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The Fan

Page 9

by Velvet Vaughn

  “Was this a date?” he countered softly.

  Oh gosh, it wasn’t. Isabella asked her to come along. “I didn’t mean to imply—”

  “Because it felt like one to me.” He bent down and brushed a kiss across her lips. “Good night, Ms. LaRossa.”

  Jade’s hand unconsciously strayed to her mouth as she watched him saunter across the lawn and disappear into the house next door.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jade flipped through the stack of mail that her assistant Nora forwarded from California. A small white envelope fluttered to the ground. She bent to pick it up and froze. No postage and no forwarding address. It couldn’t be from…no. She shook her head. She hadn’t heard from her weird stalker/fan in a while. He couldn't possibly have any idea where she was right now. Only Nora and Mrs. Edison knew where she was staying for the summer. She hadn’t even told Vanessa, one of her best friends.

  Brushing away any thoughts of a stalker, she retrieved the letter. Her name on the front was inscribed in a pretty, feminine script. She stuck a finger under the flap and broke the seal. Pulling out the note, she discovered it was an invitation. The pre-printed note featured a long dark underline and then the words: “invites you to attend the Park Hills Preschool production of Summer in the Forest.” Above the line, Isabella had written her name in thick purple crayon.

  Jade smiled as tears sprung to her eyes, deeply touched that the little girl wanted her to come to her play. It was in four days. She wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  Jade stuck the invite beneath a magnet and tacked it to the front of the fridge as a reminder. She would tell Isabella this afternoon she would definitely attend.

  Sorting through the rest of the letters, she paused at another plain white envelope. Nora had placed a label over the original address. Using her fingernail, she pried the label off. Her name and California address were typed on front. Also no return address but this one did include a stamp.

  Opening the flap, she extracted a white piece of paper. With a sense of dread, she unfolded the sheet. Something floated to the ground. Ignoring it, she skimmed the contents of the note.

  Dearest Juliet, Are you as excited about our wedding as I am, darling? I am counting the days until we are together forever, in life and beyond. I saw this dress and knew it would look beautiful on you. Will you wear it for me, darling? I love you, Juliet.

  She swiped the picture from the floor.

  It was a photo of a beautiful white lacy wedding dress torn from a magazine.


  Jade finally spotted Logan in the pool among a flotilla of inflatable animals that littered the surface. Isabella stood on the diving board, orange floats banded around her upper arms. She sprung off the board with a gleeful squeal and sailed into the air before dropping into Logan’s waiting arms below. He caught her and promptly deposited her back on the edge so she could jump again. She looked up and saw Jade.

  “Jade, Jade! Watch me!”

  Logan turned his head and Jade heard Isabella chide, “Daddy, pay tention! You gotsta catch me!”

  Jade smiled and watched as the little girl backed up and then took a running leap off the end of the diving board, her arms flailing, happy giggles filling the air. Logan caught her as she plunged downward and then tossed her in the air again. She squealed in pure delight.

  Bella wiped a hand down her damp face. “Jade, Jade, come pway with us! You can jump off the board, Daddy will catch you.”

  Jade slid a peek at Logan. A blush crept up her face remembering the last time he caught her. She launched herself at him and attacked him brazenly. By the look of pure lust on his face, he was remembering, too. She slipped inside the gate surrounding the fence and padded to where Bella bobbed on the surface.

  “I can’t right now, sweetie. I just wanted to thank you for the invitation to your play.” Logan’s head snapped around, his brows bunched. Obviously he didn’t know Bella asked her to attend. Did that bother him, she wondered? “I also wanted to ask if you and your Dad would like to come to my house for dinner tonight.”

  Where did that come from? She had no intention of asking them over. It just popped out of her big, fat mouth. “Nothing fancy, just spaghetti and meatballs,” her big, fat mouth added.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Bella shouted. “I love pasgetti!” She dog-paddled around to face Logan, water splashing everywhere. He closed his eyes and averted his face. “We can, can’t we, Daddy?”

  He wiped the drops from his eyes and shook his head. “I don’t know Bella…”

  “Pwease,” she pleaded, dragging out the word.

