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Heart to Heart

Page 110

by Meline Nadeau

  Wheeler stomped down on Asher’s chest, got back in the car, gunned the engine again, and then drove off in a cloud of dusty smoke.

  Asher stared after the fading tail lights, coughing, and then the dark enveloped him once more. Groaning, he turned onto his stomach and laid his throbbing cheek against the cool earth. As the shock subsided, coherent thought returned. God, he was tired. It had been very late when he and Carly had come back from Albuquerque. Now it had to be the middle of the night or later. It was hard to tell. All he needed was a few minutes rest, and then he would make his way back to the hotel. He had to. Carly would be worried.

  Asher closed his eyes and shifted his body to a more comfortable position.

  • • •

  A short time later, he opened his eyes. Where the hell was he? Panicked for a minute, Asher laid still as memory flooded back. That’s right; he was lying in a ditch by the side of the road after being beaten up by the biggest loser in all of New Mexico. Great.

  Anger rushing into his gut, Asher rolled onto his side and sat up, wincing. How could he have let that asshole get away? How could he have let his guard down like that? There was going to be hell to pay when he finally got hold of Wheeler Barstow. But in order to do that, he had to get back to the hotel first.

  He shoved himself to his feet and peered into the darkness. Best way back is the way I came, he thought to himself as he rubbed his throbbing jaw. He climbed back onto the gravel road and started walking uphill. He could barely see his hand in front of his face. Just his luck for it to be clouded over. Now, it would probably rain, too. Sighing, Asher felt his way into the clearing. He stopped for a second to catch his breath and froze when heard a noise close by.

  He crouched. There it was again. A sniffling, moaning sound. It was probably Wheeler, that devious son of a bitch. Trying to trap him again. Asher felt along the ground for a weapon, and came up with a solid tree branch. Narrowing his mouth in satisfaction, he stayed hunched, moving closer to the noise.

  • • •

  Carly’s head snapped up when she heard a sound. Someone was here, very close by. Oh God, what if it was Wheeler? She closed her eyes and pressed her fist against her mouth. Whatever it was, it was too close for her to chance running. She stayed motionless, trying to breathe quietly.

  A few seconds later, she heard a twig snap. It was dangerously close this time. A moan escaped her lips. She was trapped now. All she could do was fight back as best as she could. And she would fight. Whoever was out there was going to have hell to pay because she was pissed.

  “Get out here in the open, Barstow. We’re not finished.”

  Carly’s eyes widened and she stopped short. “Asher? Oh please, is that you?” She scrambled up and peered into the darkness.

  “Thank God,” he answered. “Keep talking, my love. Tell me where you are.”

  “Over here,” she yelled, standing up.

  “Please tell me you’re not hurt,” he said.

  “I’m fine, Asher. Just a few scrapes and bruises. I think. Are you okay?” She moved forward, feeling for solid ground.

  “I’m fine. Dammit, where are you? I can’t see a thing. Can you see me?”

  Carly stared into the darkness. In the corner of her vision, she saw a moving shape near the tree line. Her heart in her throat, she ran forward, a sob escaping her lips. “Asher, I was so worried.”

  He held out his arms and she ran into them, weeping. Clasping her hands around his neck, she sank down, and he let her pull both of them to the ground.

  “Shhh,” he soothed. “We’re both fine. Nothing broken, no harm done.”

  Too upset to respond, Carly burrowed deeper into his embrace. Asher laid his cheek on her soft hair and gathered her closer. He rocked her for a few minutes, letting her cries subside until they were just sniffles.

  “I was so afraid you were going to get hurt. I just couldn’t stay back there, Asher.”

  She could hear the frown in his voice. “I can take care of myself, Carly.”

  She pulled away and cupped his face in her hands. “Oh, I know that. But he’s crazy, Asher. And he owns a gun. Probably lots of guns.” She sank down to the ground.

  Asher eased himself down next to her. “I’m well aware of that,” he said with a sigh. “It was kind of foolish to set out after him alone. I know it. But it’s my job to protect you, Carly. And part of that, I guess, seems to be taking risks.”

