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Raven's Seduction

Page 20

by Yvonne Nicolas

  Her eyes danced as she hesitantly stepped into the car. Once she was settled behind the steering wheel, she finally spoke again. “Raven—look, I’m sorry. I really like you, and I’m not just saying that because—”

  “Miriam, I understand you like to get your way, but this is some uncalled for, sloppy bullshit you just pulled. I was a lot nicer to you than I should’ve been. You’re lucky I’m a gentleman.” Stepping back, he slammed the door shut.

  She sat there staring at him, like she was unsure on what to do.

  He pointed toward the street, instructing her to be on her way.

  As he watched her pull out of his driveway, with a look of despair on her face, he tapped Liam’s number.

  “Hey-yooo!” Liam answered.

  “Was that too extreme?” Raven asked on a sigh.

  “Dude, if you dropped a Camelot in my inbox, she pushed you to the extreme.”

  Once her car was out of sight, he turned back to the house. “What’d you send her?”

  “A video of her getting very familiar with one of her past lovers, before her operation. She’s a nasty girl. The nasty ones are always crazy.”

  “Do I even wanna know how you got your hands on that footage?”

  “Cameras, bro! Cameras are everywhere—on your phone, on your computer, on your smart tv—everywhere, and they’re easy to tap into. Besides, the guy in that video likes to keep recorded evidence of his sexual trysts. All I had to do was gank it.”

  “You sound way too excited about this, Liam.”

  “We live in exciting times, my friend!”

  Shaking his head, Raven snickered. “Is the mockup of the new Legend done?” he asked, switching to business mode.

  “Yes sir! I can send it to you, give you a little something to show Naturi.”

  “I’d rather show her during the big reveal party. It’ll be more meaningful.”

  “Duuude, that’s like four months away,” Liam whined. “Show her now!”

  “In due time.” He huffed out a deflating exhale as he grabbed the doorknob. “Let me clean up the mess my unwelcomed guest made first.”

  “Alright, bet. Sending the mockup now.”

  Chapter 31

  Love You Past Your Fears

  Raven stepped into the house and slowly closed the door behind him.

  He leaned against it as he took a moment to gather his thoughts, and think of everything he needed to say to fix the shit storm Miriam had stirred up. He cleared the foyer and rounded the corner, walking with his head down. A few steps later, he was watching Naturi clear the dishes off the dining room table.

  “Well that just happened,” he announced on a groan.

  She pursed her lips as she made her way into the kitchen. “Nothing like getting into a little spat with one of your thot friends to get my day going. She was entertaining.” Joking about something as serious as that was her way to avoid it. The fact she couldn’t even look at him was proof that it bothered her. And it should.


  “I’m not mad.”

  “I’d understand if you were.”

  “Well, I’m not.” She filled the dishwasher, one dish at a time. Her movements were stilted. She moved slow then fast, all while avoiding eye contact with him. “I usually don’t even address your little bed warmers, but today… I dunno. Stuff just flew out of my mouth before I even knew what I was saying. Doesn’t matter though.”

  “It matters to me. I should’ve never put you in that situation. I should’ve protected you.”

  “Stop it. Not your fault, Rave. It’s not like you knew she was gonna roll up on you like that.”

  His thoughts whirred. Raven wanted to move forward with her, but not before discussing what just happened. If they didn’t, it would linger over their relationship as that one time one of his lovers stepped out of line. Knowing Naturi, she would just pretend it didn’t happen, but her heart would always remind her that it did.

  “I met her on the plane on the way back from Florida.”

  Naturi paused and finally looked his way. Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. “Don’t…”

  “It was after you and I had our argument,” he continued, slowly walking toward her. “I knew the second I met her, I should’ve left her right where I found her, but I was hurting and I needed an outlet.”

  “Raven,” she whined. “C’mon, man. We don’t have to go through this. Just leave it alone.”

  “The first time I had her was in the lavatory.”

