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Lipstick & Miniskirts

Page 19

by John Dylena

  Jessica hesitated for a moment. She felt bad for what she did to him. She always liked his shy, timid, nerdy self. At times she even found herself attracted to him.

  “Did you enjoy dressing up as a Playboy Bunny?” she asked him.

  His tone changed. “That part was good. It was interesting and fun seeing things from the other side.”

  “Would you do it again?” Susan asked, sitting on the table.

  “Not for a long time.”

  “Okay. Well, here’s something to remember those times.”

  Jessica handed him a picture of him with the girls in his costume. The girl in the photo was smiling. She was having a good time. Seeing the picture, he remembered how much fun he had being a woman that night. He saw things from a different point of view. During the party, he was constantly surveying the people there. He noticed things—things he wouldn’t have seen if he were going to the party as a dude.

  “Thanks,” he said, not taking his eyes off the photo.

  He got up and headed towards his room. Behind him, Susan and Jessica were discussing the men they both met at the party and other gossip. He closed the door behind him and sat on his bed, still staring at the photo as the events of that night replayed in his head over and over.

  He set the photo down and started packing up his costume. He folded the bunny girl outfit and returned it to its small bag. He packed up all the pieces of the costume: the fake breasts, fake vagina; the wig, makeup kit, high heels, and hose. Everything went back into the suitcase. Zipping it closed, he rolled it into his closet, sticking it in the far corner.

  When he returned to his bed, he saw a small envelope on his pillow. Inside was a letter from the girls.


  Last night was tons of fun. We enjoyed having another girl here with us. Hanging out with Amber was super fun and memorable. We hope that you had a ball too.

  We’re glad that you decided to move in here with us. You’re a very nice guy and we love having you here. We apologize for what happened last night. We got a little out of control… sort of a “caught up in the moment” kind of thing. We hope that you can forgive us.

  Jessica told me about the little adventure you two had awhile back. I think it’s cool. Don’t worry; your secret is safe with us.

  -Susan and Jessica

  PS: Amber is welcome to come out at any time. We enjoyed having her around. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask. Allen is welcome to stay too. He’s cool.

  Behind the letter was another picture, this one was of him dressed as a prostitute. He didn’t remember taking it, but it showed the three of them posing, Jessica and Susan were in their sexy lingerie, and Amber was in the costume, looking like she was enjoying it.

  He put the letter in his desk and grabbed the other picture and compared the two. While he didn’t really enjoy the late-night sex session, he didn’t outright hate, it either. In fact, he couldn’t remember it happening either way. Thanks to whatever drugs they slipped him, he’d never know if he truly enjoyed it. He put the latter picture of him in one of the front pockets of the suitcase and returned it to the closet.

  He pinned the picture of him in the bunny costume up on the corkboard on his wall with all the rest of the photos. He stared at the photo for a long time and at all the other photos of him with the two ladies. He still was attracted to Jessica, but he wondered whether she had any feelings for him—or if she did, did she still have them after what he’d done?

  He left his room and headed into the kitchen where Jessica and Susan were reading the article about their party. On the table next to the newspaper were stacks of photos taken by the guests. They turned around when they saw him.

  “I got the letter,” he said. “Don’t worry; you’re forgiven.”

  “Yeah, we realized this morning that it was a bit too much,” Susan said.

  “Thanks for everything though, you are two awesome roommates.”

  “Aw, thanks,” they both said.

  “And one other thing: I got a text from someone who says she knows you two.”

  Jessica’s face lit up. “Oh, what did it say?”

  “She said she was wondering if she can stop by and try on some more of your clothes.”

  “What? Who are you talking about? What was her name?” Susan asked.

  “Her name was… Amber?”

  At that moment, both of their jaws dropped and they looked at each other. They both looked like they were preteens and someone told them that they were going to go meet their favorite boy band. Allen smiled.

  “So, what should I tell her?”

