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The Bepelled Knight (Broken Curses)

Page 10

by Brower, Dawn

  After a heartbeat, Donia slid her bloody hand down the wound on Cale. As she swiped downward, the gash started to knit back together. Whatever magic flowed through her blood must be powerful. After several more moments, she was finished but continued to whisper under her breath. She held both hands out in front of herself, palms upward. The abrasion on her own hand closed a few seconds later.

  Donia stood and headed over to Elodie’s side. She swayed with each step she took, and when she reached her, the hunter fell to the ground. Her knees hit hard against the stone ledge. “I’m weak,” she replied. “Help me inside.”

  Elodie did as she asked, guiding the girl back to her feet. They stumbled back into the cave slowly. Donia fought to catch her breath with every step. What had it taken for the girl to wield her magic and save Cale? She hadn’t been lying when she said she was weak. Her skin had gone translucent, and her lips appeared blood red in comparison. They barely made it to where Daire had built the fire. He glanced up at their approach.

  “Daire,” Elodie called out to him. “Help me.”

  He leaped to his feet and was at their side in two quick strides. He lifted Donia up into his arms and gently placed her near the fire for warmth. The hunter closed her eyes and was asleep in seconds.

  “What is wrong with her?”

  Elodie shrugged. “I suspect the magic necessary to save Cale was extensive. She’ll be fragile while she recuperates.”

  “Is it done then?” Daire asked. “Is Cale saved?”

  “Time will tell,” she replied. “I’m going to go sit with him. Will you look after her?”

  He glanced back down at the girl and then back up at her. “I will.” Sadness reflected back from his face. “If you wish.”

  “I do,” she said. “If you need me...” She didn’t finish that sentence. “Come outside when she wakes. I’d like to speak with her.”

  He nodded. “If I can.”

  Elodie sighed. “Send Kalypso if it’s too much for you.”

  She didn’t wait for him to respond. It was becoming more and more difficult to carry on a conversation with him. She wanted to give him the answer he sought. The question was undeniable. He desired her and to be her husband. Daire hoped she’d honor the betrothal, but she still wasn’t sure she could. She wouldn’t tell him what he wanted to hear until she understood her own heart. That might take a long time for her to figure out.

  Elodie stepped out of the cave and laid down next to Cale. She prayed that whatever Donia had done worked, and when she woke her knight would be awake.

  WHEN THE RING HAD SUCKED him inside of it and then spit him out as a dragon, he’d been disoriented, reborn, and in pain all at once. He had never felt anything like it and hoped never to again. The pain alone had been excruciating in his transformation. What he was going through now was nothing in comparison.

  His body had been on the verge of becoming stone again, so his insides had frozen from within, moving outward. By morning, he would have been rock solid and no longer alive.

  That wasn’t true. He’d been alive, but dead at the same time. His consciousness had been fading, but his life force would remain strong and hardy. The stone was a prison, not a death sentence. Death would have been preferable...

  If the hunter had succeeded, he’d been trapped in his own mind forever. He’d never die completely, but would instead go slowly insane. No wonder the dragon had been so desirous of killing everything it came across. What kind of life had he lived prior to being merged with him? Did the hunters even understand what they were doing by turning a dragon to stone? Somehow, Cale didn’t think they did. For who would submit any creature to a void like that?

  He had a new respect for the dragon, but he still wouldn’t allow it to run free to destroy anything in its path. They would be better than that—together. He’d all but given up until he had heard Lulu’s song. It had given him hope when there was none. They would prevail, as long as he remained strong and had faith.

  Then he’d heard Elodie’s voice. She wanted to save him. Of course she did... That was his princess, always trying to do what was right even when she had no idea what that was. She would find a way, if one existed. He didn’t quite understand what Lulu had said to her. Cale was starting to lose focus. The stone making it harder and harder for him to connect to the world around him.

