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Gypsy Girl and Horse Lovin' Boys

Page 12

by K. D. Kinney

  “Cessie, we need to go home,” I yelled as I headed out of the barn.

  “Awww,” Cessie whined and stomped over to me.

  I started to pick up my pace and quickly regretted it. I was going to be in tremendous pain all day.

  “I heard you had a run-in last night. You got three competing for you now? You must feel so special,” Kelly said from her horse’s stall.

  “What’s she talking about?” Cessie asked.

  “Go wait for me outside.” I pushed her to go away. When she was gone, I glared at Kelly. “There was nothing special about last night’s run-in.” I took a few steps closer to her, but not many. Kelly had access to my worst fear.

  “Well, it looks like it might have caused some complications for you. Especially because, you know, you’re really doing the whole whore thing. I mean, you can’t float from boyfriend to boyfriend unless you really are a slut.”

  “What do you know? By the way, you’re making a mess of your own with your meddling. Where are your friends now?” I clenched my fists and stretched taller with my growing confidence over Kelly’s loss of power.

  “I have friends.”

  “If you do, they aren’t the ones you started with. The boys, even if they wind up mad at me, won’t have anything to do with you once I leave. The girls have been going out of their way to make amends with me.”

  “You better watch your back, Seraphoney. You’ll pay for what you’ve done.”

  “I haven’t done anything. You gonna fling some more colorfully descriptive insults at me? What have I done anyway? I made some friends. I didn’t make you lose yours. You did that all on your own just by being you. I didn’t get in the way of you and Noah. You were never going to get him in the first place. You have done a great job making sure he will never like you that way. Ever. The mean girls don’t get away with much for long without it coming to bite them in the butt in the end.” I clenched my fists and leaned forward until Kelly pulled her horse’s head over the stall door.

  She glared at me. “You wait. You won’t be here much longer.”

  I backed away not wanting to turn my back on her. “I know I won’t. I’ll be leaving on Monday.”

  “We’ll see.”

  I ignored Kelly’s threats as best I could as I collected Cessie and we went home.


  From what Kelly said, it sounded like she might have been behind the attack the night before. My mind spun constantly from Kelly’s threat, my problems with Josh and Noah, and with every passing hour my body hurt more and more. I kept my legs and stomach hidden from Mom and Cessie. However, as the heat of the day started to build, my sweat stung the scratches and it was hard for me to pretend they weren’t there.

  When we prepped for the first show, I was out of sorts, completely uncomfortable while trying to figure out what to do with Noah and Josh. I probably made a big mistake kissing Josh. I was a terrible liar and the guilt was more than I could handle especially since Josh slipped up. Continuing with the girlfriend thing with Noah was unfair or at the very least unkind if I continued to keep the secret from him. I had to tell him and deal with consequences. What made it so much harder for me was to pull back from Josh. I had so much in common with him, it was drawing me to him like a magnet. I had to be awfully shallow preferring Noah’s attention. I could stare at him all day and kissing him was even better, made me feel special. Besides the fact Noah was hot, he was kind and very giving. His biggest issue, he had a meddling mom. And I would never have to deal with her.

  I took Peppy out of his cage. He pulled on the leash and didn’t settle down very well on my shoulder, screeching sporadically. I needed to calm down. Peppy had a tendency to feed off my agitation. I took a deep breath and gave Peppy an apple slice while I waited for our introduction.

  “Then Peppy arrived … ,” Mom announced.

  I stepped out from behind the curtain and walked off the stage to the grass to wait for the next cue for Peppy to climb off my arm and take the little red wagon with the stand to Millie so she could climb on to be rescued.

  Peppy screeched as soon as he landed on the ground and ran for the stands. He never did that. I pulled his leash as he jumped up and down while reaching for something in the grass. I couldn’t see what it was. A foot in front of Peppy kicked it just out of his reach.

  Sitting in the front row was Kelly with a banana in her hand and she glared right at me as she spitefully took a bite right in the no food or drink zone. Before every show started, Mom would ask people to move if they had little children with bottles or snacks. There was Kelly intentionally stirring up trouble. Peppy got a hold of one piece of banana but he was so off task and out of control, he needed to be taken offstage.

