Tales From a Second Hand Wand Shop- Book 1: They Were the Best of Gnomes. They Were the Worst of Gnomes.
Page 68
by Robert P. Wills
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Wherein the First Annual
Jamboree is Set up
Grimbledung hopped out of bed as he had done for the past three days- with a flourish and a song. Oh- and a jig.
Today’s the day of the Jamboree!
There’ll be food and drink, you’ll see!!
We’ll do a jig and all have some fun,
And toast mallows on the fire when we’re done!
It’s the day of the great Jaaaam booooorrr eeeee!
“Grim” began Drimblerod yet again, “I’m telling you, I don’t want to hear that song again.”
“Don’t worry,” assured his partner, “you won’t.”
Drimblerod raised an eyebrow at him, “Really?”
“Of course,” grinned Grimbledung, “because…