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Fallen Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Tamara White

  “So what happened this morning between Ky, Teddy, and I?” At least she’s direct, but Mike and Dane aren’t prepared for it.

  Dane actually chokes on a bit of muffin before going into a coughing fit. “What happened between you, Ky and Teddy?” Mike asks, shooting glares at Teddy and I.

  Evie is patting Dane on the back and trying not to laugh. So am I but watching her hold her grin in is making it harder. Somehow, I manage.

  “Guys, calm down. It was just a little make out session in a janitor’s closet. Nothing scandalous,” I say while I peek over at Evie who is holding her hand over her mouth and giggling.

  “What?!” Dane is looking between Teddy and I, as if waiting for one of us to say we’re joking.

  “It was just a quick kiss before class, but what I think Evie wants to know is about the pain she felt in her chest.”

  “Yeah, I just want to know if that was the bond and why it hurt?” she’s looking to each of us for an explanation.


  Jeez, I thought they had done something more than kiss with the way she worded that.

  “What did it feel like, Evie?” I need to know what the pain felt like to know why it happened while they were together. A bond shouldn’t hurt when it forms, but you should be able to feel it click into place.

  “Well, it felt like my chest was on fire. You know how you burn yourself on something hot and it has that feeling of residual heat? That’s pretty much how it felt,” I can feel her worry that something is wrong with her.

  “Evie, I can feel you worrying that something must be wrong with you for it to not work, but there is nothing wrong with you. The reason it was a bit painful is most likely because you aren’t ready for a bond yet. Your body and heart won’t accept the bond until you’re ready.” It’s one thing that many elementals have tried to find their way around. We’ve heard of elementals trying to force the bond only to end up in pain because it’s not meant to be, or they aren’t ready yet.


  It’s cool that he can read me so well. “So does that mean I can kiss you without fear of the bond forming?”

  “Yes, you can kiss us, but the more you like us the more likely a bond will form. Especially if you’re focusing on your feelings during those intimate moments,” Dane says packing away his bag while we’re talking.

  “Well, I do like you all and I think it won’t be so bad being bonded to all of you, but I want you all to be sure before I make any decisions. Ok I think I still have a few questions but I’ll wait until we get home. I hope you guys are as fit as you look because today it’s my choice of sports.”


  It’s so cute watching Evie get passionate about something she wants. She had to convince Coach Callahan to let her choose the sport today since Liam said the game ended early because she hurt herself. She finally got her way, and that’s how we ended up at basketball inside the gym. Evie seems to love her sports and she’s surprisingly fit.

  Ky and I are helping Evie pack away the basketballs when I hear one of the cheerleaders “So Evie, how much are you paying them to hang around you? Or is it how much they are paying you for your services?”

  It’s that blond girl, Catherine, and her friends standing around Evie.

  “No one is exchanging money, Catherine, I’m just better company,” she says to them before walking over to us.

  “That chick seems like a bitch,” Ky says to her.

  Evie sighs “Yeah. She’s had a problem with me since I started school. I tried ignoring her, but she seems set on making my life miserable.”

  “She’s probably just jealous,” I mean who wouldn’t envy Evie. She is so breathtakingly beautiful that it makes me appreciate how lucky we got finding her.

  “Sorry, guys, I have to go or I’m going to be late to art. Is Mike still here or did he go to class already?” She’s looking around as if Mike will pop up out of nowhere.

  Hey Mike where are you? Evie is looking for you so you can go to art class together. He left with Dane so they could get stuff from their lockers before class started.

  Tell Evie I’ll meet her outside the gym, I’m almost there.

  “He’ll be here in a second. He said to meet him outside the gym.”

  “Ok, I’ll see you guys when we go home,” she says waving as she leaves.

  I turn to Ky after she is out of earshot “She just said ‘home’ didn’t she?”


  I’m so pumped after gym that when I see Mike in the hall waiting for me, I can’t help but give him a hug.