  I pulled on his leash and he threw a bigger fit. I had another apple in my pocket but he was too out upset to care. He climbed up my leg and pulled my hair, unleashing his fury on me. I ran to the stage to hide behind the curtain and struggled to protect my face, hoping he wouldn’t bite me. None of the monkeys we had trained had lost control like that before. Mom was suddenly beside me and she spoke softly to help Peppy calm down. She eased him into his pen with a bowl of berries and banana.

  Even though that had never happened before, Cessie knew exactly what to do. She pulled the stage curtain closed and asked the audience to wait while we determined whether the show could go on.

  “What triggered him?” Mom asked

  I trembled all over. I wasn’t crying but something trickled down my face. Completely in shock, I had no idea if Peppy bit me or not. I always thought it was a waste of time to prepare for a potential monkey fit. Now I knew “There were banana pieces near the stands just out of his reach. He was intentionally taunted by someone in the audience. It didn’t help that I was agitated before I went out there. Peppy seems to feed off that.” My hands were scratched up from Peppy’s nails. Mom dabbed at my face.

  “I hope all this blood is from little scratches. Honey, I have to go finish the show or at least end it. Will you be okay?” She kept examining my cheeks.

  I nodded. Mom handed me a washcloth and reluctantly went back to the audience.

  I sat down on the floor in the hall out of sight and pressed the cool, wet cloth against my stinging face. I kept my eyes closed because crying wasn’t going to help a thing. Salty tears would probably make the scratches hurt worse. Peppy clung to the cage and cooed soothing sounds as he reached for me.

  “Well, you should have thought of that before your tantrum. You’ll be lucky if we aren’t investigated for that.” When I pulled the washcloth away, blood covered it.

  I went into the puny bathroom and had to straddle the port-a-potty just to see in the mirror. A few scratches reached into my hairline. The new scratches made the few from the night before look like nothing. I rinsed the rag off in the tiny sink and sat on the port-a-potty lid. Covering my face with the cool washcloth again, I sighed. Kelly did a great job making trouble and she warned me it was coming. We might be leaving before Monday. Hopefully, we would still have Peppy when we left. A tear slipped out, stinging my cheek. If I knew having friends was going to cause that much drama, I could do without.

  It didn’t take long for the fair officials to come and start investigating. Kelly filed a complaint and said that the monkey almost attacked her. When I overheard that Kelly was making it worse, I pulled out my tablet, and went to the picnic table on the far side of the field. I was sick to my stomach as I watched Mom answer all their questions, proving she had all the necessary paperwork, permits, and shots for Peppy.

  The officials should realize Peppy didn’t hurt anyone but me and leave us alone. I pulled up Facebook. Posted on Kelly’s Timeline was a Vine of Peppy coming for her and then another one of Peppy attacking me. Peppy’s fit did look violent. I folded my arms on the table and hid my face in my arms. I didn’t want to see the people walking by, watching the Caravan as it swarmed with police and other important people that could ruin my mom’s dream.

” Rachel said. I wiped my eyes as I looked up. Bree was with her. “What’s going on?”

  “Bree warned me yesterday. I forgot when the show started because I was still reeling from everything that happened since last night and this morning.” I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling it forward so it helped hide my face some. Not that it helped, hair stuck to tear tracks.

  “Oh what the … ” Bree said when she caught sight of my face. She sat down on the bench across from me.

  “Yeah, I look awful.”

  “Who did that to you?” Rachel asked.

  “Peppy did it. Kelly instigated him with a banana though. Look at this. This makes everything even worse.” I handed them the tablet with the video.

  As they watched it, Cessie ran across the field to me in distress, “Sera, Sera! They’re taking Peppy.” Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  “I figured.” I hugged her. “I knew they would.”

  “But why?” Bree asked.

