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Lethal Remedy

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by Richard Mabry

  Lethal Remedy

  "Lethal Remedy boasts a gripping medical plot that only an insider could write so believably. Dr. Mabry takes his knowledge of the medical profession, combines it with a ticking clock, and gives the reader a problem we'd all be terrified to face. What more could the reader of good medical suspense ask for?"

  —SUSAN SLEEMAN, author of Behind the Badge and the Justice Agency series

  "Lethal Remedy is the perfect cure for boredom: a first-rate medical thriller with humor, engaging characters, and realism that only a seasoned doctor could bring to the story."

  —RICK ACKER, author of When the Devil Whistles and Blood Brothers

  Other Books in the Prescription for Trouble Series

  Code Blue

  Medical Error

  Diagnosis Death

  Lethal Remedy

  Prescription for Trouble Series

  Richard L. Mabry, M.D.

  Medical Suspense with Heart

  Lethal Remedy

  Copyright © 2011 by Richard L. Mabry, M.D.

  ISBN-13: 978-1-4267-3544-8

  Published by Abingdon Press, P.O. Box 801, Nashville, TN 37202

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form,

  stored in any retrieval system, posted on any website,

  or transmitted in any form or by any means—digital,

  electronic, scanning, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without

  written permission from the publisher, except for brief

  quotations in printed reviews and articles.

  The persons and events portrayed in this work of fiction

  are the creations of the author, and any resemblance

  to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (

  Published in association with WordServe Literary Group, Ltd.,

  10152 S. Knoll Circle, Highlands Ranch, CO 80130

  Cover design by Anderson Design Group, Nashville, TN

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Mabry, Richard L.

  Lethal remedy : medical suspense with heart / Richard L. Mabry.

  p. cm. — (Prescription for trouble series)

  ISBN 978-1-4267-3544-8 (trade pbk. : alk. paper)

  1. Women physicians—Fiction. I. Title.

  PS3613.A2L47 2011



  Printed in the United States of America

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 / 16 15 14 13 12 11

  This book is dedicated to you, my reader.

  On so many occasions, your comments about

  my previous books have stoked my creative fires

  when they were about to burn out.

  And your support of those novels is what

  made this one possible.

  Many thanks.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Author's Note


  When I wrote the acknowledgments for my last book, Diagnosis Death, both Abingdon and I thought it would be the last in the Prescription for Trouble series. But we were wrong, weren't we? So I'm back, grateful for another opportunity to visit with you again.

  My thanks begin, as always, with my fantastic agent, Rachelle Gardner. She's been a friend, encourager, and editor through my journey of development as a writer. Barbara Scott at Abingdon Press saw promise in my fiction, and I'm grateful that as one of her last acts before retiring she made sure that Abingdon would publish this novel. Ramona Richards, who has stepped in to very capably fill Barbara's shoes, is a joy to work with and deserves my thanks. Maegan Roper and Julie Dowd have labored behind the scenes to get the word out about this book and all the others Abingdon publishes. I appreciate them and everyone else at Abingdon Press who has contributed to this project.

  So many in the writing community have encouraged me that it's impossible to list them all. One of the truly fun things in switching from medicine to writing has been the opportunity to meet a neat group of people who share the frustrations and triumphs known only to those who labor over a computer— sweating bullets to achieve word counts, meet deadlines, and above all to produce a product that will grab readers and hold them for hundreds of pages. Thanks for what you've taught me and for your friendship.

  I believe I'm the only one in my family who continues to be astounded by the success of my books. My children—Allen, Brian, and Ann—have always had unbridled faith that their dad could do anything, and have been forgiving if he couldn't. And, of course, my wife, Kay, deserves a special "Thank you." She eagerly reads every word I write, and her suggestions for revision are always spot-on. She attends the same conferences I do, and apparently pays attention in class, because her touch on my manuscripts is truly golden. People ask how I can write about a female protagonist and make it believable. There's a one-word answer: Kay. Thanks, dear, for teaching me so much, including how to once more enjoy life.

  My first tentative steps into writing included a firm conviction that God wanted me to witness for Him through this medium. From my first book to this one, I've tried to do just that. I'm glad He has given me yet another opportunity, and I hope I've succeeded.


  NO ONE KNEW THE MAN'S NAME. WHITE MALE, PROBABLY IN HIS late seventies, found unresponsive in an alley about two o'clock in the morning and brought to the emergency room. Just another homeless derelict, another John Doe.

  "Pneumonia, late stages," the intern said. He yawned. "Happens all the time. Drank himself into a stupor, vomited, aspirated. Probably been lying in that alley for more than a day. Doesn't look like he'll make it."

  "Labs cooking? Got a sputum culture going?"

  "Yeah, but it'll take a day or two to get the results of the culture. The smear looks like Staph. Guess I'll give him—"

  "Wait. I've got access to an experimental drug that might help. Let me start him on that."

  The intern shrugged. It was two in the morning. He'd been on duty for more than twenty-four hours straight—why'd Johnson's wife have to go into labor today?—and he was bushed. The bum probably didn't have a snowball's chance of surviving anyway. Why not? "You'll be responsible?"

