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Forever Page 12

by Wanda Boyd

  - That both Miss looks this phone that's so funny?

  - Ceci! - She screams and gives a running jump to where I am. - You need to see this video. - She pulls me to her bed, where I sit, and delivers the cell, giving play the video.

  The Antonio image riding a horse with Suzi appears, and look for Alana, who rolls his eyes and tells me to keep watching. The horse in the bitch is starting to gallop a little faster and, before long, she is flying the cell and going to the ground.

  I take hands to mouth and can not help the laugh that wants out.

  - How did you record it? - I wonder when I can finally calm down.

  - I was giving a ride on horseback and ...

  - Alana, could not you guess that she was going to fall, it was you?

  - Of course not, the saddle broke - and talks look elsewhere.

  - Oh my God. It was you, was not it?

  - Was. - She crosses her arms. - No more stand that bitch running my brother like a buzzard. And it paid off, the two broke up.

  - Glad you made the peace Alana, I did not want to stand in your way.

  - Why were you with that guy yesterday?

  - Edgar is my friend and invited me to lunch. is not nothing going on between us. Unlike his brother, who has picked up half the city.

  - Ceci, my brother did not get half of the city. It only took ninety-eight percent of single female population of the city - she talks, and look at her mouth open, starting to laugh. - Sorry, but it's true. He was very hurt when you disappeared and ended up cashing it up with everyone. But I know this is not good for him. The Anthony loves you. I think they should try to sit down and talk. My father said the same thing to him.

  - Then I do it. First, I want to examine the princess and see if it's okay.

  - I went to the barn in the morning, it's already much better. He is eating alone and a bit more lively.

  - That's nice.

  - Ceci, can I ask a favor?

  - Of course yes.

  - It's coming Dodge City, and I thought to participate in the drum test, the juvenile category, you help me train?

  - I?

  - Of course, you are champion in the barrel race, nine times here in the city, and is state champion five times in a row. Not only was the sixth because she was pregnant. You have no better person to train me.

  How is it?

  I'm champion in a rodeo proof?

  Watch for Alana watches me anxiously, she wanted to follow in my footsteps, but how can I help her without remembering how it works?

  - I do not remember that, Alana. I do not even know if I can teach you. But we can try, you know, you train and I notice, who knows does not help me remember something.

  - Thanks, Ceci. - She hugs me tight. - Can you start today? I have two months to the rodeo.

  - Of course yes. It would be nice if I could see a video before, to know how the race.

  She thinks for a minute and running up to the shelf of her bedroom. After rolling a drawer, it takes a CD and puts on the DVD player and runs to my side.

  - This was the last race you participated. A week later, we found out she was pregnant. - She explains, and look at the television.

  I hear my name announced and then a black horse runs for proof, see the circles are made quickly and the horse and the woman out to applause. The announcer that was the best time of the race, while some people scream my name. The camera's focus seeks me and see when focusing on a man helping me to get off the horse. He grabs me by the waist and slide on his body, smiling provocative.

  We both exchanged a few words and he does a fondness in my face before kissing me. The kiss is intense, he grabs my waist while I'm practically hanging from his neck.

  I stare intently at the television, it's like I feel his hands touching me, his lips devouring me. When we walked away, he keeps looking at me with desire. Someone yells my name again and we turn to the camera. The Antonio nods to the person who is recording and returns to kiss me.

  - There is no more beautiful couple you both. - The Alana says when shooting ends.

  - I guess it was not to be. - I shrug, trying not to seem affected by what just watched.

  - It is to be, Ceci. Only two of you who are too turrones to sit and talk.

  - Train or not? - I ask, raising the bed, she quickly puts on the boots, and go to the stable.

  We hear some voices as we approached the stable door, and soon Alana stops walking, she is staring at a point, and I follow her gaze. There are three men pulling hay, three are shirtless, sweaty breasts with work.