  He sighed with frustration. “You sure we won’t be a problem?”

  “Of course not,” she bristled. “I wouldn’t have asked if I thought you would.” And what’s with the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde routine, she wanted to add. Two nights ago, he practically inhaled her, last night they shared a very enjoyable evening, and now he acted as if she were the Bride of Frankenstein.

  And why did that upset her? She didn't need to get involved with gorgeous Logan Bradley and his adorable daughter. She'd just been caught up in the moment, wanting to spend more time with them, basking in the feelings of family and love. Happiness. Something she hadn’t experienced for a long time and certainly wasn’t likely to find in Hollywood. And if she were totally honest with herself, the note and picture of a wedding dress freaked her out more than she cared to admit.

  She spent most of her time surrounded by people in Los Angeles, feeling completely alone. She didn’t want to be alone tonight.

  “What time do you want us to come over?” Logan’s deep rumbling voice snapped her from her thoughts. She looked up to see his gaze had softened and she realized she was scowling. He must be reading her mind again.

  “How about sex…er, I mean six? And bring Fiji.” Shoot her, shoot her now.

  He just smiled that knowing smirk and nodded.

  She bid them goodbye and headed for the store to gather supplies for her impromptu dinner.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jade arranged the appetizers on a tray, shaking a few more goldfish crackers from the package. She had so much fun including child-friendly items like string cheese, baby carrots and pretzels. She also prepared a plate of goodies for Fiji loaded with dog biscuits and treats.

  Satisfied with the arrangement, she lifted a wooden spoon and stirred the sauce, careful not to splash any on her new mint green sundress with white flowers. She found the dress in a boutique on the downtown square and fell in love with it. The manager raved about how it accentuated her eyes. A pair of simple white sandals completed her outfit and she felt flirty and fun.

  She loved hosting dinner parties, but had never held one purely for pleasure. There would be no posturing for a spot in the next big movie, no networking, no backstabbing at this one.

  Only the frighteningly addictive company of a man and his adorable daughter.

  “Jade, Jade! We’re here!” Bella’s sweet voice floated through the open door. “And look, what we bringed you.”

  “Brought,” Logan corrected.

  “What we bwought you,” she amended. She hefted a bottle with both hands, her face pressed against the screen.

  Jade laughed and slid the handle open. Fiji loped inside and danced happily at her feet. She reached down to scratch his fuzzy head. Isabella thrust the bottle at her, her little face beaming. Jade smiled at the non-alcoholic sparkling juice label and glanced at Logan. He pulled another bottle from behind his back and held it up. A bottle of real wine. How sweet. He didn’t want Bella to feel left out. Her heart lurched.

  “And this.”

  Isabella tugged an assortment of flowers out of her dad’s other hand and presented it to Jade, again, her adorable face glowing.

  Jade’s heart lurched harder this time and she could barely breathe as she knelt down to accept the gift. She held the bouquet to her nose and inhaled the delightful scent. “Um, they smell lovely. Thank you very much. I’m deeply touched.” She leaned
forward and kissed Bella on the cheek.”

  Bella jumped up and down and pointed at Logan. "They're from Daddy, too. Daddy gets a kiss.”

  Jade glanced at Logan’s amused face, one dark brow lifted in challenge. He didn’t think she would do it. She rose and walked forward, Bella’s rapt attention glued to her movement. She rested a palm on his forearm. “Thank you.” Her voice came out husky, seductive. Logan’s eyes darkened. Pushing to her tiptoes she stretched her lips to his cheek. At the last second, he turned so their mouths brushed.

  “You’re welcome,” he murmured before sucking her bottom lip.

  “Hee, hee, Jade kissed Daddy!”

  Bella’s excited voice broke the sensual trance and they both pulled back quickly. Jade struggled to regain her composure. How did he always manage to make her forget everything but him?

  Logan cleared his throat. “Here.” He handed her the real bottle of wine and inhaled. Garlic, basil and oregano scented the air. “It smells wonderful.”