  She let out a bout of nervous laughter. “You’re gonna force this story on me, aren’t you?”

  He watched her over the bar countertop. “Then again at the airport.”

  “Yep. You’re forcing it on me… Ugh!”

  Steps measured, he rounded the bar and walked into the kitchen. “And then repeatedly at her hotel room.”

  “Bet her coochie was hella sore after that,” she jested fumbling with the dishes.

  “It lasted a little over a week, our little fling.” While closing in on her, he took the pan from her and placed it in the sink. “I kept going back to her because she allowed me to be vulnerable. She allowed me to cry. She allowed me to scream your name in a fit of rage while I was inside of her.”

  Backing away from him, she stared in shock. “That’s kinda fucked up, don’t cha think?”

  “Lust, anger, and sadness were all rolled into one uncontrolled emotion. I felt it every day after you left me.” He cornered her near the pantry. “Every time I was with her, I was with you. From the day I met you, any time I was with anyone, I was with you. Like I told you last night, I was always with you, Naturi.”

  “Damn, Rave,” she breathed out, shivering. “You know how to spin a story, don’t ya.”

  He slipped his hands around her and pinned her against the countertop. “There’s a reason I told you this. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us, or matters left undiscussed. Including this.” He leaned in close, his face inches from hers. “Don’t hide behind fake indifference, Nat. Before last night, you told me everything. Why should it be any different now?”

  “Okay, fine!” She grabbed his right arm, moved it out of her way, and slipped away from him. “I wanted to snatch that hoe to the floor, drag her outta this house, and beat her ass out in the driveway, just for coming at me the way she did. So yeah, I was a little bothered, and hella triggered. It always bothered me when your lovers came around. Today especially. I just never said anything, ‘cause I didn’t feel like it was my place. You would always dismiss them in the sweetest way. You’d put your hand on the small of their backs and say, I’m with my friend, I’ll catch up with you later.” She backed her way out of the kitchen, her eyes locked on him. “I knew that meant you’d make it up to them with sex later. And, I hated it!”

  He continued to pursue her, being careful not to close in on her too quickly.

  “It ate me up inside, ‘cause I wanted that with you, but I didn’t want to share you. With every man I’ve been with, I’ve had to fuckin’ share. Even when I didn’t want to. Not you though. I don’t wanna share you!”

  “Oh, baby, I wish you would’ve told me this years ago.”

  “How could I, Rave?” As emotions swept across her face, she continued to back away. “I was with Luca. It would’ve been selfish and inconsiderate of me to tell you I wanted you all to myself when I was in a fuckin’ relationship.”

  “Nat, why are you running from me?”

  She paused. “‘Cause I wanna get this out before you throw your seduction on me and make me forget everything I want to say.” She back-stepped toward the stairs.

  “You do know that I will chase you to the ends of time if I need to, don’t you?”

  A girlish grin curved her lips, then swiftly vanished. “Listen, Raven… Becky dropping by the way she did may have irritated me, but I get it. The dick is amazingly outstanding, and when you add your bedroom skills to the mix, that will make any woman lose her damn mind completely. She w
as dickmatized.” Moving backward, she placed one foot on the first tread and proceeded to climb the stairs. “She couldn’t help herself. I now know firsthand of what it feels like to be dickmatized by you…”

  His eyes whipped from her face to her feet and back again as he continued to pursue her slowly. “Careful, baby.”

  “Word to the wise… Never climb into bed with a married woman, or man for that matter. They are the worse when you’re trying to break things off.”

  Raven stumbled to a stop midway up the stairway. “You were listening.”

  “I may have gone into the garage and overheard your conversation. May have.”

  “Uh-huh.” He grinned at her.

  Naturi reached the landing and gazed down at him. “I have the higher ground, Anakin.”

  “Doesn’t mean you have a better chance of getting away from me, Obi-Wan.”

  Chuckling, she took another step back, an impish glint in her eyes. “I didn’t know your warehouse of nerds were hackers. That’s pretty dope.”

