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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

Page 14

by Mia Moore

  She looked up at him and rolled her eyes, her mouth pulled to the side. “Come on!”

  He laughed. “Okay, I'll admit, I notice. I'm a red blooded man. I'd have to be dead not to notice a naked woman, especially when she's in the throes of orgasm.” His eyebrows bobbed. “Seen that a time or two.”

  Brie's eyes grew wide but there was an unexpected tug low in her tummy. She gazed into his eyes and lower, to the dimple in his cheek as he smiled, the small cleft in his chin. There were streaks of silver in the hair at his temple. He could be close to fifty but from the way he moved and the shape he was in, she didn't think so. Maybe mid forties.

  A flash of her night with Andy, his strong build and sexual dominance, swept through her mind. Her neck became warm despite the cool air and she turned to face the cityscape. Another older guy and her body was heating up?

  “I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?” His hand closed over hers and he turned to face her.

  “No.” She bit her lower lip feeling the warmth of his hand on hers. She slipped her hand away and pulled a wisp of hair that had fallen onto her cheek, back behind her ear. She turned to him, looking up into his eyes. “Look Liam, I'm not what you think. Claire and Alex are looking for a girl to replace Rose. That's why I'm here. I needed to see if the private part of their parties...well, if I could handle it.”

  His jaw dropped and head jerked back. “Oh.” He let out a long sigh. “Well that's honest and a bit awkward.”

  She flashed a sheepish smile. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “So next party, you might be serving me hors d'oeuvres or cocktails?” He smiled and once more reached for her hand to give it a gentle squeeze.

  “I haven't totally decided yet if I'm going to take the job.” She glanced to the side, where in the pool room Charles was holding a handrail, stepping down into the water. This time there was no avoiding the dark pubic hair and the lighter flash of his penis hanging limp.

  “What's stopping you?” He glanced where she was looking. “Oh. Yes. We covered that didn't we?” He placed his hands on her arms and pulled her around to face him. “Desensitization. That's what you need. I took some psychology courses in college. Desensitization and successive approximation.” He shook his head and laughed. “I can't believe I actually remembered that. It's been...what? almost twenty-five years ago! Are you impressed?”

  She nodded but in her head she was doing the math. Yeah, forty seven or forty-eight. A smile spread on her face.

  His enthusiasm was contagious.

  “Okay, soooo?”

  “You took your first step tonight--coming up here. You didn't go running out of the room at the sight of Charles' naked body, though God knows I wouldn't blame you, you stayed. No big deal right?” He gripped her arms tighter and his face became serious. “Don't tell Charles I said that, okay?”

  She laughed and shook her head. He was not only nice, but he was funny!

  “So, are you ready for the next step, my dear?” He leaned closer, his face only inches from her own.

  Her legs turned to jelly. He'd said my dear, the same way that Chris did. And his handsome face, so close that she could smell the sweet masculine scent of his aftershave. She nodded, trying to keep her eyes focused on his, avoiding looking at the soft fullness of his lower lip.

  “Finish your wine and then we're going back in there.” He looked past her into the pool room and smiled. “Remember I said it's early and things haven't heated up?”

  She nodded.

  “It's starting.” He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. His breath was hot on her ear when he leaned down and spoke. “It's all part of your conditioning. Getting you ready for the job.”

  A shiver of pleasure skittered down her spine as he held her and his lips brushed her earlobe. Her hand rose and slid across the roughness of his jacket, feeling the taut muscles even under the layers of cloth. If this was only job training, this desensitization stuff, why was he still holding her? She smiled and patted his back.

  “Okay, okay. Sorry, I was enjoying that. You're soft and huggable.” He pulled back and grinned. “So shoot me.” He took her hand and led her back through the doorway.

  Her grip on his fingers tightened and she stopped watching what was happening in the pool.

  Chapter 22

  Holy fuck! The brunette who'd been with the silver haired guy was sprawled at the side of the pool, her legs open and dangling in the water. She cupped her breasts in her hands, squeezing them, while Charles' bald dome nestled in her crotch. His head bobbed with a slow rhythm. Oh my God, he was eating her out? Right there in front of everyone?

