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Raven's Seduction

Page 11

by Yvonne Nicolas

  “Ya’ man is down there fuckin’ it up! These hoes ain’t ready!”

  Excitement thrust through Naturi at the sound her Zion’s voice. “Oh wow!” She hopped up from the seat and threw herself into her cousin’s arms.

  Zion burst out laughing. “Look who’s feeling right. What you drinking?”

  Still stunned, Naturi handed her the cocktail. “What’re you doing here?”

  Zion quaffed the rest of her drink then winced. “Ooo, you and that bourbon. Chile, that shit is strong. Raven texted me—told me to bring my loud and crazy ass out here to party. So here I am. Okurrr!” Shaking her hips to the beat, Zion shot glances at Raven on the dance floor. “I mean… Let me fix my wig before it gets snatched ‘cause Rave ain’t fuckin’ around! You ain’t tell a bitch he could burn it up like that.”

  “What’re you talking about?” Eyes wide, Naturi threw her hands out. “I’m just as shocked as you are.”

  “Sis, you need to start paying more attention and taking notes on ya boy, ‘cause sheit… that nigga is dangerous with them moves!”

  Raven looked like he was having the time of his life. He rocked with the rhythm, popping his hips to the beat. The way he moved was mesmerizing and downright erotic. Dayum! The women were all over him. One was behind him, running hands over his chest. Another was in front of him, bent all the over, grinding her ass on his dick.

  “So you just gonna let these thirsty heffas throw their asses all over your man, during hoe season?”

  She’d be lying if she said it didn’t bother her a little. “He’s not my man, Z.”

  “That’s a hard ass lie right there. He’s been your man since he ran up your ass with his bike. Bet you any amount of money, he’ll agree with me.”

  Raven glanced up and caught her looking. Smiling, he held his hands up and crooked his fingers at her, beaconing her to join him.

  “Bitch, you’ve been summoned! Let’s go stunt on these hoes!” Zion grabbed her hand and dragged her to the stairway that led to the dance floor.

  They weaved their way through the waving mass to the middle of the floor, where Raven was being worshipped. There were too many chicks and dudes vying for his attention. It made it difficult to get close to him.

  “Hey, Z, I’mma go sit back down!” Naturi hollered to Zion, trying to force her voice over the booming music. “This is too crazy!”

  Naturi was never the clubbing type for this reason. Too many people in the same vicinity, bumping and grinding on each other wasn’t her scene. Sure, it was fun to watch from afar, but being caught up in the middle of it… No thank you! She turned, anxious to fight her way through the crowd to get back to the comfort of the booth, when someone grabbed her hand.

  She whirled around, expecting to see Zion, only to come face to face with Raven. Her next breath got caught in her throat. He was literally being mobbed a second ago. How did he get to her so quickly?

  He drew her close and slipped his leg between her thighs. His eyes bored into hers as his fingers brushed up the sides of her torso. His fingertips grazed over the curve of her breasts then over the length of her arms. When he got to her hands, he guided them to his chest, where he was soaked in sweat. Pressing his palm into the small of her back, he held her against him.

  The scent of his fragrant cologne mingled with his natural, sweaty aroma. The combined scents shot up into her senses, fully intoxicating her on the spot.

  Her breathing increased, and heart rate sped up. Aw shit! She was in trouble for real this time. He’d been seductive and flirty before, but this move was kicking it up at least five notches. How the hell am I gonna contain myself?


  “Yeeeah?” He gyrated his hips in a winding motion, swaying enticingly.

  Forced to groove with him, she briefly closed her eyes and tried to suppress the back-arching waves coursing through her. “I—I didn’t know you could dance like this.” She looped her arms around his neck, and once again hung on for the ride.

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” He stepped back, spun her around, then pulled her back against him. Now, he was working her from behind. One hand rested on her lower belly, right above her throbbing, aching pussy. He curved his other arm around her upper body, right beneath her breasts, and held her tight.

  The sensation of something stiff and strong rubbed along the curve of her ass. Oh Jesus! A rush of rapture stormed through her. Internally screaming, she reached behind and curled her hand over the back of his thigh, encouraging his sensual assault.

