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by Wanda Boyd

Chapter 44 - Ignatius

  - Clarinha! - Cecilia wakes up screaming and up, running toward our daughter's room.

  - Ceci, calm! It was just a nightmare - say, while follow. She does not answer, just keeps going.

  So to the bedroom door of our small, open it carefully. Clara is deeply asleep, Ceci deep breath and lay her head on my shoulder while we were watching the sleep of our little princess.

  - I was afraid to have only been a dream. - My queen whispers in confidence, and I answer with a tight hug.

  - No my love. Clara is here as well as our other little boy or other daughter is in her belly. It's real, believe me. It seems incredible, but it is real. - I close my eyes, take a deep breath and finally say: - My God, how nice to finally have you here with me.

  She laughs and kisses my lips softly.

  - Still I do not remember exactly everything that has ever lived, but I'm sure I've never been so happy.

  I give a smiled aside and cloves my look on her.

  - I bet you know some other ways to make you even happier. She looks at me mischievously.

  - Oh yes? I paid to see!

  - Do not push me, Ceci, if not endure the consequences - say, while Prenso the wall, snorting and sucking her neck provocatively.

  - I never run away from a battle, my pawn.

  Do not restrain a groan and in less than a second, I caught in my arms and take her to the kitchen, which was closer to our room.

  - I'll fuck you right here, my delight.

  Unexpectedly, Ceci jumps on the counter, takes off her panties and spreads her legs.

  - And then you can start right now!

  I take your mouth on mine and devour urgently, such a need I have to be inside her. While kissing, unbutton my pants and down the zipper. I do not waste time or to tear my clothes, because I want here and now, then just below my underwear and she takes my cock in his hand.

  - So beautiful and so hot! - It is the movement back and forth with his hands and beg.

  - Please let me fuck you!

  She released my cock and at the same moment, I buried within it.

  - Ahhh, Ignatius! - She groans, and begin to increase the intensity of lunges.

  - So hard, my love! So good...

  - My Ceci, say you want me!

  - I love you more than anything, my husband!

  - Oh, my queen! - I begin to stock up wildly, because I'm on the edge of paradise. When she bites my shoulder and pushes against me, I can not resist and release all pleasure that I was holding inside. The explosion leaves me baffled, but not enough to stop me noticing my Ranha enjoying with me.

  I'm a few minutes into it, trying to catch my breath and filling her with kisses.

  - I do not believe I lost so much of my life without you in me. This here is inexplicable. You are awesome! - she says.

  We laughed and I pull away, go up the underwear and say:

  - It's just amazing because we are you and I, my love. Now let's go and sleep because I have to wake up early to prepare some things.

  I picked up again in her lap and only released when we are in our room.

  - I'll end up getting used to it - she says.

  - I insist that if even accustom. - I give a wink to her, and she smiled back.

  We lie, and I warmth in my chest.

  - Goodnight My Love!

  - Good night my Queen!

  I'm almost asleep when I hear the whisper:

  - Thank you for making me so happy.

  I caress her hair and whisper:

  - Not as much as you do me.

  Kiss your head and finally give ourselves to sleep.

  The next morning, I wake up early and decide to go out to arrange some things.

  I go to the city and step in floriculture. Buy a bouquet of red roses and some of various colors satin bows. Then I go back to the farm and go out hunting for several puppies of every kind of animal, tie loose and gently with a satin bow around the neck of each, taking everyone's careful not to hurt them.

  As soon as I get home, meeting Ceci and Clara watching a movie a little girl who has a horse that wins several competitions, but he gets sick and starts to lose some, but she takes care of him with so much love that he recovers and returns to become a champion. I had already seen before, so it was no surprise to note that both were teary-eyed, doh horse. The two were eating bread and cheese when they noticed me, opened a similar smile.

  - Hi my love! You left too soon. Where have you been?

  - I can not tell, but I can show. You can go with me up out there?

  - Me too? - Our little question.

  - Especially you, my baby! - She jumps off the couch and comes running toward me.