  The shock of seeing this wasn't the only thing that stopped Brie dead in her tracks. Oh my God, the jolt of warmth that shot between her legs made her stagger, clinging to Liam's hand for support. The ribald eroticism of the scene by the pool caused her blood to heat, her face flushed and she forgot to breathe.

  “Brie? Are you okay?” Liam turned and stepped back blocking her view.

  She pushed him aside and stepped closer to the scene inside. Her eyes were wide once more with shock. But not at what her eyes devoured. No. The fact that this was such a turn on for her. Had Alex spiked her wine with some of that date rape drug? This couldn't be happening!


  Her head spun to look at him. “I'm sorry Liam. I...I can't go back in there. Oh my God.” Blood pulsed in her scarlet ears, face and between her legs.

  His hands rose to grip her arms, again moving his body to block her view. “It's okay. Take a deep breath. We'll stay right here until you're ready but...”

  Her eyes rose to meet his, saw the concern there and something else. His face was handsome even if there were deep lines in his forehead and along the sides of his mouth. His eyes were the deepest brown she'd ever seen, like dark chocolate.

  “The only way out is through that room. I'm afraid you'll have to go in sooner or later. But no rush. I could stand out here with you all night if it came to that, although I kind of wish I'd brought a warmer jacket.” He glanced at her bare arms and folded his around her. “My God you must be freezing.”

  She sighed and smiled, feeling the heat of his body against her chest and arms. Maybe some deep breathing would help, at least with any nerves. But that wouldn't solve the fact that her panties had become wet. The last thing she'd ever thought would happen had just happened. The ribald eroticism of the scene in the pool flashed in her mind, almost like it was etched there--the look of lust and pleasure on the brunette's face. Oh God.

  She pulled back from him. “I think I'm ready to go in. I'd better get back downstairs and find Chris and Claire. Thanks for your help, Liam.”

  His mouth pulled to the side and his eyes were downcast. “That's me. A white knight for a damsel in distress.”

  She looked away for a moment. He had no idea how distressed! If they weren't here with potential employers and Chris and Michael waiting downstairs...well. She shook her head and took a deep breath. Enough of that train of thought. Liam was a friend of Claire's.

  She stepped back and squaring her shoulders, head held high, she walked back into the room, purposely avoiding looking at the scene in the pool, although the soft murmurs of lust filtered into her ears. She walked across the room and her hand shook opening the heavy wooden door.

  She glanced over her shoulder to see Liam watching her from the bar. He smiled and lifted his hand in a small wave. Probably he was relieved to see her go. After all, he was some rich businessman and who was she, serving staff...maybe.

  She startled seeing Claire before her. “Oh.”

  Her eyes were wide in puzzlement. “Brie?”

  Her gut clenched and she bit her lower lip watching Claire. “I was—”

  “It's okay. If you hadn't come up on your own, I was going to bring you up here later to meet Alex. Did you meet him?”

  She nodded slowly. Of course, that made sense. Claire would have to know that Alex was okay with her.

  “His sense
of humour is a little off-beat. I hope he didn't make you uncomfortable. It takes a while to get to know him.” She placed her hand on Brie's shoulder and walked her to the elevator. “Call me tomorrow and let me know if you want the job. I think it's best if you talk to Chris and sleep on it.”

  Brie's hand went to the back of her neck to smooth the knot out. She looked at the floor for a few minutes before her hand dropped and she looked at Claire. “I'm ninety-eight percent sure I want the job.”

  Claire head bobbed back and her eyes widened before a smile lit her face. “What's the two percent hesitation? Alex?”

  She laughed softly and shook her head. “I wish. HIM, I can handle. I found out something about myself tonight. I expected to be shocked by what I'd see in there.”

  “And?” Claire placed her fingers on Brie's shoulder, leaning closer.

  She nodded, “There was an element of shock, for sure but then...”

  A trill of laughter bubbled from Claire's throat and she titled her head, glancing at the ceiling for a moment. “Oh my God, that's nothing to be alarmed about, Brie. Arousal? That just makes you human.”

