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Forever Page 10

by Wanda Boyd

  - What happened, Alana? - He asks, while wiping her tears.

  - Is that ... - she starts to say, but I'm going to interrupt them and the time "little couple". Alana pull for me and give an ugly look for him, sitting on the couch and back to eat potatoes. - Oh, Toti! So you hurt me! - She complains, but then embraces me and makes the vent. - I'm just worried about the princess. She's my best friend, little brother. If anything happens to her, I am going to vent about my personal stuff?

  - Nothing will happen to the Princess, doll. But if it happens, you can always vent to me. - She laughs and I feel like an idiot. - Why are you laughing?

  - Why, Toti! As much as I love you and you are my friend, there are always things that a woman only vents with another.

  - Oh yes? So to say that you keep secrets from me?

  - Of course, you are a man! And everyone knows that men do not understand anything about women. - She looks at Canoa, which disguises the look. My sixth sense beeps and I am pretty sure that is happening something between them.

  My head starts to boil, and time goes by in a blur. Fico, every second, looking for Alana, who decides to join us, and Canoe, who lost his stallion pose since my sister arrived. Several violent thoughts go through my head. If I take the canoe with his hands on my girl, I swear I pull every drop of blood from the body of this wretch.

  - You are right, Toti? - Alana question while devouring a piece of mozzarella pizza.

  - Why are you asking? - I ask, aggressive.

  - Ixi, some animal bit you? - Canoe question with his counsel instinct in relation to Alana. Obviously, this makes me even more pissed off.

  - No bug bit me, but I'm almost biting a certain "animal" and ripping his head off. - They all look at me and to Diogo, who spent the day with his head in the clouds, trying to calm me down.

  - What happened here, what I missed? From where so much aggression come from?

  I look at each and decide not vent my anger this. For now I do not say anything, but as of today, I'm watching those two and if something is going on, I take a beating in each.

  Because of my lack of hospitality, so the pizzas are eaten, will every man to his home.

  I ended up not talking to Diogo on Mari, but okay. I do not need more intelligence service. I believe in Cecilia, and my mother is to receive a report detective he hired as soon as she returned to the city. I will hope that my friend was right with her friend Cecilia. At least someone here has to be lucky in love.

  The next day I got up early and made my service for the farm, interspersed between the pigsty, the hen house and the stables. I did everything that Cecilia recommended me to do. Medi fever of each of the horses remained isolating the Princess of others, I changed the feed of each one, serve with fresh water, and I was talking a while with the Princess and stroking. The Chicao, our employee of the farm, had already applied the medicine that Cecilia had prescribed, and was only waiting for his improvement.

  Later, to return to my home, I began to be sad with the memories of Cecilia surrounding me. The fact that she had betrayed me was troubling me too. I decided to call Suzi and call her for ice cream. After all, the weather was very hot and asked for something refreshing. She accepted, and I took a shower and got ready to go get it.

  A short time later, we were in the ice cream parlor and Suzi was constantly teasing me. She licked the ice cream obscene way, and when he saw that caught my attention, she took off her shoe and started stroking my dick with your feet. At first I was kind of embarrassed, but when I saw that no one was noticing, I was cheering me.

  - Your place or mine?

  - Your - answer. I picked up my wallet and go to the cashier to pay the bill. Then I go back to the table where Suzi is, give his arm to her, and when we're getting to my car, we face with Cecilia. She looks into my eyes for a few seconds, and my knees soften.

  - Hi, honey! - Suzi greets an ironic way and I know that this conversation will not pay. - We're sorry that we can not stay and chat, but Anthony and I have more important matters to attend to. - She says, hinting that she and I were in a hurry to go to bed. What did not cease to be true, until now. Now all horny I felt, went home from hell.

  - Do not forget the condom ... - she says to me - because that there must have already run the entire state. - It is an expression of disdain and continues to walk his path. Suzi is gaping, without arguments to replicate. For a second, I want to laugh, but then will pass and a strange feeling invades me.

