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Three Times a Lady: Threeway fun (Angie's Adventures Book 4)

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by Limey Lady

  ‘I was on Sandra’s invite. I told her I couldn’t go, so she’s going there on the pull.’

  ‘Going on the pull,’ echoed Liz. ‘She’ll probably get Suzanne.’

  Ronnie swapped puzzled glances with Angie.

  ‘Suzanne’s changed,’ Liz blurted. ‘She’s seeing other girls. I know she is.’

  Angie winced more noticeably. Again Liz missed it while Ronnie’s antennae twitched strong as ever.

  She’s been fucking her, she concluded. Angie Baby’s been fucking Suzy Q!

  ‘I thought you and Suzanne were joined at the hip,’ Ronnie said lightly, pouring more wine. ‘How can she be seeing other girls?’

  ‘She keeps putting me off,’ Liz replied. ‘And when we are together she has new ideas. They aren’t out of nowhere, are they?’

  It was hard to believe Liz missed Angie’s latest wince. Guilt with a capital G was written all over her.

  ‘Maybe she’s been watching videos,’ Ronnie suggested.

  ‘No, it’s not that. We’ve been watching videos for ages. ‘Liz flushed. ‘Besides, it’s not so much what we do; it’s the way she wants to do it.’

  ‘Listen,’ said Ronnie, ‘I’m the worst person to give relationship advice. But do you love Suzanne?’

  ‘Of course I do.’

  ‘And would you forgive her anything?’

  Liz only hesitated a second. ‘Yes. Yes I would.’

  ‘So why beat yourself up? So what if she’s messing around? She comes back to you, doesn’t she?’

  ‘That’s hardly the point.’

  ‘No, it’s entirely the point. I’ve drifted hither and thither forever. Angie’s been the closest to an anchor I’ve ever had, and she’s not been around for long. What you and Suzanne have is special. But you’re both young. Spreading your wings is only natural.’

  ‘Huh,’ went Liz.

  ‘I lived in a commune,’ Ronnie said. ‘I was older than you, but not much. It was a female commune and the bed-hopping never ended. I had a special friend but we didn’t allow jealousy. We swapped notes and kept on hopping . . . and not always in pairs, if you know what I mean.’

  Liz’s eyes bounced from Ronnie’s tits to Angie’s and back.

  ‘What plans have you for uni?’ Ronnie asked, changing direction.

  ‘It depends on results.’

  ‘Obviously, but do your plans dovetail with Suzanne’s?’

  ‘We’ve applied for the same places, if that’s what you mean.’

  ‘What’s first choice?’

  ‘All being well, Leeds.’

  ‘Adjoining rooms in halls?’

  ‘Yes, all being well.’

  ‘I don’t know very much about Leeds but nowadays some universities have double rooms. Same sex only.’ Ronnie chuckled. ‘The rest of the world’s anti same sex, but some universities encourage it.’

  Smiling but serious, she went on: ‘A double room costs less than two singles. I’d advise you to push the beds together and share a double. I would also advise you to join LGBT and go out on separate dates. Then compare notes back in your double room. Love at first sight is great but . . .’

  She shrugged expansively.

  ‘Well, a girl’s gotta know, hasn’t she?’

  ‘I guess Suzanne’s getting to know right now,’ Liz said bitterly. ‘She’s just not comparing notes.’

  Ronnie laughed as she opened yet another bottle of wine.

  Chapter Eight

  Angie was more than slightly confused. Liz’s sudden appearance had stunned her. She had been utterly terrified about being exposed as Ronnie’s lover. Personally she didn’t give a fig for her own reputation but Ronnie was genuinely sweet. Her career mattered infinitely more than Angie’s street cred. It would be a disaster if it all fell crumbling down.

  The relief she’d felt when Liz said she wouldn’t tell had been enormous, and all because of Ronnie.