  Was Daire there? Did the prince hope to aid Elodie in saving him? Who was speaking to them? That girl’s voice sounded familiar. The dragon hunter was there. Did the girl hope to finish him off for good?


  Daire had kissed Elodie...

  His heart cracked open. Had he lost her to his foe and his ally wrapped in one? Daire loved Elodie as much as he did. He didn’t deny the prince had feelings for her. The both of them had willingly jumped into Malediction alongside the princess in the hope of saving her. Fiona may have betrothed Elodie to her nephew with the desire to control her, but Daire would never allow it. If Cale had to lose her, at least he’d know she’d be taken care of, but it still hurt.

  The wound on his leg burst open and agony ripped through him. What the hell was that? Were they attempting to kill him? Didn’t they know reopening the wound would not accomplish that goal? His mind went blank for several heartbeats until the pain eased. He started to relax and breathe easy—at least he thought he was breathing. It was hard to tell when his body was turning to stone. The pain was real enough, the rest he couldn’t be certain of.

  A sound caught his attention...almost a whisper spoken right to him, and then torture as he’d never known swallowed him whole. Why wouldn’t they let him die? Misery mixed with torment burned through him. The wound sealed up slowly, but it rippled together like a sharp blade instead of slicing him open, sewing him together as it slid in and out of his flesh. It wasn’t like a needle—that was too small to describe what poked through him.

  It branded him and fused his soul to theirs—the ones who had come before Cale. The previous individuals who had been a part of the dragon, all of them still remained inside the statue, yet they were no longer sentient. Their knowledge and experience remained rooted inside of the dragon, even when they no longer did. He was himself, yet a piece of them remained—a constant reminder of what they’d done for him. It wasn’t Elodie. He’d recognize her anywhere. This was a new being that binded herself to him. The hunter had saved him. What penalty did Elodie have to pay to guarantee the girl helped? What consequences would it lead to?

  Magic wound around him as the stone spell lifted from him. The poison was no longer in his blood, and he could once again recognize the world around him. He opened his eyes as the sun rose in the sky. An orange ball slowly filling the morning horizon. He had never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

  Lulu had been telling him what he needed to do to heal himself. She’d thought he could stop the stone spell before it took root. She’d been wrong. There had been only one way for it to be eliminated—by the girl hunter. She had to lift it because it had been her blood that had created it. The dragon’s collection of knowledge proved to be extensive, and he couldn’t sort through it all, but this bit pierced his brain as the hunter’s blood fused with his. Cale owed her his life, and he didn’t like it.

  He took a deep breath and accessed the magic Lulu told him he had. He swallowed it whole and pushed it back out. When he was done, the dragon had disappeared inside of him, and the man remained on the outside. The beast still existed and could be called upon if needed, but he could also be himself, the knight.

  His dragon body had been massive and took up most of the ledge. It had barely left room for anyone to maneuver around. Elodie was curled next to him. A pleasant surprise to wake up to after a night of hell. When she opened her eyes to the morning sun, the knight greeted her.

  Cale smiled and wrapped his arms around her. “Good morning, princess.”

  Elodie blinked several times, and then her lips tilted upward. “The best one in a long time.”

; Then he kissed her...


  Princess Blues

  When Elodie had crawled on the ground and curled up next to Cale’s dragon body, she’d never expected she’d wake to him human again. What kind of magic was in Donia’s blood to make that happen? She owed the girl far more than she’d given her. There was no guarantee they’d even make it back to Zelnon. What if they were stuck in Malediction forever? She’d have to constantly dodge the other hunters for this.

  Then he kissed her. Really kissed her...

  The last time he’d kissed her had been before they found the dragon statue, and then he’d turned into that dragon. That seemed like a lifetime ago. It had been her first real kiss, as she’d always dreamed of. The kiss she’d bestowed upon him at their last training session had been paltry in comparison. It had burned and excited her.

  This kiss didn’t.