  Eight treads separated them. In eight steps, he could have her in his arms. “Did you mean what you said earlier?”

  “Hmm. I said a lot of things earlier. Ya gotta be more specific.”

  “You said, and I quote, he’s mine.”

  “I did say that, didn’t I?”

  “Did you mean it?”

  Lips pursed, she shrugged. “A girl can dream, can’t she?”

  He dashed up the rest of the stairs, taking two at a time.

  She let out a sharp yelp, then went on the run. He knew this wasn’t just a playful cat and mouse chase. She was literally running from what was happening between them. She was running from his love because she was afraid at any moment, he would take it away. So many had done that to her.

  He caught up with her near her room and pinned her against the door.

  Doubt and fear screamed from her glassy eyes. “Raven…”

  She loved him. That much was obvious. But her past relationships had scarred her. Given what just happened with Miriam, she probably felt like a trustful, loving relationship with him was out of the question. It frustrated him to know she felt this way. But it only meant he’d have to love her harder. He had to show her he didn’t need anyone in his life but her.

  He claimed her with a kiss, taking her passionately and deeply. A hint of salt seeped their lips. Her tears… He consumed it along with her whimpering moans. Breaking their lip contact, he pressed his forehead to hers.

  Tears flowed down her cheeks, wetting her face.

  Raven grasped the sides of her face and swept the wetness away with his thumbs. “Nat…”

  “I’m sorry,” she sobbed. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me—crying like a fool all of a sudden. I’m an emotional mess.”

  “You’re my emotional mess. You know that, don’t you?”

  “God, Raven… Every time I’m with you, it feels unreal. Last night… It felt like something that could only happen in my dreams. I don’t believe we’re like this—together. I can’t allow myself to believe it, ‘cause I’m afraid one day you’re gonna wake up and realize you don’t really love me like you think you do.”

  An ache arose in his chest. “That’s not gonna happen.”

  “You say that now…”

  “Oh, sweetheart… So many have mistreated your heart.” He pressed his lips to hers, once again tasting her tears. “Not gonna lie… It hurts me to know I haven’t done enough to repair the damage they caused. But that’s okay. I’m up for the challenge.” He smoothed his hands over her hips and around the curve of her ass. Gripping her, he lifted her off her feet.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck and clung to him.

  “I’m gonna love you past your fears, past your insecurities. You are mine, and I am yours. I’ll prove that to you every day and night of my life.” He opened the door and carried her into the room.

  Before carefully laying her on the bed, he claimed her lips again. He made quick work of discarding his pants and robe. Once he was completely naked, he peeled the clothes off of her, starting with her tank top and ending with her booty-hugging short. He nuzzled her neck, lapping at her heated flesh, then worked his way down her collarbone.

  She sobbed softly as tears continued to spill from her eyes.

  His lips and tongue made trails over her hot skin and budded flesh. Her sobs turned into moans and whimpers as he maneuvered down her body and slipped between her legs.

  Despite the turbulent emotions storming through her, her beautiful blossom was wet with the essence of her arousal.

  Raven swept two fingers between her nether lips, over her clit, and into her snug passage. Her body arched, her breathing accelerated. He hummed out a sigh at the sensation of her slick walls clenching his digits. He laid on the bed and made himself comfortable as her thighs rested on his shoulders.

  “Raven…” she whimpered. She pulled the decorative sticks out of his bun. His hair flopped down over the sides of his face and along his back. “I love you so much, it hurts.”

  He smiled, stuck his tongue out and teased her clit, making her quiver. “I know it does,” he crooned. “I promise to make it feel better.”

  The moments following were filled with a symphony of sounds engulfed in passion. Her moans fluctuated from softs mewls to throaty cries.

  He licked, sucked and prodded her pussy, his pace going from gentle and steady to hard and fast. His name repeatedly sailed from her as she rocked into a fit of ecstasy. Her sensitive flesh pulsated against his lips and tongue, her thighs tremored over his shoulders.