  - I try to be good, I try to avoid feeling attracted to him, but how will I get it seeing this man shirtless? - Alana question and look at the canoe, he really was a beautiful man, a chest worked well, strong arms. But Antonio is next to him who had all my attention.

  - What are you doing here? - I hear someone scream and see the Antonio walking, stomping to where I am.

  - The Alana asked for my help, and I came to examine the princess - answer through it.

  The Alana enters a small room, back to a cell, and in the way.

  - Damn, I wanted to train with the princess, but she's sick, I do not know which horse would be ideal for this.

  - Ideal for what? - The canoe question leaning against the wall.

  - The Ceci will help me train for the test of the drum. Ideally the Thunder, who is the champion in this event, but he did not let anyone ride it, the princess is sick. So I do not know.

  - Cecilia training with Neptune at times. - The canoe speech and Alana loosens the cell to hug him.

  - Great idea. Thanks Noah. Lend me the Neptune Toti?

  - I do not know, Alana. He's a great horse and you are short, the ideal would be a smaller horse, to get control.

  - A smaller horse will slow, it will have to run twice as hard to make the time more and more willing horse. If she wants to win, you have to be the best horse, and I'm sure she can control the Neptune - speak, and Antonio grabs my arm nervous.

  - You sure you're not lying about this amnesia? - Asks, her eyes narrowing.

  - I have, why?

  - Because it was the same argument used to train with my horse.

  - I do not remember anything, I have spoken. And it's hurting my arm - claim, and he ends up releasing me.

  - You can use the Neptune, Alana, but if you get hurt or can not control it, forget this race.

  - Thank you, Toti.

  While the canoe saddle Neptune for Alana, I help to prepare the way for training. When everything is ready, I picked up my phone to clock time and sit on the fence, give the ok and Alana comes as a shot by rotating the drums.

  - And then? - Question, when it ends.

  - You were right, but I think you can decrease the time. And another, you are doing the inverted loops.

  I go down the fence, caught the horse's bridle with her still mounted and do the route with her slowly, so serious.

  - Damn, and I suspected that something was wrong.

  I smile at her and make a care in Neptune.

  - Let's go again.

  I go back to the fence and give the okay for her again, this time it is the correct path, but hit the third barrel, swinging.

  - Damn it! - She cries, and look at her.

  - Calm, Alana, you will not hit first, you have to train hard.

  - I know. But that seems to be a lot harder when I'm doing.

  She jumps off the horse and come closer to me, taking a courage that comes not know where jump the fence and ride on Neptune, which is quietly. I go to the place that we set as start and look at it, I take my place with the mobile clocking time, she screams and will give a touch on Neptune's chest with the heel and it shoots to the first drum.

  I feel the wind rushing through my body, I press my knees against the horse and pull the reins to the right, bypassing the first drum. Mal finish going through it, instigate Neptune for the second and quickly skirted the barrel, firing the third, since it was bypassed, hit the reins of Neptune and ran to
the point of arrival.

  I hear cheers and applause from the fence and see it has a large audience watching me, I had no idea when they appeared.

  - I'll never be able to do this - Alana screams and supports the head Magno who is looking at me with a smile.

  - Best time, Ceci - Magno says when I approach. - Beat up his last time in the competition.

  - That was amazing, it felt like my body and my mind knew what to do.

  - Of course they knew. You train for this race since the age of six. - Fatima smiles.

  - I'm going to embarrass myself. - The Alana lets out a groan and laugh.

  - Will anything. I told you just train hard and another, you will compete, I do not.

  - Because? - She lifts her head and looks at me. - I think it should compete yes. You are the best of the region, Ceci. And another, whether it is for me, forget it. I will attend the youth, we are not in the same category.

  - I think, I promise. Can I go again? - I ask lively.

  - Should, I'll just watch what you do.

  Just repeating four times, because Alana wanted to record to be watching later. I confess that I loved riding on a horse again and train, it was as if my body needed that contact with a horse.