  Something changed between them, and she couldn’t quite figure out what it was. The kiss was masterful, beautiful, and it made her feel loved. Not love like that between a man and a woman, but two friends finding each other again. The missing ingredient was desire. She... No, that wasn’t it either. Elodie still desired him, always had. The change hadn’t come from her. Cale was different. This wasn’t the same man who’d kissed her previously.

  She pulled back and stared into his blue eyes. He looked the same. His gorgeous dark hair fell to his shoulders, and his handsome face took her breath away. Why did he seem so different? Was there something wrong with her?

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I...” She bit her lip. How could she tell him that he wasn’t the same anymore? That she wasn’t sure he ever would be. No, this was her problem, not his. She’d figure it out. “I’m surprised is all. You were a dragon last time I saw you.”

  “I expected I’d be a dragon for the rest of my life.” His lips tilted upward. “It’s amazing to be able to hold you again.” He pulled her closer to his side, almost possessively—something he’d never done before.

  He was far more affectionate than he used to be too. Her knight had been standoffish and rather enjoyed dictating to her. It didn’t always work out the way he wanted, but he still ordered her around. Was it the prospect of dying or being trapped in the skin of a dragon that had altered him? Would he calm down and return to the person she’d grown to love?

  “We should go tell everyone the good news.” She sat up glanced around. “Where is Lulu?”

  He rolled over and then hopped to his feet. What happened to his clothes and sword when he’d turned into a dragon? The wonders of magic had kept them on him somehow. His sword hung at his side, and his clothes remained on his back. She was grateful because, if she had to face a naked Cale, she feared her cheeks would burn with embarrassment.

  “I don’t know where she flew off to,” he said looking at the sky. “I vaguely remember her being here, but I can’t recall when she left.”

  “She’ll return when she’s ready,” Elodie replied. “Let’s go inside the cave. I want to check on Donia.”

  He came over to her and helped her up. Then he wrapped his arms around her. Cale hugged her tight against him, and she returned it. She was glad he was himself, or at least mostly himself again. It wasn’t his fault she couldn’t wrap her head around the change. In time, she’d get past it. She hoped so at least...

  Cale leaned back and gazed down at her. “You’re so beautiful, Ellie.” He kissed her forehead. That was familiar. He’d done that often enough in the past that it had become common place and it made things almost seem normal. “Thank you for saving me.”

  “I didn’t,” she insisted. “You owe Donia for that.”

  He nodded. “And I’ll thank her too, but I know you. Donia didn’t do that out of the kindness of her heart. Dragon hunters do not help the beasts they hunt. What did you have to do to gain her assistance?”

  She pulled away from him and looked up at the sky. Where was Lulu? Elodie could really use her advice—even if it would end up being crazy and broken. The bird made sense sometimes and helped her work through her issues. There was something off inside of her. She was almost—sad. She rubbed her shoulders as a chill rolled over her.

  “Are you cold?” Cale came up behind her and wrapped her in his arms again. “We can go inside out of the cool air.”

  She nodded. “Yes, that’s a good idea. Daire built a fire.”

  So far, she’d managed to avoid answering his question. She wasn’t ready to admit to him that Donia would be going back to Zelnon with them. He wouldn’t be happy with the deal she’d struck. It had been worth it though. Donia had saved him and he was no longer a dragon.

  “What happened to the dragon?” Elodie asked. “Lulu said it was a part of you now.”

  He stepped back and cupped her cheek in his palm. “It is. Always will be too.” Cale appeared so calm and accepting of his fate. How could he be? His life had changed completely. It had taken a while, or it seemed to, for her to accept she had magic. Maybe she was looking at it all wrong. It might have seemed like a lot longer to Cale than it did to her.

  “But it’s...” She scrunched her eyebrows together. “You’re you and...”

  “The dragon is subdued,” he replied. “I can’t guarantee it won’t come out again.”

