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Gypsy Spirits

Page 15

by Marianne Spitzer

  “Garret and I went back to the Jeep to get the water and food I picked up. It should keep them for a few days and then I’ll go back with more.”

  “You can’t go back. The sheriff thinks you know where Garret is. He could be watching you.”

  “If I don’t help him, he’ll get caught or worse. Nancy’s brother will find them. Garret was careful about what he said. There may be more going on I don’t know about. I need the truth.”

  “You need help to find the truth.”

  “That may be, I’m not sure how to face the pines alone again. On the way back to my Jeep, I did my best to follow the path with my flashlight and look ahead to be sure nothing was there. With each step, my heart began to beat faster. I heard twigs break and saw spirit lights twinkling around me. My head felt strange and I was drawn toward the lights. Something touched my shoulder. They nearly had me until I saw my Jeep and ran toward it. My palms were so sweaty I dropped my keys and could barely get them into the ignition. Finally, I was out of the pines and on my way here.”

  “You became lightheaded from panic and saw fireflies. Daniel, please don’t get carried away. Spirits are not after you.” She dropped her head into her hands as she tried to think of anything that would help him control his terror.

  “No, I felt the pines close in on me and the sounds of gentle voices coaxing me toward the bluff. I tried not to listen or follow. I barely made it to my Jeep.”

  “You heard voices? Are you sure it wasn’t the wind?” She looked up at him and watched him rise from his chair. He wrung his hands while pacing around the room.

  “No, it wasn’t the wind, they’re coming. I’ve been telling you for weeks.”

  Annamarie knew Daniel needed to confide in someone who would get the truth from Garret. His emotional state was too fragile to do it alone. Daniel’s experience in the pines brought him closer to the edge of insanity. How could he enter the pines again to help Garret? If he thought he heard voices, Daniel desperately needed psychological help.

  When the phone rang, Annamarie pleaded, “Don’t answer it, Daniel.”

  “It could be our parents.”

  “Please. Let it ring or let me answer.”

  Too late, he’d already grabbed the phone. “Hello. What? Okay, I’ll be right over. Don't call the sheriff until I get there.”

  “You can’t leave,” she said. “You promised, and I can’t take any more of this. I’m terrified here alone. There’s a killer out there.”

  “I won’t be long,” Daniel promised. “Just something I need to check out.”


  He was out the back door before she could say another word. Collapsing onto a chair, all she could do was pray. Annamarie was at her breaking point.

  The call had been from one of Garret’s employees. While he was at his dinner break, someone broke in and ransacked the shop. He called Daniel because he knew how Garret felt about the sheriff.

  When Daniel arrived, the shop appeared empty. The “Closed” sign in the window. Daniel entered through the side door. The shop was always a mess--what he saw was unbelievable. Whoever broke in was looking for something specific, and didn’t care what they did to find it. Locating Garret’s employee, Daniel told him to go home, and keep the shop closed until Garret came back. He readily agreed.

  Daniel wasn’t ready to go home. He needed to try and find Bulk, who must have some answers. He knew if he kept some distance between Annamarie and himself she would be safer. The danger Garret created was going to come down on all of them if they didn’t get help. He knew he couldn’t go home bringing danger with him, but he did have to warn his wife. Daniel drove to Ray’s, bought a soda, asked for change for the telephone and called her.

  “Hello,” she said hoping it was Daniel.

  “Annamarie, it’s me. You have to listen to me carefully and do exactly what I say.”

  “Okay. What’s going on?”

  “As soon as we hang up, call your dad and tell him to come pick you up immediately. Please don’t ask me why, but I also want you to call Steve right away when you get to your parents. Tell him if what he and I talked about meant anything, he’ll do his best to protect you. You can tell him I know for a fact Ben was murdered, and whoever did it is after all of us. I don’t know who it is. I’ll be home as soon as I take care of a small problem. I’ll call you then. It may take a couple of hours. I love you. Now please call your dad so you’re safe.”

  In shock, she murmured, “Okay. I love you, too,” hung up and dialed her parents’ number.


