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Mail Order Bride - Westward Heartbeat: A Historical Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 15)

Page 19

by Linda Bridey

  Dana looked the ring over. “Yes. Very pretty.”

  Pricilla said, “Well, dinner is just about ready. Why don’t we go into the dining room?”

  Once they were seated for the meal, John said the blessing and they began eating.

  “Mother, we’re going to have a blended wedding to include both cultures. Raven’s mother, Wind Spirit, is helping me with my dress. I want it to have some Lakota beadwork on it. I can’t wait to show it to you. It’s at the reservation. You’ll have to go meet them. They’re lovely people. Raven’s father is the chief of their tribe.”

  Dana looked at Zoe’s enthusiastic expression and couldn’t fathom why her daughter would want to marry an Indian and visit a reservation. “I’m glad that you get along with his parents, but I don’t think I would feel comfortable going there, dear.”

  Zoe smiled. “There’s nothing to be nervous about, Mother.”

  John spoke up. “I went once and it was good to see them. I don’t go as a rule because only so many can go at a time, and I think it’s more important for your family to go, Raven, than it is if I do.”

  Raven inclined his head at John. “You’re very kind, uncle. Thank you.”

  “You bet, son,” John said with a smile.

  Dana was confused. “Are you related?”

  “Sort of,” John said. “More like adopted, I guess you’d say.”

  Pricilla patted Raven’s arm and said, “He’s a very good young man and he eats with us often and is so helpful to us. We’re getting older and it’s not so easy for us to do some of the things we used to. He chops wood for John and does all kinds of other things.”

  Dana said, “That’s very nice.”

  Raven’s frustration grew as the conversation continued. Dana had yet to speak to him directly and it irritated him. It was obvious that she did not approve of him.

  “Mrs. Fontaine, I had the pleasure of watching Zoe ice skate. It was beautiful to see,” he said.

  Dana said, “Yes. She’s always been very talented.”

  Raven narrowed his eyes when she did not meet his gaze. “My good friend, the mayor, has a pond and it was frozen when she first came. She put on quite a show for us.”

  “I’m sure she did,” Dana responded.

  Raven decided that he was going to handle this much the way he would if Dana were a child. He was going to ignore Dana’s bad behavior and converse with the rest of those at the table.

  “Auntie, did I tell you that Mike is working on getting my parents and a few others out of the reservation? They’re going to become citizens so they can settle with us at our old camp,” Raven said.

  Pricilla clasped her hands together and said, “How wonderful, dear! I know how much you miss them and I’m sure they will be glad to be home again.”

  Raven grinned. “Yes. You will have to come have dinner with us. Zoe and I have picked out the place where we are going to build a cabin.”

  “Dinner?” Pricilla said. “Well, that might be nice. I’ve never had dinner with a chief before.”

  Zoe said, “He and Wind Spirit are wonderful people, Pricilla.”

  “Cabin? You’re going to live in a cabin?” Dana asked Zoe.

  “Yes. It’s a compromise to living in a tipi or a traditional house. Raven prefers to be close to nature and I’m not very good at cooking using Lakota methods,” Zoe said.

  Raven took her hand and said, “You make very good venison stew, Zoe. Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  She smiled at him. Out of the corner of his eye, Raven could see Dana’s frown of disapproval over him touching Zoe. He squeezed Zoe’s hand a little tighter and leaned closer to his fiancée. “You also make a very beautiful maiden in your Lakota dress.”

  Zoe blushed as Dana gasped slightly.

  “Zoe, you wear Indian clothing?” she asked.

  Zoe looked at her mother. “Yes. Why wouldn’t I? They’re very comfortable.”

  Raven looked directly at Dana then with a challenging expression on his face. “We could get you one. I think you would like it very much.”

  Dana had no idea what to say to that.

  John asked, “Raven, does Wind Spirit need more buckskin or anything to make me another pair of moccasins? My old ones are starting to wear out and I’d like another pair. They feel good on my feet in the evenings. Those darn bunions just don’t like regular shoes.”

  “I’ll find out, uncle,” Raven said.

