Book Read Free

Heart to Heart

Page 115

by Meline Nadeau

  He flinched, stung by her words. “I’ll be looking forward to it,” he said, “and Carly, for what it’s worth … I still love you. You have to trust me on that. Because I trust you and I know you’re going to handle Wheeler like a champ.” He stared unseeing at the seat pocket in front of him and paused. “Carly?”

  “Asher, I have to go now,” she said. And then she hung up.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Carly stared at the phone in her hand as tears began to well. She shook her head and wiped them away with her sleeve. Now was not the time. Now she had to focus and will herself to be tough. It was getting near dusk, and she didn’t want to face Wheeler in the darkness of night.

  Turning, she glanced at one of the FBI agents, a young man with auburn hair and freckles who looked like he was about twelve. He made some adjustments on his mobile surveillance equipment and grinned at her. “Let’s test this thing. Say something. Are you feeling like Lara Croft yet?”

  Carly smiled back at him in confusion. “Who? What are you talking about, Bruce?”

  He walked over and deftly turned her around to check the wire under the back of the waistband on her jeans. “You know … the kick-ass character from the movie Tomb Raider. She’s really awesome.”

  Carly chuckled. “Oh, of course. I saw those movies. Oh, yeah. Sure … that’s me. I rappel upside down from cliffs every day of the week. With an impossibly handsome ex-lover bad boy who wants me back … dangling right next to me for moral support.” She snorted and raised her arms as Bruce fiddled with the microphone cord.

  “Well, I’d be your Terry Sheridan any day. He’s hot.” He winked at her.

  “Who?” Carly laughed.

  Bruce grinned. “You know … the impossibly handsome ex-lover bad boy who wants you back.”

  “She already has one of those, guy. You’re out of luck.” Ross folded his arms and leaned on a huge boulder, his eyes twinkling.

  “He’s not the only one out of luck,” Carly muttered under her breath, “so is Freddie.”

  Bruce laughed and pulled the back of her T-shirt down gently. Shrugging, he walked back to his equipment. “Hey, I don’t want to get in your business, Carly, but the offer still stands if you change your mind.”

  “Thanks, Bruce,” she replied, “You really know how to cheer a girl up. I just hope I do a good job today.”

  Ross patted her shoulder. “Come on, now Carly. You’re going to be great. The plan is foolproof. We will be right over there hiding in the trees.” He pointed to a wooded area at the edge of the clearing. “Wheeler will be like a lamb led to the slaughter. A really stupid lamb. You’re not nervous, are you?”

  Carly gaze followed his hand and she winced. It was right next to where she and Asher had made love. Against her will, powerful, sexy images from that night flashed into her mind and she blushed, her heart beating faster. Asher rising rhythmically above her, fire in his eyes. Asher’s hands gripping her hips … his mouth moving on her throat, leaving a burning trail.

  With a jerk Carly shook her head and, clearing her throat, she managed to answer Ross. “I’m not nervous in the least. I just want that loser Wheeler to call me back so we can get this over with.”

  Ross walked over and squeezed her arm. “Look at me, Carly.”

  She tipped her head up and smiled into his familiar, caring eyes. “I know how you feel, Ross. You don’t need to say anything else. I’ll be fine, especially knowing that you are going to be nearby.” Reaching out, she pulled him in for a hug and then kissed him on the cheek. “Now go. And summon up your inner butch bad-ass just in case.”

  Throwing back his head, Ross hooted. He struck a feminine pose and batted his eyelashes. “I’m scared. Ooooh, if that mean old policeman got near me, I would run away … simply run away.” He minced and paraded around her in a circle.

  “Shut up. You’re a black belt in karate. Now, GO.” She pushed him toward the woods. He skipped off, swishing his hips and making her laugh.

  The phone in her hand buzzed to life. She swallowed and glanced at Bruce. He already had his headphones on and his joking expression was gone; replaced by an impassive mask of concentration. He held up a finger, signaling her to wait.

  The phone rang again. And then a third time. She lifted her arms and burst out, “What the hell? I need to … ”

  “Shhhhhh! Carly! Hang on a sec.” Bruce fiddled with his equipment, and then lowered his finger and motioned for her to answer.