  - Let's go or will stand there, looking at that stupid? - Suzi teases.

  - Come on, do not worry.

  And so we do.

  Sex with Suzi was a failure. I could not enjoy doing, I also could not come, and it all seemed a nightmare. Suzi groaned, knowing that my poor performance was related to us with Cecilia. Soon I left, with the hot ear from hearing.

  In the morning, I woke up with a loud and almost fell out of bed, size fright I made.

  - Acooordaaaaa!

  When he finally managed to open my eyes and see clearly, I ran with Alana, my mother, my father and Luzi on the edge of my bed. Only then did I notice that Alana blew one mother tongue and my mother was holding a cake.

  - Guess what today is?

  Oh no! Damn it! It's my birthday and I'm sure they'll get to sing happy birthday in 3, 2, 1 ...

  "Happy Birthday to You

  This dear date

  Best wishes

  Many years of life"

  Yeah! Birthdays are a drug, because we have to stand by watching all sing a boring music that only serves to constrain us.

  "Ha, tim, boom!



  An-'m-nio "

  - Blow the old ladies, son!

  - Mother, since I'm twenty-five! - Grumbling.

  - You will always have five for me. - She smiles so beautifully that I have to blow out the old ladies.

  - Well, now we just, I start my day, I have a lot to do.

  - No, no! Will eat a piece of cake before, duh.

  - Save it for me, will you? I have a meeting in thirty minutes. - He looks at my mother and makes a face pleading dog. Of course it gives, it was always so.

  - Okay, you're forgiven. I keep for you, okay? Go with God, love. But forget that we will not have lunch at the "Prime Rib and Co.," to celebrate.

  - I will not forget and I forget, I know you will remember, anyway. Goodbye! - He will, and my mother is watching him go, probably feeling homesick, size the love she feels for him.

  - Toti, you will not open my gift? - Alana says, flustered.

  - Calm down, little sister. I just woke up. You want me to go lunging in your face or rather I brush your teeth first?

  - Yeah, you have a good argument. Go there and come back running!

  I get up and brush my teeth while my mother and Lucia start from the cake.

  Since I can remember, there is this same tradition. All birthdays should agree with a cake made by Luzi, with the whole family gathered in the room. While children think, I think it's cool because it is something that brings us all.

  - Okay, my teeth are already brushed and I'm ready to taste this delicacy made by our dear Luzi. - I give a kiss on her cheek and thank the cake, because I know I made a lot of affection for me.

  - I made your favorite cake, my boy.

  - Dulce de leche with pineapple, topped with marshmallow.

  - The same! - She smiles, while I stick my little finger on the cake, as I always do.

  - Alana, where's my present? - I ask, knowing she should not be putting up with it anxiety.

  - On here! - She comes running give me a big package. Immediately tear the package and a thick album, all yellow and padded, calls my attention.

  - An album? - I ask, curious to know why she had chosen it as a gift.

  - It's not just an album. It is the album that will witness the beginning of their happiness. I want you to take a picture a day, whether you are sad or happy, and want to begin to fill the album. I'm sure that so
on these photos will be the testimony of how your life will be different. Maybe not fit here, in this album, pictures of your new family? - She says, teary eyes, and tears blur my vision. My mother comes over and hugs my sister.

  - Oh, daughter! most wonderful gift! - When the two are released, Alana looks at me and run to her, hugging her tightly.

  - I'm very blessed to have a sister as loving as you. In fact, to have such a beautiful family like we have. Thanks girls! And enough of sentimentality. I want cake! Where's my piece?

  Later, we all packed up and went to lunch at the hottest restaurant in town. We walked in and immediately sat at a large table, which is in the middle of the room. The waiter immediately came over and we ordered our drinks, as he left the menu to choose a snack before the main course.

  - How about a serving of polenta with bacon?

  - I prefer pasties assortments. But who think I have to choose is the birthday boy. Toti, what do you want?

