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Fallen Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Tamara White

  Chapter 28


  We all felt the power rush from Evie, but I don’t think she felt what she did to us. Just as her climax was building she was pulling power from all of us which is why the lightning is still striking outside. I see the same man standing outside that was in my vision. I guess Evie’s dad is here. “I think your dad is here,” I tell her.

  Evie is still collapsed on Dane, but she jerks off him and goes pale. She picks up a sheet from the bed and wraps herself in it before walking to the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

  “I guess we better clean up and go meet Evie’s dad. Does one of you want to go and see if Evie is ok?” I imagine it will be quite a shock for Evie to meet her father, especially after thinking he was dead and on top of that the way her adoptive parents treated her.

  “I’ll go,” Teddy says, before going down the hall to the bathroom.

  “Ok, let’s go get dressed then clean up in here. I don’t know whether she’ll want to sleep in here or in with one of us, but at least she can choose what will make her more comfortable,” Ky says before picking up his pants and leaving.

  “I take it you felt it too?” I ask.

  “Yeah, Evie sucked power from us all before releasing it into her elements,” Dane’s stunned.

  “I knew we could share powers, but I can’t believe she could do that,” I wonder what this means for her? Everyone’s going to want her powers once they realize what she can do.

  I hope we can protect her from what will happen when the council find out.


  Ok, Evie, don’t panic. Your dead dad is here to tell you why he left you when you were 5 years old. He may, or may not, be as abusing as your current dad. And he probably won’t like you being in a relationship with four guys. Guys that you just had sex with before making lightning fireworks outside the house.

  Yep, it’s going to be a long night. Looking at myself in the mirror, I don’t look any different, but I feel different. Something’s off. I can’t figure it out, but I have other things more important things to worry about.

  I’m almost finished cleaning up when a knock on the door startles me. “Evie, are you ok? Can I come in?”

  I open the door and let Teddy in. He’s still naked, so I don’t bother picking the sheet back up. He’s seen all of me now.

  “I just wanted to make sure you were ok. You looked pretty pale when you left,” he’s leaning against the bathroom door while I walk into the shower.

  I decide a hot shower will be just the thing I need to help with my nerves about meeting my dad.

  “You coming in? I just want to soak my body in the hot water.” I step under the spray and moan at how good it feels.

  Now that I’m no longer high on sex, my muscles are starting to get a little sore. I feel the cool air hit me when Teddy opens the shower door. It’s lucky this shower is huge enough to fit a whole group of people.

  Teddy comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. “You know, you didn’t answer me. Are you ok? You know if you don’t want to talk to him, you don’t have to. We’ll just tell him you’re not ready.”

  It's sweet that the guys are trying to protect me but I need answers. I turn in his arms and look at him “Thank you for trying to protect me but I need to face him. I need to know who I am and I need to know why he left me all alone. I want to know what happened to my real Mom because I have a feeling it wasn’t a car accident like I was told. Maybe it will help us figure out why I have four elements and lightning?”

  “Ok, honey, just tell me what you need.” I love that they’re trusting me to make my own choices. They make be sneaky about it and give me a few options to choose from, but at least they have given me the choices rather than just flat out telling me what to do. I lean up for a kiss before we get out of the shower, but what starts out as a soft kiss turns into a hot kiss with Teddy pushing me up against the wall.

  He lifts me up so I wrap my legs around him and grip onto his head. I’m still wet so he slides in easily enough.

  He makes love to me against the shower wall and we both cum together when Dane shouts through the door. “Hurry up, guys, Evie’s father is waiting downstairs.”

  I can’t help but start laughing “Oh my god. That’s so embarrassing.”

  Dane would have definitely heard what was going on. Teddy is chuckling against my neck. He lets me go and I slide down to my feet and stand back under the water. “Well, he can’t really blame me. You are addictive Evie. I’m sure if the lightning hadn’t of happened we may have started all over again.”

  Oh, that thought is very appealing. Being locked in the house with them over the weekend is going to be fun.

  “Ok, let’s get clean and go deal with my father.”


  When I open the front door, I’m still surprised to see him. I know Evie said he would come, but it’s shocking to see how much they look alike. The only real difference between them would be their eyes. Evie’s eyes are a pale blue and her fathers are a dark blue. Maybe her mother’s eyes were pale, but at least it explains why Evie’s eyes go darker when she is angry.

  “Hi, I’m Max. Evelyn’s father,” he says, while holding out a hand for me to shake.

  “Yeah, we’ve been waiting for you. Evie’s just upstairs having a shower, but I’ll let her know you’re here. I’m Dane.” Letting go of his hand I step back and lead him into the living room

  “Just take a seat, the others will be down soon, I’ll go let Evie know you’re down here.”

  I turn and leave him in the living room, while I head upstairs to see if Evie is finished cleaning up.

  Hopefully, her biological father is better than her adoptive father.


  It’s so quiet when we walk into the living room. I figured the guys would be grilling my father for answers but they’re just staring at him. Whoa! Any doubt I had about him being my father goes out the window. My father looks more like my twin. He has the same caramel blond hair and the same round face as me. His eyes are blue but instead of being light like my own, his are the dark blue you see in the sky before a storm forms.