  He uttered something in her ear, before burying his face in the crook of her neck. She couldn’t make out what he said over the blaring music. Didn’t matter. She was gone, lost in the sweet web of his seduction.

  The pulse of the music washed through them as a fiery wave cascaded over her body. Soon, all the other people around them disappeared. In her mind, she and Raven were the only ones on the dance floor. Every song matched the rhythm of their hearts, making their souls surge as one. He intoxicated her, caressed and comforted her, made her feel like the world was spinning just for her.

  Hours passed. The night turned into morning. They had literally danced the night away.

  A little after two am, the party came to an end. Well, for her, it did. She was exhausted. Her feet were killing her and her legs were wobbly, but she was happy, happier than she’d been in a long time. One wouldn’t know she’d buried her father the day before unless they were there.

  After making sure Zion got home safely, they took an Uber back to the hotel.

  Raven gave Naturi a piggyback ride up to the room, so she wouldn’t have to walk.

  “Am I too heavy?” she slurred for the fourth time, slumped over his back with her head resting on his shoulder. “I feel heavy.”

  “No, Nat,” he replied on a sigh. “For the last time, you’re not heavy.”

  Once he got her inside the room, he laid her on the bed and began taking off her high-heeled boots.

  “I’m so sorry. I feel so lazy, but good. I feel real good. I don’t ‘member the last time I felt like this. Ahhh…” She laughed because every word that came out of her mouth was slurred so badly, it sounded like she was speaking another language. Probably shouldn’t have had that last drink before leaving the club. She laid there staring at the ceiling, for once in her life concerned about nothing. “It’s over. All of it. Finally. Onward and forward, I guess. I can now move on with my life.” She propped up on her elbows to see him kneeled at her feet. “You don’t seem even a little tired. How?”

  “I’m not.” He lifted her left foot onto his knee and began massaging it. He started at her heel and slowly made his way up to her toes. “I could’ve kept going, at least for a few hours more.”

  She nibbled on her bottom lip as she braced against his powerful, kneading caress. “Hours? In the name of freakish stamina…” Suddenly, he hit a spot that sent a spark of lightning shooting up her spine. She threw her head back and let out a throaty moan. “Ooo yes, uh-huh, right there.”

  “Here?” He added pressure to that spot.

  “Fuckin’ hell, Rave!” she cried out. She fell back on the bed, overcome by the crazy sensation he gave her with a simple foot massage. “You are amazing!”

  “Yes, I am.” Once he was done with the left foot, he moved onto the right one, serving it the same agonizingly pleasurable treatment. Her moans continued to sail through the room.

  Moments later, she laid there half sleep, completely relaxed, watching him through droopy eyelids. “You’re too good to me,” she whispered.

  Raven smiled as he unbuttoned his shirt and slid it down his tatted arms.

  Her eyelids began to stretch open. “Raaave! You—you’re just gonna get undressed in front of me?”

  “Yep.” He reached down and unbuckled his belt. “I need a shower. Can’t shower with my clothes on.”

  In no time, he was down to his boxers.

  Although she tried not to, she noted the large bulge
stretching the fabric over his crotch. Her core quivered at the sight. “It’s that big when it’s relaxed?” she heard herself ask.

  Oh God, I can’t believe I just asked him that. I must be real drunk.

  He snickered. “How do you know it’s relaxed?” Winking at her, he turned away to go hang up his clothes.

  And that’s when she saw it. She let out a sharp gasp.

  He spun around, wide-eyed. “What? What’s wrong?”

  Pointing, she sat up. “Your back! What the hell?”

  “Oh, that.” Shoulders slumped, he leaned his head back and chuckled. “The ravens. I’ve never shown you?”

  “No, man.” She slipped off the bed and stumbled over to him. “I knew those arm tats were connected to something dope, but I had no idea… Can I see?”

  “Sure.” He turned his back to her and pulled his hair up.

  Naturi found herself holding her breath as she gawked at his stunning body art.

