Her Daddy and Her Master
Page 11
“Well done, now hop up on the table and lie back.” He held out a hand to help her.
“What, get up there? With this plug in my butt?” Laila stared at him, unsure about how to get onto the table without losing the plug.
“You can do it. Just climb up.” His hand was still waiting. Reluctantly, she took it, feeling the butt plug shift inside her again as she moved; how embarrassing would it be if she lifted a leg to climb on the table, and the butt plug shot across the room?
“Now, please, Laila.”
There was no arguing with that tone of voice, so Laila didn’t try. Slowly, she lifted her leg up and got onto the table, where she lay back.
“When I ask you to do something, I expect it to be done right away. If I have to repeat myself that many times again, you will be punished,” Flin growled, and his tone of voice made a tingle run through her core.
He moved Laila’s legs so they were bent and open, her feet flat on the table, then she felt a pulling feeling and movement inside her as he took the two strange balls out of her pussy. She felt relief that they were out, although they’d felt so good when she walked. Now she suspected she was more ready to take his cock than she had been earlier. How large would he be?
All thoughts were blown away as he plunged two fingers inside her then began moving them in and out. Her hips bucked as she responded to the new, more intimate stimulation and she felt herself getting even wetter than before, her nipples buzzing against the clamps that held them.
“It’s an amazing thing,” Flin began, “how close to an orgasm a woman can get without actually having one. How much stimulation she can take, long before she reaches that tipping point. You thought you needed to come at the restaurant. Then, you said so again, a moment ago. I am quite certain that I could actually keep you here all day and it would still take you several minutes to come, once you passed this point.”
Laila’s breath came in short bursts. She had never felt like this before, this feeling of drifting on a cloud of snuggle. Whatever was supposed to happen at the end—perhaps a bigger orgasm—she was certain it was going to be soon.
“I don’t want you to come just yet, Laila.” He abruptly removed his fingers. She sat up in surprise.
“Lie back down or I’ll restrain you.” He sounded so detached.
“Please don’t. I’ll be good!” She did as she was told immediately. Being tied up was a terrifying prospect and one she had no wish to experience if she could avoid it.
“How is your ass feeling?”
Laila had tuned out the feeling in her ass and now that she thought about it, she noticed it again. The plug was filling her back passage in every direction.
“It’s fine. Maybe a little sore.”
“Which is it?” Flin seemed fond of direct questions.
“It’s a bit sore and mostly fine,” Laila said with more certainty.
“I’ll take the plug out for now, since I don’t want your ass getting tired too soon. I want you to wear this plug every day until it goes in easily, then I will replace it with a larger one,” Flin said, easing the plug out of her and setting it aside. “One day soon, I’m going to fuck that tight little ass of yours, and when I do, I don’t want it to hurt you. You’re going to come, screaming, on my cock in your ass, over and over again, until you beg me to stop because you can’t take any more orgasms.”
Before Laila could express her doubt about the truth of that (she didn’t think anyone would want to go to all that effort just for her), Flin tugged gently on the chain between her nipple clamps. She gasped at the sensation traveling to her pussy from her breasts.
“You have very sensitive nipples. I wonder if your pussy is, too.” He tapped her pussy several times with what felt like two of his large fingers. Her response was to raise her hips toward the source of this pleasure, to try to get more friction.
He spanked her clit a little harder, and Laila felt her vision swim as she gave herself over to the unbelievably strong feelings within. She felt like the only thing she cared about right then was to know she was his; for him to claim her with his cock.
“Fuck me,” she said, surprising herself with her boldness. “I need to feel you inside me.”
“No.” He spanked her clit again. “You’re not ready, and you’re not in control here.”
Her eyes nearly popped out of her head; she wanted to grab his cock and bury it inside her, then he’d know who was ready, but he was still fully dressed and she wasn’t even standing. There was no way she could get his cock near her unless he wanted it there.
“Not fair!”
As soon as she’d spoken, he was beside her, growling into her ear in a dominant tone, “It wouldn’t be fair if I broke my new fuck toy before I got to fill her with my come. I decide when you’re ready for my cock.”
He lifted something into her field of vision. It was a blue vibrator with a curious shape; it was sort of like a curved spear.
“Unlike the cock—or cocks—you’ve probably seen before, this vibrator’s shaft has a much more pronounced curve before the head flares out. It’s the same shape as my cock.”
Laila stared at the toy. It looked about two inches in diameter, and the length was quite big too. Would it fit? Her pussy ached to feel it inside her, and her clit throbbed, as she waited for him to fill her with it.
“Of course, this is just practice to get you ready to take my cock. This has a six-inch circumference, and my cock is larger.”
Laila stared again at the toy; her eyes were wide. It had to be over eight inches long. Before she could say anything, however, Flin was at her pussy, stroking her clit and pressing the head of the toy against her opening. It slid in gradually, and she sighed from the feeling of fullness. It was so good. Then he turned it on, sending vibrations throughout her vagina, and he began fucking her with it. The vibrator reached all the right places inside her, and soon Laila could tell she was even closer to having her first orgasm ever caused by someone other than herself.