  When he notices me, he stands and walks towards me. He’s even the same height as me.

  “Hi, Evie. I’ve been waiting so long to find you. I’m sorry it took me so long, but I couldn’t track you until your powers re-emerged.” He’s standing a few feet away and looking at the ground in shame.

  Why couldn’t he be a jerk? It would’ve been harder to forgive him if he acted as though I didn’t matter to him, but I can tell he missed me and I can feel his guilt.

  “It’s ok. How about we sit down and talk? I have a lot of questions, and I would like to know about my mom. I only found out I’m adopted a couple months ago.”

  We all sit down on the couch with Ky on my right and Dane on my left. Mike is over on a seat in the corner of the room, while Teddy sits next to Dane. My father takes the seat across from Teddy, Dane, Ky, and I with the coffee table separating us.

  Dane must have brought a tray of tea and coffee in before I came down, so I pour myself some tea to help with my nerves.

  “I’m guessing you have a lot of questions, but I want to ask you something first. Have you bonded yet?”

  I spit tea all over the table. Crap. I try my best to wipe up the tea from the table without looking at my father. Why would he ask that? Isn’t that considered personal even in the elemental world?

  “Um, well yes. I have,” I don’t have to tell him how many of them I’m bonded too, do I? I look to the guys for help, but even they look uncomfortable at his question. That could be more to do with the fact that my father is the one asking the question. No guy wants to be the one to confront his girlfriend’s father saying ‘Yes we bonded while we had sex. More tea?’

  “Ah so it’s started already,” he looks around at each of the guys.

  I can feel the confusion coming from my guys, and feel glad that I’m not the only one in the d
ark this time.

  “What’s started?” I ask.

  “The prophecy. Have your bonded told you about the prophecy yet?” my father asks me.

  “Yeah, a guy with four elements will be all powerful, rule the elementals, and destroy the Shaded. He will also tell the humans that elementals exist. That’s the gist of it, but we don’t really know much more. We were going to look into it. We also know that they got it wrong and that I’m the one from the prophecy,” I say bleakly.

  It’s still hard to accept that I’m this all-powerful ruler. My father laughs so hard I think he might piss himself.

  The guys look irritated and Mike asks “What’s so funny old man?”

  He laughs for another minute or so before composing himself and facing us.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing because that’s not even close to the original prophecy,” he says to Mike and looks back at me.

  “And how would you know what the original prophecy said?” Dane’s getting angry and so are the other guys. I’m a little irritated for them. They told me what their council told them.

  “I was there when the prophecy was spoken,” he says.

  What?! If what he says is true, he would be 800 years old. That’s impossible. The guys told me the day after I found out about the prophecy, that it was predicted sometime between 800 and 900 years ago. How on earth could he still be alive?!

  “But that would make you over 800 years old? The council told them what the prophecy said and what reason would they have to lie to their children?” I feel bad for the guys if their parents kept the truth from them.

  Lightning starts to hit the ground outside and I feel power suffocating the room. My father slowly stands and the guys all stand in front of me.

  “Get the fuck away from my daughter! You think your council can come in here and brainwash her. I’ve fought you for the last 13 years to get her back, and you will not stand in my way any longer!”

  Oh, hell no! Who does he think he is threatening my guys! I have no idea what his problem is with the council, but he will not harm my bonded. I focus on my power inside me and let it flow forth and step between Ky and Dane.

  “You come here after 13 years of not being in my life and threaten my bonded? You either sit the fuck down and explain yourself like a normal human, being or get out of our house!” I push a little power towards my father and he goes flying into the wall on the other side of the room. I didn’t mean to throw him across the room, just for him to realize I am more powerful than he is.

  Teddy’s at my side trying to soothe me and get me to calm down. I close my eyes and let my powers go back to the light inside of me. As my father gets up, he winces in pain like I hurt him.

  “Evie, you don’t understand. The reason you ended up with your parents was because the council killed your mother and kidnapped me,” he says glaring at the guys.

  What? Is my dad, right? If he is, does that mean the guys played me? I sink back into the couch and stare at the floor.

  No, I’ve felt their feelings and they all care about me. I focus on their emotions now and they’re all shocked. I know they are genuine. You can’t fake feelings.

  “How do you know it was the council? My guys had nothing to do with that. I can feel how shocked they are.” I know they would never hurt me.

  “I know because one of the council members was the one who killed your mother,” he says.

  “Ok tell us everything,” Dane says.

  He looks at the guys, and we all sit back down the same way as before except for Mike who sits down at my feet on the floor and holds my hand.