  Naturi fisted his hair and rubbed her pussy over his mouth, feeding him her delicious nectar.

  He devoured every drop and yearned for more. He couldn’t get enough of her, her moans, her body, and her need. He lived in the moment, never wanting it to end.

  After he’d thrust her into the sea of completion several times, he climbed over her trembling body and clamped his mouth over hers. They shared the taste of her passion on his tongue, both moaning, both inflamed in desire. As they did, he positioned his painfully hard erection right at her entrance and sunk into her tight channel.

  Clinging to him, she howled into his mouth. Her hot body swallowed every inch of him.

  He pulled back to look into her face. “I’ll never hurt you, I’ll never leave you. I am yours.”

  Tears continued to fill her eyes. His own emotions swelled, making his heart feel full. As a result, his vision blurred. Teardrops fell and dotted her cheeks, mixing with her wet emotion.

  “Oh God, look at us,” he snickered. “Stop making me cry.”

  She reached up and cupped his cheeks. That cute smile spread across her face. Her cackling laughter followed. Her breasts jiggled with her mirth.

  He began to rock her body, his strokes long and measured.

  Their gazes stayed connected.

  Her smile dwindled, her eyes pleaded. Pleasure washed across her face. The amorous response coming from her expression matched his own. He pressed his forehead to hers and took his pace up a notch. She undulated with him, her thrust just as smooth as his.

  He loved that about her! It was never just his ride. It was always a united journey.

  Soon the tide of heavenly bliss swelled inside of his core. It spiraled through his midsection, heading toward his shaft. The second it reached his tip, he pulled out of her snug passage and spilled his hot cream onto her belly.

  They shared smiles, kisses, and laughter as their lovemaking continued throughout the day, and well into the night.

  The all-consuming love, the feverish desire, the tears—it took them on one hell of an emotional ride, a ride neither one of them wanted to end.

  Chapter 32

  Catch This Contact

  Four Months Later…

  Naturi sat at the vanity, wearing nothing but her kimono robe and a pair of lace panties.

  She stared at herself in the mirror, too happy not to smile, too t
ipsy not to feel joy. She took a sip of the brown liquor swirling around in the crystal glass. Her smile grew wider. She brushed her fingertips over the pink diamond necklace hanging from her neck. The flickering candlelight made the matching bracelet and teardrop earrings sparkle.

  Raven gave them to her months ago. She’d been wearing them since, unable to find it in herself to take them off. Even when while making love to him, she blinged in passion.

  She’d finalized her resignation with the firm to go work for Raven’s company, Legion Trinity. Not like she could turn him down, especially after he tricked her into it. He’d asked to come to the office with him for a company luncheon.

  “It’s nothing special,” he assured her. “Just a lunch meeting with the team. I’d love for you to join me.”

  As soon as she stepped into the building, Liam, the company’s head tech guy, shoved a laptop at her.

  “Aw man, you have no idea how happy we are that you said yes,” Liam gushed.

  “Said yes?” Naturi whipped a narrowed glare at Raven. “Said yes to what?!”

  Raven stood there, his palms pressed together, his fingers over his lips and pleading glaze in his bright brown eyes. “Pleeease, baby, please…”

  Turned out, the special luncheon was a welcoming party for her. She was now a member of Legion Trinity.

  “Ooo, you sneaky SOB,” she grumbled.

  Despite her complaints, she took the gig. Secretly, she was excited to join the team. The ultimate bonus was she made double than what she made at the firm.

  Two months ago, Raven took her on a surprise trip to Morocco, just because she’d always wanted to go. A month after that, he coaxed her onto a plane—destination Japan. On both trips, she had the time of her life. There was never anything she couldn’t do. If she wanted it, Raven made it happen.

  The man was everything she’d ever dreamed of. Not only was he beautiful, he was thoughtful, attentive, and always there for her. Just like he’d been for years. Still her best friend, but also her lover. It was the perfect relationship.


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