  “Tell her to get the hell over here!” Jessica said. “We’d love to have her over!”

  “Oh, and be sure she brings her false vagina and breasts, too!” Susan said, sprinting into her bedroom, leaving Allen and Jessica in the kitchen.

  “Jessica, there’s something I need to tell you,” he said, mustering up the courage.

  She stood up out of her chair and walked in front of him, looking into his eyes. He smiled and his face turned red. She returned the smile and hugged him.

  “It didn’t change anything, Allen. All you have to do is ask me. I’d love to go on a date with you.” She kissed him on the cheek and disappeared into her room.

  As he walked down the hallway, he could hear the two ladies talking, discussing what outfits for Amber to wear.

  He laughed to himself, opening the door to his bedroom and pulling the suitcase out of the closet.



  It all started with a hiccup, followed by a cute giggle immediately afterward.

  Tom stood in the bedroom and watched his girlfriend Katie transform before his very eyes. He had seen it before, but only on the videos posted online: women becoming nothing more than airheaded bimbos, all by means of a little pink pill.

  At the beginning it was just one pill made by one company. The effects lasted for an hour or two and did nothing more than make the subject lightheaded and bubbly.

  But as popularity skyrocketed, so did the funding behind the drug. The company behind it created newer, more advanced versions with effects that reached beyond light-headedness to full-blown IQ loss. Big name porn producers stepped in as investors, and just recently, the final form of the pill was released.

  The newest version far exceeded the capabilities of the original. In addition to the mental changes pioneered by its predecessors, physical transformations were now included. One dose of Bimbozol—or “BIMZ,” as it is commonly referred to—was capable of significantly lowering the subject’s IQ, changing their hair color to platinum blonde, their eye color to ocean-blue, boosting their libido, and could increase their breast size to double Ds—anything larger remains unchanged.

  At one point, the pill contained a chemical designed to burn belly fat to give the user a flat stomach, but the side effects were proven to be too dangerous. Some developed a massive appetite that led to hospitalization and others developed internal burns from the heat generated by the fat loss.

  The changes were all temporary, lasting no more than twenty-four hours. The user’s personality was unaltered, and they retained all memories of their time spent bimbofied. The drug only intensified underlying aspects of their personalities that were normally ignored or suppressed. Their bodies would return to their original forms at the end of the twenty-four hour period, although they were often left sore and physically exhausted by the ordeal.

  The drug had only been tested and used by women. There were no accounts of a male successfully taking the drug, and the company behind it strongly urged against any experimentation on this front.

  “I can’t believe you’re going through with this.” Tom sat down on the bed, his eyes on his girlfriend.

  “Why not?” Katie replied, looking at her reflection. “Work has been stressing me out. I thought this would be a fun vacation of sorts.”

  She held clumps of her black hair in her hands, examining the roots
through the mirror. Huffing, she let the strands fall as she put her nose to the glass, staring at the reflection of her green eyes. “Nothing’s happening!”

  “How long ago did you take the pill?” Tom slouched, sinking deeper in the mattress of the queen-sized bed belonging to his girlfriend.

  “Like, five minutes ago,” she whined, returning her scrutinizing gaze to her hair.

  “You didn’t have to do this for me.”

  “Who said I did it for you?” She winked at him. “I’ve always wanted to see what I would be like as a bimbo. Figured you would find it hot. Even bought some outfits to try on once my body changes.”

  “Yeah, sure. Who would find a blonde bombshell itching to get into your pants hot?” Tom rolled his eyes.

  Katie stuck out her tongue. “Well then, I guess I’ll have to satisfy my sexual urges elsewhere. I’m sure Jared would be more than interested. I can be the bimbo he always wanted me to be.”

  “Fuck no! No way am I letting your ex get between you and I.”

  Tom climbed off of the bed and stormed up to his girlfriend. He was livid. Katie knew how much he hated her bringing up her ex, and he was right to upset. A lot of women would choose Jared over him.