  Lines furrowed Brie's forehead. “But, how can I do the job, serving and all that if it affects me like that?”

  Claire pushed the button, summoning the elevator and smiled at her. “Frankly, I'm surprised that your hesitation was only two percent, if that's the reason. Don't worry, we'll figure it out as we go.”

  The End of Chrysalis Book 1: Escaping Brie

  She escaped her old life. What does her new life have in store for her? How far is Brie going to go working for Claire and Alex? What new experiences are in store for her in this sumptuous and sensual setting?

  Brie’s tale continues in Chrysalis Book 2: Becoming Brie…

  Chrysalis Book 2: Becoming Brie

  Chapter 1

  “She’s a lot like you.” Brie stood facing Chris, her butt propped against the counter as she sipped her coffee.

  He laced his fingers together over the round expanse of his stomach, and gazed at the floor for a few moments before speaking. He shook his head from side to side and looked across at her. “I’m still trying to digest the fact that you accepted the position.”

  Her head jutted forward and eyebrows rose high. “Why? It was your idea. You were the one who set this all up.” A soft sigh slipped between parted lips and she set the mug on the counter. Was Chris having second thoughts? Maybe she should have talked to him first, before she’d agreed to work for the Baders.

  He rose to his feet and walked to the counter to refill his mug with tea. “I know. It’s just that it’s happening so fast.” He sneaked a look at her from under blonde eyebrows. “I really thought that you’d be here till the end of the month.” His hand rose and he patted her cheek, meeting her eyes, a sad smile on his lips. “I’ve gotten used to having you around. I’m going to miss you.”

  Brie let out a soft snort and turned away, placing the mug in the sink to rinse it. “You don’t need me hanging around here.” She looked over her shoulder at the doorway for a moment. “Things are going well for you with Michael. You guys need your space.”

  Chris made no move to go back to his usual perch at the kitchen table. He held his cup in two hands and when he spoke his voice was low. “I think we’d manage even with you here. But...”

  Brie’s eyes closed before she turned and took a deep breath. “You’re ducking and diving the issue, Chris. It’s the sex thing, isn’t it? Claire and Alex—”

  “What happened when you went upstairs, Brie? You were a bundle of nerves before Claire took off with you in tow, God knows where. Gone for almost an hour and when you return, you’re taking the job? What happened?”

  Footsteps sounded in the hallway before Michael appeared in the doorway. His dark eyes flitted between Brie and Chris, hair disheveled and wet above a white towel draped over his neck. He wore a navy terry cloth bathrobe, obviously one he’d brought to the townhouse. Chris favored loud satin robes like the one he was poured into at the moment. Michael was already moving in. The time to go was overdue.

  “Sorry. Am I interrupting something?” His black brows drew together but there was a look of concern on the chiseled features of his face.

  Brie glanced at Chris, saw the way his face lit up watching Michael. “No. We were talking about me leaving tomorrow to work for Claire and Alex.”She reached for the coffee pot and held it up. “Ready for breakfast?”

  Chris wasn’t letting himself be distracted by his growling stomach. “To be specific, I asked you about the party upstairs. What the hell happened to make you decide so quickly?” Chris wandered to the doorway and bussed Michael’s freshly scrubbed face. “Mmm. I love that body wash.” He turned and slipped into his usual chair.

  Michael’s eyes glanced to meet hers and he padded barefoot over to the counter to get a coffee. “Chris, maybe you shouldn’t pry. I’m sure Brie has her reasons and whatever happened upstairs is really none of our business.” He grinned at her as he poured coffee into a mug.

  Brie’s hands flew to her head and she fisted handfuls of hair, scowling from Michael to Chris. “You two! You’re both dying to know—” Her teeth gritted together as she stared at Michael. “—probably more you than Chris, actually.”

  Her foot crossed over the other as she shifted weight to one leg, thrusting her hip out. She might as well get it over with and tell them. Whatever they imagined was probably ten times worse than what had actually happened. “Claire showed me my room and we talked. Even though she gave me all kinds of assurances that I’d be treated with respect—no groping from guests or anything like that—”

  “Thank God for small favors.” Chris clucked and took a sip of his tea, watching her.

