agent, yet she hangs around here. If she were your woman, she’d have the right to be here. But since she isn’t, I’ll have to forbid it.”
“She sleeps at Michael and Vitya’s. You’ll kick her out?” Anger laced his voice as he straightened and met Dom’s stare head-on.
Vitya and I just watched the scene with interest, because even though Yuri tried to hide it, his jaw ticked and his eyes blazed with emotion unfamiliar to all of us. He hadn't been this affected even back when Savannah, his girlfriend, was alive.
Dominic shrugged. “Rules are rules. If you don’t claim her, she isn't part of the brotherhood. So? What is it going to be?”
Suddenly, loud noises could be heard behind the massive, wooden doors, and a man shouted loudly, “I need to see, Radmir Abdulabekov. Fucking now!” We all frowned, and in a second, Alex, Vi’s ex-husband, burst into the room with Gleb hot on his heels.
What the fuck was he doing here?
“Listen here, fucker—” Gleb started, but I raised my hand to stop him.
Alex Jordan and I had made peace back in New York. I accepted his secrets, and the fact that he had helped my woman, but told him straight that he would no longer be part of their lives. He agreed, but warned me that he’d still investigate the director as he wanted to make sure the fucker wouldn’t disturb us. I felt like he developed a soft spot for Vivian, but it had nothing to do with desire.
But I still didn’t fucking like it.
However, I felt like I owed him one and a man like me didn’t like to have debts. So I left my address and number in case he would ever need a favor from Bratva.
I just didn’t expect for him to collect that favor so soon.
; “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked, while the rest of the guys got up as well, and Dominic stood next to me, waiting for an explanation.
Alex was breathing heavily, his hair disheveled, his fist clenching and unclenching as if he barely restrained himself from choking someone. “Where is Vivian?”
Out of all things he could have said, I didn't expect that, and instantly, I stood in a dominant, protective stance in front of him.
“She’s visiting Tina, why?”
“Fuck. Is she alone?” Frowning and not liking it, I shook my head.
“Of course not. Petor drove her there, and he will wait while she spends time with her sister and her fiancé. I’ll join them once this meeting is done. Two enforcers are downstairs making sure no one disturbs them.”
His eyes widened in fear as he tugged on his hair harshly. “We need to get to her, now, Radmir. He is the director.”
My body froze, cold slipping inside me, and my heart stopped beating for a second. “What?”
“John is the director.” He gave me the folder in his hand, which had Murder J written on it.
I flipped it open. It was filled with various photos of women killed in the same manner, either choked or stabbed, and it was only a few cases that were found. Some of the bodies remained missing, but he always made sure to send some kind of souvenir to the relatives to let them know who had them. FBI couldn’t catch him for years, as he was smart as fuck and never left any traces or DNA.
“And you just delivered Vivian to him on a silver platter.”
A missing puzzle piece that made no sense, a gut feeling I was missing something vital and important.
I’d met John once when he stopped by Vi’s apartment to deliver some stuff from Tina, and I didn’t miss the anger sparkling in his eyes, but I thought it had to do with my position in the Bratva.
A man who had never even crossed my mind during the elimination process, because he seemed so in love with Tina. No criminal record, he had the perfect image on paper. The tattoo was gone from his skin, leaving only an angry red scar with rugged skin. He must have gotten rid of it years ago.