  Carly’s heart plummeted. His job. Yes, that was true. Daniel had asked Asher to be her bodyguard, but she had hoped that after tonight he would be concerned for more than just her safety. She pulled away from his arms and lay down on her back.

  “I know you don’t like it, and never have, but that’s the way it has to be, my love,” he continued.

  Carly squeezed her eyes shut. Why did he have to call her that? It just made a horrible evening that much worse. Sighing, she folded her arms around herself in protection. “You’re right, I don’t like it,” she replied.

  “We’ll get him soon, I promise. He got away tonight, I’m ashamed to admit, but it won’t take long. I’m so pissed off now that all it will take is a tiny mistake on his part and I’ll make sure he ends up in jail.” Asher lay down beside her and placed a large, warm palm on her shoulder.

  At his touch, Carly closed her eyes. No. She didn’t want to feel this way anymore. Being in love with this man was torture. It was making her crazy, and it was making her sad. Enough was enough. She reached up and removed his hand.

  “Carly?” he asked in confusion.

  “Just don’t, Asher.”

  “Carly, love,” he said in surprise.

  “Please don’t call me that, Asher,” she said in a small voice, “It drives me crazy.”

  He was silent for a few seconds and then cleared his throat. “In a good way or a bad way?”

  Carly couldn’t help but smile as she recalled their conversation earlier that day. God, that seemed like months ago. She was exhausted. And she didn’t want to deal with this.

  “I think you know what way I mean,” she replied in a weary voice.

  Asher put his hand back on her shoulder and inched closer. “Were you thinking about the cabin?”

  “Yes … partly,” she answered.


  “And, I was thinking about earlier tonight. In the theater.”

  Asher’s hand began to caress her shoulder, and he shifted his body so that he was above her. “I figured that. Weren’t you going to tell me something?” His hand moved down her arm and rested on her stomach. His lips hovered near her face.

  She swallowed and closed her eyes. Against her will, her arm came up and brought his face closer to hers. “Why don’t you just kiss me?”

  Asher shifted again so that he was laying on top of her, his strong arms supporting his weight. She drew in a ragged breath. “Why don’t you just kiss me?” she whispered.

  “Why don’t you just tell me?” he countered. He leaned in closer and reached down to caress her knee. When he shifted, she felt his hardness push into one of her hips and she opened her mouth in surprised pleasure. Asher’s hand continued, teasing. It ran up her thigh, taking the sundress with it. At the top of her leg, he stopped, kneading her other hip.

  “Tell me,” he whispered again.

  She couldn’t take the teasing anymore. Her heart hammering, Carly slid her legs apart and reached for him. She pulled him in so that his entire body was pressed against hers, hardness and all.

  “Oh my God,” she said in a choked voice, “Asher, please.”

  He answered by nestling closer and moving his hand slowly on her hip. Gently, he gripped it and lifted her up, running his palms up her smooth skin. The sundress and his hands inched farther up … over her waist … over her ribcage … and as she gasped, over her bra. The cool
air was a shock to her skin, but his warm hands were even more so. He grasped the front of her bra, unsnapped it and lowered his lips to her breasts.

  She threw her head back as his mouth closed over a nipple. She stared up at the sky. It was beginning to lighten, but she was practically blind with desire. As his mouth dragged across her breasts, she reached for him again and slipped her palms under his shirt to caress his broad back.

  He lifted his head and gazed at her. In the pre-dawn light, the planes of his face were beautiful. She reached up to caress his cheek.

  “Tell me,” he repeated, and began to rock slowly between her thighs.

  Carly’s eyes flew shut. Her breath came in jerky gasps and her body throbbed. She lifted her face to his. He stopped moving and lowered his head.

  “Trust me,” he whispered against her mouth.

  Opening her eyes, Carly glanced up at him. A surge of panic surfaced, but she tamped it back down. It was now or never.

  “I love you, Asher.”