  After examining the Princess and I say goodbye to Alana, who was brushing the Neptune way to the car, to go back to the office and was starving, as it was close to dinner time.

  - Cecilia. - I hear screaming my name, and Antonio runs to where I am.

  - Here two days is the auction in the nearby town, already signed our bull for sale and wanted to settle with you our way.

  - Oh, of course, you want me to come here?

  - Better not, I will have to go through the same city, so I seek you. Step to the six can be? I want to get up early to watch the other animals.

  - Yes you can.

  - Combined, then.

  We stood, watching us, and I remember recording that saw earlier with Alana, the way he looked at me and touched. He had the same fire in his eyes now, but could see something different in his eyes, he seemed almost proud.

  - Glad you're here yet, Ceci - Fatima says, hugging me. - I want you to dinner.

  - I'd better not.

  - Because?

  - The last time I ate something in this house, I went to the hospital.

  - That was when I hated you. Now I came to love you, then, you are safe. - The Alana shrugs and takes my hand, pulling me into the house.

  It forces me to sit beside her, and Antonio sits in front of me. Eye for dinner which is served at the table and give a smile. It was a typical homemade food farm: rice, beans, polenta, jerk chicken, okra and salad.

  I pour a little of each, jumping okra and hear a laugh Antonio.

  - What's it? - I ask.

  - Okra is good for the body, it nourishes, gives strength, intelligence and let the beautiful hair - speech and Alana laughed at my side.

  - I did not - speak confused and give everyone at the table laugh.

  - I was eight years old and was making scandal, when the mother tried to make me eat okra, then you told me that, and ended up eating. He is repeating the same thing for you to eat.

  - Well, okra can even be good for all this, but I will not eat. - I laugh, he stares at me and take a breath. - As I was in a coma, my body did not work as it should, especially my kidney, then, for almost a year, I fought kidney stone, the doctor advised me not ingest okra because of oxalates that are present in them, that you can increase the stones. And I'm not anxious to feel that infernal pain again.

  - I did not know okra could cause this - Fatima says.

  - Neither do I, so I ate pretty much all day and returned to the hospital in pain. There, a doctor asked what I was eating and drinking, when I mentioned the okra, found the source. It is great for a lot of things, but in my case, is suspended from the diet.

  - You suffered a lot because of this accident, is not it? - The Great question.

  - I have migraines, panic attacks, depression, kidney stone, amnesia, anxiety attack. I can say that this damn accident screwed me for life.

  - His parents explained what happened?

  - The only thing they told me is that I was going to town and hit the car, a man who was in the car behind and saw the accident called to the rescue. They did not enter into the details of the accident cause.

  The Antonio still staring at me, and I know that probably millions of things are going through your head. Luckily Alana changes the subject, and we can dine quietly.

  After eating a wonderful dessert hominy and grab a bowl with a little to take home, I can finally say goodbye, I get in the truck and I'll pull the door, but it does not come, I look at her and Antonio is holding.

  - What's it? - Ask, and he is just looking at me, I feel my body warm and tingle, as if he wanted his touch.

  - Good night, Ceci. - Speech and departs.

  - Good night, Antonio.

  Chapter 22 - Ignatius

  Once Cecilia goes away, an empty takes care of my chest. I go to my house and I play on the bed, face up. My life was changing so quickly that I was not thinking too much in the direction it was taking.

  I look at the ceiling and start to give involuntary pat on my bare abdomen. I think the arrival of Cecilia, I reflect on the fact that she had lost her memory and only hurts to imagine how much she suffered from this accident. His life began without her clues as to who were the people around you, and even who she really was.

  Then I think of Suzi and everything that went with her and the other women of the city. I was a cretin with them in general. I used the women as I believed that Cecilia had used me. I loathe the way I did it. It looks like that Ignatius was someone else, not me.

  And who I really was?

