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Battle Mage, The Caves of Time

Page 31

by Donald Wigboldy

  The hunters had met the force from Southwall only an hour's ride away. With horses already waiting in camp, something Sebastian hadn't thought to bring along, they had covered only a couple miles from the gathering point by his portal stones. It was a little bit surprising. He had assumed that the tribes would be further north, but they were a nomadic people and with a peaceful meeting before winter they must have felt comfortable moving closer to the country to the south. Maybe they had also wished to be a little further from the monsters of the Dark One in the mountains in the north which had trespassed on their territory so recently.

  There had been a short conversation with the hunters, but their arrival wasn't exactly unexpected. The time hadn't been specified, but the nomads had been waiting for their prospective allies all winter. Waiting perhaps, but they had continued to live their lives as well.

  Told to wait by those leading them towards the nomad camp; Sebastian felt like they were reliving the actions of the last visit, though this time they waited in a depression between low hills. They were close to the campsite, he knew. Smoke rose in small trails to the northeast. He had also seen the tree line of a small forest from the last rise.

  A tan skinned warrior stood in front of Oltus and nodded at the wizard before saying, "You we know and the owl's friends." He glanced to Ralto at the head of a short column of mages, wizards and soldiers. "The rest will need to wait here. Arkoness Smrajni will have to decide on whether the others may enter the camp. We did not expect you to bring so many with you this time."

  Clearing his throat, Oltus replied, "That is quite all right. We weren't certain how many to bring along this time as well. Perhaps we were a little too... cautious," the wizard admitted and looked a little uncomfortable to Sebastian's eyes.

  Oltus was a master of diplomacy, however, and the mage had a feeling that what he showed the warrior was exactly what he wanted to show the man. Though Ralto had managed to push himself into leadership of the mission, the nomads were putting him in check without knowing that they were helping Oltus and Sebastian as well in this regard.

  "Should they set up camp here?" the owl asked the man. "There isn't any water source here for the horses."

  Holding up his hand, the warrior replied, "We will return when the matter is settled. They are just to wait here while you and this one go speak to the arkoness."

  Sebastian dismounted followed by Elzen and Ashleen. A little slower Serrena, Katya and Ylena joined them with Oltus trailing them all. The wizard glanced to the others around him looking like he wanted to bring someone with him as well, but he apparently settled on the owl's protection being enough in this case.

  At the warrior's small frown of confusion for the new girls, the mage smiled and informed the man, "This is my sister and her friend, if that is all right."

  While he and Katya were nowhere near identical in appearance, there were enough basic features to make the comparison. The nomad nodded without making more of the matter and the seven from Southwall began making the trek up the rise before them. It wasn't that tall or steep, but those unused to hiking were breathing a bit harder by the time they crested the hill.

  Sebastian didn't have to use his magic to see a small forest ahead of them now. While the land north of the wall was often called plains, that was hardly an all encompassing term for the thousands of miles of land running from Staron to the east out to Kardor far to the west.

  These lands had shifted since the Cataclysm, but the histories told of lands with forests and that hadn't changed completely. There were large tracts of open grasslands, but forests like this were just as common from what the mage had seen in his short time north of the wall.

  Smoke came from those trees and he noted that only a handful of tents stood outside the forest.

  "You used the forest for the winter?" he asked curiously.

  The hunter glanced over his shoulder and held his tongue before setting his gaze in front of him a moment. Turning back to look at the mage again, the procession stalled on the hill. "Winter is harsh in these lands. When there is a solid forest like this, we can settle under the branches. Enough leaves remain trapping some of the warmth of the land for part of the season. Less of the cold winds reach us also."

  Noting a number of needle bearing trees among those with leaves, he guessed that the hardy northern trees were numerous enough to help shelter the men and women of the tribes. Tents of layered hides would also trap the heat of small fires which released smoke through small openings near the tops of their tents. Even using nature and the best construction to resist the cold, winter likely was hard for the nomadic people. Buildings of stone and wood were certainly stronger, but even they felt cold all winter long.

  Sebastian's eyes were better than a normal man's thanks to the runes hidden on his skin. Without needing to cast a spell, the battle mage could see the handful of tents clearly. Another man standing among them lifted a hand in the air. A gesture meant to be seen from a distance, the warrior leading them spotted him as well and started to lead the others down the slope.

  Their group followed and arrived at the outer tents after a short time. Small yellow and white butterflies fluttered around them revealing that the insect life of these northern lands had already awakened to a point. Flowers dotted the grasses. Some were half open and others continued to hide in their buds waiting for the sun to warm them enough to feel comfortable to expose their colorful treasures.

  Ashleen's hand found his and he walked hand in hand with her most of the way. It was a pleasant day and it continued to warm. It was unlikely to heat up enough to make anyone uncomfortable, but it appeared that Ashleen's prediction of warmer weather was correct. It felt like spring, a season that was often too brief in the northern lands.

  The smaller group passed through the tents and moved into the forest. He noted fresh green leaves above them. Grasses thinner than that of the open fields, grew on the ground beneath their feet along with glimpses of moss here and there. It made for a soft, cushioned walkway as they began to find more tents sheltered between the trees.

