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Forever Page 13

by Wanda Boyd

  - The car is yours - say. Then a thought occurs to me. - As your you can shake off those boots and stretch your foot on the dashboard, as I know you are dying to do. - She looks at me as if I had read his soul and smiled sheepishly.

  - How do you ... - She was going to say, but must have remembered that we were married, then fell silent. After a few minutes, she broke the silence: - Sometimes you scare me. You know so much about me, and I do not know anything about you. This seems uneven.

  I reflect on his words and decide to be succinct.

  - What you need to know about me is in there - point to his heart. - It's just you look calmly that will discover all.

  She turns on the radio to hide their discomfort. The sound of Mumford And Sons invades the environment and she looks at me with wide eyes.

  - Wow, you're into folk music. I never would have guessed!

  - I'm not a man dated, Cecilia. At a minimum, you think just because I live on a farm I just like backlands and hillbilly music.

  She laughs.

  - See? You really think so. You and I had a collection of amazing cd. When you want you can go home take a look. - She is silent again. The song I Will Wait begins and sigh.

  - This music is beautiful. I always hear, but my English is very bad. What is she talking about?

  - Want me to translate for you?

  - I want! You were always good at English. I always hated it, to tell the truth. But I will start making classes on Saturdays, next month.

  - Good, we need to speak another language, these days. You want me to translate music for you?

  - Please!

  The instrumental part ends and she begins to translate:

  I came home

  Like a rock

  And I fell heavily on his arms

  These dusty days

  We know

  Will disappear with this new sun

  Her voice is sweet, but the words hit me like a rock. How I wish she were singing to me, that his words meant exactly what the letter says?

  And I will kneel

  I wait now

  And I will kneel

  Know my ground

  And I will wait

  I'll wait for you

  And I will wait

  I'll wait for you

  So stop my steps

  And eases

  You forgave him and I will not forget

  Learn what we saw

  And he has less

  Now somehow

  Get rid of excess

  Ah, if she knew how much I love! And I, yes, wait. I'll wait until she's ready pair receive my love. And remember that it is as we were together.

  And I will wait

  I'll wait for you

  And I will wait

  I will wait for you (x2)

  Now I will be brave

  As strong

  I will use my head with the heart

  So take my flesh

  And fix my eyes

  And my mind lies free trapped

  And I will kneel

  I wait now

  And I will kneel

  know my ground

  Raise my hands

  Paint my spirit golden

  And bow my head

  Keep calm my heart

  And I will wait

  I'll wait for you

  And I will wait

  I'll wait for you

  The song ends and the voice of Cecilia, which has translated into a shaky and weak tone is silent. I have no strength to pull any other subject, apparently. she did not. Only returned to talk when we arrived at the fair of the nearby town, where occur the auction.

  - Wow, I did not think the auction would take place in such a big event - she says, with bright eyes, admiring the place.

  - It is the biggest event in the region - say, watching the food stalls, the park toys that is mounted to the fair, the animals exposed, the hawkers of trinkets.

  - Do you want ice cream, as we seek the auction site? - His face lights up and she accepts. Let's go to the tent of ice cream and she chooses ice cream ever, a condensed milk popsicle. I pick a strawberry and offer my arm for her to rest her hand. She accepted and strolled through the fair until we find the cattle gathered in a corner. Caetano and Sydney were there with the bull, and approached them.

  - I would not arrive on time, boss. The auction is about to start. Ours is the second to be auctioned.

  - How nice! If then we find a good breeder, have time to take advantage of a little fair. - I mean, looking at Cecilia, who observes the other animals with caution.

  A robust gentleman who appears to be in his fifties, up on the makeshift stage and announces:

  - Ladies and gentlemen, the auction of breeding bulls will start. The first is this beautiful nelore twenty-two months.

  The bull is brought to the specified location and all begin to evaluate it.

  - The initial price is R $ 1,000.00. Who gives more?

  Men begin to make offers and something catches my attention. A little girl with dark hair begins to approach the bull.

  - Dawn! Dawn! - She says, approaching even more the animal. Where are the parents of this girl?

  I look around but can not find anyone who appears to be responsible for it. So I run to reach the girl.

  - Hey Hey hey! Where do you think you're going, young lady? - I say, pulling the collar of his shirt and bringing it back.

  - Let me go! This bull is mine! Dawn! Dawn!

  - If this is your bull, small, so that it's on sale?

  - Because my father is selling all my b-bich-chinhos - she says, while loose a sob, showing that he is holding the crying.

  I look at the bull and evaluate mentally. It seems that it fulfills the prerequisites indicated by Cecilia.

  - Why your father is selling? The bull is not playing well?

  - It will v-selling f-farm. - She finally drop a tear, but soon the clean, so I do not see that she's crying. So she struts her chin and says loud and clear.

  - The Dawn is mine! No one will buy it!

  A man immediately approaches and pulls the little girl against him.

  - Victoria, what are you doing here? I told you to go home! You will pick up when we get home!