  Annamarie quickly explained. Her mom said her dad was on his way. She ran through the house turning on a few lights and tossing a change of clothing into a suitcase. She was waiting near the front door by the time her dad pulled into the driveway. She ran out to the car, urging him to drive home quickly. She had to call Steve.

  Hugging her mom and putting down the suitcase, she asked her dad to explain what they’d discussed while she made her call. Calling Deb’s number first and praying Steve would be home, Annamarie was ready to tell everyone what was going on. Daniel said they were in danger, and she was afraid.

  Steve answered and she was happy to hear his voice. Everything Daniel had told her spilled out, including that Ben was murdered. Steve didn’t sound surprised, ordering her to stay right where she was. He was on his way over.

  When Steve arrived, they sat down in her parent’s living room. She explained Daniel refused to tell her where he was, or who was responsible for Ben’s death.

  Steve said, “That’s a good thing, Annamarie. The more you know, the more you’ll worry. The only problem is whoever is responsible doesn’t know what you do or don’t know.”

  “Then I’m in danger, too?”

  “I have to tell the sheriff. It’s the only way we can get answers now.”

  “I know, and I think Daniel knew it, too. He told me to be sure to let you know about all of this.”

  “You’ll be safe here. I’ll tell the sheriff. If we need to talk, we’ll call you. Oh, could you call Deb? Let her know you’re safe. I couldn’t tell her why I had to see you, and she’s a wreck, so no details, please.”

  “No details, it’ll be nice to talk to her. I need a friend right now.”

  Steve hugged her, saying, “You have lots of friends.” He said goodnight to her parents and left.

  “That’s the kind of boy you should’ve married, Annamarie,” her dad said while he loaded his hunting rifle.

  Her mom hushed him with one of her looks. “Theo this isn’t the time.”

  Chapter Thirteen: Loss

  Turning to leave, Daniel saw Bulk’s high school girlfriend, Carolyn, having coffee with a friend. He walked over and said, “Hi Carolyn, sorry to bother you. I have a question if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” answered Carolyn. “I was thinking about you and Bulk today.”

  “Why, what’s going on?”

  “I shouldn’t tell you, but if you promise not to say anything, I will.”

  “I promise,” he said, hoping he could keep his word.

  He sat down next to her.

  She said, “Bulk’s back in the psychiatric ward. He had another breakdown after Ben’s funeral. My cousin works there and called to tell me Bulk was asking for me. My cousin said Bulk was admitted because he’s terrified of spirits, and something he calls ‘them.’ His mind has reverted back to high school. He thinks we’re still dating. It’s sort of creepy. The doctors think whatever is troubling Bulk frightened him into regressing to a safe time in his mind. Do you have any idea why?”

  Daniel shook his head, even though he knew full well Bulk was terrified he would be the next one murdered. He also knew the spirits were haunting Bulk’s thoughts.

  “Maybe Ben’s death was too much for him.”

  Carolyn agreed, saying she would call Daniel if she heard anything more. She had answered Daniel’s question about Bulk without his having to ask.


nbsp; Daniel was relieved Bulk was in the hospital, not that he was ill but safe. The major worry now was what Garret might do when he learned about Bulk. At this point, anything Garret did put them all in more peril. Daniel would have his work cut out for him when it came to keeping Garret calm.

  Climbing in his Jeep, he remembered he promised Annamarie he’d be back soon, but safe at her parents, he decided he needn’t worry about her. He did have to see someone who was a worry-–Garret. He also had to face his fear of the spirits. The pines at night were one place Daniel would usually avoid at all cost. This time he didn’t have a choice. He hoped Annamarie’s spirit would protect him.

  Parking near the path through the pines, Daniel pulled out his flashlight. The sun had gone down. After a few minutes, he arrived on the other edge of the pines and could see the outbuilding. The building was dark, and he hoped Garret was there. When they were young, they learned a secret whistle at scout camp. He whistled and in a few seconds he heard the proper whistle response. Daniel approached the building. Garret and Nancy were waiting at the back where they wouldn’t be seen.

  “Hi,” said Nancy. “You’re back soon.”

  “We need to talk.”