  Eventually they found a clearing in the forest where a large tent took up the center of it. A few other smaller tents surrounded the center one. It was familiar to Sebastian and those who had come last time. This was the tent where they had first met the leaders of the tribes called the arkein.

  They didn't have to wait long to be invited inside. It also didn't take long for the mage to note the differences from last year. He spotted Arkoness Smrajni, but the woman only had two other men sitting on the cushions they used for chairs. There were still guards surrounding them and he noted two possessing magic trying to hide in the back of the meeting area.

  "Wizard Oltus, Owl Sebastian, welcome back," a woman with dark hair like Ylena's greeted them. Even in light that felt dim compared to the sun shining outside, he noted the bright green eyes of the nomad leader. Her skin was darker than Ylena's differentiating them among other things, though the arkoness was nowhere as dark as the warrior who had led them here.

  Tilting his head in a slight bow echoed by those following Oltus' lead, the wizard replied with his own greeting, "Good morning, Arkoness Smrajni, I hope you have been well since last we met."

  "We've been well enough. Winters are long and cold, of course, but the tribes are used to it mostly. It was also quiet enough compared to last summer," the leader stated acknowledging the attacks on the nomads from the mountains. Monsters had come down with the help of the Dark One's warlocks and tested their abilities against the unsuspecting folk of the arkein. "I hope that you were well enough as well."

  "Our winter was a little more eventful and might help keep you from such troubles in the future," Oltus said with a smile. "The Dark One is dead."

  Sebastian assumed that the wizard expected gasps of shock or other reactions that might be along the same line. The leader of the enemy armies, who had lived for hundreds if not thousands of years, was dead. He had arrived in Alus on the crest of the Cataclysm and
changed their world drastically. That such a person was dead would certainly have earned that shock in Southwall.

  Calmly accepting the news with nods, Smrajni and the two older arkons didn't seem overly impressed at all. One of the gray haired men replied, "Yes, we will see what comes with him gone."

  Seeing Oltus reveal a bit of surprise at their reaction, Smrajni smiled slightly and glanced at the other nomad leader. "What Arkon Jurtrub means is that we have heard of his failing health from a few tribes to the west. Whether his absence will change what has been since his people arrived remains to be seen. We have also heard rumors of his death in the past. None of those were correct if it is to be believed that this Dark One is the same leader that brought them to our world."

  "I was there when he was killed as was Ashleen and Serrena," the mage spoke up acknowledging those who had been in the heart of the fight with the Dark One. "He put up a tremendous fight, but his body gave out. One of his former... generals," Sebastian had to pause to think of what to call Garosh, a potential host body for the emperor that failed, "told us that his people used science or magic to make a new body for him. It was strong enough to hold his great power, but the fight against the forces we threw at him was enough to make his magic destroy that body.

  "There was little left of him, but there was a body. He didn't slip away.

  "You are right to question what will happen to his empire though," the owl added after seeing the chaos inside Ensolus, the emperor's city, and the attack on Kardor led by a would be leader from one of the western cities. "With Kolban dead, his people's differences are already tearing them apart. Orcs, elves, humans and the rest were all subservient to the Dark One's incredible power. With him dead, there is no one there to keep the various divisions in check."

  Oltus frowned at the younger man as if to warn him not to tell these people everything he knew, which was a lot. Putting on a warm smile quickly, the wizard turned back to the arkein leaders and continued, "If they are splintered, then Southwall will be able to break them up further, I am sure. Their threat will certainly be less if they turn to infighting."

  Arkon Jurtrub countered, "Unless that infighting sends them out of their mountain to attack anyone in their path."

  The other arkon, another gray haired man that looked about the same age as the other nomad leader, spoke up sounding a bit amused, "Arkon Jurtrub tends to find the darker side of things. He looks for the trouble which might occur to prepare his warriors for the worst."

  "It's kept my people alive and safe, Eratoi," the lighter skinned arkon replied to the one with the darkest skin among them.

  Eratoi had brown skin. Sebastian remembered many of the other arkons who had been here had that darker skin, though the five tribes once gathered together had a wide range of diversity to their looks. In Southwall most tended towards lighter skin. It made him wonder what societies had been here before the Cataclysm and whether these darker skins had been among them or if they had come later. Many of the island nations from the North Sea had been forced to relocate after the Cataclysm. Some island nations were simply washed away or had sunk beneath the waves when the earthquakes and tsunamis had come.

  "The Turbuis tribe has been just as safe without your bleak outlook on things, Jurtrub," the other man replied looking aloof as he raised his chin and nearly looked down his nose at the other elder of the tribes.

  Sighing, Smrajni put out a hand towards each of them signaling a halt and said simply, "Enough. Our friends haven't returned to hear you two old hens argue with each other. "

  She smiled even as the arkons frowned at the younger woman. "We can hope that his death won't bring too much chaos. We will be wary and hope that our tribes are sufficiently distant to avoid whatever might shake loose from their trees.

  "But that news aside, have you returned to share some of what you offered us last year? Our druids have been considering what you have said as well as our warriors who were impressed with your magic in battle."

