Book Read Free

To Kingdom Come

Page 36

by Robert J. Mrazek

  heavy bomber offensive planned by

  long-range fighters and

  marriage of

  personality of

  photographs of

  physical appearance of

  postwar life of

  results of Stuttgart mission and

  resumption of German air offensive and

  retirement of

  on second Schweinfurt attack

  Arnold, Herbert

  Arnold, John

  Arnold, “Pop,”

  Artaud, Robert

  B-17 Flying Fortresses. (see also Eighth Air Force; specific airplanes; Stuttgart mission)

  description of interior of Yankee Raider

  fuel tanks

  Luftwaffe frontal pass technique and

  Mayer’s attacks on

  B-18 Bolos

  B-24 Liberators

  B-26 Marauders

  Bad Check (B-17)

  Baker, Dan E.

  Balthasar, Wilhelm

  Baltimore Bounce (B-17)

  Basel, Switzerland

  Bassett, Preston

  Battlin Betsy (B-17)

  Beecham, Bill

  Bell Telephone Company

  Berlin, Germany

  Bern, Switzerland

  Bernard, Robert

  Bernberg, Germany

  Bernese Alps

  Bf 110 fighters

  Biddle, Anthony Drexel, Jr.

  Biggs, Ralph

  Billy, Father Nethod

  Blitz, the

  Bobbitt, Aubrey

  Bonnard, Abbé Jean

  Bosch Magneto Works, Stuttgart

  Bouchy, Suzanne

  Boulogne Harbor, France

  Bowen, Myron “Mike,”

  Bowers, Gordon

  Bowhill, Sir Frederick

  Branholm, George

  Bremen, Germany

  Brest, France

  British Hurricane fighters

  British SOE (Special Operations Executive)

  British Spitfires

  Burtonwood, England

  C-54 Skymaster

  Cabot, Woody

  Caesar, Julius

  Calhoun, William R.

  Cambrai, France

  Carcassonne, France

  Carlin, Creighton

  Casablanca meetings

  Champigny, France

  Checketts, Johnny

  Chelveston, England

  Chiquita, La (B-17)

  “Choric Song” of The Lotos-Eaters (Tennyson)

  Churchill, Winston

  Claridge’s Hotel, London

  Cordes, Gene

  Cotterell, Edward

  Cunningham, Dick

  Custer, George Armstrong

  Daudelin, Eldore

  David, Bill

  Daylight precision bombing

  (see also B-17 Flying Fortresses; Eighth Air Force)

  de Gaulle, Charles

  Deibert, William

  Denton, Johnny

  Devers, Jacob

  Dewey, Thomas

  Dick, Henry

  DiPietro, Guido

  Doolittle, Jimmy, as commander of Eighth Air Force

  Doré, Marcel

  Douarnenez, France

  Drancy, France

  Dübendorf Air Base, Switzerland

  Dulles, Allen

  Dulles, John Foster

  Dungeness, England

  Eaglesham, Jane

  Eaker, Dona

  Eaker, Ira C.

  Arnold and

  childhood of

  Claridge’s dinner and

  command of Eighth Air Force

  daylight precision bombing and

  death of

  education of

  flying and

  marriage of

  Mediterranean theater and

  parents of

  photograph of

  physical appearance of

  postwar life of

  promotion to Lieutenant General

  relieved of command of Eighth Air Force

  reprimand of Travis by

  results of Stuttgart mission and

  resumption of German air offensive and

  retirement of

  Stuttgart mission and

  Eaker, Leah Chase

  Eaker, Ruth

  Eaker, Y. Y.

  Edman, Bruno

  Edwards, Idwal

  Eich, Henry J.

  Eichholz, Johnny

  8 Ball (B-17)

  Eighth Air Force

  First Air Division

  First Bombardment Group

  First Bombardment Wing

  Fourth Bombardment Wing

  Forty-first Combat Wing

  56th Fighter Group

  92nd Bomb Group

  94th Bomb Group

  95th Bomb Group

  96th Bomb Group

  100th Bomb Group

  102nd Combat Wing

  303rd Bomb Group “Hell’s Angels,”

  305th Bomb Group

  306th Bomb Group “The Reich Wreckers,”

  355th Fighter Group

  358th Fighter Squadron

  379th Bomb Group

  384th Bomb Group

  385th Bomb Group

  388th Bomb Group

  390th Bomb Group

  422nd Squadron

  545th Squadron

  546th Squadron

  “Black Week” and

  Doolittle as commander of

  Eaker relieved of command of

  headquarters of


  Eisenhart, William E.

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Entrépagny, France

  Est Nulla Via Invia Virtuti (B—17)

  Estella (Reb’s girlfriend)

  European Theater of Operations (ETO)

  Évreux, France

  Fakenham, England

  Falmouth, England


  Faulkner, Russ

  Fawcett, Jack

  Fisher, William A.