  They sat on the ground, and Daniel began to explain why he came back so soon. Garret was angry his shop had been ransacked, but agreed it should stay closed.

  “No one will come snooping around if they think I’m gone.” Garret also admitted he believed it was Nancy’s brother looking for the money Garret kept.

  “Why don’t you just give it back? Maybe that’ll settle him down a little?”

  “Can’t, I used it to pay off the guy I borrowed the money from to get the Bronco.”

  “I thought you went to the bank.”

  “Who would loan me any money? I got it from a guy in Oaklin, who loans money on the side. I figured I could pay it off quickly because of all the parts we were selling, but business slowed down. The guy got angry and threatened to break my legs if I didn’t pay. I thought I’d give him the money and tell Nancy’s brother I got robbed. I didn’t think he’d be angry with me since I’m her boyfriend.”

  “A loan shark, you borrowed money from a loan shark? I should break your legs.”

  “At least he’s not after me anymore,” said Garret. His smug look angered Daniel.

  “Nancy’s brother is, and it seems as if he is the worst of two evils.”

  “He’s nuts,” said Nancy.

  “I assumed that. He killed Ben. You need to deal with him and soon. If the sheriff figures this out, he’ll hold you as an accessory.”

  “I know," said Garret, “but I can’t until I find Bulk so I can keep him safe.”

  “Bulk’s in a good place. He had a serious breakdown after Ben’s funeral and was committed to Oaklin’s psychiatric ward. He’s regressed to high school memories. He doesn’t remember anything that’s happened. He thinks he’s still dating Carolyn.”

  “Wow, that’s bad, but maybe a good thing, too.”

  “Exactly, now it’s your turn to do what’s right before we all get killed. I have lied for you, found a place for you to hide and Annamarie sat in a jail cell protecting us. You have two days to fix this. I’ll be back on Sunday morning, and if you haven’t taken care of things, I’m going to the sheriff.”

  “Okay, okay,” yelled Garret. “Leave me alone. I’ll take care of it.”

  “You better or I will,” Daniel threatened. He stood up and headed back toward the pines. He knew it was time to see Annamarie, and that also meant going to her parents’ house. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to face her dad.


  Daniel knocked apprehensively on the front door. When it opened, Daniel said, “Hi Mr. Schneider,” trying to sound friendly.

  Theo silently glared at Daniel, and Annamarie’s mom saved the day again by pushing past her husband. “Hi Daniel, come in. Annamarie’s in the living room.”

  Daniel sheepishly walked past Theo and into the living room. She was in his arms in a second, hanging on for dear life.

  Her dad stated, “Annamarie’s not leaving here tonight. You’re welcome to stay in the guest room.”

  “Guest room?” Annamarie said.

  Her mom laughed, “Theo they’re married. He can sleep in Annamarie’s room.”

  Theo scowled at him, as if Daniel was going to sprout horns any minute.

  “Thank you sir,” said Daniel. “I appreciate being able to stay.”

  Daniel asked Annamarie if she’d spoken to Steve.

  “He was here and I told him everything. I think Steve knew Ben was murdered before I mentioned it.”

  “That could be,” Daniel said. “Everything is adding up to it. The sheriff isn’t a stupid man. Speaking of the sheriff, I have something he should know. Is Steve at home or the station? I’d prefer to talk to him.”

  “I spoke to Deb earlier, and while we were talking, he came home. I assume he’s still there.”

  “I’m going to call him and tell him about Bulk. You can listen.”

  When Steve was on the line, Daniel explained about Bulk but kept his promise to Carolyn, not telling Steve how he found out. Daniel knew if the sheriff had any idea Carolyn had information, he would harass her the way he had Annamarie. He didn’t want that to happen.

  Annamarie and Daniel sat and discussed the things they could with her parents until it was time for bed. Theo said he had to go into work early.

  “Besides,” he said, “tomorrow’s Friday. I need to pick up my paycheck.”

  “Friday,” groaned Daniel. “We have an important meeting at work tomorrow morning. I better call my father and let him know where I am before he calls our house and then the sheriff.”