  “Thanks. It’s just about ready.” Herding them into the living room, she instructed them to sit and enjoy the appetizers.

  “You didn’t have to go to this much trouble,” Logan protested as she dropped treats on the floor for Fiji. The dog pranced in circles before he gobbled them up almost before they hit the ground.

  She waved a hand in the air. “It was nothing. Besides, I enjoyed doing it.”

  She popped in the Disney DVD she purchased at the market and reveled in Bella’s delighted squeal. Obviously she made a good choice.

  Excusing herself, she retreated to the kitchen to search for a vase. She rifled through the cabinets, finally spotting one on the top shelf.

  “Let me get that for you.”

  Logan’s breath stirred the tendrils of hair around her ear, making her shudder. His front plastered against her back, trapping her against the counter. One hand slid around her waist as he reached for the top shelf. He took his time extracting the container, the hand on her stomach drawing lazy circles. Her stomach clenched painfully, begging for his hand to inch higher.

  Proving yet again that he was indeed a mind reader, the hand on her belly slowly skimmed up to cup her breast. He tested the weight in his palm as he nuzzled her neck. Her head fell back on a sigh. He rotated his hips against her with slow, languorous motions, the steel length branding her back. His tongue traced the whorl of her ear and Jade couldn’t take it any longer. She maneuvered around to face him, knowing she would die if she didn’t kiss him. He deposited the glass vase on the counter and his hands came up to frame her face.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  Many men had uttered those words to her, but she never believed their sincerity…until now.

  His thumbs stroked her cheeks and then his fingers sifted through her hair. He held her in place and lowered his head. He brushed his lips across hers, gently, tenderly. Jade whimpered and opened her mouth, needing more, needing him. She tangled her tongue with his and he groaned and pulled away a fraction.

  “I was trying to go slow but you shoot my good intentions all to hell,” he whispered against her lips, a second before his mouth crushed hers and his tongue plunged deep inside.

  Jade’s last coherent thought was, “My gosh, this man knows how to kiss.” She gave herself over to sensation. Before she realized it, he'd unzipped her dress. His mouth left hers to kiss his way down her neck. Jade’s back bowed and she moaned.


  The oven buzzer didn’t even faze Logan. He continued to play with her, driving her wild. She hated to stop him but she grasped his head.

  “Logan, I-I have to, oh, that feels so good, get the garlic bread, ah, don’t stop, out of the oven…” He made a non-committal sound and Jade gave up. So the bread would be toasty. Who didn’t like it a little crunchy anyway?

  “Daddy? Is it time to eat yet?”

  Bella’s voice managed to do what nothing else could. Logan leaped backward looking horrified.

  “My baby daughter is in the next room and I’m ravishing you like some horny teenager.”

  He stepped closer again and lifted the straps of her dress over her shoulders, covering her breasts. He groaned with disappointment and tugged the zipper up. Dropping one last kiss on her lips, he smiled wryly. “At least I managed to shave this time.”

  Jade smiled back, totally and completely enchanted and way more than half in love. Her hand unconsciously moved to trace her swollen lips and his gaze glued to the movement.

  His knees buckled and he threw his head back. “Sweetheart, you are killing me.” He reached for her again.

  “Daddy!” The voice was stern and annoyed.

  Logan closed his eyes and adjusted the fit of his jeans. “Coming, Bella.”

  Jade spun around and twisted the temperature knob on the oven. Grabbing a pot holder, she pulled the garlic bread out and deposited it in a basket. Thankfully, not burned yet.

  Fiji preceded father and daughter in the kitchen, a tiny yip announcing his presence. Jade planted a plate of cooked meat on the floor in front of him and added a bowl of water. Fiji spun in a happy circle and attacked. He gobbled a few bites, looked up and yipped his thanks to Jade and then inhaled the rest of the food. “So much for waiting until we are all seated to eat,” she joked.

  “Look Daddy, I gets a big girl gwass, too.”

  “You sure do, Bella,” he remarked, settling her in a booster seat. He glanced at Jade. “I hope that tablecloth isn’t an heirloom because it will definitely be wearing some of Bella’s juice.”

