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Doctor For Hire

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by Tory Baker

  Doctor For Hire

  Tory Baker

  Copyright © 2018 by Tory Baker

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to being stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, groups, businesses, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Art by Robin Harper with Wicked By Design

  WARNING: This book contains sexual situations, violence and other adult themes. Recommended for 18 and above.

  Created with Vellum


  Title Graphic


  1. Tabitha

  2. Tabitha

  3. Brody

  4. Tabitha

  5. Brody

  6. Tabitha

  7. Tabitha

  8. Brody

  9. Tabitha

  10. Brody

  11. Tabitha

  12. Brody

  13. Tabitha

  14. Brody

  15. Brody

  16. Tabitha

  17. Tabitha

  18. Tabitha

  19. Tabitha

  20. Tabitha

  21. Brody


  Also by Tory Baker

  About the Author

  He might only be a fake boyfriend.

  But he’s going to make sure she’s not faking… anything.

  Tabitha Riley needs a date for her sister’s wedding … and fast.

  It doesn’t matter that her sister is marrying her ex-boyfriend.

  She could care less about that.

  It’s showing up to the wedding single and alone, feeling her family’s pity and hearing their snide remarks about her lack of social life, that she can’t handle.

  Enter Dr. Brody Miner.

  He’s the man fantasies are made of, especially Tabitha’s.

  Still, it is just a simple arrangement. No real relationship, nothing more than a date to a wedding.

  One friend helping out another friend.

  But Brody is used to getting what he wants and he definitely wants Tabitha Riley—

  Over and over again.

  Chapter One


  “Hey Tab, I was wondering if we could talk.”

  “Sure what’s up?” I respond.

  I hardly hear from Hilary. I mean there’s five years between me and my younger sister, but we like each other. Well, for the most part. Okay, if I’m honest, I try to avoid my family. My family brings stress. I am a tightly organized person. I like control and with my family there is no control—only chaos.

  Hilary is actually the worst. She’s a mini-drama queen who is beyond spoiled. I love her, but I also can’t be in the same room with her without wanting to choke her. It’s kind of a love-hate-hate-love relationship.

  I moved out of Perryville, Ohio as soon as I could. I found my own place in a small suburb outside of Indianapolis, Indiana and I worked as a waitress while I put myself through school. I didn’t ask my parents for anything—though they do send money, even when I ask them not to. I wanted to stand on my own and be my own person. My mother says I’m too stubborn for my own good and way too independent. She might be right, but I’m building a life I’m proud of and I now have a career as a surgical nurse that I love.

  My sister on the other hand graduated high school and has spent her life still living at home and helping mom arrange charity dinners and functions. If you even mention getting a job or her own place I’m pretty sure she would break out in hives.

  These are just some of the reasons that my sister and I mainly only chat through texts and only every other week or so. That means, getting a call from her today and her telling me she needs to talk is setting alarm bells off in my head.

  “I had some news and I wanted to tell you first, before Mom could.”

  Yeah… I was right. This can’t be good.

  “What news?” I ask, congratulating myself that I’ve managed to keep the fear out of my voice. “You’re okay, aren’t you Hil?” I ask her. I may not get along with my sister, but…

  “Oh, yeah I’m fine. It’s just… Tabby…”

  I cringe at the nickname she uses. My name is Tabitha, which I’m not crazy about in the first place, but I can handle being called Tab. I hate Tabby. It makes me sound like a fat, lazy cat that sits around and does nothing but lick my paws all day.

  “What’s going on, Hil?” I prompt her again.

  “I’m getting married!” she announces, I’m breathing easier. Still, I’m not sure why she’s making a production out of everything. Actually, if I think about it, it is surprising. I didn’t even realize Hilary was dating anyone.

  “You’re getting married? I didn’t know you were dating anyone seriously.”

  “Well yeah. I mean I have been for a few months. I love him very much. I just… I asked Mom not to mention it to you,” she says, and now she sounds cautious again—so much so that those alarm bells start ringing again.

  “Why would you do that? You have to know I’d be happy for you Hil. I want you to be happy,” I tell her and I’m serious. I really do.

  “Uh… Well… there’s no easy way to say this, Tabby.”

  “Say what?” I ask, thoroughly confused now.

  “I’m marrying Robbie.”

  “Robbie?” I ask, still not understanding.

  “Robbie Stedman,” she says, her voice quiet.

  Her voice is too quiet to be delivering the blow she just gave me.

  Robbie Stedman.

  I hadn’t allowed myself to think of him in five years. Robbie was my high school sweetheart. He was the football quarterback to my cheerleader, the homecoming king to my queen and the yin to my yang for all four years we graced the halls of Perryville High. He was my first real kiss, my first real date and my first… yeah that first.

  Unfortunately, he was also my first real heartbreak. When I told him I wanted to move away from Perryville, to start a new life on my own and to go to school… he dumped me. There was no discussing our options, there was no talking about continuing our relationship.