  - I do not care, but you will not sell my little friends - she replies. That makes me fall in love with the little girl. If our Clarinha were alive, she would be so, as her love for animals. This softens my heart and act on impulse. I raise my hand and cry:

  - Three thousand by nelore!

  - Three thousand there, shirt boy dark blue plaid and hat. Someone gives more?

  No one covers my offer and Victory approaches, desperate.

  - You bought my Alvorada! I hate you!

  - Calm down, girl! His father was going to sell anyway, but I can tell you a secret? - I approach her ear and whisper: - It is still yours. You can visit him on the farm whenever you want. - Pisco for her, and she reciprocates with a smile so pure I feel my heart stop beating.

  - So, you bought my bull! Thank you! - Her father says.

  I look at him and say,

  - You're welcome. You can take the victory there on the farm Blue Heaven to visit it whenever you want.

  - I can not believe you bought the first ox! - Cecilia says, so it reaches us. Father of Victory looks at her and pulls the Victory closer.

  - Come on, girl! Now!

  - But father, I know where the Alvorada will live!

  The man took the girl in his arms and almost runs out there. That strange scene makes me a little confused, but then Cecilia distracts me.

  - I saw what you did with the girl. It was a very beautiful gesture. But still I do not believe you bought the first ox.

  - It was so bad, so?

  - Strangely enough, no. - We laughed and then watched the auction of our bull. We got an approximate price of what I paid for Dawn, and this has made my business are worth.

  - You want to stroll through the fair, Ceci?

  - I think a walk will do us

  And this little walk turned into three hours, going on toys playgrounds, knowing little animals, laughing like idiots and eating junk.

  A groan escapes his throat and try to see what their eyes see, to find out what is causing agony in my queen. A horse auction is going on and they are advertising a horse is injured. The horse walks with difficulty, and the auctioneer says that although he needs care, is a horse of good breed and it is very strong, compensating invest in your health.

  - What imbecile sell an animal in this state? It does not have a shred of compassion even. What will I have to punch this owner. - Tears begin to grow out of the corner of his eye and I approach and dry with my thumb.

  - Ceci, your makeup is all blurry. Why do not you go to the bathroom to clean and try to calm down? - She is reluctant, but eventually accepts.

  Once Cecilia some of my vision, I approach the auction and arremato the injured horse. I'm sure this will Cecilia happy, but I did just for her. I will not tolerate mistreatment of animals.

  Thus, Cecilia back recomposed and demand the horse with his vision.

  - It was sold?

  - It was, yes.

  - I hope whoever did this is a person of good heart, not only an idiot like the former owner.

  I just smile and nod. I preferred not to tell her that I did arrematei the horse. Tomorrow, I will call to the farm and ask to look after my new acquisition. After all, I love to see your beautiful face in surprise.

  We took a tour of the auction. It seemed like I was living a dream, but then it started to rain and. as if the spell was broke, she said she had to leave.

  The way back to our town was pretty weird. It seemed we had not lived the last hours, we had not laughed together, played together. It seemed that everything had been my imagination. The rain increased strongly also helped worsen the climate. Everything was dark, and I began to get tense and fearful of an accident on the road.

  When we entered the city, I began to make the route to the apartment where Cecilia lives, but the streets were so flooded. I tried the alternative route, but this route was also flooded.

  - Damn it! We can not go through these streets. The car will be driven by the current.

  - Yes, Ceci. It's very dangerous! - I think for a few seconds and an idea crosses my mind. - Listen, I know it will sound like I'm pushing it between us, but I swear that I am acting in good faith. You do not want to sleep in the house? I promise that tomorrow morning, bright and early, I bring you back.

  She looks at me for a few seconds, considering the offer.

  - Well I do not know. It would be too weird.

  - Not if I swear not to put their hands on you. Unless you want to, of course.

  She laughs.

  - All right, but only if we sleep in separate rooms.

  I nod my head and make the route to the farm.

  Some streets were flooded, but not so much as to prevent our passage or we run any risk.

  As soon as I park, we ran to my house. I borrowed a jacket for Cecilia cover the hair, but still it was quite wet.

  - Come in and feel at ease. I'll get some pajamas for you.

  - Oh thanks! I never slept with a male pajamas. Since I woke up from the coma, I mean.

  I watch all wet and shrunken and feel a twinge in his chest. I go to the closet in the guest room and picked up a pair of pajamas. I return to the room and hand it to her, looking with a face for clothes that give you. Extend my pajamas in her direction, but she hesitates to take.

  - Come on, Ceci! Take right and go change.

  - I do not know if I should - she says. seriously look at your face and practically command.

  - Take now and will change!

  She obeys and stomped out to the bathroom. When back, I realize that your body, though a little more rounded, practically continues with the same measures. If she gained two kilos, it was too much.

  - I feel like an idiot with this pajamas.

  -And What would be the reason?

  - The pajama is an underwear. When you offered a pajamas, I thought he was referring to some his, not any of the tramps with whom you've been asleep.