  Flynn, James

  Focke-Wulf 190 fighters

  Fort Myer, Virginia

  Frankenberg, Manley

  Frankfurt, Germany

  Frazier, Bill

  Free French

  French underground

  Friedrichshafen, Germany

  Fullem, Pete

  Fw 190 fighters (see Focke-Wulf 190 fighters)

  Galland, Adolf

  Gamble, Don

  Gander, Newfoundland

  Gay, Arthur

  Gelsenkirchen, Germany

  George, Jack

  Gowen Field, Idaho

  Graff, Warren

  Grafton Underwood, England

  Grant, Brenda Jo

  Grant, David

  Grant, Eli Sullivan

  Grant, Janet Leigh

  Grant, Olen “Reb,”

  childhood of

  crash-landing of Yankee Raider and

  Estella, relationship with

  in German military hospital

  injuries to

  interrogation of

  marriages of

  photographs of

  postwar life of

  as prisoner at Stalag

  reconstructive surgeries on face

  regains consciousness

  return flight from Stuttgart mission and

  return to U.S.

  Stuttgart mission and

  volunteers as machine gunner

  Grant, Priscilla Hutchinson

  Grant, Terry Lynn

  Gremlin Gus II (B-17)

  Grinstein, Sid

  Hamburg, Germany

  Hammock, Clifford

  Hannover, Germany

  Harbach, Otto

  Harriman, W. Averell

  Harris, Sir Arthur “Bomber,”

  Hawker Typhoons

  Heald, John

  Hearst Metrotone News

  Hegenberger, A. F.

  Hendaye, France

  Herrera, Presciliano

gdon (wingman)

  High Wycombe Abbey, England

  Hines, Thomas


  Hispano-Suiza Aero Engine Works, Paris

  Hitler, Adolf

  Horn, Earl

  House, Walter

  Hucker, Henry

  Huisinga, Bob

  Hullar, Bob

  Hungarian Revolution

  Impatient Virgin (B-17)

  In God We Trust (B-17)

  Iza Angel II (B-17)

  Jacobsen, Norman

  Jagdgeschwader 2 “Richthofen,”


  Jarrendt, Ralph

  Johnson, Carl

  Johnson, Swede

  Ju 87 Stuka dive-bombers

  Ju 88 heavy fighters

  Jura Mountains

  Karnezis, Alec

  Karnezis, Arthur

  Karnezis, Demetrios “the Greek,”

  birth and childhood of

  decorations of

  escape from France by boat and

  flying school and

  French underground and

  injuries to

  marriage of

  in occupied France

  parachutes from Slightly Dangerous II

  photographs of

  postwar life of

  retirement of

  return from Stuttgart mission and

  returns to France

  Stuttgart mission and

  Karnezis, Ivan

  Karnezis, Ted

  Karnezis, Versamee Vandouris

  Kassel, Germany

  Ketelsen, Ray

  Kimotek, Frank

  King, Ernest

  Kissner, August “Aug,”

  Klint, Mary

  Klint, Wilbur “Bud,”

  postwar life of

  remaining missions of

  return from Stuttgart mission and

  Stuttgart mission and

  Knettishall Airfield, England

  Kramer, Al

  Krueger, Henry

  Krueger, Lou

  La Chapelle-Champigny, France

  La Rivière-de-Corps, France

  Lake Constance

  Lake Maggiore

  Laurent, Raymonde

  Laws, Elizabeth Minck “Libby,”

  Laws, Laurie

  Laws, Lisette

  Laws, Lynn

  Laws, Warren, Jr.

  Laws, Warren Porter

  childhood of

  death of

  fluency in French language

  French underground and

  injuries to

  lecture tour by

  marriage of

  Mayer spares life of

  in occupied France

  parachutes from Patricia

  personality of

  photograph of

  postwar life of

  return flight from Stuttgart mission and

  returns to France

  in Spain

  Stuttgart mission and

  Wilken and

  Le Châtelet, France

  LeDantec, Anne Marie

  LeDantec, Joachim

  LeDantec, Madame

  Leicester, England

  Leigh-Mallory, Sir Trafford

  Leipzig, Germany

  LeMay, Curtis

  Liewer, Leo

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Lindsay, Andrew

  Little Big Horn, Battle of

  Little Horne, A (B-17)

  Locarno, Switzerland

  Lone Wolf (B-17)

  Loveless, Dick

  Lovett, Robert

  Lucky Thirteen (B-17)


  escaping B-17s and

  Focke-Wulf 190 fighters

  Oschersleben attack and

  second attack on Schweinfurt and

  Stuttgart attack and

  (see also Mayer, Egon “Connie”)

  Luftwaffe Military Hospital, Paris

  Luscious Lady (B-17)

  Lyle, Lewis

  Stuttgart mission and

  MacArthur, Douglas

  Magadino, Switzerland

  Maher, John

  Mailly-le-Camp, France

  Mainz, Germany

  Malhomme, Evelyn

  Maraceaux, Jacques

  Maraceaux, Monsieur

  Marienburg, Germany

  Marseille, France

  Marshall, George

  Masters of the Air (Miller)

  Mauchamp, Olivier

  Mavis (Andy’s girlfriend)

  Maxwell Field, Alabama

  Mayer, Egon “Connie,”

  aerial victories of

  birth of

  death of

  frontal pass technique of

  Patricia, attack on

  physical appearance of

  promoted to command of Jagdgeschwader

  spares Laws

  Mayfield, Johnny

  McCormick, Robert

  McDonald, Tom

  McKittrick, Chester “Red,”

  ME-109 fighters

  ME-110 fighters

  Mead, James

  Melville, Earl

  Merrill, Lyle

  Merwin, “Chuck,”

  Messerschmitt factory complex, Regensburg

  Metz, France

  Miller, Donald

  Miller, Lew

  Mister Yank (B-17)

  Mitchell, Billy

  Mohr, Roy, Jr.