  That explained the change in him. He wasn’t just Cale, but the dragon too. Maybe that was why she reacted so strangely to him. She would have to re-accustom herself to him and who he was now. It would be fine. She still loved him, and they could be together now. That was all that she wanted, but hadn’t dared hope for.

  “All right,” she said. “The question now is—how do we get down from here?” Cale had carried them up on his massive dragon form. The cliff was high up in the mountain. Kalypso would probably be able to find a way down with her claws. The rest of them weren’t so fortunate. Elodie wasn’t afraid of heights, but falling would suck.

  “Donia will know a way,” he reassured her. “She’s been up here before.”

  “What?” Elodie shouted. “When?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not sure I had a full grasp on the concept of time. It was before I found you. She might sense when a dragon is reborn and came looking for me. I first saw her over there.” He pointed to a nearby ledge, much smaller than the one they were on. “As I flew away. She had an arrow nocked to shoot, but I think I was already too far away. She had more magic than you may realize. She can control lighting.” He grinned. “I managed to dodge her attempt to strike me with it.”

  “You sound almost—happy,” she said and then frowned. “She was trying to kill you.”

  “The lightning can’t kill me.” He shrugged. “Would’ve hurt though.”

  Elodie shook her head. How could he be so nonchalant about it? Cale had never... He’d always been brave, but careful. Taking unnecessary risks was how people managed to find themselves in an early grave. He’d said that to her often enough she could almost recite his lectures word for word.

  “You’re not acting like you,” she said finally. “Why are you pretending like none of this means anything? What would’ve happened if Donia hadn’t agreed to help you?”

  “I’d have lived as a stone statue the rest of my life,” he replied hastily. “That didn’t happen though, and it never will. Her gift freed me from that curse.”

  Frustration filled her and boiled over the top until she was ready to burst. “You’re not infallible. You still can die.”

  “It takes a lot to end a dragon,” he said flippantly. “Most don’t even know how.”

  Elodie deflated. There was no avoiding the truth. Cale and the dragon merging had altered him. Yes, she’d known that, had even accepted it. But knowing and experiencing it were two entirely different things. Parts of the Cale she’d grown to love were erased in that joining. She’d loved every part of him, and she always would. Yet she wasn’t sure she could accept this new him, and that scared her. The dragon half was a risk taker. seemed to almost thrive on it, and Cale
had never done that. It might not be as bad as she thought. In time, perhaps he’d calm down.

  “Let’s go share the good news,” she said. “I’ve kept you to myself long enough.”

  She was no longer cold, but her body shivered involuntarily. Her entire body had gone numb the more time she spent with him. Sadness infused into her soul, but she wouldn’t give into it. Not yet anyway. There was some hope inside of her, no matter how minuscule it seemed.

  “Right,” he said. “You’re still cold, aren’t you? He rubbed her arms. Why didn’t you say so? I’ve been selfish keeping you out here.”

  Elodie smiled, but she didn’t feel it. Heartrending despair had settled inside of her. She didn’t tell him. His happiness overflowed, and she didn’t blame him for it, even as it tore her in two. He was free, and in that liberty, he had failed to realize he caused her pain. That his happiness wasn’t the same as hers, and Cale was no longer her knight.

  They walked inside the cave heading toward the fire. Daire was already awake stoking the flames back to life. He added some twigs and rubbed his hands over the heat. He glanced up at them as they approached. His eyes widened at the sight of Cale at her side.


  “It’s good to see you too, prince.” Cale’s lips tilted upward arrogantly. He wrapped his arm around her waist; as if he was claiming her. “Thanks for looking after my girl while I was incapacitated.”

  Daire flinched at his words and the muscle in his cheek twitched. The flash of the kiss she’d shared with Daire filled her mind. Her cheeks warmed, and her breath hitched. That had changed things between them. They’d never be able to go back to being just friends. Daire wanted more between them, and he had to be disappointed Cale was no longer a dragon.

  “I’ll always look after her,” Daire retorted. “She is my betrothed.”


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