  Pricilla said, “Who would like dessert?”

  “My father,” Raven said, which made everyone but Dana laugh.

  “Mother, Black Fox is fond of anything sweet. I make him desserts and snacks when we go to the reservation. It’s funny to watch him eat them,” Zoe said.

  “I see,” Dana said stiffly.

  Raven had enough. She wasn’t even pretending interest in him or his family. “I would stay, but I have some things to do and I must be up early to hunt.”

  John asked, “Hunt? What for?”

  “Deer. We need more hides to make more tipis with for those coming home,” Raven explained.

  “Oh, I see. Well, I’m afraid I’m past hunting anymore, but if there’s anything else I can help with, let me know,” John said.

  Raven smiled. “Thank you. Mrs. Fontaine, it’s been … interesting meeting you. Have a good night, everyone.”

  He rose and gave Pricilla a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you soon, Auntie.”

  “I had better see you soon,” she said.

  Raven grinned. “You will.”

  Zoe rose and walked outside with Raven. “Raven, I am so sorry about my mother’s behavior.”

  He smiled at her. “It’s ok. She will get used to me. Come to me later if you can.”

  Zoe nodded. She knew the trails well enough now to be comfortable with riding them at night. “Ok. I love you,” she said.

  Raven kissed her softly. “I love you.”

  Zoe watched him mount up and leave. She was very angry with her mother and planned to have a talk with her about her rude behavior towards her fiancé. Squaring her shoulders, Zoe went back inside.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Trained to sleep very lightly, Raven heard Zoe slip into his tipi and opened his eyes to see her close the tipi flap. As she undressed, he watched her hungrily. The firelight danced over her skin and the sight of her womanly body bared for him to see was glorious to behold. Smiling, she knelt by him and ran her hands over his chest before bending to kiss him.

  Raven kissed her back but let her set the pace. During their intimate times together, she’d grown more confident as a lover, and he was glad that she enjoyed him. The feel of her hands on his body drove him crazy, but he didn’t move as she broke the kiss and bit his earlobe. With a growl, Raven took her in his arms and rolled with her until he had her pinned.

  She laughed softly, and her eyes smiled up at him. He gave her the lopsided grin she’d come to love, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Rising to meet him, she melded her mouth to his and shuddered as one of his hands trailed down over her hip. She was lost then, surrendering to the storm of passion he created within her. His love was enthralling, and she was his willing captive in the maelstrom of desire.


  “Your mother does not like me,” Raven stated later on as they lay entwined. He laced his fingers through hers and held her hand.

  Zoe couldn’t deny it. She’d argued bitterly with her mother about it. She’d gone with Dana to her hotel room under the pretense of helping her get settled, but Zoe knew they were going to discuss the situation.

  “I’m sorry, honey,” Zoe said. “I have no idea why. I’ve never known her to be prejudiced in any way.”

  He grunted. “How many Indians has she known?”

  Zoe shook her head. “None. I think that’s the problem. All she knows is what she’s heard or read.”

  Raven said, “And we are made out to be savage people, little better than animals. I will do my best to be civil, but be warned, Zoe; I wi
ll only tolerate so much insulting behavior.”

  “I understand, Raven. I don’t expect you to put up with it. If we can just get through the wedding, then she’ll be going home. We won’t have to worry about it anymore,” Zoe said.

  “I can’t wait until you are my wife. Then we can be together all the time and not have to sneak around,” he said.

  Zoe grinned and stroked one of his powerful arms. “You have to admit, though, that the sneaking around is a little bit exciting.”

  He chuckled. “Well then, even after we are married, we’ll have to pretend to sneak around so we keep things exciting.”

  She dipped her head towards him and bit his chest as punishment. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

  Raven couldn’t explain it, but when she bit him, it excited him and this time was no exception. He reasoned it was the primal part of him that responded to it. “Oh, I don’t know. I am wondering if you will only be excited if we have to keep things a secret.”

  She bit him harder this time, and he cupped her jaw so he could capture her mouth in a hard kiss that burned through them both. They embarked on a second journey into a world of ecstasy, one they were slow in coming back from.