  Of course the promise not to tell had been all because of Ronnie, too. She’d been subtly persuasive and oh-so charming at a time of unexpected stress. Liz had responded to her . . . well she had responded like a stray puppy who only wanted to be loved.

  But getting the promise wasn’t the end of it. Ronnie was still upping the charm. In fact Angie was sure that Liz was skilfully and steadily being seduced.

  How many times had Ronnie mentioned “threesomes” in her friendly banter? How often had she gone on about the wonders of no strings sex?

  And how often had Liz simpered and listened?

  It was patently obvious that Ronnie was charming Liz into bed. Unless she was going to be so rudely sent packing, there was likely to be three-way action before long. And a big part of Angie’s brain wanted to stridently object. This was supposed to be her grand finale tonight.

  How dare she invite someone else to join in!

  Yet a more discerning part of Angie’s brain applauded Ronnie’s efforts. Liz was staying pit, drinking white wine like it was going out of fashion, falling for the flattery big-time.

  ‘Tell Liz about my bedroom,’ Ronnie said, cutting into Angie’s thoughts. ‘Sell it to her.’

  Angie shrugged. ‘It’s very red.’

  Ronnie scoffed at that. ‘Come on girl, how many nights have we shagged in there? You can do better than that. Sell it to her . . . in all our interests.’

  Liz was swigging more wine. ‘Come on, Angie Baby,’ she said, not slurring but not quite sober.

  ‘You have to take your shoes and socks off to go in,’ said Angie. ‘The carpet’s whiter than fresh snow. Everything else is crimson or scarlet. And you could play five-a-side on the bed.’

  ‘I was thinking of three-a-side.’ Ronnie laughed, ‘and only one side. But you’re underselling again. Tell Liz what you like to do most.’

  ‘What . . .’

  ‘Tell her about the mirror, silly.’

  ‘There’s a mirror on the ceiling,’ Angie confessed. ‘It’s good for reflections, if you know what I mean.’

  ‘I’m used to the back seats of cars,’ said Liz. ‘An overhead mirror sounds awesome.’

  Ronnie was staring at Angie, prompting again her with her eyes.

  ‘Watching girls together is awesome,’ Angie obliged. ‘I could do it all night. Come to think about it, we do regularly do it all night.’

  ‘We could all do it all night tonight,’ said Ronnie, ‘all three of us.’

  Dead silence ensued.

  ‘I need to go,’ Liz said eventually.

  ‘No you don’t,’ Ronnie countered. ‘You’ve had nearly a bottle of wine. You’re staying here for another two hours at least. I’m not having you drinking and driving.’

  ‘You’ve got me drunk on purpose,’ said Liz.

  Angie couldn’t help but laugh. A year ago, as irresponsible under-age drinkers, there’d been a lower sixth drinking contest. Liz was relatively petite but she’d won it hands down. Fifteen-stone guys had wilted before her. A not-quite-sober Liz was not a risk to other road traffic.

  Well, not when Ronnie was casting a net about her, anyway.

  ‘Okay, so I’m not drunk,’ said Liz. ‘But I admit my judgment might be a little impaired.’

  ‘Finish that glass and I’ll put some coffee on,’ said Ronnie. ‘Then we’ll find something to do to fill in the rest of the evening.’

  Liz snorted. ‘Do you mean something like Trivial Pursuit?’

  ‘No,’ Ronnie laughed, ‘what I have in mind isn’t trivial at all.’

  Liz drew in a noisy breath.

  ‘I don’t believe in divine intervention,’ said Ronnie, ‘but I do believe in karma. The three of us are here together for a reason. And there’s only one reason I can think of.’

  Liz gulped.

  ‘I am passionately in favour for free love,’ Ronnie went on. ‘You strongly suspect Suzanne has similar inclinations. Indeed you suspect she will be indulging in sex later tonight. I will support her right to indulge. And I will support your right to indulge. So what about it? Why wait until you
’ve left home to try something you can try here and now?’

  ‘Hey,’ Angie put in. ‘I am here, you know? I have rights as well.’