  I take my eyes from the menu to respond to Alana, you are me, when all the fun my birthday is over. Edgar, the little doctor hawk, just go hand in hand with my wife. I look at the knife on the table and secure tightly.

  - Son, this large knife and breathe. Do not give any vexation, so you will only lose - my mother says, realizing what was happening.

  I drop the knife, I would never have the courage to use it even. Only held by instinct. But that does not mean that this bastard will cut off blood before the day is over, it does not need knife to smash the face of this unfortunate hawk.

  Chapter 19 - Cecilia

  Of all the people who might come into my office, the blond tornado was the last one who I think.

  - Alana?

  - Hi, Ceci're busy?

  - For you do not, dear, something happened to the princess?

  - She's still quietly, but seems to be a little better, the appetite is coming back.

  - I told you she was going to be. - I give a smile to her. - But what happened then?

  - I wanted to talk to you. - She looks at me with teary eyes and I take your hand.

  - Come to the apartment to talk better.

  After entering the apartment and take a juice for both of us, sit with her on the couch. The Alana sighs and stares at the floor.

  - I was ten years old when you left, I saw the Toti's zombified, stay aloof, break the house and burn your photos, he constantly repeated that you had gone with Clarinha.

  - I can not remember why I left Alana.

  - I really thought you had abandoned us. I loved you Ceci, you were my hero. Several times found myself dreaming of following in his footsteps. So when he left, my heart shattered. What I missed was to have someone to talk to.

  - I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. I will always be here for you.

  - I wanted advice - talk, and see it turn red.

  - What kind?

  - Because I'm enjoying a boy.

  - For everything! - Cry, and she is frightened. - You are in love?

  - I am.

  - Who is he?

  - The canoe.

  I stare at her in disbelief, she was in love with a man almost ten years older than her?

  - Alana him ...

  - It's older than me, I know that. - She rolls her eyes and I see trying not to cry. - But I can not stop what I feel for him. Every time I see the canoe, my heart races and I get no reaction. And I'm jealous when I see him with another woman.

  - You're really in love, honey - pull her into a hug and she lay her head on my shoulder.

  - It hurts a lot, Ceci. He does not want to be with me, because I'm younger. For him, I'm just a brat.

  - The canoe may be afraid, because of age. It's hard for him. Everyone will accuse him of taking advantage of a girl.

  - But I want him to enjoy me - talking, doing tantrum, and I laugh.

  - You need to have a little quiet, so you will be old enough.

  - But what if he get someone up there?

  - Alana, if the canoe is to be yours, it will be. No woman in the world will take the canoe you.

  - I do not understand why he can not stay with me now. Fuck society and its stupid rules.

  - Be calm and what is to be, will be. You have a lot to live yet, Alana, have to graduate, go to college. You will meet different boys. And perhaps you find out if what you feel at Canoa is a child of passion and true love.

  - Thanks, Ceci.

  - No need to thank. - I make a fondness in her hair.

  - I have to go, today is the birthday Antonio, and we will celebrate.

  - He's having a birthday? - I ask and she agrees.

  - Thirty years. - She smile. - Why will not congratulate him?

  - Then I do it.

  After Alana left the apartment, I'm thinking about what she said and one thing I'm sure: if her family know about the feelings of Alana by canoe, will be a mess.

  My phone starts ringing and see the name of Edgar.

  - Hi, Edgar.

  - Hi, Cecilia, was wondering if accepted lunch with me.

  - I love it, you spend here?

  - In half an hour I arrive.

  Edgar takes me a steak and my mouth saliva to imagine a steak with garlic.

  He gets out and opens the door for me and takes my hand as we walk to the inside. I confess I did not expect the simple gesture of affection from him. Despite being a harmless gesture, I feel my hand tingle with the touch of his skin and wanted to release me.

  We sat at a table, and look at the menu. Edgar suggests asking the rotation and I end up agreeing. While we expect the drinks arrive, I feel my skin heat up and cool down your spine. I look up and I see Anthony staring at me fixedly, with the face of few friends.