  When Daniel was through, they all said goodnight and headed for bed.


  Walking into her bedroom, Daniel began to laugh. “You expect me to sleep in that?” He pointed to her twin-size canopy bed covered with pink ruffles and light green fuzzy pillows.

  She snuggled up next to him teasing, “Are you such an old married man you need more room than this to sleep with your wife?”

  “Want me to show you?” Daniel said.

  “Not here with my parents in the room right below us. Are you crazy?” She whispered and they both collapsed on the bed, stifling their laughter.


  They woke to the smell of coffee and bacon. “Breakfast,” Daniel exclaimed. “I’m starving!”

  Annamarie put on her robe, Daniel dressing in the same clothes he arrived in. They headed downstairs towards the kitchen.

  Her mom was humming while she made breakfast.

  “Sit,” Paula said. “You’re just in time.” She placed waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and cinnamon toast on the table.

  Daniel devoured breakfast as if he’d not eaten for a week. “You make the best breakfasts in the world, Mrs. Schneider,” Daniel said between bites. He glanced at Annamarie and added, “Except for Annamarie, of course.”

  Her mom laughed. “Good save, young man, but Annamarie never cared for cooking. When the two of you became engaged, I knew I had to teach her what I could in six short months. I think she caught on fairly well.”

  “Yes, she did,” agreed Daniel. “She’s an excellent cook.”

  Breakfast finished, Annamarie informed Daniel she was going to take a bath. He reminded her he had a meeting at the office and had to go home to shower and change into a suit. His father would have a fit if he arrived in jeans and a t-shirt. Giggling at the thought of George’s face, she told Daniel he had three clean suits in the front hall closet at home. They kissed, and she headed off for her bath.

  Paula looked at Daniel and asked, “Do you have a minute or two before you leave?”

  “Sure,” said Daniel and sat back down.

  She began, “I want you to know that I like you, Daniel. Theo may sound gruff, but he doesn’t hate you. He’s worried Annamarie could get hurt.”

  Daniel hugged his mother-in-law, assuring her
he wouldn’t do anything to upset Annamarie’s dad, and hurried off to prepare for his meeting.


  Sitting in a warm bath water wasn’t relaxing Annamarie. She never enjoyed baths and wished she was home where she could shower.

  Finishing her bath, she dressed in brown stretch pants and a button-down print blouse. She put her hair up in the giant hair rollers. Fortunately, her mom had a hair dryer large enough to accommodate the rollers, or it would take hours for her hair to dry.

  Annamarie turned on the hair dryer. It was loud enough she could barely hear her own thoughts, and that was a good thing.

  Her mom knocked on the table to get her attention, and said Daniel was on the phone. Worried about why he’d be calling she picked up the receiver. He wanted to let her know he was home, and had checked out the entire house. As far as he could tell no one had been there or tried to break in. Annamarie was relieved.

  “I’ll call you from the office, so you don’t worry. When I’m ready to leave the office, I’ll call again. I think it’s safe for us to be home. I refuse to spend another night in your pink nightmare.”

  She laughed, “I’ll see you later.”

  She finished drying her hair, and then brushed it out into the long, soft waves Daniel always loved. She was trying her best to deal with all that had gone on. It was hard to believe scarcely a week ago everything was normal. Now nothing was the same.

  Her mom was engrossed in one of her soap operas. Annamarie went up to her old room trying to remember what life was like when the only thing to worry about was what she was going to wear. Looking around, she had to agree there was an enormous amount of pink in the room. Maybe that’s why she only owned one pink sweater now. Pink must remind her of childhood, but being an adult wasn’t what she expected.


  Daniel arrived shortly after lunch. They both hugged Paula and Annamarie told her not to worry. They were going to be all right. She wasn’t sure her mom believed it, but she smiled as they left.

  On the drive home, Daniel told her the meeting went well, and his father told him to go home and be back in the office Monday morning. A long weekend sounded perfect. Daniel promised he wouldn’t take off again if Garret called. He said Garret had enough supplies, and would be okay. No one was going to find them out on his grandfather’s property. They would be safe there.


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