  Taking a deep breath, she put the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

  “I knew you would call me, Carly girl.” Wheeler said in a thick voice. “I just knew it. It’s time for us to be together now. You had your little side-trip with Asher Day, and I’ll forgive you for it. I really will. But it’s OUR time now. No more excuses.”

  The sound of his hateful voice made her tense up. Carly pressed her lips together and willed herself to be casual. “Thank you, Wheeler. I knew you would understand. Can you come get me … now?”

  He ignored her question. “How do you feel about being a mommy, Carly? Because I have the baby right here beside me. We would make a good family. You, me and our kid … living by the beach in Mexico. What do you think of that?”

  “Sounds really lovely, Wheeler,” Carly managed, choking back revulsion. “And I’m sorry. Again … I really mean it. I’ve learned my lesson and all I want is you. When can you come and get me?”

  “Right now, girl. Hell, tell me where you are and I’ll be there as fast as I can,” Wheeler slurred. He belched. “Sorry ‘bout that. My stomach hurts and I’ve had a rough day. Spent most of it in the bathroom.”

  Carly just managed not to make a sound of disgust. She forced a giggle. “That’s OK, lover boy. Come to the clearing above town. You know … the one next to the cliff directly above the hotel. There’s a back road leading right to me.”

  “I know exactly where it is,” he grunted. “And you better be alone. I don’t want sissy boy director there. I know he’s your best friend and all, but you’ve gotta say goodbye to him … and hello to a real man.”

  “Oh, I’m all alone, baby. Just little ol’ me waiting here for you.” Carly looked up at Bruce who nodded in encouragement. “Hurry up, now. It’s going to be dark soon, and I can’t wait to see your handsome face.”

  “I’ll just bet you can’t. You always were one to be clawing all over me. That’s okay, though. I’ll let you claw all you want as soon as I get there. I’ll see you in a bit, Carly girl … I’m only about thirty minutes away. Get your lips ready for some lovin’.”

  “Can’t wait. Bye-bye, now!” Carly shuddered as she ended the call. “Nasty. The man is just foul.” Walking over to Bruce, she scanned the tree line. Ross stood at the edge, waving. “At least I have moral support. How’d I do?”

  “Fantastic. I have to move to Ross’s location now. You’ll be fine, Carly.” Bruce winked at her and began to gather up his equipment. “Don’t forget, there are six more agents surrounding the location. And let’s see the distress signal one more time.”

  Carly raised her left arm as if stretching and pointed toward the sky. “Okay?”

  “Yep. Good luck, good lookin’.” Bruce winked and started jogging for the trees.

  She shivered a little and sat down on a large, flat rock. This was going to be nerve-wracking, but at least she was safe. She took several deep breaths and looked up at the pink-tinged horizon. Above it, dusky clouds loomed. The sun was setting in the darkening sky and up there, hundreds of miles away, Asher was in a plane, flying to his wife.

  • • •

  Marilyn let out a shriek. “Nicky. You mean to tell me all this happened while I was in my costume fitting?” She gave his face a light smack.

  “Look, woman. I didn’t know, either. Ross just called me. And you were down at the costume shop for hours. I just assumed that
you and Nancy were dishing dirt.”

  “We were,” Marilyn retorted, waving her ruby red nails in the air. “Little Anne needed some pointers on how to reel Buddy in and we got sidetracked adjusting her corset. Then we worked on Carly’s dress for opening night. God, it’s gorgeous. I guess I lost track of time.”

  Nicky shook his head and sat down on the bed. “Women,” he muttered. “Well, what are we going to do now?”

  “Help, of course,” Marilyn answered as she perched her negligee-clad hip next to him. “I don’t care if the FBI thinks they have it under control … this Wheeler is a slimy, sneaky son of a bitch. They need backup.”

  Nicky snorted. “Backup from us? The queen of melodrama and her toothpaste commercial boyfriend?”

  “You did not just say that.” Marilyn widened her eyes and shoved Nicky back on the pillows. She climbed on top of him and shook a finger in his face. “We are very helpful. You kicked his ass last time. And I have a brilliant plan. So we’re going to do our duty. No more arguing, young man.”

  Nicky looked up at her and sighed. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now give me a kiss and put your camouflage back on,” Marilyn commanded.

