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Chrysalis: The Box Set (A Steamy Romance): The Complete Story of Brie's Journey in One Volume!

Page 18

by Mia Moore

  Her eyes lowered to where her hand continued to stroke Brie’s thigh, higher and higher, past her knee, up under her skirt.

  Brie gulped but the touch of Claire’s hand wasn’t helping. Neither was all this talk of guys with hard-ons.

  “Close your eyes. I know what you need, Brie.” Her fingers rested on Brie’s inner thigh, just below her panties. “Do you trust me?” Her voice was soft and soothing.

  Brie nodded and once more she gulped, barely breathing, her breath caught in her chest. Oh God. She had a fairly good idea where this was going. She gasped air quickly, feeling a thrill of lust shoot straight to her clit. She was aching, her cunt full and wet. It wouldn’t be Liam to give her release, but did it matter? Not at this point. Just do it.

  Claire’s hand nudged into her flesh. “I want to help you. It’s my fault after all.” A harder nudge pushed Brie’s leg wide to the side. Her skirt rode higher, stretching across her crotch. The air was cool on the dampness of her panties.

  “So voluptuous, the sight of your creamy thighs.” Claire’s fingers skimmed up her leg.

  Brie’s chin jerked straight up, facing the ceiling when Claire’s fingers trailed lightly down the strip of lace between her legs.

  “Do you like that?” Her voice was just above a whisper, fingers massaging the cloth covering her clit.

  Brie’s heart thundered in her chest and her breath was ragged. Oh God, this felt good. Her arms and legs were numb, hanging limp at her sides. Her voice caught in her throat. Even if she’d wanted Claire to stop she was powerless, a limp ragdoll that Claire could and would play with.

  With a sigh of desire, she nodded.

  Claire’s fingers lifted the strip of cloth away and to the side, exposing her swollen lips. “Oh my, you ARE ready. So wet.” Her finger traced the cleft, starting at her mons, lowering while pressing into the furrow. More fingers prying her apart, spreading her slippery folds.

  Her finger faintly rested on the bud of lust. “Mmm...Ready for your second lesson?”

  Brie gasped a yes, her lips quivering.

  “Tighten those muscles.”

  Brie’s eyes squeezed tighter and she pulled hard on her anus and vaginal muscles. Her butt clenched, raising her pelvis, clit brushing against Claire’s fingers. “Oh...” Her breath was a sigh of lust, quivering on the firm pad of Claire’s finger. Her knee scraped across the soft cotton of the comforter, pulling her leg wider still.

  Pressure against her opening while the finger caressing her clit rolled softly along the underside. Her hand slithered across the bed and fingers dug into Claire’s leg. She curled her pelvis up, willing the fingers to enter the hot slick depths of her.

  “Oh Baby. We’re going to have such fun together. You ARE a horny little girl.” Her hand thrust into Brie’s cunt. “So much to teach you...”

  Oh God, Brie’s head rolled from side to side, her body open, giving herself to the pleasure of Claire’s hands. It was so hot and be seduced by her sexy boss.

  “Tighten those muscles Baby. It just makes it better. Oh God, watching your body and your close to orgasm. There’s nothing as beautiful or wanton as that. And this is just the first.” When Claire’s fingers pulled out of Brie, the next thrust was with all of her fingers, stretching Brie’s opening.

  The sensation was incredible...Claire’s hand fucking her while her other hand teased her clit. She wanted more suddenly. To touch Claire...reciprocate the pleasure...feel her hot depths. Her hand pressed higher along Claire’s leg until her fingers met hot moist resistance. Oh God, Claire’s pussy.

  Claire’s legs clamped together and she shifted her body away. “Not yet, dear. Tomorrow, maybe.”

  Her fingers whirred faster on Brie’s clit, her other hand fucking her slowly.

  She was so close. Her hips bucked up and down against Claire’s hands. “Oh God...please...don’t stop.”

  “That’s it, Baby. Don’t hold back. Clamp your cunt...squeeze hard like it’s Liam’s cock. Milk it dry, Baby.”

  “FUCK! Fuckmefuckmefuckme.” Her lips were loose, a trickle of drool in the corner, body straining up. The orgasm pulsed hot...intense waves of bliss expanding her pussy, cascading over to legs that trembled in the ecstasy.