  - So, Ceci, you remembered anything else? - Edgar pulls it, and look at him.

  - Some things. I can not understand why my memories are coming back. For five years, I did not remember anything.

  - It must be the environment and the people you know. This influences.

  - Can be. I confess I do not see the time to remember everything and fill the gaps and doubts.

  - Soon you will remember. - He smiles and takes my hand. - If you want to help to try to remember, you can count on me.

  Waiters pass to the meat and serve me in the mood. The smell of steak with garlic was torturing me.

  - Must be finding me a crazy, right.

  - No, I like woman who eats with will and is not scratching the plate. - He smiled.

  - I always liked to eat barbecue.

  When finished eating, Edgar excuses himself to go to the bathroom.

  - What are you doing to him?

  - Alana? - I scared with the appearance of it, nothing.

  - The Anthony spent the entire lunch with anger, watching you two.

  - He called me to lunch and I accepted. And his brother has no reason to get angry, he's with Suzi.

  - This is a short time, I have already spoken.

  The Alana rises from the table angry and I did not understand the rage it.

  - Let's go? - Edgar question and look at him, seeing a face stain on the face.

  - What happened?

  - I decided, do not worry. - He paid the bill and gets up to leave.

  - It was Antonio?

  - Do not worry, dear, already decided. - He smiled.

  I look at the table where Antonio is sitting with family and I go there.

  - How are you? - I ask and he does not look at me.

  - Hi darling. - Fatima greets me.

  - I know that today is your birthday. - Paro next to Antonio, who is still without looking at me. - So come give your gift. - Caught his beer glass and turn over his head. - Congratulations, asshole.

  - I'll kill you, Cecilia - he shouts as I walk away.

  - I'm scared to death - cry and leave the restaurant with Edgar.

  - I need not have done it.

  - I needed, yes. And I confess that I loved. - I laugh, and he opens the car door for me. - Will you have dinner with me tonight?
  - Two meetings in one day? - He raises an eyebrow and smiled.

  - It's your lucky day.

  - I think so. - He laughs. - OK, I accept.

  - Then, at eight o'clock at my house.

  - I will be there.


  After eating dinner I prepared, go to the couch eating a piece of cake that I had bought. He sits next to me and is watching me.

  Edgar is a fondness in my hair and slowly approaches, his eyes down to my lips, and he smiles. The first touch of his lips on mine does not arouse the same emotion when kissed Antonio. But it's good, like a quiet, regular kiss.

  His hands down my arms and pull away.

  - Very fast?

  - A little. - I give a weak smile, and he agrees.

  - Okay, I'll let you get used to me first. - It gives me a light peck and gets up. - Good night, Ceci.

  - Good night, Edgar.

  Chapter 20 - Ignatius

  - Son, you're missing the whole joy of his birthday, staring at the two, as well. - My mother says, but I can not divert their eyes for more than ten seconds. Look him having dinner with her, so close and so intimately, it makes me feel sick.

  It's not enough she had betrayed me before, she must rub the guys out on me. And on my birthday!

  - Knockers in butter? - Asks the waiter, and I refuse.

  - Toti, you did not put an olive in his mouth even. Are wasting Caster money and time lost to come here to celebrate.

  In this, the chinfrim little doctor gets up to go to the bathroom and an idea, which I know is not good, going on in my head. My instinct makes me stand up immediately. Ignoring my family, I follow Edgar.

  So I open the bathroom door, two things stand out to my perception: the clean smell mixed with fennel and Edgard peeing at the urinal. I close the door behind me and back in the pilaster, waiting for the little doctor finished "their work" so I could act.

  Once he realizes that I am watching, you feel embarrassed.

  - What is it, like watching naked men peeing now? - He says, as he shakes his cock and the guard in his underwear. Immediately I smile and I think my smile can be compared to the film Cat "Alice in Wonderland": ironic, sadistic, full of contempt and somewhat cruel.


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