  Katie was one of them.

  Jared was tall, muscular, and athletic. He had a strong, chiseled jaw and a smile that would make women weak in the knees. On top of all that, he was incredibly successful, too.

  Tom, on the other hand, stood in Jared’s shadow. Most guys did, but Tom was especially no match for him. He wasn’t a beacon of male perfection like Jared. He had a little bit of gut, and no matter how hard he tried, his beard failed to grow in evenly. Shy and introverted, he knew many people wondered how it was possible for him to bag a girl like Katie. He could practically feel the heat of their incredulous stares whenever they went out together.

  The only negative thing about Jared was that since he had everything a girl wanted, they came flocking to him, and when he found one that was better than the girl he had, he cast her aside and “upgraded,” as he put it.

  Katie had been more angry than sad, and instead of trying to get back with him, she went to a bar and hooked up with the first guy that offered her a drink.

  That man was Tom.

  Her cheeks turned red. “Aw, that’s so cute of you. Don’t worry, Tom. I don’t plan on leaving this apartment while under the influence. Definitely don’t want any of my coworkers seeing me all blonde and stupid.”

  “Yeah, I want you all to myself,” he said rubbing her shoulders.

  “I hope I wasn’t—” Katie hiccupped. Her hands covered her mouth, but she couldn’t help but giggle through her fingers.

  Tom blinked. Her outburst threw off his train of thought. “Katie, your hair!”

  She pulled herself free from him and examined her reflection once more. Sure enough, the roots of her black hair had lightened.

  “Wow, like, my hair is totally turning blonde! My head is all… tingly and stuff.”

  They both watched in awe as the dark hue slowly gave way to platinum blonde. As her locks lightened, her hair also lengthened, cascading down past her breasts until it retreated into a wavy, layered style.

  Katie smacked her lips. “There’s like, a sweet taste in my mouth. It’s like, totally working!” She eagerly bounced and Tom’s eyes moved away from her hair to her breasts. Katie noticed them as well.

  “Like, whoa! My breasts are getting all big.” She cupped and squeezed them and turned to look at her profile in the mirror.

  Tom stared down at the growing tits, unable to tear his eyes away from them. There was nothing about her body before the transformation that he hadn’t liked. She wasn’t flat-chested or shallow-curved. She was thin, toned, and yet still voluptuous. In his eyes, she had the perfect body.

  She had the hourglass body that turned heads as she walked, hips bouncing with each step. But now, under the influence of the pink pill, her curves were more pronounced with the swelling of her breasts and her new apple-bottom ass.

  More than half of her hair was blonde now, and Tom watched as she twirled her hair in her finger and took in her changing form. Her breasts were big to begin with—C-cups bordering on Ds—but now they were noticeably larger. The natural look they had vanished as her tits became more rounded, losing their pear shape in the process.

  Tom didn’t read much into the science of how the drug worked. He was more interested in its effects. There was no need to read the densely-worded reports anyway, not when they were translated into words that a five-year-old could understand.

  Heh, trying to explain boob growth to a five-year-old.

  From the gist of what he’d read on the internet, the chemicals in the drugs created a silicone-based substance in the breasts and butt that the body could easily break down once the chemical was used up.

  It seems that Katie had also done her fair share of reading, as the bra and panties she wore when he came to see her—which now fit her perfectly—were loose and baggy.

  That was something he loved about her. Katie had a sharp mind and was able to grasp things quickly. It was the reason why she rose so swiftly through her career ladder and why Tom always preferred visiting her luxury apartment instead of having her visit his modest one.

  She had tonight all planned out, and no matter how many times Tom told himself not worry, that even bimbo Katie would show better judgment than most sober girls, his stomach was still in a knot.

  He was seeing a side of her that no one else had seen, and he found it incredibly hot.

  “Katie…” he mumbled.