  “Probably to make sure his permits clear and the vet information checks out since we’re from out of state. He’s considered an exotic pet and for my mom to take him around the country, we can’t have any mistakes. This is a huge problem. Sort of a worst-case scenario that has never happened before. What’s worse is that it might ruin Peppy’s future as a helper monkey for the handicapped.”

  “You’re mom never said that in the show.”

  “No. She never mentions it. The monkey’s future kind of takes away from the character of Peppy. Mom says if we mention that we get a new monkey every summer that we train for Handy Helpers it would ruin the story magic she tries to create. This kind of meltdown he had today could make him ineligible. There aren’t many places he can go once he’s labeled unfit. That is if we even get him back.” I wiped my eyes and stroked Cessie’s head when she squeezed me tighter.

  “I’m going to go get the boys,” Rachel said.

  “Why? They aren’t going to help anything.” That was the last thing I wanted was for them to hang around to complicate everything.

  “They know how to handle this stuff. At least Josh does.” Bree’s face reddened as she swung her leg over the bench on the picnic table. “We’ll be back.”

  “Don’t you guys have to compete soon?”

  “We have time, if we hurry.” Rachel and Bree ran off together.

  I held onto Cessie as a truck from the humane society showed up.

  “I want to go. Maybe I can stop them.” Cessie ran back to the Caravan.

  I folded over onto the table again. I couldn’t watch.

  The girls were fast in finding Josh and Noah. The four were there in no time.

  Noah straddled the bench beside me and rubbed my back. Josh sat opposite and he reached for my hand.

  I tucked my hands into my lap. “Guys, I like you so much. But I need friends more than I need boyfriends right now.” I wiped my eyes and couldn’t stop crying when I tried to look at them.

  Noah continued to rub my back lightly. “What’s going on?”

  “That is a huge crowd over there,” Josh said.

  Bree took the tablet and showed Josh the video.

  “What the hell! I can’t believe she would go and ruin your mom’s show like that.” Josh gripped the table edge.

  “We might have to leave depending on what they determine. If Peppy is considered a risk to the public and if Kelly goes through with her complaint, we may have no choice.”

  “Will they consider Peppy a risk?” Noah asked.

  “They might if Kelly’s video and story stand. But Peppy didn’t touch her. He attacked me. It could have been worse. He could have bitten me. Capuchins are sweet monkeys but they’re vicious when they lose control. I’m staying over here because I don’t want them to see how bad he scratched me and of course no one would know about last night’s scratches. They might think that he attacked me before today.” I covered my face with my hands when I couldn’t hold back a sob.

  Josh rubbed my arm and Noah kept rubbing my back. He rubbed it lightly but it still hurt.

  “Guys, cool it with the boyfriend stuff.” I slapped the table with fury bubbling to the surface. “It just doesn’t help. I’ll be telling you goodbye tonight or tomorrow anyway.” I buried my face in my hands again. That was not how I wanted to end things. I didn’t want to say goodbye to them yet.

  “Come on Noah,” Josh said angrily and he was on his feet.

  I stood, reaching for Josh’s arm. “I’m so sorry, I really am. I didn’t mean to lash out.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’m going to take care of Kelly.” Josh pulled Noah’s arm to make him come. “Put on your big girl panties, Noah.” They stormed off.

  “You have to compete soon,” I yelled.

  “I got it.” He waved at me and didn’t let go of Noah. He barely kept up behind Josh.

  “He’s got it,” Rachel said, nodding.

  “Yep, he’s got it.” Bree patted my arm.

  “I don’t know.” I shook my head.


  The rest of the day was just as awful. Shows for the rest of the day were canceled. Millie wouldn’t stop squawking. Cessie was in tears in our room. Mom sat at the table with piles of paperwork. I didn’t know how to help at all. Honestly, I felt totally responsible and didn’t know how to fix any of it.

  “I’m so sorry Peppy did that to you. I’ve always known and warned people that Capuchins aren’t good pets, trying to do my part. I feel terrible that I allowed this to happen to my own daughter.” Mom’s eyes were teary.

  “Are we going to have to leave?” I sat down across from her at the table.