  “Aww, do I have to wear that again? I looked like a stalker,” he complained even as he gave a suggestive shift underneath her.

  Marilyn threw her head back and laughed. “You might have, but it was sexy. And you know it was sexy. Now hurry up. I have to change, too.” She leaned down and fastened her mouth to his. Nicky’s hands slid up her ample hips and she smacked at them, ending the kiss. “NO. Not right now. Good Lord, Nicky … at a time like this.” She frowned.

  Nicky ran long fingers through his hair. “Then why do you tempt me like that? Get up,” he grunted, shoving her to the side. He walked to a dresser, stripped his shirt off and began rummaging for the camouflage clothing. “So tell me about this plan, woman.”

  Lounging on the pillows, Marilyn examined her nails. “Here’s the deal. You go and sneak up to the woods where Ross is. But you should probably call him and tell him first so that the FBI doesn’t shoot you by accident.” She gave a deep laugh as Nicky raised an eyebrow. “Okay, okay, that wasn’t funny. Anyway, I will stay here. As soon as you get up there and you see Wheeler pull into the clearing, text me so I will know. Then I’ll call him to distract him.”

  Nicky shrugged out of his jeans and put a hand on a muscular hip. “Huh? If you’re staying here, why do you need to change clothes? And what are you going to say to him, anyway?”

  “Darling. You know I need a new outfit for each new occasion,” she said answered, “And I’m going to whisper sweet nothings in his ear … Marilyn style.” She chuckled and struck a pose.

  “You mean it’s going to be X-rated,” Nicky muttered. “So, what am I supposed to do … just hang out in the woods?”

  “Yes. Unless it gets out of hand … and then you and Ross can decide what you want to do, I guess.” She waved her hand in the air.

  Nicky pulled on his camo pants and swaggered toward the bed. “I actually get to make up my own mind?”

  Marilyn grinned. “Of course, sexy. Now put a shirt on before you get me all distracted.”

  Nicky placed a hand on one of her thighs and leaned in. “Here’s the real deal, then. I will call Ross and tell him about your plan, but don’t expect him to go for it. This is the FBI’s operation and I really don’t think that our last minute help is going to be wanted.”

  “Why do you constantly have to suck the adventure right out of my life, Nicky?” Marilyn pouted.

  “Because one of us has to be the adult in this relationship, darling,” Nicky replied with authority. His hand slid farther up her thigh and she gasped, grasping him by the belt buckle. He chuckled and lowered his face to hers, stopping right before their lips touched. “NO. Not right now. Good Lord, Marilyn … at a time like this,” he said.

  Chuckling again at her frustrated shriek, he pulled on a shirt, sat on the edge of the bed and dialed Ross’s number. As it rung through, he glanced over at Marilyn. “I’m only doing this for you so you won’t cut me off later.”

  “Cut you off? Why, whatever do you mean, sweetie?” Marilyn batted her eyes.

  “You know good and well what I mean, woman. Leave me all frustrated. It’s not like you’ve never done it before and each time I’m forced to — Hello? Ross. How’s it going? Uh-huh. Yep. We’re fine here; I’m just checking in to see if you need my help. No? Okay then, that’s cool … ”

  Marilyn sat up and punched his shoulder. “Ow. Damn, woman. Look Ross, Marilyn has a plan. Yeah, I know … but I think it might actually help.”

  Marilyn rolled her eyes and flopped back on the pillows. Nicky winked at her as he continued to talk. “This is it. I will go up and stick with you, and she’s gonna stay down here. Yeah, I know. Good thing. Anyway, her plan is for me to text her when Wheeler gets there. Then she’s gonna call him and distract him with … um … trash talk. No, not insults. That would just piss him off. The other kind of trash talk.” Nicky chuckled and reached out to massage Marilyn’s foot. “She’s good at it, believe me. So you think they’ll go for it? Sure, I’ll hang on.”

  Marilyn sat up and looked at him. “Does he like my plan?”

  “Hold you horses, woman!” He glared at her, but continued to rub her foot, his hand sliding up the calf. She chortled and wiggled her bright red toenails.