  "I'll take it from here. Even do the paperwork."

  "Deal," the intern said and ambled offto see the next patient.

  Three hours later, John Doe lay on a gurney in a corner of the ER. An IV ran into one arm; a blood pressure cuffencircled the other. Spittle dripped from his open mouth and dotted his unshaven chin. His eyes were open and staring.

  "Acute anaphylaxis, death within minutes. Interesting." He scratched his chin. "Guess I need to make some adjustments in the compound." He picked up the almost-blank chart. "I'll say I gave him ampicillin and sulbactam. That should cover it."

  The woman's look pierced Dr. Sara Miles's heart. "Do you know what's wrong with Ch

  Chelsea Ferguson lay still and pale as a mannequin in the hospital bed. An IV carried precious fluids and medications into a vein in her arm. A plastic tube delivered a constant supply of oxygen to her nostrils. Above the girl's head, monitors beeped and flashed. And over it all wafted the faint antiseptic smell of the ICU.

  Chelsea's mother sat quietly at the bedside, but her hands were never still: arranging and rearranging her daughter's cover, twisting the hem of her plain brown skirt, shredding a tissue. Sara decided that the gray strands in Mrs. Ferguson's long brunette hair were a recent addition, along with the lines etched in her face.

  Sara put her hand on the teenager's head and smoothed the matted brown curls. The girl's hot flesh underscored the urgency of the situation. Since Chelsea's admission to University Hospital three days ago, her fever hadn't responded to any of the treatments Sara ordered. If anything, the girl was worse.

  "Let's slip out into the hall," Sara said. She tiptoed from the bedside and waited outside the room while Mrs. Ferguson kissed her sleeping daughter and shuffled through the door.

  Sara pointed. "Let's go into the family room for a minute."

  "Will she be—?"

  "The nurses will check on her, and they'll call me if anything changes." Sara led the way into the room and eased the door closed. This family room resembled so many others Sara had been in over the years: small, dim, and quiet. Six wooden chairs with lightly upholstered seats and backs were arranged along three of the walls. Illumination came from a lamp in the corner. A Bible, several devotional magazines, and a box of tissues stood within reach on a coffee table.

  This was a room where families received bad news: the biopsy was positive, the treatment hadn't worked, the doctors weren't able to save their loved one. The cloying scent of flowers in a vase on an end table reminded Sara of a funeral home, and she shivered as memories came unbidden. She shoved her emotions aside and gestured Mrs. Ferguson to a seat. "Would you like something? Water? Coffee? A soft drink?"

  The woman shook her head. "No. Just tell me what's going on with my daughter. Do you know what's wrong with her? Can you save her?" Her sob turned into a soft hiccup. "Is she going to die?"

  Sara swallowed hard. "Chelsea has what we call sepsis. You might have heard it referred to as blood poisoning. It happens when bacteria get into the body and enter the bloodstream. In Chelsea's case, this probably began when she had her wisdom teeth extracted."

  I can't believe the dentist didn't put her on a prophylactic antibiotic before the procedure. Sara brushed those thoughts aside. That wasn't important now. The important thing was saving the girl's life. Sara marshaled her thoughts. "We took samples of Chelsea's blood at the time of her admission, and while we waited for the results of the blood cultures I started treatment with a potent mixture of antibiotics. As you can see, that hasn't helped."


  Sara wished the woman wouldn't be so reasonable, so placid. She wished Mrs. Ferguson would scream and cry. If the roles were reversed, she'd do just that. "While we wait for the results of blood cultures, we make a guess at the best antibiotics to use. Most of the time, our initial guess is right. This time, it was wrong—badly wrong."

  "But now you know what's causing the infection?" It was a question, not a statement.

  "Yes, we know." And it's not good news.

  Hope tinged Mrs. Ferguson's voice. "You can fix this, can't you?"

  I wish I could. "The bacteria causing Chelsea's sepsis is one that . . ." Sara paused and started again. "Have you heard of Mersa?"

  "Mersa? No. What's that?"

  "It's actually MRSA, but doctors usually pronounce it that way. That's sort of a medical shorthand for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that's resistant to most of our common antibiotics."

  Mrs. Ferguson frowned. "You said most. Do you have something that will work?"

  "Yes, we do. Matter of fact, when Chelsea was admitted I started her on two strong antibiotics, a combination that's generally effective against MRSA. But she hasn't responded, because this isn't MRSA. It's worse than MRSA." She started to add "Much worse," but the words died in her throat.

  Sara paused and waited for Mrs. Ferguson to ask the next question. Instead, the woman crumpled the tissue she held and dabbed at the corner of her eyes, eyes in which hope seemed to die as Sara watched.

  "This is what we call a 'super-bug,'" Sara continued. "It used to be rare, but we're seeing more and more infections with it. Right now, none of the commercially available antibiotics are effective. These bacteria are resistant to everything we can throw at them."

