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The Earl's Dangerous Assignment

Page 14

by Ginny Hartman

  Caroline leaned gently against the door frame of the Captain's cabin, watching him rummage through a dresser drawer. “Conrad, I have a favor to ask of you.”

  Captain Wallace's head whipped around at the intrusion, his hands stilling mid-search. “What are you doing here?” he asked brusquely.

  Caroline gave him her most beguiling smile. “The response I elicited last time I was in your personal quarters was quite different than your reaction now. Have your feelings for me changed so drastically?”

  Captain Wallace slammed the drawer shut and slowly walked towards her, his eyes searching her face intently. “Have you come just to taunt me, vixen, or is there truly a purpose behind your visit?”

  “I told you I've come to request a favor.”

  “And what if I say no?”

  Caroline stomped one foot beneath her skirts. “You haven't even heard me out yet. Don't be so stubborn, Conrad.”

  Throwing his head back, he laughed before approaching her. “'Tis not I alone that suffers from that particular weakness.”

  Suddenly sobering, he reached for the ruby pendant nestled between her breasts and pulled it slowly from her chest. His fingers just barely grazed her skin, but it was enough to cause her to shiver with delight. Why did he have such a powerful effect on her?

  “I gave you something valuable last time you were aboard my ship,” he said huskily, his eyes trained on the ruby in his hands.

  “As compensation for something valuable I gave you first,” she spit out angrily.

  “Not as compensation, dear Caroline, as proof.”

  Caroline swallowed loudly, unsure of what his words meant. There was no one in the world who could unarm her as Conrad could. “Proof of what?”

  Fire flashed across his dark eyes as he abruptly dropped the pendant and pulled her passionately into his arms, his hands dangerously close to her breasts. “Your body was made for loving,” he breathed huskily, which she quickly noted wasn't fair, for she was hardly breathing at all.

  Next, his hands roamed slowly down to her hips where they splayed out protectively. “It was made for carrying children.”

  “It was made for protecting The Crown,” she interjected airily, disappointed when her argument came out sounding weaker than she expected. His warm hands against her body were driving her to distraction.

  Caroline's eyes flitted closed as he cupped her face with his palms, pulling it close to his own. “It was made for me.”

  Caroline gasped, her plump lips parting at his words. Captain Wallace took advantage of the moment and pressed his own lips firmly to hers in a kiss that scorched her. She went weak at the knees, backing herself into the door frame to keep from falling. His simple, brief kiss was enough to make her recall the past they shared with vivid clarity, leaving her wanting nothing more than to be surrounded completely by him.

  His next words came out in a whisper against the sensitive skin behind her ear. “The necklace is proof—proof that I want more than just your body, Caroline. I want all of you.”

  While his words delighted Caroline, they equally frightened her. She felt her body turn cold as she thought of all the reasons she couldn't ever belong to him. She was married to The Crown, had dedicated her entire adult life to protecting it in any way she could. She wasn't willing to give up her profession as a spy and a cryptologist, for she knew her talents were too valuable, had saved too many lives.

  Besides her important position with Whitehall, Caroline had other secrets, secrets she was certain would turn any affection Captain Wallace harbored for her to ice once he learned of her true nature. No, she'd rather take her past with her to the grave than risk losing his regard forever once he learned the truth.

  “I'll never marry,” she insisted, straightening her shoulders and looking him directly in the eyes.

  “We can still belong to one another without the legalities of a wedding,” he pointed out, which only served to remind her of her original intent in coming to speak with him.

  “I'm flattered by your offer, Conrad, truly I am, but at the moment I have a more pressing matter to attend to. You see, my niece and Lord Coldwell need to be married posthaste. I came to prey upon your kindness and ask you to perform the ceremony.”

  “I've never officiated a wedding ceremony,” he said, clearly shocked by her suggestion.

  “That's beside the point. It can't be complicated and needs to be done at once. Circumstances being what they are, we will not be able to procure a special license, neither is there time for them to elope to Gretna Green. You're my only hope, Conrad. Please, say you'll do it.”