  Over the next week, Raven’s ire with Dana grew until he stopped going to Pricilla’s for supper, so he didn’t have to deal with her. He prayed for the time to pass quickly until their wedding, after which, Dana would return to Green Bay. Zoe was furious with Dana and made no bones about it when they were alone together.

  Pricilla was also not happy about the situation, but somehow held her tongue, so she didn’t distress Zoe, who was under enough pressure. However, an opportunity presented itself for Pricilla to speak to Dana alone. Dana had come to see if Zoe was there, but her daughter was out at the Samuels’ ranch.

  Dana was disappointed. “Oh, I see.”

  “Would you like to come in for some coffee?” Pricilla said politely.

  Dana accepted her offer and sat at the kitchen table. Pricilla fixed their coffee and sat down with her. “I believe they’re working on some wedding plans,” she told Dana.

  “I would like to be included in them,” Dana said.

  “Oh, I doubt that,” Pricilla said in a slightly cool tone and took a sip of coffee.

  Dana asked, “Why do you say that? Of course I want to be involved in my daughter’s wedding plans.”

  Pricilla pursed her lips for a moment and then said, “Only so long as they don’t involve anything to do with Raven or the Lakota. Zoe’s dress and the ceremony are going to be a combination of the two cultures, so how can you help if you want nothing to do with Raven or his family?”

  “They frighten me and I just don’t see how a marriage will work between them,” Dana said honestly. “I see disaster in Zoe’s future, and I don’t want that for her.”

  “Pfft!” Pricilla blew out the sarcastic sound. “Oh, I understand. I used to be rather skittish around Raven, but he was so sweet and helpful to me. He got rid of my cat problem for me, and I invited him to dinner as a gesture of gratitude. The dreadful animal used to eat my rose bush. He’s been coming to dinner several times a week ever since. He sometimes comes to lunch or stops by just to see if we need anything. Does that sound like someone to be afraid of?”

  Dana said, “No. Not really. But aren’t you afraid he’ll turn on you?”

  Pricilla was highly offended by her question. “He’s not an animal!” she said sharply. “Raven and others have been around town since they were children and have never harmed anyone. It’s been hard on them over the years because the army has been looking for them and then they were found. Poor Raven’s aunt and uncle were killed. Such a terrible time. He’s missed his parents and others since they were forced onto the reservation. I can’t imagine what he’s been through.”

  Dana said, “You are very fond of him.”

  “Yes. He’s a good boy, and you should give him a chance. And his family. If you want to be involved in your daughter’s wedding and in her life, you need to get rid of this attitude you have and try to get to know your future son-in-law,” Pricilla said.

  Dana thought about what Pricilla had said and realized that the other woman was right. She had always prided herself on being a reasonable person, but she hadn’t been behaving reasonably. She’d been letting her fear and suspicion rule her thoughts and it was time that she stop it.

  “Where is the sheriff’s office?” she asked.

  Pricilla told her where to find it. Dana finished her coffee, thanked Pricilla, and left.


  Raven sat at the table in the sheriff’s office playing with Curtis, Rick Westlake’s ferret. The critter bounced all over, wrestling with Raven’s hands. He was very excited and grunted and hissed as he played. Raven and Rick laughed at his mock ferocity.

  “Damn it, Raven!” Mitch Taylor, the sheriff, had opened up his bottom desk drawer to discover a mouse inside it.

  The mouse jumped out and ran across the floor. Curtis saw it and jumped off the table to give chase. The ferret captured the mouse in no time and hauled it back to the jail cells to eat his treat. All three men knew better than to try to deprive the ferret of his meal.

  Raven turned back to see Mitch watching him with an angry glare. “Why do you have to do that?” Mitch asked.

  Raven shrugged. “It’s fun,” he said and gave Mitch an ingratiating smile.

  Mitch tried to hold onto his anger and couldn’t. “Well, stop it. It makes me jumpy every time I go to get in a drawer. I don’t want mouse crap in my drawers, either.” Mitch saw Rick grinning and pointed at him. “You’re not helping by encouraging him.”