  “Hey thanks for waiting for me. Let’s go,” I grab his hand and lead him down the hall to class.

  For the first time in a long time I feel genuinely happy. We take our seats and get our stuff ready, but I actually don’t feel like drawing anything today. I don’t end up doing anything but doodles today, not that it matters as the teacher never checks on my progress.

  The bell rings so Mike and I go wait for the others by the car. I’m so excited to learn more about my elements that when I see Teddy coming, I run and jump into his arms “Hi! Are you excited? I’m so excited for you to teach me about my element” I’m sure I must be creeping the guys out with how much I’m smiling, but I just feel lighter for some reason.

  Teddy is smiling down at me too “Hi, princess. I take it you’re happy it’s my day to teach you?”

  “Yeah. Can we go for a swim after? I want to try the pool out,” I look over at the other guys and they’re all smiling at me too.

  “Whatever you want, sweetie,” Dane says before climbing in the car. Dane and Ky get in the front seat while Mike, Teddy, and I climb in the back.

  Chapter 19


  Evie is so excited when we get home. I was so happy when she jumped into my arms. I wanted to kiss her, but I knew other people at school might see. Not that I’m ashamed of her, but I know she would be upset if rumours were spread around about her and us.

  “Are you hungry Evie? Or do you want to go train with Teddy first?” Dane is walking down the hall to the kitchen but looks back to ask if she wants anything.

  “Nah, I’m too excited. Let’s go train.” Evie walks down the hall and out the back stairs with me following behind her. I love watching her hips when she walks away.

  “I was thinking we should go into the edge of the forest for your first lesson, so we have multiple objects to work with. Today I want to focus on having you try to adapt to your surroundings. I already know you can put life into the earth from what happened last night, but today you will focus on pulling its essence into yourself and hopefully becoming one with the earth.”


  “Wow. Really? That sounds really hard for my first lesson,” I’m nervous to train my elements, but I don’t want to be a sitting duck if the shaded find us.

  “It’s actually very simple. Plus, I’ll help you if you need it. Not that I think you will. You are so powerful, Evie, that I doubt there is much you couldn’t do.” Teddy is so sweet to me and I’m astounded in the faith he has in my abilities.

  “Ok let’s do this then.”

  We walk into the forest a couple of feet before a small clearing opens up.

  “Here will do. There are a few boulders over there and plenty of trees for you to concentrate on. I think we should start on strength first. If something happens and one of us isn’t around, you may be able to use this to help you until we can get to you. Your skin will have to be touching some part of rock or boulder. I’ve seen elementals chip off a shard of rock from boulders and hold it in their hand to use. It will work for a small period as long as your power isn’t drained.”

  “What do you mean? I didn’t think our powers could be drained?” I knew we could get tired from using them, but they never said we could drain them.

  “Our powers won’t last forever. We have what is like a reserve inside of us. The most powerful of us basically have larger reserves, but you may not have any limitations. We don’t know enoug
h about you and until we find out more about the prophecy we won’t know what you can and can’t do. It’s one of the reasons we want to train you and test you.”

  Good to know. I haven’t felt any limitations yet but I have felt exhausted after using my elements. I guess we’ll see how much I can do after they test me.


  Teddy and Evie weren’t gone for long when I see them coming back to the house. They’re laughing at something and Evie looks so carefree that it makes my chest feel lighter knowing that we make her happy.

  “She looks so happy,” Dane has snuck up next to me while I was staring at them.

  “Yeah. I’m glad being around us is making her happy. The first day I saw her, I felt the hopelessness inside her and all I wanted was for her to feel loved. Today when she jumped into Teddy’s arms, I felt her happiness and it made something inside me change. I think I’m already falling for her and I’m worried she doesn’t notice me as much as you or Teddy.”