  - Let's see what you been up - says Ceci, joining us.

  I open the door and when the two are Caetano holding several puppies, they are gaping.

  - Hi, Clarinha! My name is Caetano and I am your father's friend, besides working here on the farm. Whenever you want to know any bug or explore the farm, just call me, okay?

  - Hi, Caetano! - She says, waving her delicate hands to him. - These little creatures are all the farm?

  She asks, still hesitating to approach him, but with eyes full of love for puppies.

  - They were - he says. - But now they are yours. Your daddy is giving you all of them present. - He winks at me, and I smile back.

  Clara looks at me as if he had just won the world's greatest treasure, then runs toward me and gives me a tight hug.

  - Thank you Dad! - When she calls me that, I melt and I want to stay forever in his arms.

  - You're welcome, my little princess!

  It begins to give little jumping for joy and runs toward the puppies. As it gets closer, the dog to smell and then the licks.

  Ceci and Clara fall into laughter.

  - Mom, how are we going to call this one?

  Ceci look at me, thrilled by the treatment of our daughter.

  - You can put in each of the name you want, my little princess.

  - Yay! - She celebrates. - So, the puppy will be called Snowflake; the rabbit, Samson; the pig; Baby and Chick, Amarelinho.

  We laughed a lot with these choices, and I say:

  - I think we've heard these names before.

  - They are my favorite characters. - She brags.

  So Snowflake barks and runs away. Clarinha runs after him. He stops near the tomb made for her, and I hold my breath to see that she is reading the headstone.

  - Dad, Mom, what's that? I'm afraid, I have my name on it.

  I run behind her and hug.

  - Calm, daughter! This we have done in his honor, when we thought you were dead.

  - But how you buried me in there if I was here, alive? - She asks confused.

  - We do not bury you, daughter. It was just something symbolic. We put the headstone to honor his memory - Ceci says.

  Clara looks at the headstone and asks:

  - So there's no one killed there, right?

  We deny with the head, and I say:

  - Has daughter. And keep quiet, because we will take it from here today.

  - All right, Dad. At least the roses are beautiful.

  I look at Ceci and give a laugh.

  - At least that she had to pull me. And by the way, I brought you something. - I go to the car and caught the bouquet of roses that I had left there. - This is for you, my love.

  - You'll never give up, is not it?

  - Never!

  - You do not like roses, Mom?

  - Well, it's not that I dislike, my little one. Just it was not my favorite.

  - They were not? - Question, and she shrugs.

  - Okay, you beat me. Now that Clarinha said like, are my favorite in the whole world.

  - That's not fair. I would like to have a share in this.

  She laughs and says:

  - You had. After all, you helped me make Clarinha.

  - Mom, Dad like that helped you make me?

  I swallow the laugh and say,
br />   - Good luck to explain!

  Ceci heart and says:

  - Long story daughter. Then the mother tells you.

  That night we had dinner in the big house, as well as Mari, Diogo and the canoe.

  Luzi prepared rice, beans, steak and fries, because Clara said it was his favorite food. For dessert, Luzi prepared a chocolate cake with hot syrup, which was served with plenty of ice cream. Clarinha is smeared, from eating.

  - May I have a refill? - she asks.

  - Daughter, you've eaten two pieces. You will end up with a stomachache from eating so much.

  She joins hands as if in prayer and says:

  - Just a bit, Mom. I promise it will be only one!

  - Let the girl eat, Ceci - say.

  - I'm not denying, I'm just worried. But that's okay, just over that piece.

  - Speaking of cake, I have a proposal to make - says Alana.

  - And what proposal is this daughter?

  - My birthday is close to the Clarinha, and thought of doing a party to celebrate together. It will take a few months, so we have enough time to prepare everything.

  - Yay! I want a birthday party with Alana aunt.

  - What a great idea, sis! Let's celebrate the "Feast of the princesses."

  - Hello, Toti! I'll have turned sixteen and I'm not a child - she says, looking at the canoe.