  Captain Wallace breathed a heavy sigh. “Every time you're aboard my ship you ask more of me than you're willing to give of yourself. What's in it for me if I agree, Caroline? Surely you know I will expect compensation.”

  “Naturally,” she whispered, thinking about what she could offer him in return for his services.

  Before she could come up with an offer, he interjected with a suggestion of his own, “I will do it if you agree to spend tonight with me aboard The Tempest.”

  Caroline gasped at his bold suggestion. “You know that's indecent,” she hissed.

  His finger stroked her jaw as his eyes, filled with amusement, glanced down at her. “'Twas not I that suggested anything indecent occur. I merely wish to indulge in your company for the evening before we part ways.”

  “Part ways?” she asked stupidly, wondering why his words hit her in the stomach like a brick.

  “Yes, darling. If there is not a future between us, I see no need for me to continue torturing myself by hoping for one. I will indulge in your presence one final time before bidding you goodbye forever. Do you agree to my stipulation?”

  Feeling as if she had no other choice, Caroline agreed. “Very well.”

  She watched as a sly smile spread across the captain's dangerously handsome face and wondered why she felt as if she'd just made a bargain with the devil himself.

  “I must apologize, dear niece, for the lack of staff. I only just alerted them this morning that I would be back in residence.”

  Sophia glanced around at the small, but opulent townhouse with wonder. She'd never been to her aunt's London residence and was quite amazed by the beauty and elegance of the home. “No apologies necessary, I'm just grateful that you arrived when you did, clearing my name and aiding Samuel and me with our wedding. I don't know what I'd ever do without you.”

  Caroline placed a gloved hand tenderly on Sophia's cheek. “You'd survive, minx. You have my ingenuity and have been blessed with a clear intellect. I've never worried about you in the least.” Her aunt's confidence made Sophia's heart swell.

  Taking her hand from Sophia's face, Caroline looked at her now soiled glove and cringed. She loosened the glove from each finger before pulling it from her hand and holding it before her face and saying with disgust, “Though I daresay, you didn't get your bad hygiene from me. Come along, little dear, let us get you bathed at once.”

  Sophia gratefully followed Aunt Caroline up the marble staircase to her private bedchamber, decorated in succulent shades of periwinkle and enhanced with rich gold accents. The room was bright and elegant, yet very inviting.

  Soon, two footmen arrived carrying a large copper tub, which they placed directly before the hearth. They had to wait for the two men to return, carrying buckets of steaming water, since there were no other servants in-house to assist them. With the lack of help, it took longer than normal to fill the tub to brimming.

  Caroline dismissed the servants once the task was complete and instructed Sophia to remove her filthy clothes at once, which she quickly took and threw into the fireplace and watched with glee as they were promptly engulfed in flames.

  Never in her life had a bath felt so heavenly to Sophia. The warm water licked at her skin as she sunk deep into the tub. She laid her head back and closed her eyes as she called out, “Aunt Caroline, what can I expect of my wedding night?”

your mother already discuss such things with you, dear?”

  Sophia twisted her head, so she was looking at her aunt, giving her an ironic smirk. “You know she didn't. Come, just tell me, so I don't have to be frightened.”

  “I've never been married, Sophia. How would I know?”

  Sophia watched with amusement as Aunt Caroline turned her back on her, presumably to avoid eye contact. It was a rare thing to see her aunt unnerved and Sophia found it quite humorous. “You cannot tell me you've made it to your dotage without being touched by a man.”

  Caroline quickly turned around and gasped, a look of horror on her face. “I'm most certainly not in my dotage, you wicked girl. How dare you even insult me in such a fashion?”

  Ignoring her outrage, Sophia continued undeterred. “Tell me, aunt, what is it like to be with a man?”

  For several long seconds, Aunt Caroline stood in stony silence until Sophia feared she'd never answer. Finally, she turned and walked towards her, stopping just short of the bathtub. With a prying look of concern, Aunt Caroline asked, “Is Lord Coldwell a good man? Does he treat you with tenderness and respect?”