  “You were five years old, and I had left to go to town to get more groceries. We weren’t on the run but we weren’t exactly letting other elementals find us. You see Evie, you and I are different than normal elementals. I’m a fallen angel, and that makes you part fallen angel. Your mother wasn’t full elemental either. She was half human and half angel. When you were born, we knew you were one of the ones mentioned in the prophecy that would pave the way for all elementals to be free. You always had access to your abilities, but when you turned three they tried to take over and being so young you didn’t understand how to control it. So, your mother spoke to her father, and he bound your powers so they wouldn’t be released until you were 18. He couldn’t bind them completely because you were too powerful even then. So, he stored what he could and he told us that you would still be able to access small amounts.

  Anyway, we had settled in a house just outside of New York and you were ready to start your first year of school. Your mother and I decided to keep you as close to the elementals as we could without being fully immersed in the community.

  It was late when I got home, and the house was dark. Your mother usually left the porch light on if it got dark, so when it wasn’t on I got worried. The house was deserted, and I had no idea where you and your mother were until I heard a scream in the back yard. When I ran outside a man had you slung over his shoulder and you weren’t moving. There were at least ten more elementals in the yard and your mother was bound in reinforced chains that stopped her from being able to access her powers.

  Victor stepped up next to her and lit her on fire with his element. I tried to save her, but her pain was my pain and I couldn’t stop it from consuming me.” He stops and has a drink of tea. I feel his pain over the loss of my mother, and it makes me feel her loss more. I wish I could remember her. I can feel dread coming from one of the guys, but I can’t figure out who it is so I focus back on my father.

  He puts his cup down before continuing on “When I woke up I was in a dungeon wearing chains, and Victor was there taunting me that he had taken my daughter and killed my bonded. I don’t know if you know this but when your bonded dies you can die too. I think the only reason I didn’t die was because I’m a fallen. When your mother died though I lost a lot of my power and was unable to escape the chains. By the time I was strong enough to break my chains, it had been 10 years, and you were moved around multiple times. Victor taunted me many times over the years about what they would do to you without anyone to protect you. I had hoped your grandfather would find you but when I got out, he told me he was not allowed to interfere, and that things had to play out the way God planned.

  I tried my best to find you, but I never got close until your powers released. Once they released our connection opened again, and I was able to track you down. And now here we are.”

  OK. So, that’s a lot of information to take in. “So, if you’re a fallen angel and my mum was half human, half angel, what does that make me? Is that why I have all four elements and lightning?”

  I’m so confused right now, and the questions just keeping popping into my mind.

  “You’re something new, Evie. Your mother used to call you her little, fallen elemental. But I don’t know what that makes you other than an elemental and extremely powerful.”

  So, what am I? I’m getting more questions than answers.

  “Ok, then so if I’m ‘extremely powerful’ how am I not the one in the prophecy?” Maybe the guys are understanding more of this than I am, but as I look around they all look shocked.

  “You are in the prophecy, just not how you were told,” he says to me before taking a sip of tea.

  Ugh! Why doesn’t he just put all his answers in one sentence?! It’s getting extremely frustrating.

  My father is still sipping his tea across from us when Dane snaps, “So, are you going to tell us the prophecy then? Or just keep us hanging on the edge of our seat all day?”

  My father sets his cup back down and looks at each of the guys before focusing back on me. “The real prophecy says on a day filled with light, a girl will be born with the ultimate light. Her light will attract the strongest of bonds, and will bring forth a new era of Elementals. They will unite all elementals, and bring peace with the humans.”

  What?! That’s nothing like what the guys told me and totally not what I was expecting. “Wai
t, so the guys are the elementals then? So, why hasn’t the council realised they’re the real threat then?” I ask what seems like the obvious question, but the guys look at me strangely.

  My father sighs. “No Evie, they’re not the ones in the prophecy. The elementals in the prophecy will be your children. A child born between you and one of your bonded will be extremely powerful. You are prophesised as the ultimate light, and they are some of the strongest elementals of their kind. Now, imagine a child born of both your power and theirs. It will be unimaginably strong, and that’s what the council fears. My guess is they don’t know you’ve bonded and when they do, you’ll need to hide to protect your children.”

  “Children? I’m not pregnant. And I don’t plan on kids for a long, long time.”

  Children were the last thing on my mind. I mean sure one day maybe but now, Hell no.

  “Fate has a way of making sure something happens according to plan. Most visions come to pass unless events change so drastically that the whole future is altered,” My dad says leaning back and drinking the rest of his tea.

  Ok, that’s not foreboding at all. What am I supposed to do? I’m already on the pill so I think we’re covered, but the guys will probably freak out. We didn’t use condoms earlier, and I didn’t mention it because I trusted them to be clean.

  Maybe I should look at a more effective birth control method just in case?

  Chapter 29


  Children?! Oh no. None of us used a condom. I can’t believe none of us thought of protection.

  Guys, do you think Evie could be pregnant? None of us wore condoms and the need she felt to have all us tonight, could it be her body’s way of getting pregnant? Dane sounds just as panicked as I feel.

  I was thinking that too. Evie isn’t looking too good right now. She looks like she might have realized what could have happened.


  “Ok, I think that’s enough for tonight. This is a lot of information for all of us to take in, and Evie only just learnt about elementals in the past few days,” I look at Evie and feel her trying to keep calm.


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