  Katie tore herself away from her reflection and looked at him. She blinked, and Tom watched as her jade-green eyes gave way to clear, crystalline blue. They sparkled brightly in contrast to her dimming intellect.

  Katie cocked her head to the side. Her eyes were wide and curious. “Whatcha staring at, silly?” She giggled, her lips curling into a smile as she stared almost blankly at him.

  “Are you all right?” he asked her.

  She tilted her head to the other side before replying. “Of course! I’m like, totally fine. I feel a little… bubbly, though.”

  “Light-headed? Dizzy?” Tom placed his hands on her shoulders. The drug was rewiring her brain. The woman in front of him was still Katie, but she was different.

  “Yeah, that. But it’s like, totally fine. I mean, it’s hard to think, but I like not thinking. Gawd, all I ever think about is, like, work—oh!” Her shoulders stiffened as her eyes glazed over. She tapped her puffy lips with her finger as she looked up in thought. “What was I saying?”

  It seems the light bulb is almost out. “You were telling me about your head. About being dizzy.”

  “Ditzy?” She giggled and dragged her nail down the front of Tom’s shirt. “Tommy, you’re like, so cute when you worry about little old Krissi.”

  She slid out from under his arms and bounded off, disappearing into her walk-in closet.

  “Wait, who? Did you say Krissi?”

  “Like, duh!” she said, poking her head out of her closet. “Katie is a boring name. Krissi is more fun! And besides, Katie is, like, totally not available. Please leave a message after the beep!”

  She retreated back into the closet and Tom staggered over onto her bed. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “I, like, wanted to do this, Tommy. Totally bought some new clothes and stuff for the new me.”

  “For Krissi,” he grumbled. No one had called him Tommy in years. It was what he went by when he was a kid, but people stopped calling him that once he started high school.

  Katie wasn’t a fan of pet names, and only on a rare occasion did she call him “hun” or “babe.” Looks like the drug is bringing out her carefree side, he thought, heaving a sigh.

  “How do I look?”

  Tom lifted his head out of his hands and spotted her posing in the doorway. He froze and his jaw fell slack at the sight of her.

  “Holy crap,” he muttered.<
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  She giggled and continued to pose, but it was the kiss that she blew that got his gears turning. Tom swallowed audibly and his body quivered as she sauntered toward him.

  Katie had changed out of her previously loose-fitting underwear into something he’d never seen her wear before. As attractive as she was, she never liked to show off her natural beauty. But it wasn’t like she wore baggy clothes that covered her entire body, either—she just wanted to be able to have conversations with her male friends and coworkers without having to deal with wandering eyes.

  Tom barely recognized the woman standing just beyond the closet doors. With her hair now long and completely blonde, her eyes blue and her body enhanced, he had to really look close to see the woman he loved. He was having difficulty keeping his eyes on her face, especially when she moved toward him in a body-hugging pink dress that didn’t even cover her well-shaped ass all the way.

  The neckline of the dress plunged deep between her breasts, covering less than half of the ample cleavage that she squeezed together like jumbo marshmallows. He followed the curves of her body down to her feet. His mouth went dry as he watched her step toward him in pink platform pumps.

  “Hey, Tommy,” she purred, licking her glossy pink lips. “How would you like to fuck the new me?”


  “I’m like, so incredibly horny.” She turned her back to him and looked at him from over her shoulder, wrapping her arms around her body. “I can’t stop thinking about your cock. I want it, like, so bad!”

  “…sure.” He wasn’t even on the pill and yet he could barely put a sentence together. Even bimbofied, Katie didn’t have that problem.

  She put her hand on his chest and gently pushed him onto his back. He lifted his head off of her sheets and watched her undo his belt, unbutton his pants, and pull them down to his knees.

  “Oh god,” he mumbled as his dick shot straight up once the constricting fabric of his pants were pulled away. Katie giggled as she hooked her fingers into the waistband of his boxers and slowly pulled them down.


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