“Remember, you’re not allowed to come.” Flin worked the vibrator deep into her core. Laila couldn’t believe he was still saying that.
“How am I supposed to stop it?” she practically wailed, through the buzzing feeling radiating through her center. “I have no control over this at all.”
“Good, you’re learning.” He continued stimulating her pussy and clit, and just as Laila thought she couldn’t hold onto herself any more, he tugged on the nipple clamps so hard they both came off. The blood flowing back to her nipples made them sting, and it was enough to send her spiraling into an orgasm. She was helpless to resist arching her back and bucking her hips as the intense feeling spread from her pussy out into the rest of her body, stronger than anything she’d ever felt, as Flin fucked her deeply with the vibrator. It seemed to last for ages, but eventually, the feeling subsided and she lolled back on the table, legs akimbo, unable to hold herself in place any more.
“I’m sorry,” she said as soon as she could speak again.
“Don’t worry, I won’t make you wait; I’ll punish you for it straight away.” He slid the blue toy out of her pussy and returned it to the trolley as Laila wondered how he was going to punish her. She didn’t have to wait long to find out.
“On your hands and knees, Laila, please.”
She complied, then saw what he was holding. It was a leather strap, which looked terrifying. Before Flin came any closer with it, Laila was off the table and running toward where she thought the door was. She hit the wall with both palms as she realized she’d gone in completely the wrong direction.
“Laila, wait.” Flin’s voice made her turn, keeping her back pressed against the wall so he couldn’t get near her ass. She had thought he was different. When he reached her, she froze, unable to stop staring into his eyes, and she remained motionless as he put a hand on her shoulder.
“Talk,” he barked.
“You’re going to hurt me,” she managed to say.
“We discussed this
at the start. You said you were okay with light spanking.” Flin seemed surprised at her reaction. Laila supposed his slaves must have begged him to strap them when they’d been bad.
“You forced me into a situation! You must have known there was no way I could stop myself coming, and then you pulled out your… your cat o’ nine tails on me, and I was supposed to just stay still and wait for it?” Laila’s thoughts were a swirl and her words came out quickly.
“Calm down,” Flin said. “I’m sorry that the strap—which is nothing like a cat o’ nine tails, I have to add—scared you. Can you tell me what color you’re feeling?”
“Dark orange. Very reddish orange,” she said indignantly, and Flin surprised her by wrapping her in a hug.
“You’re safe, Laila. It’s all right, you’re safe. Do you want to continue?”
She thought for a moment; the energy Flin was moving through her back was snuggly, and it was calming her down.
“Yes, I do. I feel like I’m letting you down if we call it quits now.”
“Fuck letting me down. I want to be sure you’re comfortable with what we’re doing.”
“If… if we continue, are you going to use that scary strap on me?” She looked up through her lashes.
“No, not now. I am going to spank you with my hand though, before I make you come again, so be sure you want to continue.”
“I’m sure.” She felt like some of her composure had returned. Had she really panicked about the strap, she wondered, or was it a response to someone else making her come for the first time? Had it just been coincidence that he’d pulled out the strap, had her brain just latched onto that, or was it really the cause? She wanted to try again, to prove that she could do this, that she wasn’t weak. She let Flin loosen the catsuit and slide it down her thighs, making her moan quietly at the feel of his hands on her legs. He lifted her feet out and left the catsuit on the floor, then led her back to the table where she climbed up again, feeling more exposed as she realized this was the first time he’d seen her fully naked. He lowered the table with a button. On her hands and knees, her mouth was at the same height as his cock, and so was her pussy.
“I’m going to spank you now, before I make you come again. If you get into trouble, if it gets to be too much, you must tell me. Otherwise I’ll assume we’re okay to continue unless I have serious doubts. I am gauging how much you can take, so I need you to be honest if it’s too much. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” she replied, resolving to be honest but also wanting to show him she could take whatever he gave.
The first swat landed on her sit spot, stinging the surface of her upturned bottom. Flin’s hands were bigger than Basil’s, and Laila had always known he was going to spank harder. She wasn’t wrong, and the second swat made her kick her feet as it burned over the top of the first one. After a few swats, she was breathing heavily and wriggling her hips and shoulders to try and make the fire in her bottom dissipate somehow. Flin continued, moving his hand around her bottom for some reason, and Laila was soon struggling with the pace.
“Owwwww!” she cried out as he caught a tender spot. He spanked hard, and after a few minutes she was making sobbing sounds and feeling like something inside her was desperate to come out. As he continued, she felt closer and closer to tears, as her bottom stung and burned under his firm hand. It was several more minutes before she started to cry real tears, and she squeezed her hands tightly as she cried under the onslaught of spanks.
You can make this stop any time you like, she told herself, as she cried out some of the pent-up feelings inside her. Please don’t stop, she silently pleaded, as she felt her tension ebbing away with the tide of tears. The dual feelings about what was happening culminated in more tears, and as Flin continued she wondered what was wrong with her that she actually felt better for this.