  Evie and Teddy come inside and Dane turns to leave the room “You shouldn’t worry so much, Ky. You guys sometime forget I can feel everyone’s feelings stronger than you can. Whenever Evie is around you she feels love, lust, happiness, and hope. She wants you, but everything is new to her and she feels worse about her actions when she has the girls at school saying things about her. A week ago no guy wanted her and now four do. It’s not normal for someone raised human, but she’s adjusting quickly considering the circumstances. Just spend some more time with her and you’ll see.”


  Teddy and I finished training pretty quickly. I managed to absorb the strength of the boulder on the first try.

  Punching the boulder, I left a fist-sized hole in it which made me feel better knowing I could defend myself if I needed to. I put a piece in my pocket just in case I need it.

  It took a couple of tries to connect with the earth, but I blame Teddy on that. He was pretty distracting to work with. When I finally did connect to the earth, it was amazing. It felt as if I was a higher being and the earth was talking to me.

  “Hey can we go for a swim now? I’m dying to try out the pool,” I say as I’m walking through the back door where I run into Dane.

  “Hi Evie, how’d training go?” Dane has hold of my shoulders to steady me after bumping into him.

  “It was amazing. I loved being connected to the Earth. I felt like I left my body and was at one with the Earth. I was just asking Teddy if I can go for a swim.”

  Dane is looking back at Teddy and I can feel them communicating. It’s starting to get annoying when they communicate without me. I’m going to have to see if I can listen in one day. It would serve them right.

  “You can go for a swim, but we all want to hop in too. And I want to train with you for a bit today.” A swim with all the guys sounds amazing, but the training not so much.

  I’m not drained of energy, but it will be more embarrassing with all of them watching me. “Ok but if you embarrass me, I will totally get you back,” I poke my tongue out at him before I run around him and up the stairs.

  “Last one in the pool has to cook dinner,” I call out, while rushing into my room and pull out my bikini.

  I rush to pull my bikini on and get to the pool before the rest of the guys. Running out of my room and down the hall I run straight into Ky.

  “Quick the others are still getting dressed,” he says grabbing my hand and we race down the steps together laughing.

  It feels so good to laugh. I see Mike dive into the pool as we pass through the living room. Ky and I reach the pool together and both jump in holding hands. I come up for air to see Mike laughing at us.

  “Hey Mike. How did you beat us? I didn’t see you upstairs.”

  Mike laughs and leans back against the edge of pool “I was already swimming when you called out. I just waited for you to see the pool before I jumped in.”

  What a cheeky boy. I lean against him and he wraps his arms around my waist then pulls me against his chest, while we watch Dane and Teddy pulling each other back as they get to the pool. They are both laughing and finally Dane ends up pushing Teddy into the pool before he dives in and comes up right beside me.

  “Hi Sweetie,” he leans in giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Why did you push him in? He would have had to cook dinner.” I look over at teddy to see him smirking.

  “Ha, yeah right! If I didn’t push him in, we would be eating takeout,” Dane says splashing Teddy as he swims past us.

  “Ok well since you pretty much volunteered to cook dinner I will be your assistant tonight,” I declare proudly to him.

  “Ok, but you don’t have to do anything.” Dane is watching me for some sign I don’t want to help him in the kitchen.

  I really want to spend some time getting to know each of them, though, so I don’t mind helping him in the kitchen. I’ve already spent time with Teddy today, and I’ll be spending some time with Dane later, so maybe I should get some time in with Ky and Mike too. Is this how it will be once we’re bonded? Trying to schedule them in to spend time with me? I hope not.

  “Ok, Dane, time to give me some training tips,” I turn to him waiting with a patient smile on my face. I have to admit this feels like fun more than training.

  “Are you sure?” Dane asks.

  “Yes, I’m sure.” I look over at Teddy and see him smiling. I guess he’s thinking about our training session too.