  - Aunt, the party may have pink things?

  - Of course you can! We can even use the theme of princesses and order a cake in the shape of a castle.

  Clara seems frightened by the idea, and Canoa starts laughing.

  - Of course you're only suggesting this because of Clarinha, is not it? - He quips.

  - Of course yes! I have been through this stage for years. - She disguises.

  - Do not be an idiot, Toti! - She says, and we all start planning the big party.

  Chapter 45 - Cecilia

  Seven months later

  Aliso my long dress, as I look in the mirror and I can not help but smile. I'm already eight months pregnant. Every time we went to the doctor, I refused to know the sex, which was leaving Ignatius and crazy Alana.

  - Mom, I need to go brush Valente. - The Clarinha rushes in my room. - Dad said you have to do it every day.

  - I know honey, I'm ready.

  She runs up to me and kisses my belly, she has done it every day since finally came home.

  - Mom, I was thinking, I think I prefer a little brother.

  - Oh yes? And why, my love?

  - So I do not need to divide my dolls with him - talk, and laugh.

  - What if it's a girl?

  - Then I'll have to share, right. - It makes a pout, and embrace.

  - Do not talk to anyone but Mom thinks it's a boy.

  - Same? - Her eyes the shine to ask and confirm.

  - When Mom was pregnant with you, I knew it was a girl without an exam.

  - So, I hope you're right, Mom.

  I grab my bag and go out to her house, now would be the trial of the doctor and his wife and my parents. So would let Clarinha with honorary babysitter Alana and would go to the hearing.

  Ignatius even tried to convince me not to go, but according to lawyers, my testimony could help, the problem is that could be discredited by their defense, because of my amnesia.

  - The Alana aunt showed me a beautiful dress princess on the internet, Mom, but I think I prefer to use boots and hat. Princess has boot and hat, Mom? - The Alana was trying to convince Clarinha wearing a beautiful princess dress at the party, I had looked up some, but he was still not convinced about it.

  - Has. - Stop walking and give a ride to her look at me. I was sidewalk with a black boot and hat won the Inacio last month.

  - You're not Princess mother, is queen. - She rolls her eyes and laugh.

  - Who said I was queen?

  - The daddy. He says this every time.

  - So, if I am queen, you are princess.

  - So, can I use boot and hat on my birthday?

  - You can.

  - Yay! - She jumps happy and then rushes out, look at the direction that it goes and see Ignatius down with open arms, waiting for her. - Dad Mom said I can use boot and hat on my birthday because I am princess and she is queen.

  - And what am I? - He asks, and Clarinha stares at him.

  - Prince.

  - But if I am married to the queen, should not be king?

  - Dad, King is old, Prince is beautiful. You are beautiful, so is Prince.

  - Got it. - He laughs and holds out his hand for me to take. - How's my queen?

  - Looking like a ball - speak and he laughs.

  - Mom, you do not look a ball. You look beautiful.

  - Thank you, Clarinha, Dad say it every day, and she does not believe.

  - I feel like a ball, do what. - I shrug.

  We approached the barn, and Ignatius puts Clarinha on the floor that runs the Brave, which is already tied up, waiting for her. Caetano and all farm workers had fallen in love with her, whenever a new born animal, they sought to meet, accompanied her for a ride on horseback or always had an eye on her as she walked around the farm.

  - Uncle, I think today he needs a bath - Clarinha speaks for Caetano. - He was rolling on the ground yesterday.

  - I'll get the hose, then.

  - Where's my most beautiful princess in the world? - Alana screaming, into the stable, and Clarinha runs, playing in his lap. - What are we doing today?

  - Bathing in Valente, aunt, it's dirty.

  - Okay, so I'll help you.

  - We're going Alana - Ignatius warns and gives a kiss on Clarinha. - Behave yourself. my love.

  - Dad. I'm Alana aunt. - The Clarinha laughs.

  - I have to fear it. - He pulls away and give a slap on his arm.