  Sophia nodded her head vigorously. “Yes.”

  “And does his touch cause your skin to feel aflame and your breath to leave your body?”

  “Most definitely,” Sophia answered as she felt her cheeks bloom with color at the admission.

  “Do you love him, dear niece?”

  “I do.”

  “Then I surmise your experience tonight will be one of great delight,” she answered speedily before quickly adding, “Now hurry and wash yourself. It wouldn't do to be late for your own wedding.”

  Sophia watched as Caroline began heading to her dressing room, presumably to find her something appropriate to wear for the occasion since she had no belongings of her own.

  “Aunt Caroline,” she called out and watched as her aunt slowly turned towards her.

  “Yes, Sophia?”

  She hesitated briefly before asking the question that was pressing on her mind. “Does it hurt?”

  A strange mixture of emotions flitted across her aunt's beautiful face, most notably a guarded pain she quickly masked with a forced smile. “If you're lucky, not for long,” she said between gritted teeth before nearly running to her dressing room to avoid further questioning.

  Sophia watched Aunt Caroline disappear with concern. She never expected the topic of intimacy between a man and woman to provoke such a response from her beloved aunt. She was notoriously candid with Sophia about matters most people found highly sensitive. Her discomfort was unnerving.

  By the time Sophia finished washing, Aunt Caroline had returned, a lovely cream silk gown with an open robe covered in a neoclassical pattern and bordered in olive green silk draped over her arm. “I hope this is pleasing to you.”

  “Of course it is,” Sophia insisted as she rose from the tub like a Greek Goddess, water droplets cascading over her skin.

  Aunt Caroline lovingly helped Sophia with her toilette. She spent a vast amount of time on her own and had become quite adept at styling her own hair into a fashionable coiffure, which now benefited Sophia greatly.

  As soon as the last of her golden locks were pinned into place, Aunt Caroline opened her jewelry box and rummaged through it until she found a beautiful cameo necklace. She clasped it into place around Sophia's neck and then smiled. “It belonged to your grandmother. I want you to have it.”

  “Oh, Aunt Caroline, I can't take something so sentimental from you.”

  A sad smile formed on her lips. “Mother always hoped I'd wear it on my own wedding day, just as she did, but since I'm convinced to remain unwed, I wish for you to have it. She'd be pleased, you know.”

  Sophia clasped the pendant tenderly in her hand. “It means a lot to me. If you ever change your mind, I will gladly return it.”

  “I'm quite positive I won't, dear, though that's very kind of you. It's better that I remain...”

  Before Aunt Caroline could finish her sentence, there was a soft knock at the door. Sophia watched as her aunt scurried across the room and opened the door, exchanging a soft conversation with the butler.

  As soon as he left, she turned to Sophia and said with delight, “The men are here. It's time for your wedding.”

  Sophia rose from her seat and straightened her skirts as she inhaled a deep breath, so many emotions coursing through her it was overwhelming.

  “Are you sure I'm making the right choice,” she asked her aunt as they linked arms and quit the room.

  “Have you any doubts?” Aunt Caroline asked with concern.

  Sophia pondered her question for the briefest of moments before honestly admitting, “None.”

  “Very good, for there will be no looking back.”

  Samuel arrived at the address Caroline had given him at the precise time she'd indicated. He bounded out of the rented hack with an eagerness that was quickly replaced with a deep scowl as Captain Wallace joined him at the door of the townhouse.

  “What are you doing here?” he grumbled, wishing the dreadful man hadn't shown up to mar the pleasant occasion.

  “I thought you'd be more pleased to see me, considering.”

  “Considering what?” he asked through ground teeth.

  “Considering I'm the one who will be marrying you and Lady Sophia.”

  Samuel inhaled sharply, his eyes narrowing into tight slits. “I can't imagine you capable of such kindness of your own accord. What's your motive?”