  Mrs. Ferguson's voice was so quiet Sara almost missed the words. "What do you call it?"

  "It's a long name, and it's not important that you know it." Matter of fact, we don't use the proper name most of the time. We just call it "The Killer."

  "So that's it?"

  "No, there's a doctor doing trials on an experimental drug that might work for Chelsea." No need to mention that Jack is . . . No, let it go.

  "Can you get some of this? Give it to Chelsea?"

  "I can't, but the man who can is an infectious disease specialist on the faculty here at the medical center. Actually, he helped develop it. Notice I said 'experimental,' which means there may be side effects. But if you want me—"

  "Do it!" For the first time in days, Sara saw a spark of life in Mrs. Ferguson's eyes, heard hope in her voice. "Call him! Now! Please!"

  "You realize that this drug isn't fully tested yet. It may not work. Or the drug may cause problems." There, she'd said it twice in different words. She'd done her duty.

  "I don't care. My little girl is dying. I'll sign the releases. Anything you need. If this is our only chance, please, let's take it."

  Lord, I hope I haven't made a mistake. "I'll make the call."

  "I'm going back to be with my baby," Mrs. Ferguson said. She stood and squared her shoulders. "While you call, I'll pray."

  "Mr. Wolfe, you can come in now." The secretary opened the doors to Dr. Patel's office as though she were St. Peter ushering a supplicant through the Pearly Gates.

  Bob Wolfe bit back the retort he wanted to utter. It's Doctor Wolfe. Doctor of Pharmacology. I worked six years to earn that Pharm D, not to mention two years of research fellowship. How about some respect? But this wasn't the time to fight that battle.

  He straightened his tie, checked that there were no stains on his fresh white lab coat, and walked into the office of the head of Jandra Pharmaceuticals as though he had been summoned to receive a medal. Never let them see you sweat.

  Dr. David Patel rose from behind his desk and beamed, gesturing toward the visitor's chair opposite. "Bob, come in. Sit down. I appreciate your coming."

  Not much choice, was there? Wolfe studied his boss across the expanse of uncluttered mahogany that separated them. Pharmaceutical companies seemed to be made up of two groups: the geeks and the glad-handers. Patel typified the former group. PhD from Cal Tech, brilliant research mind, but the social skills of a tortoise. Patel had been snatched from the relative obscurity of a research lab at Berkeley by the Board of Directors of Jandra Pharmaceuticals, given the title of President and CEO, and charged with breathing life into the struggling company. How Patel planned to do that remained a mystery to Wolfe and his co-workers.

  Patel leaned forward and punched a button on a console that looked like it could launch a space probe. "Cindy, please ask Mr. Lindberg to join us."

  Steve Lindberg ran the sales team from an office across the hall. Lindberg could memorize salient scientific material and regurgitate it with the best of them, but Wolfe would bet the man's understanding of most of Jandra's products and those of its major competitors was a mile wide and an inch deep. On the other hand, Lindberg had his own area of expertise: remembering names, paying for food and drinks, arranging golf games at exclusive clubs. No doubt about it, Lindberg was a classic glad-hander, which was why he had ascended to his current position, heading the mar
keting team at Jandra.

  Wolfe hid a smile. Interesting. The President of the company and the Director of Marketing. This could be big. The door behind Wolfe opened. He deliberately kept his eyes front. Be cool. Let this play out.

  "Hey, Bob. It's good to see you." Wolfe turned just in time to avoid the full force of a hand landing on his shoulder. Even the glancing blow made him wince. Lindberg dragged a chair to the side of Patel's desk, positioning himself halfway between the two men. Clever. Not taking sides, but clearly separating himself from the underling.

  Wolfe studied the two men and, not for the first time, marveled at the contrast in their appearance. Patel was swarthy, slim, and sleek, with jet-black hair and coal-black eyes. His blue shirt had a white collar on which was centered the unfashionably large knot of an unfashionably wide gold-and-black tie. Wolfe wondered whether the man was five years behind or one ahead of fashion trends. He spoke with a trace of a British accent, and Wolfe seemed to recall that Patel had received part of his education at Oxford. Maybe he wore an "old school" tie, without regard to current fashion. If so, it would be typical of Patel.

  Lindberg was middle-aged but already running to fat— or, more accurately, flab. His florid complexion gave testimony to too many helpings of rare roast beef accompanied by glasses of single malt Scotch, undoubtedly shared with top-drawer doctors and paid for on the Jandra expense account. Lindberg's eyes were the color of burnished steel, and showed a glimmer of naked ambition that the smile pasted on his face couldn't disguise. His thinning blond hair was combed carefully to cover early male pattern baldness. The sleeves of his white dress shirt were rolled halfway to his elbows. His tie was at half-mast and slightly askew.

  Patel, the geek. Lindberg, the glad-hander. Different in so many ways. But both men shared one characteristic. Wolfe knew from experience that each man would sell his mother if it might benefit the company, or more specifically, their position in it. The two of them together could mean something very good or very bad for Bob Wolfe. He eased forward in his chair and kicked his senses into high gear.


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