  Rick said, “I wasn’t trying to help. Was I supposed to?”

  “It might be nice if you did,” Mitch said. “Never mind. Your ferret is gonna be ready for a nap after his snack.”

  Rick nodded. “Yep. So, Lame Duck, the reason I came is to deliver good news to you. The approval came through for your parents, Squirrel, Striking Snake, and their two boys to be released.”

  Raven’s eyes grew huge and he leaped up. His war whoop echoed off the walls of the office and the brave grabbed Rick in a crushing hug. “Thank you so much! When do they get to come home? Their tipis are done now. They will be here for the wedding. Zoe! Wait until I tell her. Wait until I tell everyone. They are going to be so happy!”

  Raven had held onto to Rick the whole time he was speaking and Rick was hard pressed to breath. “Lame Duck, you have to let me go,” he croaked.

  “Oh! Sorry,” Raven said and released him. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough for all you’ve done for us. When can they come home?”

  “By the end of the week,” Rick said with a smile.

  Raven nodded. “Good. What about Winona?”

  “Well, she doesn’t want to leave because there’s a brave on the reservation that she wants to marry. So they’re going to get married in a couple of days so your parents can be there for it,” Rick said.

  Raven’s smile faded as he thought about not having his sister around. “This man makes her happy?”

  “I guess so since she wants to stay with him,” Rick responded.

  Raven nodded. “Then I wish her well. Will we still be allowed to visit?”

  “Sure. You’ll just have to alternate like you do now, that’s all. I have more good news. Rat Face is transferring to South Dakota.” “Rat Face” was the nickname Rick had given Carter Douglas. Rick often assigned nicknames or phrases to certain people.

  “That’s great! Good riddance,” Raven said with hate in his voice.

  Mitch said, “I guess that means I’ll be down a deputy in a couple of days, huh?”

  Raven looked at him. “You mean you would let me go to Winona’s wedding?”

  “Of course. It’s not every day that your sister gets married. I know it’ll mean a lot to her to have you there.”

  Raven nodded just as Dana entered the sheriff’s office. He frowned a moment
and then made his face emotionless.

  “Hello, Mrs. Fontaine,” he said. “What can I do for you?”

  “May I speak with you a few moments?” Dana said.

  He gave her a curt nod and motioned towards the door. Dana stepped through it and Raven followed her. They stopped a little ways from the office and Raven crossed his arms over his chest. He looked down at Dana with a dispassionate expression on his face.

  Dana cleared her throat and said, “Raven, I want to apologize to you for the way I’ve acted towards you. I was hasty about my judgment of you and that was very wrong of me. If you can forgive me, I’d like to get to know you. After all, you are marrying my daughter.”

  Raven arched an eyebrow at her. “Are you going to actually talk to me instead of around me?”

  “Yes,” Dana said.

  “Are you going to keep looking down your nose at my customs or making faces when I kiss Zoe or hold her hand?” Raven said.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “And you truly want to get to know me?” Raven asked.

  Dana nodded. “Yes, I do.” She held his gaze.

  “You are forgiven,” Raven said with a smile. “Guess what? My family is being released at the end of this week!”

  Dana was taken aback when Raven hugged her and kissed the top of her head.

  “I will take you out to my family’s ranch tonight. There will be a celebration, I’m sure,” he said. “I have to go tell everyone.”

  Dana watched in shocked silence as he ran into the office, said something to the sheriff and then ran back out. He gave her a pat on the back as he ran by her to get his horse.


  Raven was right. There was indeed a celebration at the Samuels ranch that night, but it was mainly a chance for them to plan an even bigger party for their loved ones who were being released at the end of the week. Dana was stunned by the blending of the white and the Lakota family. It was noisy and Dana couldn’t keep up with what all was going on.

  Babies were passed around and played with and someone handed her one every so often, which she enjoyed. The food was excellent and she was plied with wine at one point. She discovered that many of the white family spoke Lakota and the two languages flowed around her. The cookhouse became warm and Dana needed some air.


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