  He ended it.

  He told me that he wanted the best for me, but that he wanted to see what else was out there for him too. I guess I never realized what else was out there would be my younger sister.

  “Are you there, Tab?”

  “Yeah, I’m here.”

  “Don’t be mad, Tab. We didn’t mean for it to happen. It just… kind of did.”

  “I’m not mad,” I tell her, and I’m not. I’m not sure how I feel. I don’t care for Robbie. He killed that years ago, but… I’m the older sister.

  Shouldn’t I be getting married first?

  Shouldn’t I already have a husband and kid?

  I never thought about it. I’ve been busy establishing my career, but now I’m thinking about it. I mean, I don’t care. I’m happy with my life—or relatively so. Still, I know how my parents are. I know how my family in general is, and I know how my parent’s friends are. They’re all going to be looking at me and they won’t see a woman who has put herself through school. They won’t see a single, independent career woman who is happy. They’ll see Hilary’s older sister, practically a spinster at the ripe old age of twenty-six, showing up at her sister’s wedding single and alone.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m sure, Hilary. Gosh, I was just quiet because I barely remembered Robbie. It’s
been a while since I’ve heard his name.”

  “Oh… you didn’t? But gee Tabby you guys dated for-ever.”

  “Not that long,” I argue, forcing my voice to sound breezy and happy. “Just in high school and that was a lifetime ago. You should have told me you two were dating,” I chide her, and she should have—from like the first date!

  “I wanted to, but Robbie was afraid it would upset you. He said you were pretty upset when he broke things off with you.”

  That asshole.

  “Really? I don’t remember, but I doubt it. I already had my life mapped out here in Indiana.”

  “You don’t know how glad I am to hear that, Tabby… because well…”


  “I was hoping you would be my maid of honor,” she says excitedly and I close my eyes and fight down the nausea. The last thing I want to do is be a bridesmaid at my sister’s wedding. A wedding to my high school boyfriend. A wedding where I’ll probably be forced to wear some god-awful monstrosity of a dress.

  Shoot me now.

  “Oh, Hil! That’s so sweet, but what about your friend, Candace?”

  “Oh she’ll be in it. But you’re my sister. I want you to be my maid of honor. I mean if you’re sure me marrying Robbie isn’t going to bother you,” she adds and she says it with just enough doubt that I know I have to lock this down.

  “I’d be delighted to be your maid of honor. When’s the wedding?”

  “Next month,” she says and my breath stalls.

  “So soon? I thought you and Mom always insisted you would need at least six months to plan a decent wedding,” I ask.

  In my head I’m wondering if I could lose about twenty pounds before next month.

  “Well… I don’t want mom to know…”

  “Our secret,” I tell her, wondering what new bombshell my sister could drop.

  “I’m pregnant, Tabby. We want to have the wedding before I start to show.

  Oh, wow.

  “Oh… Congratulations, Hilary. I’m so happy for you. Gosh… I’m going to be an Aunt...”

  An aunt to Robbie’s child… Robbie and my sister’s…

  Life isn’t just weird… it’s a damn laugh a minute.

  “Thank you! Robbie is so excited. He’s always wanted to be a father.”

  Hmm… Robbie must have changed from the man I knew. He told me he never wanted kids.

  Maybe he just never wanted kids with me.

  “I’m happy for you both.”

  “Wow, this went so much better than I imagined. I was afraid you’d be upset. Do you think you can come down sometime next week and help me look at wedding venues? It’s just going to be a quiet affair. Just immediate family—of course you can bring a date if you want. Though I know Mom said you weren’t really dating anyone. She says your career takes all of your free time. Aunt Harry mentioned the other day that you haven’t even had a real boyfriend since, Robbie.”

  “You were discussing me with Aunt Harriet?”

  “Well, she was having dinner with Mom, and we were discussing the wedding, it just came up… naturally, you know?” my sister responds and I tighten my hand into a fist.

  I bet it just came up…

  “I’ve had boyfriends,” I lie. “In fact, I’m dating a man now that I really like,” I add—because, hell if you’re going to lie, you might as well go balls to the wall with it.

  “You are?” my sister asks.

  “Yep. We’ve been dating for about six months. He’s a doctor on my floor at the hospital.”

  “Oh wow, Mom never mentioned it,” My sister says and I can hear the doubt in her voice.

  I mean, I know I’m lying, but really it could happen. I’m not scary looking and even with the extra twenty or thirty pounds I carry around, I’m not horrible looking. There’s no reason she has to sound like I’m making it all up.

  Even if I am.

  “I haven’t told her. You know how I am. I like to keep my private life, private,” I tell her.

  “Oh yeah. Right.”

  “Maybe you could bring him down next week then. I’m sure Mom and Dad would love to meet him. Besides Aunt Harry will be here.”