  “Oh yeah, that’s it.” Harder and faster, all of Claire’s fingers pumping deep into her.

  “Oh God!” The last wave of lust rippled through her, reaching right to her fingertips.

  Her hand flashed to Claire’s, gripping it tight and pulling it away. Oh God, it was enough! She couldn’t handle any more! She gasped and opened her eyes. Claire’s smile was closed, her eyes mere slits, revealing desire and lust. Her cheeks were a soft glowing blush of pink and a film of sweat glazed her forehead.

  Brie smiled at Claire. Tomorrow. She’d said there’d be more of this tomorrow.

  Claire stroked Brie’s cheek, looking softly into her eyes. “I’ve got to get back out there. Alex already suspects something more than just ‘women’s complaints’.” She shook her head and rose to her feet. “How often that’s worked for women. Crazy.” Her fingers fluttered in a goodbye, standing in the crack of the door before she left.

  Brie lifted her hand and waved before stretching on the bed. Oh God, she was tired. So much had happened that day. Who would have guessed that the first day being the Baders’ maid would end up in her bedroom being seduced by the boss. Well, it wasn’t like she hadn’t been warned. She smiled and closed her eyes.

  Chapter 8

  Brie was up at six the next morning, well before Alex ambled into the kitchen, computer notebook in hand. Her fingers tightened on the mug of coffee she held before her, standing next to the counter. What had happened after Claire rejoined Alex and Liam at dinner? Did Alex know what had happened between Claire and her?

  “Good morning. Coffee?” She forced a smile before turning away to grab a mug from the cabinet and pour a coffee for him. The skin around his eyes was a little puffy and there was a heavy shadow of beard growth. It must have been a late night with Liam.

  He mumbled an answer that sounded like ‘black’, taking a seat at the island.

  Keeping her voice light and avoiding looking into his face, she set it before him. “Would you care for anything to eat?”

  He shook his head and proceeded to slurp coffee while scanning the small computer screen--not a morning person, or was there something else?.

  Her mouth pulled to the side, trying her best to move quietly, opening the freezer to defrost something for dinner. She set a small roast in the sink before finishing the coffee she’d started earlier. Since Alex didn’t need her services with breakfast, she might as well get a few things done. She grabbed the notebook that Rose had left and opened it to the schedule. The pool room. It would get her out of the kitchen, and away before Alex regained enough consciousness to make any snide remarks about the evening before.

  She topped up his coffee, holding back a smile glancing at his bed-head. “I’m going upstairs to get some stuff done before Claire wakes up.”


  She set the pot back in the holder, rolling her eyes before escaping the chill his presence cast in the room. He was probably a little hung-over. Surely, he wasn’t like that every morning.

  The early morning sun poured into the pool room, casting a golden glow on everything, even the water. She checked the supply of towels, liquor and food in the outdoor kitchen before assuring herself that the pool’s readings were good. A glance at her watch showed seven ten, lots of time before Claire would be up.

  She was about to leave the room when the telephone on the bar rang, halting her steps. She hurried over and picked up the handset. “Bader Residence. May I help you?” She grinned at how naturally that had come out. She hadn’t even thought of what she’d say when she answered their phone.

  “Brie? It’s Liam.” His voice was smooth as liquid chocolate.

  “Oh! Hi Liam. I’m not sure if Alex has left--”

  “That’s okay. I c
alled to speak to you. How are you? Feeling better this morning?” The concern in his voice was mixed with a trace of laughter.

  She closed her eyes for a moment, fingers skimming the heat in her neck. Did he have any inkling of the state she’d been in serving dinner? In the bright glow of the morning it was hard to believe she’d gotten so carried away, not to mention...afterwards with Claire. “I’m fine today. I guess I should have eaten something. Just a little faint from hunger I think.” How easily the lie slipped out. Hunger sure, but not for food.

  Her heart picked up its pace and she gripped the phone hard. Oh my God. He probably knew. Claire had probably told him and Alex when she joined them. This was so embarrassing.

  “Good. Glad to hear you’re better. I was a little worried after I left. Wondered if I’d done or said something to upset you.” A nervous chuckle followed these words.

  Oh boy. If he knew, he was sure being a gentleman about it. “No. Sorry. It was just me I’m afraid.”