  Molesworth, England

  Moncur, Gary

  Moncur, Vern L.

  Montmédy, France

  Mountbatten, Lord Louis

  Mourlet, Jacques

  Mourlet, Madeleine

  Münster, Germany

  Mussolini, Benito


  Nantes, France

  Nelle, Leon

  Nicholson, Nelle

  Ninth Air Force

  Niswander, Captain

  Norden bombsights

  Nordyke, Sergeant

  Norfolk naval base, Virginia

  North Africa, invasion of

  Nuremberg, Germany

  O’Daniel, W. Lee “Pappy,”

  Old Squaw (B-17)

  O’Reilly Army Hospital, Springfield, Missouri

  Oschersleben, Germany

  P-47 Thunderbolts

  P-51 Mustang fighters

  Pacific war

  Pan American Airways

  Paramount News

  Parry, David

  Parry, Edith

  Passionate Witch II (B-17)

  Patricia (B-17)

  Pearl Harbor

  Peaslee, Budd

  Pershing, John

  Peterson, Clair “Pete,”

  Portal, Sir Charles

  Preston, Maurice

  Preston, Mrs. Maurice

  Prestwick, Scotland

  Price, Annie

  Prochiantz, Alec

  Purcell, William A.

  Quenot, Theodorine

  Quillan, France

  Quimper, France

  Reagan, Ronald

  Redwing, James H.

  Regensburg, Germany

  Reims, France

  Rhine Valley

  Ribben, Bill

  Rich, Keith

  Richthofen, Manfred von

  Robinson, Braxton Wilken “Betsy,”

  Robinson, Ivor “Rob,”

  Rockwell Field, San Diego

  Roe, James

  Rood, Kenneth

  Roosevelt, Elliott

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rouen, France

  Royal Air Force

  S for Sugar (B-17)

  Sad Sack II (B-17)

  Saint-Nazaire, France

  Sainte-Savine, France

  Sampson, Norman


  Satan’s Workshop (B-17)

  Schwartzkopf, Joe

  death of

  French underground and

  in occupied France

  parachutes from Patricia

  postwar life

  Stuttgart mission and

  Schwartzkopf, Lori

  Schweinfurt, Germany

  first mission to

  memorial ceremony in

  second mission to

  Scott, Vernon

  Seine River

  Shack Up (B-17)

  Shedonwanna? (B-17)

  Shelhamer, David

  Sicily, Allied invasion of

  Silver Dollar (B-17)

  SKF instrument-bearing plants, Stuttgart

  Sky Shy (B-17)

  Slightly Dangerous II (B-17)

  Snertterton Heath, England

  Spaatz, Carl “Tooey,”

  Spanish Blue Division

  Spirit of Wanette (B-17)

  Spokane, Washington

  Stalag 17 prison camp, Krems, Austria

  Stallings, George

  Steffes, Eugene

  Stevens, Kermit

  Stevens, Mil

  Stoner, Rocky

  Stouli, Don

  Strasburg, Germany

  Stuttgart mission

  Andrews return flight after

  Armstrong’s return flight after

  Arnold and results of

  assembly of


  bombs dropped

  cloud cover and

  combat box formations in


  flak barrage

  flight to Germany

  fuel factor

  German fighters and

  Grant’s return flight after

  Karnesis return flight after

  Klint’s return flight after

  Laws return flight after


  P-47 support

  planes aborting mission

  premission briefings on

  secondary target

  target obscured

  technical problems and

  Travis and

  weather and

  Wilken’s return flight after

  Swap, Art

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord

  Terry, Floyd

  Thatcher, Herb

  Thermite bombs

  Thompson, William R.

  Thurleigh, England

  Tokyo tanks

  Torvilliers, France

  Travis, Frances Jane

  Travis, Robert Falligant

  Berlin mission and

  birth and childhood of

  cockpit urination and

  command of Forty-first Combat Wing

  death of

  decorations of

  on deficiences of gunners

  demotion issue and

  injury to

  letters to father by

  Mainz mission and

  marriage of

  official reprimands of

  Oschersleben mission and

  personality of

  photographs of

  physical appearance of

  security violation charges against

  Stuttgart mission and

  Travis, Robert Jesse

  Travis, William

  Travis Air Force Base, California

  Trenchard, Viscount Hugh

  Tricqueville Air Base, France


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