  He let his breath out in a sigh. “Thank God. I am the luckiest man in the world.” His eyes suddenly filled with tears and he caressed her cheek with his thumb. He moved his palm to the back of her head and pulled her in, still looking into her eyes. Her soul. “And I love you, Carly.”

  Before she could suck in a breath, his lips were on hers, strong, insistent, and searching. She opened her mouth and kissed him back, deepening the passion.

  Without a word, he pulled the sundress and bra over her head. She unbuttoned his shirt and smoothed it back over his muscular chest. Drinking the sight in with her eyes, she pulled him down for another kiss.

  Taking the shirt off, Asher balled it up and placed it behind her head. He stared at her for a few seconds, his eyes traveling down her body. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  She could feel herself blushing as she reached for the front of his jeans. She watched as he closed his eyes in pleasure while she unbuttoned them, taking her time. Slipping a hand inside, she gasped at the sensation of him large and thick against her palm.

  Suddenly, Asher growled and pushed her backward. He kissed her again, this time with more urgency. Never breaking stride, he shrugged out of his jeans, kicked off his shoes and slid her panties off. He hovered above her for an instant and she smiled.

  “Asher, I love you.”

  He smiled back, and then brought his mouth down for another searing kiss. “And I love you … with all my heart.” He raised an eyebrow. “And with other parts of me, too.”

  Carly grinned and a bubble of laughter rose in her throat. “Oh, yeah?”

  “Mmm.” He leaned over her and brushed a kiss over her forehead. And onto her shoulder.

  Carly pressed her lips to his throat and thrust her hips upwards in welcome. He entered her with a slow groan. She shut her eyes and rocked forward, moaning, but he held back, stilling himself inside her while he claimed her mouth again.

  When he tore his mouth away hips thrust forward, and he stopped again, buried within her. Her eyes fluttered open when she heard him moan.

  “My God, Carly … you feel amazing. I feel so deep … ”

  Her breathing ragged, she shifted her hips and clutched at his back. “Deeper,” she gasped. He moaned and complied, and then thrust again, setting a steady rhythm. She ran her hands up his muscled back to cup his face. Asher gazed into her eyes and increased the pace.

  A coiling pressure built higher and higher and she gripped his taut biceps. “Asher … Oh God, Asher … ”

  “My love,” he answered with a kiss. His firm lips trailed across her cheek; his breath was hot on her neck and he thrust deeper and deeper, lifting her hips from the ground.

  Her moans became staccato and she wrapped her legs around his back. Black spots danced in front of her eyes, and seconds later, the climax ripped through her.

  When she whimpered, he collapsed on top of her, shuddering. Her trembling arms lay at her sides and she drew in a gulp of air. “Asher.”

  Asher lifted himself off her and rolled onto his side, cradling her next to him. They lay together, not speaking, as the sun crept over the mountains. He brushed her tangled hair out of her eyes and smiled tenderly. “Pretty Carly.”

  She blushed and smiled. “I’ll bet I don’t really look that pretty right now,” she replied.

  He surveyed her with mock appraisal. “No. You look like hell. And I like it that way.”

  Throwing her head back, Carly laughed in delight. “And you look like you’ve been in a prize fight, Mister.”

  Asher placed a strong palm on his swollen jaw. “Yeah. But the other guy feels worse. He peed his pants and puked on his shoes,” he said with a chuckle.

  Carly stared at him for a few seconds, her eyes sparkling. “Really?”

  “Sure enough. Plus, he fell into a thorn bush and has stickers all over his ass.”

  At that, she burst into gales of laughter. “Oh, God,” she gasped, “I wish I had a video.”

  Asher chuckled in agreement. “So do I, Carly. That would really be a bargaining tool. I’ll have to think about that when I go hunt the son of a bitch down.”

  She stopped laughing and sat up. “What do you mean, Asher?”

  “Nothing, nothing, forget I mentioned it.” He threw his hands up and winked at her.

  She opened her mouth to argue, but at the mischievous look in his eyes, she shut it again. Gathering up her dress, she shook her head. “You’re going to do something, Asher Day. I just know it. But I don’t want to think about it right now. I want to enjoy perfection as long as it lasts.”