  Seriously, I refuse to call a grown-ass woman Aunt Harry, no matter how much she insists. I don’t know why my sister does. I might could call her Aunt Battle-axe… that might work.

  “Maybe. I’ll have to check his schedule… have him check it, I mean,” I answer, making shit up as I go along. “He’s in high demand. Brody is chief of surgery at the hospital I work at,” I tell her.

  I don’t know what possesses me to keep rattling on. Especially about Dr. Miner. Brody Miner is the sexy chief of surgery at my hospital. He’s also arrogant, opinionated and hateful. There’s no getting around the fact that I’m more than a little infatuated with him. He’s tall with jet black hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He has these broad shoulders and a rock hard physique that looks good in jeans and scrubs. He’s got dreamy brown eyes that if you stare at too long you definitely could get lost in. All the nurses seem to have the hots for him, despite his attitude.

  I would never admit it to anyone I work with, I even chastise them for talking about Dr. Miner. But I have secret fantasies of him myself… sometimes… late at night… when I’m alone… with my vibrator…

  “Sis? Did you hear me?”

  “What?” I ask, completely lost, my body feeling flushed.

  “I said I needed to go. Robbie just pulled up. I’ll talk to you next week. I can’t wait to meet your doctor! Maybe I’ll come see you first!” she laughs. “Just so I can get a look at this stud muffin!”

  “Oh don’t do that,” I practically beg, panic filling me. It’s too late though. My sister has already hung up the phone.

  How could I have been so stupid?

  I’m not a liar, but even I know the best rule in lying is to keep it simple and don’t go into detail. Somehow I just know this is going to come back and bite me in the ass.

  Chapter Two


  “I thought I ordered this room ready?” Brody barks.

  He makes me nervous. I don’t usually work with him. He doesn’t normally do the surgeries on the weekends. The fact that I am today, added in with the fact I’ve had dreams about him all night is freaking me out. I should have never lied to my sister. I really should have never used Brody as inspiration.

  “Are you even listening to me?” Brody growls. I wasn’t expecting him to be so close to me this time so I jerk around. The problem with that is I’m holding the scalpel I just unpacked and unsheathed. When I jerk around it cuts into Brody’s scrubs.

  “Fuck!” he yells, jumping back. It’s too late though, because I see the cut in his top and I can see a small bright red dot, indicating I’ve drawn blood.


  “I’m sorry Bro—Dr. Miner. I didn’t realize you were so close.”

  “Are you trying to kill me?”

  I wince at his raised voice. The anger in it is clear.

  “Of course not, I just didn’t realize you were there. You shouldn’t sneak up on people,” I mutter, feeling embarrassed and more than a little annoyed now.

  “Sneak up on you? It’s a goddamn surgery room the patient will be here any minute—should have already been. Where is the rest of the staff? The anesthesia should already have been administered!”

  “The surgery was delayed because Dr. Buchanan had a family emergency and one of his associates had to be paged. You should have been informed.”

  “You should have told me,” he growls.

  He lifts his scrub shirt up and inspects his wound. I try not to watch, but I’m only human. Dr. Miner might be an asshole, but he’s sexy and he’s sporting a six pack that fantasies are made of—mine specifically.

  “Dr. Buchanan said he would have his office contact you,” I answer trying to defend myself. I bite my lip to keep my tongue from hanging out as I take in those rock hard abs and golden tanned skin. When does he find time to ta
n like that? I look like Casper the freaking ghost!

  “Well obviously he didn’t,” he mutters.

  “Obviously,” I respond quietly. Today has been a horrible day. I would think there was a full moon out, but it’s daylight. My back is killing me, I’ve barely had any sleep and the last thing I need is Dr. Miner’s sunny disposition to add to the fun. I throw the now ruined scalpel onto the tray with the other implements.

  “What the fuck are you doing? You’re contaminating the whole—”

  “I’m getting a whole new tray. I drew blood. I don’t think there was any spray, but I can’t be sure can I?” I growl back, tired of taking his mouth. I’ve had enough.

  “Good,” he says, and when I look up at him, he seems disconcerted. Probably because people usually never talk back to him.

  “I really am sorry. Let me see the cut I can put a bandage—”

  “I think you’ve done enough. I’ll go clean up and get ready. Hopefully the patient will survive until you people get your shit together.”

  “You people?”

  “I don’t have surgery on a Sunday because the patient is fine, Nurse Riley. I have surgery because it’s an emergency. The fact that there’s not an alternate anesthesiologist on duty is mind blowing and something I will definitely bring up at our next staff meeting with the board.”

  “Great plan. While you’re at it, maybe you can ask them to rehire the one hundred nurses they laid off. Then maybe I wouldn’t work two shifts straight without much more than a nap between them,” I’m not nice with my words. I should watch them better. Brody Miner is not someone you want to talk back to—those who have, sure have lived to regret it. I could blame it on the shock that he actually knows my last name. I wouldn’t have thought I even warranted a thought from him.


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