  “Alright since you are as powerful as us, maybe more so, I’m not going to give you an easy task. What we’re going to do is move to the edge of the pool and then you’re going to lift the water from the pool into the air above the pool and lower it back in gently. If you just drop it back in it will go everywhere and is more likely to knock one of us out. You will need to clear your mind of all distractions and be completely focused because if you’re not it’s more likely to go wrong.”

  What?! He seriously thinks I can do this! Teddy, what if I’m not powerful and it’s all a fluke? I don’t want to hurt one of you trying this.

  Dane grabs me and turns me so I’m looking at him “You won’t hurt one of us because I’ll be helping you. If I feel your power lose intensity, I’ll take over. And tomorrow I think we should work on your projection targets. You seem to project to all of us.”

  Damn it. “I’m ready. I think. Just stay out of the pool so I don’t hurt any of you,” I beg with my eyes looking at each of them. I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt them.

  “Ok, I want you to sit on the edge of the pool with your feet in the water and close your eyes. Feel the water moving around your feet and focus on that feeling. Once you’re feeling it I want you to imagine the feeling going up slowly. Very slowly,” Dane is instructing me while the other guys remain quiet in the background.

  I’m so busy on focusing on the feeling I nearly jump when he starts talking again “Now open your eyes.”

  Holy shit! All the water that was in the pool is floating in the air. It’s still moving inside as if it was in the pool and people are disturbing it.

  “Now keep focusing on the feeling of the movement in the water and slowly bring it back down.” I don’t quite understand what I am doing, but I somehow manage to get the water back in the pool without hurting anyone. I look up at the guys and they’re all smiling except Dane, who seems to have disappeared.

  Where’d he go? Hands grab me and I land in the middle of the pool spluttering.

  I look back and see Dane laughing at me “You did amazing Evie, but you got too focused.”


  Dane asked me to head into town and pick up some stuff for him, so I leave the guys and Evie in the pool and head inside to get changed. May as well go into town while everyone is busy.

  I’m at the door to my room when I hear Evie behind me “Hey is it ok if I come with you? The guys said they had some stuff to do and I wouldn’t mind coming along if you don’t mind,” I can feel her nerves and wonder why I can’t feel any of what Dane was describi
ng earlier.

  “I don’t mind Evie. I’m just going to get dressed first. I’ll meet you downstairs in five minutes.” I watch her go into her room before walking into mine. Its torture knowing Evie is only a couple feet away getting undressed.

  I get dressed quicker than normal and send Dane a quick thank you. I’m sure after I got out, he sent Evie after me so I could spend more time with her and for that I’m grateful. He was right earlier. Watching Evie with everyone, I realized I’m the one she spends the least amount of time alone with and that’s no way to get to know your potential bonded.


  I rushed downstairs after I got dressed. I’m a little anxious Ky might actually leave without me.

  “Hey, princess, all set?” He’s standing there holding his car keys and looking so hot I’m surprised I haven’t melted into a puddle at his feet.

  He’s wearing a tank top with a button up over the top and navy Cargo pants. I never thought I would be the type of girl to check a guy out, but damn he looks hot.

  “Ready to go. Do I need anything, or should I check if anyone else needs anything?”

  “Nah we’re alright. We have inbuilt telephones if they decide they need something.” Oh yeah, sometimes I forget just how handy this communicating thing can be.

  As we drive into town, I’m glad the other guys had plans. Ky seems like the hardest to get to know. The other guys seem to open up when we’re alone, but Ky and I never get much alone time. We don’t even share a class together. Maybe I should see if we can have free period alone tomorrow?

  “Hey, Ky, can I ask you a favour? You can totally say no, but I was thinking tomorrow during free period do you want to spend time with me? I know I have Mike’s training, but I would like to spend some time with you. If you want to.”

  We pull into the carpark near the grocery store and he starts getting out. He still hasn’t answered me, and I’m starting to think maybe he won’t want to spend time with me. Grabbing a grocery cart, he goes down different isles without answering me and it’s starting to piss me off.


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