  Sebastian looked at Jurtrub noting the lighter skin similar to Smrajni's light tan. Eratoi's skin was brown, but there were also runes that could be seen. The man wore a shirt that exposed his neck enough to see that more must extend to his shoulders and chest at least.

  Nodding at the three remaining members of the arkein, the owl answered, "They asked me to return in the spring so that we can share our knowledge of the tattoos marking your warriors and those that we have adopted recently as well from another source. Certainly Elzen and I will also do our best to teach them how to heal, though that is a bit of a rare talent among our wizards. We have many healers, but compared to the whole they are fewer and many can't cast one of those spells at all. We can simply demonstrate what we can though."

  When he stopped, there was a pause. Oltus was expert enough at diplomacy that he didn't insert a word just to break up the awkwardness that could occur. Their eyes told him and the owl that there was something to be considered by the arkons from his answer. Glancing to her elders on either side; the leader of the third tribe, the Khagan, finally looked at Sebastian and asked, "Will you explain to them how you move using those glowing doors as well?"

  Wondering how the arkein had managed to see their use of the portals when they had done their best to avoid being seen by traveling well beyond the outskirts of their hunting territory, Sebastian felt Oltus looking at him as well. He swallowed not realizing that he had held his breath. His mouth had gone dry.

  He cleared his throat and answered, "We only learned of this magic last year. It was stolen from some of the Dark One's warlocks."

  Though Smrajni didn't move her shoulders, her answer felt like it came with a shrug, "Does that mean that you can't teach our druids this magic? Is it a secret that can't be extended to your allies?"

  Oltus jumped on her words. "Your tribes wish to officially become Southwall's allies then?"

  This was one part of what the leaders in Hala had hoped to accomplish, Sebastian knew from previous talks with the king and his advisors. They had been pleased with the diplomatic foray last summer, but no one considered the tribes allies just yet. Both sides remained guarded, but hopeful.

  Smrajni blinked in surprise realizing that she had perhaps given away more than intended. "I think that there is potential for such a thing, especially if the Dark One no longer threatens both of our peoples. I cannot speak for all the tribes, not even the others you met last year."

  Glancing to the gray haired men beside her, she received barely any acknowledgement aside from a pair of slight frowns on their lips. Their eyes looked ready to rebuke the younger woman, but the arkoness rallied as she added, "While you are here, we the elders of the Drays, Turbuis and Khagan tribes can certainly see whether we can come to some sort of agreement."

  "Maybe we can consider some sort of treaty," Oltus agreed with a nod.

  "Meanwhile I can see what I can pass along to your druids and perhaps learn from them as well," Sebastian added trying to gloss over the sudden discomfort caused by Oltus' overly ambitious request.

  Chapter 24- Movement of Shadows

  The tent that Sebastian and his team were led to was large, though not as large as the arkhein meeting tent where they had met with the leaders. The amount of guards was much less also, in fact there were only two young looking nomads dressed in simple clothing. Neither appeared physically impressive or even wore weapons beyond simple hunting knives.

  To someone without magic, these two guards would seem easy enough to pass; but Sebastian could read the moderate power of wizards or in the local vernacular, derashti. The word meant the same or perhaps 'druids' was more accurate for the style of magic that Southwall believed these people had. Even after more than a week living among these people the previous year, Sebastian had little idea of what magic they used. Ruling out healing, since his team had found so many nomads in dire straits requiring his talents as well Elzen, they had remained distant from his people watching them without revealing their talents. It had taken their fightin
g alongside the nomads against the powerful monsters sent down from the mountains to finally get them to come to him at all and that was only as the Southwallers were leaving the camp to go home again.

  While the two at the tent front would be subtle enough to avoid notice from those without magic, the accumulation of magic gathered inside the tent was more impressive. Again it took a wizard or battle mage with skill in seeing auras to know what they were walking into, but all of his team could feel the druids gathered inside to meet him.

  Before he could ask permission to enter, a young woman with reddish blonde hair slipped out of the doorway consisting of a flap made out of furred material. His guess was that the hides of deer had been tanned before being sewn together to make this piece of the tent. With little evidence of textiles in general, most of the camp was made of various hides so it wasn't particularly surprising and was simply filed away in the back of his mind.

  "Owl Sebastian," she greeted him with a polite smile, "the vahnin are eager to meet with you."

  "Vahnin?" the mage questioned having never heard the word before, even during their time here previously.

  Pausing to look up in thought, the girl tried to think of the closest approximation and said, "I believe the words your people used for those with magic here was druids. The vahnin are the masters and leaders of our druids or derashti. Some of those still learning have been gathered as well, of course."

  "You speak similarly to our people in most ways," Ashleen noted. "Have you studied our language as well?"

  A frown of confusion crossed the other girl's face briefly and she shook her head, "As far as I know, our language comes from a common source. We simply have some words that are different."

  "There were terms your people in Kardor used that were confusing for me at times also," Sebastian noted to the petite wilder beside him. "Our regions are common enough, but I suppose some words will pop up due to distance. We are close, but there is enough isolation from each other for languages to change slightly. Words will be added or discarded along the way."


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