  ‘Don’t listen to her,’ Ronnie said to Liz. ‘Once we’re up in bedroom she’ll revert to type. And neither of us will be sorry.’

  Liz rose to her feet.

  Angie fully expected her to flee.

  Another deep, noisy breath followed.

  ‘Okay then,’ said Liz, taking Ronnie’s hand. ‘Show me the way.’


  Shell-shocked again, Angie found herself standing barefoot in Ronnie’s bedroom. Feeling very much like a spare part, she watched Ronnie and Liz kissing. If Liz had ever had any reservations they were long gone. She was necking with the art teacher as if her life depended on it.

  Ronnie wasn’t holding back either. She’d shrugged off her transparent gown and was undoing buttons on Liz’s blouse, slowly yet purposefully. Liz wasn’t objecting. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the bare cheeks of Ronnie’s bum.

  Angie didn’t really have concerns about having a threesome, even though she wasn’t quite sure what she was supposed to do. Her only exposure to such activity had been Abigail’s video, and even then she hadn’t watched it all the way through.

  No, Suzanne was Angie’s big concern. However she looked at it, free loving or not, she was cheating on Liz every time she had sex with Suzanne. Could she possibly now cheat on Suzanne . . . and with Liz, of all people!

  Who would blame who if word ever got out?

  And what exactly was blame anyway?

  Liz’s blouse was unfastened. Ronnie broke their embrace and slipped it off her. The surprisingly demure bra followed. Then Ronnie was turning Liz so she faced Angie, staying behind her but close. Ronnie’s hands were on Liz’s small but perfectly formed tits.

  ‘Don’t be coy, Angie’ Ronnie said. ‘Liz wants a kiss. Don’t you, my darling?’

  Liz had short, spiky brown hair and startlingly green eyes. She looked vulnerable standing there, held out like a sacrifice by the older woman. She managed to nod, her eyes fixed on Angie’s.

  Banishing Suzanne from her mind Angie approached, seeing Liz tilt up her face, offering her Cupid’s bow lips.

  Angie kissed her.

  And what a kiss! Liz wasn’t vulnerable at all; she was a raging force of nature. Reeling, doing her best to match her for passion, Angie became aware of hands on her; lots of hands. An octopus seemed to be touching her up. She guessed the pair inside her T-shirt belonged to Liz and ones on her ass were Ronnie’s, but might have been mistaken.

  Ronnie had been nuzzling the nape of Liz’s neck as they stood sandwiched together. Suddenly she began to speak.

  ‘Angie’s going to fuck us,’ she told Liz. ‘Have you ever been fucked by a man?’

  No answer from Liz; she was too heavily involved in kissing Angie.

  ‘I didn’t think you would have,’ Ronnie continued. ‘I have been and trust me, Angie’s better than all of them put together.’

  She pulled the two of them apart.

  ‘You know where the treasure chest is,’ she said to Angie. ‘Use the blue one. And don’t hurry. We’ll be all right, waiting for you on the bed.’

  Ronnie had two sets of drawers. One contained clothes and sexy lingerie. The other . . . her treasure chest . . . was full of sex toys. Walking on wobbly legs Angie opened the second drawer down and got one of the simpler harnesses. Then, realizing she was still fully dressed, she looked towards the bed.

  Liz was naked already. She was on her back, moaning as Ronnie chewed her tits. Ronnie was naked apart from her stockings. Her backside was waving in the air. Angie could see her swollen pussy; see the glint of lady juice.

  ‘Omigod,’ she murmured, pulling off her T and unbuttoning her denims.

  The harness easily adjusted to fit over her wide hips. A quick visit to the top drawer produced the blue dildo. It was realistically penis-shaped and eight inches long. Angie tightened the straps and moved it, testing it for friction. Satisfied she’d got it just-so, she went to the bed.