  “If you’re free, would you like to have dinner tomorrow night? There’s a fabulous restaurant that I like.”

  Her eyes widened as she listened. Dinner? Oh no. In all that had happened the day before, there’d been no mention of days off. There was no way she could accept a dinner date until she’d cleared that up with Claire. “I’m not sure I can. I may have to work.” A nervous chuckle erupted from her throat. “This is crazy but I don’t even know what my day off is.”

  “Don’t worry. I spoke to Claire after you went to bed last night. You’re off Wednesday and Thursdays.” There was silence for a beat before he continued. “Soooo, how about it? I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  Brie’s eyes lit up as her mouth fell open in a wide smile. Yes! It was a good thing Liam had the presence of mind to see about her day off. Wow! He was really interested in her. Her neck became warm, thinking of how interested she’d been the evening before--to the point of fainting! “Sure! That sounds great! What’s the name of the restaurant?” She’d ask Claire about it later so she’d know how dressed up she had to be.

  “Eleven Madison Avenue. You’ll love it--not just good food but they make being there an experience. Oh and Brie?”

  She could hardly breathe, the prospect of going out with Liam was just so...”Yes?”

  “Make sure you eat today. No more fainting away, y’hear?” His voice was soft with concern.

  This time the warmth in her cheeks made her eyes close. Oh God. If he only knew. She’d been hungry, but not for food. “Yes Sir! Don’t worry. I’ll be fine today.” Her heart pumped faster in a chest that felt light as air. This was going so well.

  “Okay. I’ll hold you to that. See you tomorrow.”

  She held the phone to her chest for a moment before placing it back on the bar. When would Claire be up? She couldn’t wait to tell her about this!

  Her feet fairly flew as she left the pool room and went back to her room. It would still be a while before Claire got up. The first thing to get settled was registering for her first university course. If that day was any indication of her daily schedule, she’d have lots of time in the morning to do on-line work. She booted her laptop and took it to her bed, fingers flying searching for Columbia courses.


  She glanced up when she heard Claire’s footsteps in the hall. She was up? After a quick glance at her watch she rose from the bed and flipped the laptop shut. Where had the time gone?

  The bottom of Claire’s satin robe was just disappearing through the archway into the kitchen when she turned the corner, scrambling after her. “Claire?”

  The slender woman pivoted like a dancer on the toes of her slippers. Unlike Alex, her face was fresh, skin glowing and her dark blue eyes were clear. Even her hair showed some kind of messy order, swept up with only a few tendrils of blonde curls kissing the curve of her neck. “Good morning! How did you sleep? Well I hope, although I won’t take full credit for that.” A chuckle bubbled in her throat and she turned to take a seat at the island.

  Brie’s cheeks flushed and she glanced at her. The woman was so light-hearted and happy that it was infectious--absolutely no second thoughts or embarrassment about what had happened between them. “Would you like fruit and yogurt for breakfast? There’re oranges and cherries in the fridge.”

  “Absolutely! Cherries please, along with a coffee, just milk. Have you eaten?” Claire tucked her hands under her chin, elbows resting on the hard surface of the island. The sash of her robe had loosened revealing the hollow of her throat, the slight curve of her breast.

  Brie’s gaze lowered and she shook her head, pouring coffee into a mug for Claire.

  “Then you must join me. Get whatever you want. Not everybody likes yogurt.” She smiled taking the mug.

  Brie opened the fridge and took the yogurt and cherries out, pouring a few into a bowl and rinsing them. “Liam called this morning.” She tried to sound more casual than she felt, watching the water trickle over the red orbs.

  “My my. He must really like you.”

  Brie glanced over her shoulder and a shy grin tugged at the corners of her mouth. “He asked me to dinner tomorrow night. You talked to him about my days off?”

  “Yes.” Claire giggled and her eyes absolutely sparkled watching Brie. “He was pretty interested in your schedule. Wednesdays and Thursdays work well for us. Actually, as long as you’re here for parties, it doesn’t really matter. Monday’s as good as Thursday. And you should take two days.”

  Brie scooped out yogurt and tossed the cherries on top. She stepped to the island and set the bowl, along with a spoon and napkin before her. “Actually that’s perfect. I have a self defense class Thursday afternoon.”