  Nicky’s face broke into a grin. “That’s great. Yep. I’ll be up there as fast as I can climb. And for God’s sake, Ross, make sure the agents know I’m on my way. Getting picked off by a sniper is not how I plan to spend my evening.” He licked his lips and glanced at Marilyn. “I have better things to do.”

  • • •

  Carly gave a worried glance to the sky as the sun slipped past the horizon. It was almost completely dark now and she was having trouble controlling the panicky feeling in her stomach. Forcing herself to stand still, she clasped her shaking hands over her middle and closed her eyes. But her mind wouldn’t obey. What if he tried to kiss her? Or worse, what if he hit her? She knew that physically, she was no match for Wheeler’s strength. Even if he was a slobbering drunk, he still outweighed her by a good fifty pounds and was a foot taller, too.

  The wind picked up and blew her hair around her face. She batted it away, but it flew back and landed in her open mouth. This was not good. She needed to be able to see, dammit. Irritated, she stood up and began searching her pockets for a barrette. The wind was blowing harder now and what she could see of the sky looked ominous. Great. Not only was her hair flying around like snakes on Medusa’s head, but it was going to storm, too.

  She bent over, grabbed her hair and separated it into two sections, tying them in a tight knot at the back. It hurt and it wouldn’t stay for long, but at least she had to try. A rumble in the distance made head snap up. A truck. She could hear a truck approaching. Quickly, she drew in a deep breath and whispered to the microphone, “He’s here. Oh, God. I hope you can see me, Bruce. It’s dark. And Wheeler’s here.”

  The sound grew louder and it was accompanied by the blare of heavy metal music. A glow of light seeped through the tree line and seconds later, headlights bounced over the clearing just as the first fat drops of rain began to fall. Carly moaned as she watched the truck swerve into the clearing. Wheeler was smashed, no question about it. Well, she would just have to use that to her advantage as much as possible. She straightened her spine and waved at him, shading her eyes from the glare of the headlights.

  The truck stopped with a jerk and Wheeler slowly folded himself out, staggering as he stepped onto the rocky ground. Carly sighed in relief when she realized he didn’t intend to turn off the headlights. With the truck door still open, the dome light on the inside was on as well. “Hey, lover boy,” she called out. “It just started raining. You have excellent timing. My hero.”
/>   Hitching up his belt, Wheeler stumbled toward her, a pint bottle in his hand. “Of course I’m your hero. I rescued you once before. Although I was beginnin’ to think you’d forgot all about that day.” He frowned and belched a cloud of alcoholic fumes into Carly’s face. She flinched just a little, but managed to paste a smile on her face and wink at him.

  “Wheeler, you’ll always be my hero, honey.” She tugged at his sleeve and motioned to the truck. “I want to go see the baby you brought for me. Is it cute?”

  He pulled his arm away with a jerk. “I’m not stupid, Carly girl. You know ’xactly who the baby is. It’s your baby. I was just keepin’ it for you, like you asked me to. And you know that I know that it’s the only way I could get you to come to me,” he muttered and then staggered again. “I’m not stupid.” He stared at her and then raised the bottle to his lips, draining it. He threw the bottle and it shattered on a rock, making popping sounds that echoed through the clearing. Narrowing his eyes, he drew closer to her and grabbed her rain-slicked arms.

  Carly gulped back the fear rising in her throat. This was going to be harder than she thought. Not only did she have to stall him, but she had to get him to admit out loud that he had kidnapped the child. And terrorized and vandalized Ruby Spring. Pressing her lips together, she gently loosened her arms and wiped the rain out of her eyes. She leaned into him. “Oh, honey. The baby doesn’t matter to me. Only you do. The way you’ve fought for me these past few weeks has been so … well … so romantic,” she said with a forced sigh.

  He continued to stare. “Whatta ya mean, fought for you?”

  “You know … doing things to make people around here mad … ” she trailed off, and ran a hand down his damp shirt.

  “You’re up to something, girl. I don’t know what it is, but I definitely don’t like it.” Wheeler grabbed her wrist and jerked it away from his body. His face split into a menacing grin, revealing the jagged stump of his broken front tooth. Carly recoiled before she could stop herself, but not before Wheeler saw her reaction. His grip tightened on her wrist and he narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, I’m real pretty. I know it. But you’ll get used to it, girl. You have no choice.”


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