  By now Ronnie was down on Liz but still waving her slinky backside. Angie knee-walked into position and ran a finger up and down that deliciously swollen pussy. Normally a stickler for foreplay, she then ran the tip of the toy up and down again. Before she could do a repeat Ronnie had backed onto her, impaling herself, never once removing her mouth from Liz’s groin.

  ‘Oh yes,’ Liz cried. ‘Oh fuck me, yes!’

  Very short bristles came erect on the back of Angie’s neck. How spooky was that! Liz was reacting as if she was the penetrated party. Was it some sort of telepathy or was Ronnie doing something absolutely great to her clit?

  Angie corrected her aim a little and pushed, this time sinking in straight and true.

  ‘Oh yes,’ Liz cried. ‘Oh fuck me, yes!’

  Ronnie was too much of a gentlewoman to speak with her mouth full. She kept going at Liz and, when Angie started to rhythmically rock in and out, Liz kept up with the grateful encouragement. It genuinely seemed as if she was the one taking the fucking . . . and with great gusto, at that.

  The experience was exceptional. It only lasted ten minutes until, against all logic, Angie came. It was the excitement, she decided, determinedly rocking herself on and through it. The excitement and Liz’s yells.

  Then maybe two minutes later, when Angie reckoned she’d got most of her control back, she sensed that Ronnie was preparing to cum. So too was Liz.

  (Liz’s yells left nobody in doubt about that!)

  ‘Come on,’ she implored. ‘Come on Miss Pearce, cum for me.’

  Ronnie did and Liz went with her. It was astonishing to watch.

  ‘Enough,’ Ronnie finally gasped, pushing Angie off her. Then, addressing Liz: ‘You go first. And try to remember to look in the mirror. Angie’s body moves like poetry in motion.’

  Liz’s eyes were wide. She nodded at Ronnie, had a quick check in the mirror then nodded to Angie.

  ‘Okay Ange.’

  Angie was chomping at the bit by now. She still had her manners, though. ‘Are you sure?’ she asked.

  ‘Sure she’s sure,’ said Ronnie. ‘Can’t you see how wet she is? Go on; give the girl what she wants.’

  ‘Are you sure?’ Angie asked again.

  Liz nodded. ‘Go on Ange. Do as Miss Pearce says; give the girl what she wants.’

  Chapter Nine

  Half past one Saturday morning and Angie was watching reflections. The three of them were side by side on their backs, with her in the middle. As Ronnie never turned off bedroom lights their reflections were easy to see.

  There was also something reassuringly orderly about the sight in the overhead mirror. Previously they had been a jumble of arms and legs, tits and bums.

  Not that there was anything wrong with arms and legs, tits and bums, of course. It was just that this latest sight had symmetry to it: her left hand on Ronnie’s groin, her right on Liz’s. Being in the middle, her groin was being attended to by both Ronnie’s right hand and Liz’s left.

  And this was supposed to be a rest period.

  With Ronnie’s many-ringed fingers occasionally easing inside her! How restful was that!!

  Angie grinned. She didn’t know if tonight had been Liz’s first strap-on fuck but it wouldn’t be her last. The girl had loved it and begged for more . . . and more and more.

  Somewhere during the third or fourth fuck Liz had shouted something about not stopping, ever. Angie had felt a power rush. Ronnie had been masturbating while she watched. Moving in, she’d started to rub Liz’s clit with one hand and squeeze Angie’s tit with the other. Then, multitasking, she had kissed Angie quite fiercely.

  How erotic was that! Fucking one girl and kissing another.

  ‘You’re brilliant Angie,’ Ronnie had assured her. ‘You get to fuck me next, while Liz sits on my face. That way you’ll see both of us cum.’

  With the benefit of hindsight, Angie reckoned that was when she’d
found her calling. Previously she’d got off on what she assumed to be power and control. Suddenly she realized they were minor factors. Suddenly she realized that making a girl cum was the best thing she could ever do.

  Pleasuring; that’s what she was here for.

  Pleasuring, that’s what good old Mother Nature had always had in mind.


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