  In full flight, two majestic ravens covered the back of his shoulders and part of his back. One flapped its wings downward, and the other flipped them upward. The two birds shed feathers while in flight. Those feathers drifted along the sides of his torso in a swirly pattern. They mended with the art along his arms. The details in the design were awe-worthy. They looked like they could come alive and fly right out the window.

  “Wooow.” She touched the creatures then allowed her fingertips to follow the path of the elegant design, gliding over the curves of his shoulder blade. “This musta hurt.”

  “Not as much as you think.” He turned his head to peer at her over his shoulder. “Long time ago, the raven was said to be a symbol of death and darkness.”

  “No,” she whispered, tracing the trails of feathers all the way down to the arch of his back. “That’s not what I see at all. More like mystery and intrigue. It fits the person who wears it.”

  Every nerve in her body tingled. She salivated. There wasn’t an inch of this man that she didn’t want to lick. But no… she couldn’t! It was Raven, her best friend. Taking this step would ruin the friendship they’d built. Friendship? Is that what this is? No, this was something else.

  Raven turned to face her and took her hand in his. His chest rose and fell with his quickened breaths. Raw desire beamed from his eyes. “Nat?”


  His mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. Suddenly, he cupped the back of her head and pulled her inward.

  Naturi found herself smashed against him, with her lips connected to his. She released a startled yelp that was muffled by the kiss. Her mind blurred, all thoughts scattered.

  His arms enfolded her. Gently, he pulled her lower lip into his mouth, then released it. That teasing taste ignited a fire in her heart.

  Pushing up on her toes, she threw her arms around his neck and melted in his embrace. Soft and inviting… Everything about this kiss was right. Yearning for more, she tilted her head, and ran the tip of her tongue along the seam of his lips. He opened up to her and their tongues met.

  A spiraling pressure built within her midsection and soared around her pussy. That feeling had been there all night, lingering, and hovering. Now it was at the edge, threatening to shove her into the pool of orgasmic delight.

  Raven! Oh my Gawd! I’m kissing Raven! Is this really happening?

  An anxiousness rose within. Clinging onto him, she deepened their kiss. The gentle exploration turned into ravenous hunger. Their teeth softly collided as their tongue danced.

  Raven’s hands traveled south, where he gripped her ass possessively. She found herself smashed against the wall as he returned every ounce of her sexual aggression. They moaned in unison.

  The sensation of his bulging cock pressed against her sent her body into a trembling fit. Earlier, his manhood was definitely relaxed, because NOW… This man is blessed! Her velvety walls clenched. Moisture oozed from between her thighs, soaking her panties. She wanted to rip her clothes off, climb him like a tree and slide her wet pussy right down onto his juicy meat. God, yes!

  Suddenly, discarded thoughts slammed into her head.

  She saw him surrounded by all those women with a smile on his face. He even had men coming at him, who he gladly danced with.

  Memories of Darius crept into her mind. This feeling she shared with Raven… She’d shared the same thing with Darius until he decided he didn’t want her anymore.

  Then there was Luca, the man who she thought would heal the heart that Darius broke. Only, he ended up breaking it even more.

  And now there’s Raven… This beautiful, incredible man! No. He’s just another man who’s destined to hurt me. He’s just prettier than the others.

  Naturi planted her hands on his chest and shoved him back. A bout of heat swelled behind her eyes, blurring her sight. “No, we’re not doing this!”

  Breathing heavily, Raven licked his lips and raked his hair back from his face. His cheeks were flushed, and his hands were shaking. “Nat…”

  “Why’d you do that? Why’d you kiss me? You weren’t supposed to do that.”

  “Great,” he scoffed on a groan. “So we’re gonna keep pretending that there’s nothing happening between us, that we haven’t been attracted to each other ever since we met.”

  “You’ve ruined it.” Hot tears rushed down her face. “You’ve ruined what we had. You’re supposed to be my friend, Rave!”

  His jaw clenched and his eyes grew misty. “Why do you think I’m here? Why do you think I rushed out here to be with you? You think I do this for all my friends? Nat, I could be with anyone right now. Anyone, I want! And yet, I’m here with you. Let that sink in for a minute.”