  For a moment, I laughed. I even laugh aloud after. But I felt sorry for her. She really was lost without his previous memories.

  I approached her, took her hand and kissed her in a devout love gesture.

  - I would not lend one of my pajamas, and had this and some others in the closet. Even more by the fact that this pajamas is not any of the women I slept with, but the woman he loved most and wanted all my life.

  Her eyes lit up and she stared at me for several seconds, trying to process what I had just said.

  - So this was ... was my pajamas?

  Caught a strand of her silky hair and put behind your ear.

  - It was not, it is.

  It raises the race and smells, and his features seem surprised.

  - Why you kept clean and maintained all this time?

  I look into your eyes and say:

  - Why, deep down, I knew you would return home. I was expecting it.

  A tear fell from her eyes, she approaches me and gives me a quick kiss on my lips. My whole body trembles and close my eyes, but when about to open, I see that she opened the door, running toward the car.

  I run after her, secure one of his arms and say:

  - Ceci! - It look to me between the raindrops falling and I realize I did not know what I was going to say, I just needed to be there. So, I gathered all my courage to say: - Do not go away like that! Look, if you want, I'll take you home right now. Damn the rain, the streets and flooding. I do everything you ask. But that's not what you want, I know that. I see in your eyes.

  - Anthony, I have no more strength. I have to go for fav ... - but I do not let our fear hinder us. I pull her against my chest, my hand buried in his hair and his lips approach mine, hungry, greed, passion and, of course, all my love.

  Our lips begin a beautiful dance, and I need each time more, more of your taste, plus the texture of your skin, most of her scent. More of it!

  She pulls away abruptly, looks down and put a finger on her swollen lips.

  - Anthony, I do not know what I'm doing. I'm not myself when I'm around you.

  - No, Ceci! You just is not the same when you are far from me. It's all wrong, my princess. I need you. I pull for me again, but this time I embrace.

  - Be sincere, Ceci. You do not want me?

  - That is the problem. Even though I should not, I can not stop wishing you. As much as my head send me to run, I can only get away for you. I need it as much as you, but ...

  - But what? Give me a reason, Ceci. One reason for not being together - say, while the drops drip all over my body.

  - I can not. I can not say, Antonio - she says and stares at me passionately. I feel the happiest man in the world, then I picked up on his lap and take back into the house.

  The game on the couch and start to take off my shirt, but I realize I do not want to make love anyway, I want it to be like a ritual to reaffirm our love. The caught again in his arms and take her to my room to put on my bed and lay on top of it. The kiss as if she had never been kissed before, I extend my kisses to his neck, then to her lap, and her blouse hinders us. A Yank in two seconds and retreat her bra. She is shy, but her eyes wide with desire.

  - You are even more beautiful, Ceci. - Suck each of her nipples until she screams of desire, squirming for more.

  - Antonio, I want you.

  - Calm down my love. I will love you as a man should love a woman. I want to taste every bit of your body.

  I finish undressing her and get a few seconds admiring all the beauty of her naked body. The body that both loved and still love and wanting more than is possible for a man to do it.

  - I want to see you too. - She gets up and starts to undress. When I'm finally naked, she starts kissing my chest, then my stomach, then my belly and down towards my cock. I feel I'm going to explode before it even kiss my private parts, then pull away
and lie down again. Open your legs and do what I do since I reviewed. I walk with my tongue into her wet slit and start licking and sucking her labia and her vulva. She moans and greedily begins to tremble with desire. I know she is going to explode at any time, and that's exactly what I want. She arches her back and lets out a cry liberating.

  My cock throbbing with desire, not takes me a second before penetrating her hot tight pussy. I am sure, then, that it is not maintaining physical relations with anyone because she feels a slight annoyance when I penetrate, and that only happens to a woman when she gets a considerable time without climbing. That thought further increases my desire, and begin to move around faster and faster.

  - Anthony, do not stop! Delicious! Oh my...

  - Ceci, my love! - It's all I can say before burying me over one, two, three, four, five, six times hard at it and get together the most intense climax I have lived in this life.

  I leave her and start to cuddle in your arms, legs, back, belly. It nestles in my arms and bring closer to my chest.

  - I love you! - I say, to see her falling asleep. - Always I loved you and will always love you.

  So I close my eyes and sleep deeper and delicious sleep I have had in the last five years.

  Chapter 23 - Cecilia

  If someone said that I would spend the night making love with my ex-husband, I probably would laugh and call him crazy.

  Of course it was not planned to spend the night with Anthony, but when he touched my body the first time and kissed me so desire, I could not resist.

  The problem was when the pleasure went and Anthony hugged me, falling asleep. The moment I closed my eyes, dreamed of Ignatius ringing in my body, kissing my skin, I could not stand staying in Antonio's arms thinking of another.

  I got up and put my clothes, took a looked at my ex-husband, or husband as he sometimes insists, and I left.

  Walk several kilometers to get home, helped me think a lot. What I wanted? What I felt? What I wanted?


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