  “It’s not,” she assured him.

  “Oh Daddy, you are so swilly,” Bella chuckled. “You can’t weared juice, you dwink it.”

  “Let’s see that you try to do just that and not spill any, okay? We don’t want to make a mess for Ms. LaRossa.”

  “I’ll twy,” she promised solemnly.

  Jade placed the steaming dishes of fragrant food on the table and settled a basket of French bread in the center. She filled the wine glasses, making sure to add sparkling juice to Bella's glass.

  “We better watch out or Ms. LaRossa is going to spoil us.” Logan glanced at the happy dog. “All of us.”

  Fiji yipped.

  Jade smiled, a comforting warmth filling her belly. Logan held her chair for her and she murmured her thanks. Such a gentleman.

  Logan hoisted his glass. “A toast.”

  He waited while she slid her fingers around the stem and instructed Bella to do the same. “To new friends.” The way he said it, his eyes locked on hers, one side of his mouth kicked up in a sexy grin, Jade knew exactly what he meant. She couldn’t stop the rush of excitement that raced through her body. They clinked glasses and took a sip, Bella watching her with wide eyes, copying her movements down to the dainty sip.

  Before they could set the glasses down, Bella piped up. “Wait! I wanna make toast, too.”

  “Make a toast,” Logan corrected gently.

  “A toast,” she clarified. “To my daddy.” She thrust her glass forward, almost sloshing the contents over the side.

  Jade slid a covert glance at Logan who looked pole-axed. He tapped his daughter’s glass and smiled at her so sweetly, tears blurred Jade’s vision. She blinked rapidly and joined her glass with theirs.


  “Bella, honey, if we don’t eat soon, it will get cold and all of Jade’s hard work will go to waste."

  “I just wanna make toast for Jade. Ooo, and Fiji.”

  Indulgently, Logan said, “To Jade, Fiji, and Isabella.”

  Bella beamed at being included and she gulped down the rest of her glass, leaving a purple mustache behind. Jade refilled her juice from the bottle on the table.

  They chatted amiably during the meal and Jade was suitably impressed with how Logan managed to include Bella in the conversation—when she wasn’t dominating, as three-year-olds tended to do.

  After dinner, Logan insisted on helping her clean up while Bella finished watching the Disney movie. Jade ar
ranged Bella and Fiji on the couch and popped in the DVD. She observed Logan from the doorway as he cleared dishes from the table.

  She could get used to this.

  For the rest of her life.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Logan, can I ask you something?”

  He stopped with a dish halfway to the sink and met her gaze. “Sure.”

  She pushed away from the door and pried the plate from his hand. “It’s personal and you don’t have to tell me.”

  Logan’s easygoing smile turned guarded. He shrugged. “Try me.”

  “What happened to your wife?” When his brows dipped, she added, “Bella’s mother.”

  His brows leveled and he sighed. “Celeste. We never married.” He dumped utensils in the sink and turned on the hot water to rinse them.

  He remained silent so she prodded, “She must've been beautiful, judging by Bella.”

  “Gorgeous,” he agreed, not taking his eyes off his task. “An actress.”

  Jade stiffened. Bella’s mom was an actress? Hollywood wasn’t that big of a place. Did she know her, had she worked with her before?

  “We were engaged and she got pregnant. I didn’t know about the baby. I was out of the country.”

  “You were in the Navy…a SEAL?”

  He glanced down at her. “Yeah, how did you know?”

  By that smoking hot body. “You wore a shirt one day with the words emblazoned across the front. I just guessed.”

  He nodded. “The assignment turned into a clusterf—uh, disaster,” he corrected with a sheepish smile that quickly faded. “Some men died…others wished they had.”

  A wave of sadness swept over Jade, knowing he referred to himself.

  “I was in pretty bad shape, laid up in a hospital for a few weeks and when she didn’t visit, I discovered she ran off with some hack producer who promised to make her a star.”

  Oh, no, when Logan needed her most, his fiancée ran off with someone else—carrying his baby.


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