  “A purely selfish one, I can assure you.”

  Before any more could be said, the butler pulled open the door, a look of expectation on his face. He quickly invited the men in and showed them to the drawing room before disappearing to find his mistress.

  Samuel took a seat as far away as he could from Captain Wallace, careful not to place his tender back roughly against the seat. He was not pleased in the least that the arrogant captain would be the one to unite him in matrimony to Sophia, though upon further consideration, it didn't overly surprise him that it should be the case. Who else would agree to wed them on such short notice, without time for the Banns to be read?

  With disgust, he resigned himself to the fact that it was to be so, then was quickly distracted from his irritation by the most lovely sight his eyes had ever beheld. Sophia waltzed into the room looking like an entirely different creature than the one he'd reluctantly left a few hours ago. He quickly rose to his feet.

  Gone were the dirt smudges, matted hair, and the ratty boy clothing. They had all been replaced by the most feminine of fripperies, adorning the most curvaceous—and clean—of bodies. Samuel's mouth went dry.

  From across the room, Sophia smiled at him then, despite her very proper appearance, did something very improper and ran across the room and threw herself into his arms. Samuel laughed as his arms went around her. “Anxious are we, little lamb?”

  “Quite,” she breathed airily before reluctantly letting go.

  “Dearest, Captain Wallace is here to perform the ceremony. Let us get on with it,” Aunt Caroline added in a most practical tone.

  Samuel watched as Sophia glanced wearily to the captain then back to his face, her expression a mixture of disdain and question.

  “It's the only way,” he quietly assured her, knowing she detested the captain even more than he did.

  With a look of trust that warmed him to his core, Sophia took his offered arm and allowed him to escort her to the hearth where Captain Wallace was waiting to officiate. He read the ceremony from a paper, saying all the right things though he added no emotion. Regardless, Samuel felt deeply touched by the ordinary words that would bind him to his love for the rest of his life.

  When the simple ceremony was over, Samuel tersely thanked Captain Wallace for his service before turning to Caroline and profusely thanking her for hers. She smiled gratefully at him and said, “It's not the traditional wedding breakfast, but my housekeeper somehow managed to scrounge up some refreshment
on short notice. Let me ring for her.”

  Samuel placed one hand on her arm to stop her. “It's not necessary. If you don't mind, I'd rather we be off.”

  He was surprised when the normally collected woman managed to look a bit nervous. “Are you certain?”


  “Yes, dear, let the newlyweds be on their way,” Captain Wallace interjected. “Need I remind you we have plans of our own?”

  Caroline rolled her eyes. “No need to remind me, sir.”

  “Very well, then without further ado, let as all be off.”

  Samuel took Sophia's arm while Caroline reluctantly took Captain Wallace's. He wasn't quite certain what was going on between the pair, but one thing was for sure, Caroline looked apprehensive about it. For a moment, Samuel wondered if he should intercede on her behalf, but then he quickly remembered who Caroline was and knew she could fend for herself if needed.

  Though short, the drive back to his own townhouse felt incredibly long. He could barely keep his desire to touch Sophia intact but knew she deserved better than to be ravished in a rented hackney.

  He watched as Sophia took in his townhouse as he ushered her inside. “Is it what you expected it would be?”

  “Mostly,” she said with a grin. “I find there's little about you that truly surprises me.”

  “Oh, really? Follow me to my bedchamber, and I will attempt to prove you wrong.”

  Sophia giggled as he grabbed her hand and began running down the hall, towards the staircase. He didn't stop until they were safely in his bedchamber, the door securely locked behind them. Pushing her up against the closed door, he pressed his body into hers and kissed her like he'd wanted so desperately to do since first laying eyes on her in Caroline's drawing room.

  “I can't believe you're finally mine,” he whispered huskily into her neck as he trailed eager kisses down towards her collarbone.

  Her gloved hands wrapped eagerly in his hair as her pulse fluttered at her throat. “Thanks to Aunt Caroline, we didn't have to wait that long.”


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