  Her eyes rolled and she crossed her arms over her chest, pulling the sides of her robe tighter together. “Anyways.” She took a breath. “I had to see for myself, what it was like, their parties. When she left me, I took the elevator up to the pool room and terrace.”

  She grinned. Oh God. They stood still as statues, mouths hanging open, even the oh so sophisticated Michael. “It was actually quite lovely up there. The pool is huge and there’s a solarium and the terrace...oh my God, what a view!”

  Chris’s hand slapped the table “Brie! What happened?”

  She looked down at the floor, her lips twitching in the corners. For a few moments she was silent, drawing out the suspense. Finally, when the room was so still, she could hear Michael’s soft sip of coffee next to her, she spoke. “Oh, there was a party going on all right.” She looked up and cleared her throat. The image of the brunette and the bald guy burned in her mind.

  “Brie, if you keep this up I’m going to die. Was Alex...?”

  She shook her head. “There were three people in the pool at first, naked of course. I went out for a breath of fresh air to clear my head and when I went back in, they’d started.” Her face colored and she looked at the floor.

  “What do you mean, started? They were screwing in the pool?” Michael turned to grimace at Chris. “Remind me never to swim at Claire and Alex’s.”

  She huffed and took a deep breath. How to put this...It was certainly nothing she’d ever talked to Chris about in the couple of months she’d lived there. Hell, she would have a hard time describing it to Carly, another woman, let alone two middle aged men! “Let’s just say that the bald guy was eating and it wasn’t the appetizers that Rose was serving.” She turned around and lifted her mug from the sink. She needed another coffee. Hopefully they’d leave it at that.

  “Oh. I see.” Chris was silent for a few moments and Michael edged away from his spot at the counter to join him. The creak of the wooden chair sounded as Michael took a seat across from Chris.

  “So, you were okay with being there. I mean, you’d be able to do Rose’s job, serving drinks and appetizers when all that’s going on around you. Is that right?” Michael’s voice was low.

  Brie’s fingers tightened on the mug, her hand shakin
g slightly at his question. The silence was pregnant, a bubble waiting to be burst with her answer. It would be a whole other realm for her to experience. She wasn’t sure how much she wanted to share with them. Certainly not the attraction she’d felt for Liam when he’d followed her out onto the terrace. She still wasn’t sure what THAT was all about, this thing she was developing for older men. There was no way she’d talk to Chris or Michael about that until she’d figured it out.

  Her blood pounded in her ears, face scarlet as she stirred cream and sugar into the steaming cup. Oh my God. Rather than being shocked about the scene with the bald guy and the brunette...her name was Lorraine. Might as well get used to remembering their names if she was going to work there. The whole thing had been erotic, to the point that she’d been excited and had to escape from the room, especially with Liam so close and obviously interested.

  She squared her shoulders and lifted the mug before turning to face Michael and answer his question. “I think so. I’m sure I won’t even notice after I’ve served at a few parties.”

  Liam’s words echoed in her head. ‘Successive approximations’. THAT was a phrase she’d remember. Take it a step at a time and get used to that level before ratcheting it up to the next one. Given enough time and exposure, she’d get used to it—seeing the parties and whole swinging Lifestyle. Lifestyle, another new word that Rose had first used.

  “Brie.” Chris peered across the room, skewering her with his grey eyes. He edged forward in the chair, placing his hands on his knees.

  “Hmm?” She sipped the coffee.

  “If it’s too much and you find that you don’t like working there, you can come back here.”

  Michael’s head swiveled to face Chris but he nodded before facing her once more.

  Her throat grew tight and eyes burned with tears watching the expression on Chris’s face. So kind and concerned. She’d come a long way from the bedraggled girl who’d showed up on his doorstep, fleeing Rob’s final insult, screwing some skank right there in their marital bed, fleeing a nothing kind of existence. If not for Chris, where would she be? She felt her eyes get shiny and didn’t care. Her chin dropped, eyes gazing at her toes. “Thank you,” came out in a soft, low voice.


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