  Asher slipped his hands behind her head and lowered his forehead to hers. “Happy Birthday, Carly love.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Hand in hand, Carly and Asher picked their way back down the trail to the main street of Ruby Spring. The sun was bright in the sky, but the chill breeze still swept through the mountains.

  Shivering in her sundress, Carly started to trot when the hotel came into view. “Hurry up. I’m freezing,” she exclaimed, even as she beamed.

  Chuckling, Asher put an arm around her shoulders and began to run with her. “Don’t worry, love. As soon as we get back to the hotel, I’ll warm you up again.”

  Although her teeth were chattering, Carly managed a short laugh. “You’re so bad.”

  Suddenly, Asher gripped her hand and jerked them both to a stop. “Oh, hell.”


  Slowly, he lifted an arm and pointed to the hotel. Shading her eyes, Carly peered down the street. “What? It’s just Ross and Nicky. Sitting in the rocking chairs.” She waved at them. They didn’t wave back.

  Without warning, Asher jerked his hand away from hers and took off at a dead run for the hotel. He scrambled up the porch and stopped short. Nicky and Ross were in the rockers, but not by choice. Each man’s hands were bound to the back slats, and each man’s feet were bound in front of them. Their eyes were closed. And they weren’t moving.

  “Oh, hell,” Asher repeated.

  Behind him, Carly sucked in a breath as she came up the steps. “Oh, God, are they okay?”

  Asher reached out to Ross and shook his shoulder. “Hey buddy.”

  Ross moaned and cracked open an eye. “What the hell is going on? Why am I so cold?” he mumbled.

  Gasping in relief, Carly knelt beside him and instantly began to work at the knots around his ankles. “Ross, what happened?” she asked.

  Ross groaned and shut his eyes again. “That bastard was waiting for us, that’s what happened,” he retorted as he struggled to get loose. Giving up, he sighed. “I kind of remember being hit over the head, but that’s the last thing I can recall before you two woke me up. Damn, my head hurts. Hey, Asher, be a good friend and get this crap off of me.”

  Without responding, Asher pulle
d back the screen door and went inside. Within seconds, Carly heard the sounds of cabinet doors and drawers slamming open and closed.

  Nicky slowly opened his eyes and then turned to Carly. “Who’s making all that noise?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Carly sighed and gave him a wan smile. “Asher’s pissed,” she said.

  “He’s going to kill Wheeler,” sighed Ross.

  “Oh no, he’s not. I refuse to be in love with a prison inmate,” Carly retorted as she stood and folded her arms. “He’s going to catch him. And we’re all going to help.”

  “I don’t need any help,” Asher said as he returned with a butcher knife. Squatting, he quickly sliced through the cords binding Ross, and then turned his attention to Nicky.

  Ross stretched and stood up, wincing. He sat back down. “Look, Man, Wheeler is beyond dangerous. I know you could handle it, but why risk it? You have a lot at stake right now.”

  Asher stared at him for a few seconds, anger clouding his eyes. He muttered an oath and then turned and flung the butcher knife off the porch. It landed with a thunk in the dusty ground. He shook his head and then glanced at Carly. “I want to hurt him,” he muttered.

  “That’s what he’s hoping for,” she answered, and reached out to hug him to her. “He’s practically begging you to come after him. So don’t.”

  “Well, I tried the ‘come and get me’ method and we all know how that worked out,” Nicky mumbled as he stood up on shaky legs.

  Asher sighed and went down the porch steps to retrieve the knife. As he pulled it out of the ground, his eyes narrowed. “What’s Nicky talking about, Ross? And why are you both wearing camouflage?”

  “Promise you won’t be mad,” said Ross, as he flashed his killer grin.

  “No, I’m not promising anything. Just tell me, Ross.”

  Gripping the arms of the rocking chair, Ross heaved himself out of it and weaved a bit, moaning. “I’m dizzy,” he murmured.


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