  Caught up in her turbulent thoughts, she paced the room. Everything hurt—her heart, her head, her fuckin’ soul…

  “I made myself very clear from the beginning. I told you I wouldn’t change. I told you I would always be attracted to you. Remember that? I told you I would get restless. Well, this is me being restless.”

  She shook her head. “No—noo, you were just talking, being all flirty… It’s your thing!” she cried. “You’re like that with everyone.”

  Raven stepped back and eyed her with his head tilted, like she was a complete stranger. During all the time she’d known him, he’d never pinned her with a glare so fuckin’ cold. “You didn’t really think you could keep a man like me in the friend zone, did you?”

  “A man like you?” Naturi stopped her frantic back and forth stride, and returned his glower. “Raven, are you crazy? I couldn’t be with a man like you. Like yo, you’re all over the place! Ya fuckin’ men, ya fuckin’ women… Ya slangin’ community dick, bruh. Yeah, you got God-like beauty and your swag is outta this world, but I’m not about to set myself up to get hurt again. Fuck that!”

  The pain on his face mirrored the hurt she felt in her heart. “Well maybe you should’ve left me where you found me, by the side of the road.”

  Without exchanging another word, Naturi grabbed her shoes and ran out of the room.

  Chapter 18

  Flattery Will Get You Nowhere

  Naturi emerged from the water with a gasp. She wiped the wetness from her eyes and rested at the edge of the pool. “Hurt people hurt people,” she sighed.

  She’d been betrayed and cheated on by the men she gave her heart to. Instead of placing the blame where it belonged, she held onto it, and took it all out on Raven. “He didn’t deserve that.”

  She climbed out of the pool and grabbed her cellphone. She went to her favorites and paused. Her thumb hovered over Raven’s number. I love you, and I’m sorry. That’s all she had to say. Nothing more. They didn’t even have to talk about what happened. Just get it out! Just tell him you love him and let the universe handle the rest.

  A notification dropped from the top of the screen. ‘Can we talk pls?’ the text message read.

  She’d hoped it was a message from Raven. Unfortunately, she wasn’t so lucky.

  Throwing her head back, she huff
ed out an exasperated groan. The last person she wanted to chat with was Luca. Not now. Not when she was so close to ironing things out with Raven.

  ‘I stopped by the hotel. They said you checked out.’

  Hol’up! Now how the hell did he know which hotel…? Suddenly, it dawned on her. Annoyed, she sucked her teeth. “Amusing herself at my expense… that girl…” She went back to her list of favorite family and friends then tapped Zion’s number.

  The phone rang several times then went to voicemail.

  Another text message came through. ‘Where are you staying? Can I come by so we can talk?’

  Luca come here? The thought alone made her shudder. “Uh-uhh, that’s not about to happen.” Maybe she should ignore him. Nah. That’s what she did before she left Georgia to take care of dad. Maybe it’s time I face this. “Ugh, but I don’t wannaaa,” she whined.

  Again, she dialed Zion’s number.

  This time, her crazy cousin picked up. “What, Nat?”

  “Why did you tell Luca what hotel I was staying at?”

  Zion burst out laughing. “But you’re not staying there, right?”

  “Z, that was so wrong.”

  “Please tell me he went to the room and knocked on the door. He’s such a dumbass. He knows I don’t like his ass, yet he had the nerve to reach out to ya girl asking where you at…”

  “He wants to meet, to talk,” Naturi sighed, wrapping the towel around her.

  “That’s why you called?”

  She plopped down on the couch. “Yeah! Like, I’d rather not even deal with this. I left without telling him for a reason.”

  The sound of Zion popping her tongue radiated through the phone. “That’s the bitch way out.”

  “So you think I should meet up with him?”

  “Hell yeah! The way you did it leaves the door cracked. Luca is a slimy-serpent-ass-nigga. He’ll slither right into that crack and will have you all in your feelings again if you leave him an opening.”

  “I think I made it clear that I don’t wanna be with him any—”

  “How? By dropping a text, dipping outta town and ignoring his calls? That didn’t say nothing but you needed space. Stop being a pussy and end that shit properly.”


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