She stopped resisting and the pain started getting deeper inside her. Flin just kept on going, and Laila presumed he was waiting for her to stop this. Many long minutes later, when her bottom was burning all over, she found herself in a confused place where there were no thoughts, no emotions, just sensation. Every further spank tingled rather than stung; it wasn’t a tingle quite like the one in her clit, but it was more like that than actual pain. In fact, she didn’t seem to be feeling any pain at all. That thought made her feel buoyant, elated, and as Flin continued to make her bottom tingle, Laila started to giggle. All she could focus on was the curious electric tingling feeling, and when Flin stopped spanking her, the tingling feeling carried on in her bottom. She vaguely felt him press his cock to her entrance, then she giggled some more as she felt him work his way inside her, filling her even more than the vibrator had, sparking off more tingles deep within.
He took her gently, if such a thing was possible with a cock as big as his was, filling her completely and stretching her in ways she hadn’t known were possible, while he gradually built up to a faster pace. As he fucked her harder, pressing against the walls of her tunnel in every direction, Laila instinctively pushed back against him, bringing him deeper into her, causing him to catch her cervix so the buzzing feeling focused more into her core. He came, and she distantly felt liquid shoot inside her, setting off her own orgasm, adding to the amazing glow, and it all combined to produce a feeling so unbelievable that time seemed to slow, as her pussy contracted around his huge, slick cock.
She felt him stay hard as he continued to fuck her, his seed pouring out of her, and she floated, every inch of her perfectly intensified, as her next orgasm washed over her. When it left, she was still riding the high from the spanking, and her entire body was still tingling. He came inside her again a few minutes later, spurting the same hot jets of liquid into her, toppling her into another profound orgasm, and another, before she started to lose track of what was going on…
* * *
“Laila? Laila? Oh, shit, please be okay.”
Flin stood over her limp body waiting to see if she would snap out of it. He’d checked her breathing and her pulse; both were normal for her size. Her reflexes, when he tapped below one of her knees, were not working. Her eyes were open and unfocused; she appeared to be awake but totally unresponsive. He scooped her up and was heading toward the door to get her to the hotel doctor when she finally spoke.
“That’s my name,” she said thickly.
“Laila, are you okay?” Flin asked.
“Yep. Am okay. I’m a unicorn!” she declared. She sounded drunk. Or little. The giggling wasn’t helping.
“Do you remember what happened?”
“We had sex,” she giggled.
He was concerned that she seemed more little now than he’d ever seen her. Utterly vulnerable and helpless. While nobody on Minos Kerala would bat an eyelid at a seven-foot half-elf man carrying a five-and-a-half-foot woozy naked woman down four floors to her room, he knew Laila would be extremely humiliated to remember it when this subspace receded, so he needed to get her and the clothes down to her room with the least amount of public exposure for Laila. Because of the state she was in, making two trips was out of the question. There was no way he was going to leave her on her own, even for a minute, until he was sure she was back in control of herself.
He laid her on the floor and tied her panties back around her hips, followed by sliding the catsuit over her head, which was more difficult because her arms were so floppy she couldn’t seem to support her own weight. It was like trying to dress a large doll. He put her shoes on her feet and slung the legs of the catsuit’s pants over one of his broad shoulders, before pocketing the butt plug and Ben Wa balls he’d removed from her earlier. Once he was sure everything else in the room was a Hardlight effect, he ended the program. He opened the door and carried Laila back to the elevator, then four floors later, down the corridor to her room.
Flin kicked Laila’s door open after unlocking it with Basil’s spare keycard—which he’d borrowed that morning to put the shoes in her room—and laid her reverentially on the bed. On a wooden desk
by the window, there was a big jug of water and two glasses. He poured both of them a drink, then sat beside her and gently held her with one arm, drinking his water with the other, until she came back down to the planet surface.
“Flin?” Her eyes darted around her field of vision. “Flin?” She sounded like she was afraid he’d left her.
“I’m right here; look up here. I’m sitting right by you, don’t worry,” he said. She visibly relaxed.
“I’m very sleepy,” she commented.
“I know,” he nodded, gently stroking her hair. “Just go to sleep. I’ll be right here when you awaken.”
“Yes, Laila?”
“You can spank me like that any time you like.”
She snuggled into him and he was amazed once again that she was so tiny. He tended to prefer larger women, since they were better able to take what he wanted to give them, but Laila seemed to have managed surprisingly well. Not that he’d been particularly hard on her this time, he mused. If he hadn’t been there, he wouldn’t have believed that she’d reached subspace during their first play session. She probably wouldn’t recognize what just took place. It hadn’t occurred to him that she needed to know this might happen, as he had thought it was too unlikely. Flin looked down at Laila, whose eyes had closed. If she wasn’t asleep, it was imminent.
He felt like he had crossed a line, taken her too far, when all he’d intended was to introduce her to submissive play. She’d been amazingly sexy, though, and he must have made her come at least a half-dozen times before she’d fully checked out. Until he’d gauged her reactions, so he could pinpoint exactly how her body was responding to stimuli, he knew he should have kept more distance between them than that. How would she cope with this when she came down? She’d probably never had sub-drop; it seemed likely that this was going to be explosive. He vowed to keep an extra-close eye on her for the next couple of days just in case.