  - If you need anything, just talk to Grandma, all right, or asks for Alana aunt call us.

  - OK. Brings chocolate? - Ask and give a smile.

  - I'll bring my love. - I give a kiss on her little hair and accompany Ignatius.

  - Why I'm afraid to let Clarinha with Alana? - Ignatius question, while driving to the city.

  - It is responsible Ignatius, for teasing his sister. Remember that she has helped a lot - talk, and he gives me a naughty look.

  In those seven months, Alana had been with Clarinha in our house or take her to the big house, so we both had moments together.

  - I know, my love, but that's kind Alana destrambelhada, and will know what it teaches for our daughter.

  - I'm sure it does not teach anything else. And again, our family is there with them, nothing will happen too.

  He parks the truck in front of the forum and sighs.

  - For me, keep you and our children away from these thugs. - It drags on the bench and put his hand on my belly. - I could not protect her before and now my instinct screams for me to turn that car and go as far as possible.

  - I know my love. But our testimony is necessary for them to be arrested. I do not want to be here today as well.

  - If you get nervous or wants to leave, let me know and give a go at all though.

  - I promise. - I give a light kiss on his lips and stare at your face. - I love you.

  - I love you - talk and look at my belly with a huge smile, feeling our son kick. - I wonder what's in here.

  - Here's a healthy and strong baby.

  - But I wanted to know if it's a boy or girl.

  - That you'll have to wait.

  We entered the court and to give our testimony, lead us to a private room. With almost forty minutes audience, Ignatius is called, and I'm alone.

  Aliso my belly while I talk to my baby, promising that he would be much loved by his family.

  - Ms. Barreto? - An employee calls. - It's time.

  I walk into the courtroom and the first thing I do is look for Ignatius, who is standing next to the door, arms folded. I let my eyes roll across the room and see my parents sitting together with the doctor and his wife.

  - Ms. Barreto, the lady re
member what happened on 19 July of two thousand and ten? - The prosecutor question.

  - I was at home when I started to get sick, was suffering a miscarriage, got in my car and went to the hospital, on the way I had an accident and was taken to the hospital already in labor. My daughter was born and after that went into coma.

  - After waking up, what they said to you?

  - Only that I had an accident and after that, they took me away to the Capital.

  - Your parents mentioned your daughter or your husband?

  -. No, I woke up with amnesia, so do not remember them.

  - When I heard about his daughter, the lady came to ask her to your parents?

  - I asked, and they told me that she had died and did not know where the body was buried.

  - Thank you. - The promoter away and the defense lawyer rises, approaching where I am.

  - Ms. Barreto, the lady suffered amnesia because of the accident, right?

  - Yes.

  - So you did not remember anything prior to him.

  - My memories are coming back.

  - So, could you not remember authorizing the delivery of her daughter for adoption?

  - Never give my daughter - I say nervously.

  - But you do not remember.

  I look at the judge and then to Ignatius. I realize that he is nervous about the direction of the questions.

  - After the birth. I blacked out and woke up only after a month of the accident.

  - That's what you remember, but according to my clients, the lady was manifested with the desire to give the child up for adoption because she was not prepared to be a mother.

  I look at my parents, I never imagined it would feel so much hate them as I am feeling now. To get rid of the charge, they were trying to show me all as a bad mother.

  - I love my daughter Your Honor, I can not remember everything yet, but that I remember, my daughter was and is important to me, just like the child I am carrying. I would never deliver to the adoption, because it is a piece of my husband, the man I love most in this world. I would never give up my life and my family. Clara was taken from my arms and cowardly, to keep it secret, away from my husband. - I feel the tears fall down my face and a small contraction in the stomach. - You can try to pass me crazy, by irresponsible, but can never say I do not love my daughter.

  - Your honor, Mrs. Baker is the victim here, not the defendant, she is eight months pregnant. If the defense attorney has no relevant question to ask, ask it to be released, it appears that she is unable to be here, listening to these words - the prosecutor says nervous and the judge looks at me.


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