  “We’re waiting to find out.”

  “Will we get Peppy back?”

  “I don’t know.” Mom rubbed her face. “He had been one of the easiest to train.”

  “He’s always been a little sensitive, though.” I rubbed the tabletop. “That was my fault. I was stressing and Peppy could tell when I took him out for the show.”

  “It was that girl. Seriously, every show I go over our strict guidelines.”

  “Yeah, the girl that did that was my fault too. That’s the one I was telling you about.”

  “What? The one that posted videos and pictures?”

  “Technically she had the friends do it earlier.”

  “Maybe we could use that. You know, that she has been harassing you all this time.” Mom was so hopeful.

  “There’s nothing we could use to prove it now. Josh deleted everything. It’s not on Rachel’s phone or even on the internet anymore.” I couldn’t handle anymore guilt. “Can we do the other venues if we have to leave here or are we going home?”

  “Honey, I wish I had answers. I wish I had someone to talk to that could advise me what to do or how to fight this. I just don’t know anything. We are at the mercy of others right now.” She got up from the table. “I can’t do this. I need to go for a walk to clear my head. Stay here with Cessie.”

  Mom changed her clothes and left. I went up to the roof and made sure no one could see me while I watched the arena. Noah should be showing soon. Kelly would be too. I didn’t have much faith that Josh and Noah could fix anything. Guilt consumed me all over again. Time only exacerbated my misery. I didn’t get to watch Josh, Rachel, and Bree either. I pulled out my phone and texted Josh.

  Me: How did u do?

  I watched the horses as I waited for him to text back.

  Josh: I got 3rd. Bree got 4th. Rachel got 2nd . Next show I got 2nd. Rachel 3rd Bree 4th.

  Me: Good job! Bree placed too. : )

  Josh: Yes.

  Me: Is Noah done now?

  Josh: Yes. Waiting for awards. Kelly isn’t doing so well after we talked to her. Cross your fingers.

  Me: She say anything?

  Josh: Can I tell u about it later? Want to see u.

  Me: Sure. Tell me how Noah does.

  Josh: K. Awards about to happen.

  I pulled out the tablet to see what was on Kelly’s timeline. There wer
e so many comments. Some were mean and of course they were concerned for Kelly. I needed to do something else. Nothing was going to be able to shake the gloominess or take away the fact that every single thing that had gone wrong was my fault. If only I had let my fear of horses keep me from Noah and maybe if he had been wearing that cowboy hat at first I would have stayed far away. There would have been no chance for Kelly to have a reason to hate me so much that she would work so hard to ruin my life, Peppy’s future, and my mom’s dream.

  Josh: Noah took 2nd behind Kelly. Robbed again. Kelly was a mess and took first. We want to come over. Can we?

  Me: Yes.

  I thought about telling them no for a second. However, they were good at reminding me everything wasn’t my fault. What I really wanted to do was run or escape all that had piled on me. My body was in so much pain from the carnie, and my face looked awful, I was better off staying put.

  I unrolled the rope ladder when I spotted them walking across the field. At least the day’s events were overriding my problems with them.

  They sat next to each other on the roof across from me. I spoke too soon. They were both uncomfortable, not knowing how to act.

  “I sure wish I was there. It sounds like you both did well today,” I said, trying to break up the awkward silence.

  “No, Noah was robbed. Kelly didn’t even turn on her charm. She screwed up bad and still won.” Josh’s face flushed with fury. “Seriously, you need to protest. If she can pull what she did, someone needs to turn the tables on her to prove what a fraud she is.” He threw a little rock he picked out of his shoe off the roof.

  “Don’t do that, you might hit someone.” I grabbed his hand, frowning at him.

  “Sorry. It just pisses me off so much.”

  Noah took his hat off and turned around to lean back on the pillow beside me. “The clouds sure are pretty today. I wonder if we’ll get a storm later. Clouds like that usually build into storms.”

  I attempted to ease back onto all the pillows I could find and scrunched up my face in pain. Josh scooted over to help me. His eyes glassed over when he looked at my face.


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