  I smile to think back to when I was a kid. Cecilia met when she was seven and I Twelve. It seemed that I had met an angel. Despite the age difference, we never desgrudamos. We study together until I graduated from high school, and I proceeded to take her to school and pick her up at the exit. I was a decent man, sir. There was always well treated women around me, until she left.

  I blamed Cecilia for everything that happened in my life after she left, but now I see I was wrong. Cecilia was not there to go wrong for me. Her mistakes did not justify mine. I messed up myself, I was an ass of myself.

  I never treat a woman as an object, the way I treated recently. I should apologize, at least with those I hurt more. Including Suzi.

  But this was a project for me to do gradually, my priority at the time was to rebuild me, strengthen me mentally and psychologically. Do not wanna be one of those men who lives crying in the corners, but be honest and strong man I always was.

  Well, if I want to be that kind of man, I must apologize for Edgar. Damn, I do not have to be a saint, too. That part I jump, I am not in order to humiliate me. After all, he was hitting on the woman who is still my wife.

  My wife ... we have not signed the divorce. This initially makes me happy, but then I just saddening to realize that Cecilia is married to a man she does not know. She does not know who I really am, do not know me really.

  Cecilia ...

  She hurt me in so many imaginable ways that seem to lie. I should have repulsed the woman who both caused me suffering, but the truth is that even she had broken my heart into a thousand pieces, even though she admitted to my face that betrayed me at the time I believed to be as beloved as a man It can be, even I secretly blaming the fact that she had lost our baby when he decided to leave me, even though I fear it again shatter the few remaining pieces of my heart, I can not help but love her. This is pathetic, I know, but how can I not love the woman I love since the age of twelve? How can I stop loving the queen of rodeo, the drums, my heart? The woman who entered the church and was more beautiful than any woman who ever lived? She was not only my wife, she was my best friend, was my counselor, was half of me.

  And I can not help loving her. There is nothing she can do or say to diminish what I feel for her. Bec
ause my love is still there, firm, strong and hot, as it was the day we said our yes.

  And love her so much, I decide that I will not make it more difficult your life. I will not tease her, I will not oppose your new relationship. Not stop you from following your new life. I will always be here for her. I'll be your friend and counsel as needed.

  That's what I should have done from the beginning, but left the pain blind me.

  The auction day soon arrives, and early agreement to help Caetano and Sidnei to put our bull on the reel. They will take it before, and I'll go in the house of Cecilia to get it. I'll need her help in choosing our next player.

  Once you arrive at the door of your building, since the meeting stopped at the gate. She was beautiful in a beige dress with caramel belt and short boots the same color belt.

  - Good morning, Antonio! - She said, approaching.

  - Good morning, Cicely! - I say. - You are very beautiful, as always.

  - Thanks! - She says, looking at the other side, embarrassed.

  - Well, let's get going? - I say, opening the passenger door for her.

  - Of course! Thank you! - She comes in, and I give back and I take my place as a driver. Once you close the door, I am struck by the familiar floral scent, which takes account of the air.

  - You remembered the perfume I gave you?

  - I did not understand. I wore this perfume before?

  - Yes, I gave you on your fifteenth birthday and you liked it so much we kept buying whenever it was in use came at the end. - I look at her and smile. She smiles back and says:

  - I went to a perfumery and smelled almost the entire store until I found this. I did not think twice, since bought two bottles at once. - She smiles and I say:

  - Yeah! I think certain tastes never change.

  She turns her head to look at me and remains staring at me for several seconds in silence.

  - So, what kind of bull I will look for?

  - Well, we have to observe the physical aspect of each. We should note in the mouth and nostrils, they must be great for feeds and breathes well. The shoulders must also be large, enabling to develop more meat. The reproductive system must be well built, and the testicles should have more or less the same size. Moreover, animals with higher bone structure and large and thick hulls have greater resistance - she says, and I feel very proud of the intelligent woman she graduated. A lump forms in my throat and she asks: - Can I turn on the radio?


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