  “Self defense?”Claire lifted a cherry with her spoon and popped it into her mouth, watching Brie as she chewed.

  A trickle of red juice appear at the side of Claire’s mouth before being daintily dabbed. If this was what Claire ate to be so thin, maybe she’d give up the bacon and eggs.

  She turned and scooped yogurt into a second bowl, finishing the cherries that sat on the counter. “Yeah. Krav Magna. It’s an Israeli self defense technique. I had my purse snatched on the street the first time I went out on my own. I’ve been doing the classes for a month or so now.” Brie took a seat across from Claire and set the bowl in front of her. The cherries were perfect, a deep red, the color of wine.

  “Wow. I mean that’s awful getting mugged but good for you to do something about it.” Claire’s eyes were wide and bright peering at her. She jumped to her feet and stepped to the open space before the door to the dining room.

  Brie took a bite of the yogurt and watched her. What was she up to?

  “Show me! Pretend that I’m a mugger and you need to defend yourself. This kind of stuff fascinates me.” She held her hands, fingers spread wide, in front of her face.

  Brie swallowed and shook her head as she rose to her feet. Hopefully, Claire wouldn’t try anything too complicated. It’d only been a month after all, although Carly had told her she was doing great. She stepped next to Claire and smiled.

  “Okay, pretend that I’m walking ahead of you and you try to grab my arm or my purse.” She turned her body so that her back was facing Claire.

  “Okay. Ready? This is such fun!”

  Brie nodded. In a flash Claire’s hand gripped her arm above the elbow. Without so much as a thought, Brie’s hand flew to press the delicate hand holding her tight to her arm, and her hip became a fulcrum, swiveling her body away. Claire stumbled going forward suddenly but Brie reached to help her recover before she landed on the floor.

  “Oh my God. That’s impressive!” She rubbed her arm where it had been jerked forward.

  Brie’s face warmed but a broad smile lit her face. Yeah. She’d done that almost on instinct. The lessons were paying off.

  Claire stepped closer and her hand rose to stroke Brie’s cheek. Her eyes became soft, a little unfocussed as she gazed at Brie. “What if I was some guy coming at you from the front
?” Her hand slithered to the back of Brie’s neck and her robe gaped wider as she pulled.

  Brie’s eyes were wide meeting Claire’s, the warmth of the older woman’s breath soft on her cheek. She could break the hold with a sharp upward jerk of her hand against Claire’s arm. Why didn’t she? It would be easy. She glanced down and stifled the gasp that threatened. Oh God. Claire’s nipple was exposed, the rosy tip firm, topping a small orb, just hanging out there, naked and taunting.

  At the soft chuckle, her gaze lifted to Claire’s mouth. “You didn’t cover that in your class...or is it just because it’s me?” She leaned forward and kissed Brie’s lips, lingering, with just the faintest of touch.

  The jolt of lust caused a flutter low in her tummy. Her eyes closed and Claire’s hand was on hers, lifting and placing it on her bare breast. She moaned while grasping tenderly. OhmyGod. The first time touching a breast that wasn’t her foreign yet familiar.

  The flesh was satin, curving under her fingertips, while the firm protrusion of the nipple teased her palm. Her fingers tightened, pulling at Claire’s breast, easing back to stroke the pebbled areole. Claire’s sigh when her fingernail teased the tip incensed her curiosity further. What would it be like to kiss her there?

  Her head dipped lower but Claire’s hands cupped her cheeks stopping her descent.

  “Not yet, dear. That’s a lesson for later.” Her hands tilted Brie’s face up and she gave Brie’s lips a quick kiss. “There’s so much to teach you about yourself first. Finish your breakfast and tidying up.” Her hand rose and she scanned the slender gold watch on her wrist. “Lesson number two will start in one hour, in my bathroom.” Claire’s hand slipped down over Brie’s arm and she stepped back to the island.

  It was hard to tell which emotion was stronger as Brie watched Claire finish her coffee and drift from the room. Her body, especially the area between her legs was filled with longing, while her mind was curious. After what had happened the night before, what other lessons would Claire be able to show her? The erotic agony of being so close to Liam, lusting for his body had culminated in sweet release at Claire’s touch.


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